Picture Perfect (✔️)

By -pcyxoxo-

478K 17.5K 2K

Never give up the beauty in you, just to fit in with the crowd. After all, you're a diamond and you're not su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 5

11.2K 418 83
By -pcyxoxo-

Music for this chapter- Fairytale by Yiruma.


After lunch, the whole school was buzzing about why Everett had approach me.

London wanted an explanation while Morgan give a snarky comment, that I didn't have to, if I didn't want to.

"You're such a good girl." London said to me. "Why would he approach you?"

And I don't know whether to feel insulted or not by her comment.

"Like it's any of our business." Morgan said to her.

I was glad when the teacher walked in, allowing me sometime to think through what explanation I could give to them or just London.

That was our last class and London waited for me to explain, but I was busy taking things in and out of my locker.

"We spoke briefly at the party." I said to her as I shoved the books that I needed to study in the weekend.

"Where?" She asked.

I shut my locker door. "It was just a brief talk." I said to her.

"Then why did he ask you to step out during lunch?"

I was going to correct her, that he didn't ask me in polite way to step out, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Are you coming tonight?" Two girls interrupted us and looked at London. That give me the opportunity to escape from her investigations.

I was on my way to the bus stop and I sighed in relief when I saw the two girls with whom I usually go home and come to school with, still standing there. At least, I didn't miss the bus otherwise I have to wait alone in the stop for another half an hour.

Someone pulled me back with my backpack and I see Everett glowering at me.

"My bus is coming. I can't talk." I explained to him and I know a lot of eyes was on us.

"Are you going to the party, tonight?" He asked out of the blue.

"No. I'm not." I said as I looked at the bus that was coming.

"Good." He said as he left my back pack and I ran to the bus stop and made it just in time.

"Was that Everett?" Bloom, who's a beautiful East Asian asked curiously. Her round glasses was big on her face. Her friend, Aaliyah who's from south Asia background give me the same look.

They are quiet in school, but on and our way back home. They talk a lot. They are both beautiful and smart. They don't talk to me in school, but they do when we are alone in the bus.

"Yes." I said.

"Are you two friends?" Bloom asked as she adjusted her glasses.

"No." I said.

"Is he bullying you then?" Aaliyah asked a little worried. She's adorable and I chuckled and shake my head a little.

I like talking to them, they're funny and nice.

"What are you doing tonight?" Bloom asked.

"Studying." I said.

"Me too." Bloom sighed. "But Aaliyah here, wanted to go to Jesper's party. We didn't know Everett threw a party last weekend and we missed it."

"Are you planning to go?" Aaliyah asked.

"No." I said giving them a sheepish look.

She sighed. "Maybe some other weekend."

"You can still go." I said to her.

"It will be boring." She shrugged.

"I would have went, but I have assignments to finish."

"I should do that too." Aaliyah said.

"Maybe next weekend we can go to one?" I said.

"Is anyone throwing one?" Bloom asked excitedly.

"Should be one. There's always one in the weekend."

"Then let's go to the next one." She said and we all agreed.

Both my parents was working late tonight like all other Fridays. They must be really tired with work and household work. I try to help them by cleaning the house as much as possible, but they like to do it again.

I had dinner alone that night, and went back to study. My mom returned just after ten and Dad arrived after eleven. He had dinner with his coworkers and was slightly drunk.

They came to check on me after midnight when I pretended to sleep and things went downhills from there. I could hear them scream, again. The last time they fought was on Monday.

When I heard a painful scream. My mind went blank for a moment before I hurriedly ran down the stairs and I see Mom on the floor. Blood was dripping from her hands and I noticed the broken glasses around her.

Dad was cussing and was apologizing and said he didn't mean it and how tired he was and I stood in front of him trying to protect Mom.

"Get out of my way." Dad slurred. "I'm still talking to your mom. You shouldn't interrupt when people are talking."

Mom was sobbing and I was panicking inside.

"I think we all should go to bed." I said to him.

"I said get out of the way." He pushed me forcefully and I fell on the glass pieces and cut my palms.

"Look what you did." Mom cried. "She's hurt."

Dad looked shocked for a moment and quietly said "Clean the mess." and walked towards their bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked standing up.

"Yes." I said quietly standing up.

Mom cleaned my wound first, before allowing me to help her. We quietly tidied the place up.

"Your Dad is a nice person." She said to me.

"I know." I said.

"He's just drunk." She explained and I didn't answer her.

"Will you be okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She said. "Are you okay?"

And I nodded my head.

"Have a good night, honey." She said and I give her a reassuring smile.

"I'm here, Mom." I said.

"I know, baby girl." She give me a tearful smile.

I was glad that the glass didn't cut us deeply or went inside.

