Chapter 13

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The Doctor joined Idris and Elise after a few minutes.

Auntie and Uncle were back.

"It's gone."

"Eaten?" Idris asked.

"No, it left. Not eaten, hi-jacked. But why?"

Elise rolled her eyes. "Again?"

Idris laughed at the young Timelord's sass.

"It's time for us both to go, Unkie, together," Auntie said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Go? What do you mean, go? Where are you going?" the Doctor asked.

"Well, we're dying, my love. It's time for Auntie and Uncle to pop off."

"I'm against it," Uncle added.

Auntie sat down on a pile of junk and Uncle sat down in chair next to her. "It's your fault, isn't it, sweets? Because you told House it was the last TARDIS. House can't feed on them if there's none more coming, can he?"

"So now he's off to your universe to find more TARDIS's."

"It won't," the Doctor told them.

"Oh, it'll think of something," Auntie said and fell over.

The Doctor ran over to her and checked her while Elise and Idris just looked on.

"Actually, I feel fine," Uncle said. He stood up and then fell over, dead.

"Not dead. You can't just die!" the Doctor yelled, exasperated.

"We need to go to where I landed, Doctor, quickly," Idris told him.


Idris stood up. "Because we are there in three minutes. We need to" She started to leave, but then bent over in pain. "Ow!"

"What?" the Doctor asked.

"Idris?" Elise said.

"Roughly how long do these bodies last?" Idris asked.

The Doctor scanned her with his screwdriver. "You're dying."

"What? No!" Elise said as Idris snatched his sonic screwdriver out of his hand.

"Yes, of course I'm dying. I don't belong in a flesh body. I could blow the casing in no time. No, stop it." Idris saw the look on both the Doctor and Elise's faces.

"Don't get emotional. Hmm. That's what the orangey girl says. You're the Doctor and you're Elise. Focus." She held out his screwdriver to him.

"On what? How? I'm a madman with a box, without a box." He took the screwdriver from her. "I'm stuck down the plughole at the end of the universe on a stupid old junkyard! Ooo."

"Ooo what?"

"I'm not."

"Not what?"

"Because it's not a junkyard. Don't you see? It's not a junkyard."

"What is it then?"

"It's a TARDIS junkyard. Come on!" He started to run off, but then stopped and turned back to Idris and Elise. "Oh, sorry. Do you have a name?"

"Seven hundred years, finally he asks."

"But what do I call you?"

"I think you call me Sexy."

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now