Chapter 24

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The Amy duplicate opened her mouth and hit Melody with a beam of light.

"No! No! Get off me!" Melody yelled.

"Sorry, did you say she killed the Doctor? The Doctor? Doctor who?" The Doctor stood there leaning against the TARDIS wearing a tuxedo and a top hat. He also had a cane in his hands.

"You're dying. And you stopped to change?" Melody asked him.

Elise stepped out of the TARDIS. "Believe me. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen."

"One must look presentable for one's death. And you should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you. Rule 408. Amelia Pond, judgment death machine." The Doctor waltzed up to it. "Why am I not surprised?"

He held up his cane and the top of it popped open. "Sonic cane."

Elise rolled her eyes.

"Are you serious?" Melody asked.

"Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious. Rule 27. You might want to write these down." His sonic cane gave him the results of the scan. "Oh! It's a robot! With 423 life signs inside. A robot worked by tiny people. Love it. But how do you all get in there, though. Bigger on the inside?"

He checked his sonic cane. "No, basic miniaturization sustained by a compression field. Ooo. Watch what you eat, it'll get you every time. Amy, if you and Rory are okay, signal me." The tip of the cane lit up. "Thanking you."

The Doctor cried out in pain and collapsed. Elise ran to his side. "I'm so sorry. Leg went to sleep. Just had a quick left leg power nap. I forgot I had one scheduled. Actually, better sit down. I think I heard the right one yawning."

Melody tried running, but the Amy duplicate grabbed her with its beam. Melody cried out in pain.

"No! Stop it!" Elise yelled. This River may not have been her mother, but she still cared about her.

"Don't you touch her! Do not harm her in any way!" the Doctor told it.

The duplicate cut the beam, but Melody was now trapped in an energy field. "Why would you care? She's the women who kills you," the duplicate said.

The Doctor took off his top hat. "I'm not dead."

"You're dying."

"Well, at least I'm not a time traveling shape shifting robot operated by miniaturized cross people, which, I have got to admit, I didn't see coming. What do you want with her?" The Doctor pointed at Melody with his cane.

"She's Melody Pond. According to records, the woman who kills the Doctor."

"And I'm the Doctor. So what's it to you?"

"Throughout history, many criminals have gone unpunished in their lifetimes. Time travel has...responsibilities."

The Doctor laughed. "What? You got yourselves time travel, so you decided to punish dead people?"

"We don't kill them. We extract them near the end of their established timelines."

"And then what?"

"Give them hell."

Elise didn't know what they meant by that, but she was pretty sure she didn't want to know.

"I'd ask you who you think you are, but I think the answer is pretty obvious," the Doctor said, "So, who do you think I am, huh? The woman who killed the Doctor. It sounds like you've got my biography in there. I'd love a peek."

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