Chapter 6

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As they were waiting for the Doctor, the TARDIS jolted.

River shook her head. "Every time." She walked over to the monitor.

"He said the scanner wouldn't work," Rory said.

"I know. Bless." River plugged a wire into the monitor and they were able to see what was going on.

The Doctor was on the ground with people on top of him. "Stop that! Argh! Oh! River, have you got my scanner working yet?"

"Oh, I hate him," River muttered.

"No, you don't!"

"Get the President out of here. Sir, you have to go with them, now!" a man yelled.

"River, make her blue again!" the Doctor yelled.

River threw several switches.

"What the hell is that?" Nixon asked.

The Doctor slipped out from under them and was now sitting in the president's chair. "Mr. President, that child just told you everything you need to know, but you weren't listening. Never mind, though, because the answer's yes. I'll take the case. Fellows, the guns, really? I just walked into the highest security office in the United States and parked a big blue box on the rug. Do you think you can just shoot me?"

River ran out of the TARDIS, Amy, Rory, and Elise following.

Amy and Rory hid Elise behind them.

"They're Americans!" River yelled.

"Don't shoot. Definitely no shooting." The Doctor threw his hands up in the air along with Rory, Amy, and River.

"Nobody shoot us either. Very much not in need of getting shot. Look, we've got our hands up," Rory said.

"Who the hell are you?" Nixon asked.

"Sir, you need to stay back," a man, who Elise assumed was Canton, said.

"But who are they and what is that box?"

"It's a police box. Can't you read? I'm your new undercover agent on loan from Scotland Yard. Code name the Doctor. These are my top operatives, the Legs, the Nose, the Protégé, and Mrs. Robinson," the Doctor said.

"I hate you," River muttered.

"No, you don't."

"Who are you?" Nixon asked.

"Nah, boring question. Who's phoning you? That's interesting. Because Canton Three is right. That was definitely a girl's voice, which means there's only one place in America she can be phoning from," the Doctor said.

"Where?" Canton asked.

"Do not engage with the intruder, Mr. Delaware!" a man yelled.

Elise was guessing he was Nixon's bodyguard or something.

"You heard everything I heard. It's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain." The Doctor sat back down. "On the other hand, lay a finger on me or my friends and daughter, and you'll never, ever know."

"How did you get it in here? I mean, you didn't carry it in," Canton said.

"Clever, eh?"

"Love it."

"Do not compliment the intruder," Nixon's bodyguard told him.

"Five minutes?" Canton asked the Doctor.

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now