The Littlest Timelord: The De...

By HaleyMichelle5

81.1K 2.4K 566

[2nd in the "Littlest Timelord" series] The Doctor's death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 25

1.9K 58 12
By HaleyMichelle5

The Doctor was leaning up against the console when his psychic paper started burning in his jacket. He pulled it out and looked at the message. "Please save me from the monsters."

The Doctor danced around the console. "Haven't done this in a while."

"Haven't done what? What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"Making a house call."

They stepped out of the TARDIS into a parking lot of a set of flats.

"No offense, Doctor..." Rory said.

"Meaning the opposite," he said.

"But we could get a bus somewhere like this."

"The exact opposite."

"Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory," Amy told him.

"Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. That's what we do. But not today. No," the Doctor said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver and scanning the area, "Today, we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe."

"And where is that exactly?" Elise asked.

"A child's bedroom." The Doctor stopped and smiled at Elise.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just remembering how you used to want to sleep in my bed after a nightmare."

Amy giggled as Elise blushed in embarrassment.

Rory patted her on the shoulder. "You should hear my father talk about me as a child."

They made their way to the lift.

"Please save me from the monsters? Who sent that?" Rory asked.

"That's what we're here to find out," the Doctor said.

"Sounds like something a kid would say," Amy commented.

"Exactly. A scared kid. A very scared kid. So scared that somehow its cry for help got through to us in the TARDIS."

"Yeah, but you've traced it here."


The lift dinged and the doors opened.

"Ah. Going up."

Amy, Rory, and the Doctor stepped inside.

"Elise, come on," the Doctor said.

"I...uh...I think I'll take the stairs."

"Are you...scared?"

Elise wrapped her arms around herself, clearly uncomfortable.

Rory stepped out and took her hand. "Just focus on me." He walked back into the lift and Elise followed him, her eyes never leaving his.

The lift doors closed and it started its ascent.

The Doctor kissed Elise on the temple and rubbed her back until the lift doors opened again. Once Elise was outside, she could feel herself calming down.

"You did a good job," the Doctor told her, "Okay, we should split up and ask questions."

"You mean, like...knock on people's doors?" Elise asked.

The Doctor sighed. The older Elise got, the more he got to know her personality. And he'd learned that a lot of things scared her. He could put "Lifts/Tight Spaces" and "Social Anxiety" down on his list.

"You can come with me," Amy said.

Elise nodded and followed the redhead. After having no luck, they met back up with Rory.

"We've got to find that kid," Amy said.

"Maybe we should let the monsters gobble him up," Rory said, putting on a creepy voice.

Elise smacked him hard on the arm.

"Ow! Sorry," he said, rubbing the place where she hit him.

They met up with the Doctor by the lift.

"Hey. Any luck?" Amy asked him.

"Three old ladies, a traffic warden from Croatia and a man with ten cats." "What are we actually looking for?" Rory asked.

"Ten cats! Scared kid, remember?"

"Elise and I found scary kids," Amy said, "Does that count?"

"Er, try the next floor down. Catch you later." The Doctor walked off.

"Okay," Amy said.

"Maybe it was, you know, junk mail," Rory said, pressing the button for the lift.

"What?" Amy asked.

The lift dinged and the doors opened.

"The message on the psychic paper. Maybe it was just nothing."

"That's not really how the psychic paper works, Rory," Elise told him.

They entered the lift and Amy pressed the '4'. The lift dropped into a quick descent.

Amy and Rory screamed, while Elise hit the floor with her head in her hands.

Rory woke up in a room he didn't recognize.

"Amy? Amy? Are you here?" Amy sat up.

"Yeah. Here. No, here. It's me."

"Where's Elise?" Rory pulled out a small pen light.

Elise was lying between them.

Rory knelt down and checked her pulse. "She's alive. Elise? Elise, wake up."

Elise sat up and screamed.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Rory said, putting his arms around her, "You're okay."

"Where...where are we?" she asked.

"I don't know. We were in a lift, weren't we?"

"Yeah, yeah," Amy said, "We...I remember getting in and then..."

Rory groaned.

"What?" Amy asked him.

"We're dead, aren't we?"


"The lift fell and we're dead."

"Shut up."

"We're dead. Again."

Elise rolled her eyes. "We are not dead. I'm a Timelord. When we die, we regenerate. I'm pretty sure I'm still the same me."