The following morning, Dad pretended everything was okay and none of us brought the subject. I would have preferred if we did to speak about the concerns and what went wrong.

I was able to practice for my lessons tomorrow as it was a slight injury.

Mom went for grocery shopping, while Dad said he was going to meet his friends for coffee later that day.

I couldn't focus on my homework and played with the pencil and looked at my hand, that still have bandage. I have to take this off before going to school.

Dad brought flowers and donuts home for us. I think it was his way of apologizing. For dinner, mom made pasta and meatballs and we pretended everything was okay.

Monday rolled by, I was in the bus stop earlier than usual. Yesterday went fine, my classes went good in the academy. Few people question about my bandage and I went with I fell down and cut myself.

I looked at my palm, the cut looked slightly bad. Bloom and Aaliyah walked to the bus stop together, they are neighbours after all.

"You look tired." Bloom pointed out. "Too much studies?"

"Yes." I smiled. "How was your weekend?"

On our way to school, Aaliyah shared that how she think we missed yet another cool party.

"I saw their posts and it look like a good party." She gushed.

When we reached school, they said they will meet me after school in the bus stop and I agreed.

London shared what I have missed on Friday while Morgan scoffed beside me.

"Must have been nice." I tried not to look disinterested.

I was glad that no one brought the topic about Everett again after Friday. I don't think I can bare anymore dramas after what happened in the weekend.

I think one of the reason no one spoke about Everett and that awkward moment on Friday was because he have a new girlfriend who was a cheerleader.

After school, I met Bloom and Aaliyah in the bus stop.

"Is everything okay?" Bloom asked.

"Yes." I said. "Why?"

"You are too quiet today." Aaliyah blurted. "You are usually quiet, but today you are quieter than usual."

Bloom nudged her. Not even London or Morgan noticed that.

"I'm just tired." I laughed, hoping it didn't sound fake.

"It's Monday." Aaliyah said. "Sound like you had a long weekend."

"You can say that." I said with a genuine smile this time.

During dinner, Dad brought the subject that he have to go for a business trip on Thursday and should be back late Saturday afternoon. Apart from that, we ate quietly our dinner with mom occasionally talking and asking question.

I went to bed around midnight after completing my assignments.

"This Friday, the twins are throwing party at their place." Aaliyah updated us in the bus.

I laughed a bit.

"Are you guys in? You promised."

"I'm in." Bloom said and looked at me.

I agreed because I made a promise to them last week. I doubt London will be going because she doesn't like the twin sister, but maybe Morgan would join us?

Aaliyah had trouble with one of her assignments from yesterday and asked if we can help her.

"You don't have to if you're busy." She said.

"I would love to help." I said.

We decided to go to Starbucks after school to do our assignments.

"You are so quiet."

I jumped a little as I was not expecting anyone beside me. It was Everett.

"I'm always quiet." I said to him as I shut my locker. I could see all eyes and ears was on us. "Are you here to talk about something?"

"I just came to check on you." He said to me.

"For what?"

"Just like that." He said. "You actually didn't show up for party on Friday."

"Yes." I stiffened a bit. What would have happened if I was out, that night?

He watched me warily.

"I'm running late for my class, have a good day." I tighten my hold on my books and give him a smile.

During lunch, I told London and Morgan I have to return a book in the library. They didn't question me and just nodded their head.

I didn't have to return anything to the library. I just don't want to sit my whole lunch break and listen to London talk about dresses and parties.

I sat under the tree and flipped through my book and looked at the applications that I have to send to colleges. I don't know what I want to do.

I made paper planes with the brochures and played with it for a moment and pointed the tip of the plane to the sun, somehow hoping to get an answer.

A figure blocked my moment and I squint a little as I looked at the person.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at me like I have lost my mind.

"What's with you?" I asked as I crumbled the paper plane.

"I didn't see you in the Cafeteria." He said.

"I just want to enjoy the sunshine before the cold."

He sat down beside me and ignored the sheets and everything around me.

"What's bothering you?" He asked.

"Nothing is bothering me." I said to him as I looked at the clear sky.

"Okay, correction. Who's bothering you?"

I laughed, a genuine laugh of the day and he give me a dimple smile.

"I think you have better things to do than to be here." I said after the laugh.

"I'm doing a better thing at the moment, than I was doing before."

"Have you send in your applications yet?" I asked.

"For college?" He asked as he leaned on the trees. "I did."


I was expecting him to ask me something in return, but he didn't.

"What job do you see yourself doing in few years?" He asked.

And I looked in front and thought for a moment. I don't really know. My mom wanted me to study something with Arts and Music while my Dad wanted me to go to a business school.

I really like music, but I don't want my Dad to feel upset about that idea.

"For a moment, forget about what other wants you to be and think of what you want to be." He said to me.

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