Chapter 1

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A/N - Welcome to the first chapter of The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor! I'm already looking forward to this book so much! There will ups and downs and Elise will finally grow into herself and find her voice. Be on the lookout for clues as to what's coming up in the series!

The TARDIS was drifting when a distress signal started going off.

Elise dropped her sketchbook and ran for the console. "Daddy!" she yelled.

The Doctor came running into the control room and grabbed the monitor. "Hold on...that's the ship we left Amy and Rory on." He directed Elise to a set of controls. "These are going to flash in a particular order and you need to press them exactly a second after they flash, okay?"

Elise nodded as the Doctor typed something in.

Come along Pond.

"Something's controlling the storm..." The Doctor did a few more calculations and the TARDIS locked on. "Got it. Elise, now!"

Elise started pressing the buttons as the Doctor flew around the console.

The TARDIS landed on a roof and they stepped out.

The Doctor saw a chimney and jumped in before Elise could stop him.

She groaned and rolled her eyes before following after him. She landed next to him and he stumbled out of the chimney. "Graceful," Elise muttered, brushing herself off. They were both covered in soot and Elise briefly wondered if it would come out of her clothes. They'd been a gift from River.

"Ah. Yes. Blimey. Sorry. Christmas Eve on a rooftop. Saw a chimney, my whole brain just went, what the hell." The Doctor approached the family in the room. "Don't worry, fat fellow will be doing the rounds later. I'm just scoping out the general chimney-ness." He walked over to the chimney and leaned against it with his hand.

Elise wondered how long it would take him to realize it was still hot.

"Yes. Nice size, good traction." The Doctor yanked his hand off. "Big take."

"Fat fellow?" the boy asked.

"Father Christmas, Santa Claus or, as I've always known him, Jeff."

"There's no such person as Father Christmas."

"Oh, yeah?" The Doctor pulled out an old photograph. "Me and Father Christmas, Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952. See him at the back with the blonde? Albert Einstein. The three of us together. Keep the faith. Stay off the naughty list."

Elise hadn't gone on that trip. He'd dropped her off with River and they spent the day together. That's actually when Elise had gotten the clothes she was wearing.

The Doctor ran over to what looked like an organ. "Ooo. Now, what's this then? I love this. A big flashy lighty thing. That's what brought me here. Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time, and a crayon. Now, this big flashy lighty thing is connected to the spire in your dome, yeah? And it controls the sky. Well, technically it controls the clouds, which technically aren't clouds at all. Well, they're clouds of tiny particles of ice. Ice clouds. Love that. Who's she?" The Doctor turned and pointed at the young woman frozen in the ice.

She was blonde and pretty. She reminded Elise of a princess.

"Nobody important," the old man in the room said.

"Nobody important! Blimey, that's amazing. Do you know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before." The Doctor ran back over to the organ looking contraption. "Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat. If I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat. I don't want to shock a nun, or something. Sorry, rambling, because, because this isn't working!"

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