"Elise is right. Let's just find out where we are," Amy said.

They stepped out into a corridor.

"You know, it's obvious what's happened," Rory said.

"Oh really? Do enlighten us oh great one," Elise said.

Rory and Amy looked at her, surprised at the amount of sass. Clearly extreme sarcasm was one of her coping mechanisms.

"Sorry," Elise said, wrapping her arms around herself.

"The TARDIS has gone funny again. Some...time slippy thing. You know, The Doctor's back there in Eastenders-land and we're stuck here in the past. This is probably seventeen hundred and something," Rory said.

"Yay. My favorite year," Amy said, sarcasm lacing her tone.

"Good observation, Rory. But no. I would've felt it."

"How?" Amy asked.

Elise shrugged. "Dunno. Dad doesn't really explain anything to me, but I think it's written into a Timelord's DNA. We can feel the passage of time. I'd know if we were transported back."

The trio eventually came to a kitchen.

"A bit neglected, wherever it is," Amy said after knocking into some stuff.

"Let's find the front door, at least," Rory told her, "Then we can work out where we are. When we are."

Amy picked up a pan and tapped it. "Elise? Rory?"

"Yeah?" Elise said.

"Look at this."

"Well, it's a copper pan," Rory said.

Elise took it from Amy. "It's wood. Painted to look like copper."

"That is stupid," Rory told them.

There was a memory prickling in the back of Elise's mind. This all felt so familiar to her.

Amy spotted a lamp on a shelf. "There's a switch." She turned on the lamp.

"Wow. Well, not seventeen hundred and something, then," Rory said.

"Elise? What is it?" Amy asked, noticing the Timelord hadn't moved in a while.

"What? Nothing. It's nothing," she said.

They started opening drawers.

Amy and Rory screamed when they found a glass eye, looking an awful lot like the Atraxi eye. Amy reached out and touched it. "It's glass. It's a glass eye."

Rory's light started flickering.

"Stop doing that," Amy told him.

"It's not me. Come on."

Amy grabbed the lamp. "Yeah. Hang on." She picked up the wooden pan and Elise pulled out her screwdriver.

They continued through the house until the floorboards became stones.

"Let's try down here," Rory told them.

They came to an entrance hall. A candelabra sat on the floor, along with an overturned bird cage.

"Oh, at last," Rory said, seeing the front door. He walked over to it before realizing something.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"No doorknob. Wooden pans, a massive glass eye, and now no doorknob."

Elise's theory was continually being proven, but she needed to be sure first.

"And this clock," Amy said.

"What?" Rory asked.

"Look, the hands, they're painted on."

Suddenly, there was childish laughter and footsteps.

"Please tell me you guys heard that," Elise said, "I'm not just having a waking nightmare."

"No, I heard it," Amy reassured her.

There was more laughter.

"They're getting closer," Amy said.

"They?" Rory asked.

They walked closer to the door where the laughter could be heard and Rory opened it. A life-size doll stood there.

"Oh, it's just a...It's a dummy. Oh, it's just a dummy," Amy breathed.

"This is weird," Rory said.

"Yeah, says the time traveling nurse."

Rory tapped it and it swayed.

"Yeah, er, let's just leave that for now. Come on," Amy told him.

They started up the stairs.

" have a theory," Elise said.

"A theory? Feel like sharing with the class?" Amy asked.

"Eh, it's kind of a work in progress."

"Why aren't there any lights? I miss lights. You don't really miss things till they're gone, do you? It's like what my nan used to say. You'll never miss the water till the well runs dry," Rory ranted as they walked down a dark corridor.

"Rory," Amy said.

"Except light, I mean, not water. Lights are great, aren't they? I mean if this place was all lit up, we wouldn't even be worried at all."

"Rory. Panicking, a bit."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry."


A man suddenly came running towards them. "Help me, please! Keep them away from me! Keep them away!"

The doll from earlier popped up out of nowhere and grabbed the man. He screamed and then turned into wood.

"I take it all back. Panic now," Amy said.

"Run!" Elise yelled. She grabbed Amy and Rory's hands as they ran back the way they came.

"Don't run away. We want to play!" the doll said.

They ran into the library and slammed the door.

"Feel like sharing that theory now?" Amy panted.

"We're in a dollhouse. I don't know how or why, but we're in a dollhouse."

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