White Fangs [ON HOLD]

By OneDirectionAllDay

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Arielle Winston just wanted to make her sister smile again but didn't know she signed a contract to being One... More

Chapter 1~ Blood Sucker
Chapter 2~ Neck Bite
Chapter 3~ Vampires Exist..?
Chapter 4~ The Contract
Chapter 5~ No Choice
Chapter 6~ Vampires 101
Chapter 8~ Drained
Chapter 9~ Doppelganger?
Chapter 10~ Liam's Past
Chapter 11~ Elizabeth's Insight
Chapter 12~ Two-Face

Chapter 7~ Decisions

3.5K 42 7
By OneDirectionAllDay

Arielle's P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles, dragging my feet up the stairs into my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed, hiding my face on my fluffed pillow, letting out a loud, muffled scream that was drowned out because of the thick pillow fabric. I rolled over starring blanky at the ceiling thinking of who I would choose to feed on my blood. A shiver ran through my spine just at the thought of fangs sinking into my skin. I was guessing it was going to be painful, but this is what I signed up for. It was better if I was the only human they feed on rather than them killing innocent people. I had to give whoever came up with the idea props. "Who to choose, who to choose" I repeated aloud. Urgh this was a really hard decision. Maybe if I sleep on it I'll have a cool dream telling me who to choose, I highly doubt it though.

How could Harry drop such a bomb on me? He couldn't just leave with a simple 'goodbye,' no he had to ask me this stupid question. That boy makes me so angry all the time, especially with his perverted comments. A smile pursed my lips as I remembered that all five of the boys liked me in some way unless Harry was messing with me again...probably that one. There was no way those five guys liked me enough to want to uhh fuck me? I was an average looking girl. There wasn't really anything special about my personality, sometimes I could be fiesty and other times I would be shy. I was just their blood bag when they got a little thirsty, nothing more. Even though I felt like I really connected with all of them in some way, I had to remind myself of the monsters they really were.

I peeled the clothes off my body, slipping into some sweatpants and a t-shirt as my pajama. I walked over to the hamper, throwing the dirty clothes into it so my mother could wash them with the laundry tomorrow. I walked over to my window looking at the full moon as I shut the blinds. I wondered if there were any other vampires in the area, or even werewolves? I hopped into bed, burying myself under the covers, falling into a deep slumber with the sound of a faint howl coming from an outside distance.

*Next Morning*

His large muscular hands traveled down my sides, unbuttoning my jeans. "I've been waiting so long to do this Elle.." he whispered dominantly into my ear.

Suddenly my alarm clock echoed through my empty room awaking me from an intense dream about Harry. My bed sheets were drenched in sweat as my heart beat slowly returned back to its normal pace. I could not believe I actually had such a sexual dream about him. I shook my head violently trying to forget about the dream but it was no use. I groaned in annoyance as I kicked the bed sheets off my legs and walked over to the bathroom starting a nice hot shower. The hot water burned my tan skin changing it to an irritated pink color. After about a minute my cold skin was warmed and back to its usual color. The water felt nice as it cleansed every inch of my body, washing away all my problems for a few minutes. I wrapped a towel around myself exiting the shower and entering the steam filled room. I grabbed the blow dryer, starting to dry my naturally straight brunette hair. It was around 9:30 in the morning and I had to visit Nicki before the boys came to pick me up. I felt guilty for not visiting her at all yesterday and I had to make it up to her somehow. I slipped into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a floral printed crop top with a pair of lace heels. I heard a knock at my window and automatically knew it was Colton. He never uses the front door, he thinks its too cliché. I smiled brightly at him and opened up my window. He fell into my room and quickly got up brushing himself off. He squinted his gray, blue eyes while looking at me and then let out a breathe of relief. "What?" I asked him with a confused facial expression. He pointed to the necklace that still rested on my neck. "You didn't take it off" he replied. "Hey, goodmorning to you too, and yeah because I promised you I wouldn't, plus I think its pretty," I stated running my hand through my unknotted hair. "Oh good but I left out a tiny, little detail as to why I want you to wear it," Colton said with a goofy smile. "Oh gosh, what it is this time?" I asked a little worried. "That was soaked in revain and has a small sample of the plant inside of it," he commented fixing his shirt collar. "Umm Colton, I have no idea what vervain in is, fill me in here" I whinned ignorantly. "Geez, and your the smart one? Long story short it protects you from vampires. Its kind of like a poison to them but it only prevents them from compelling you," he explained snooping around my room. "And how did you know about this or how did you even get this neckalace?" I asked curiously. "Elle, come on I'm the expert with all things supernatural and my friend...gave it to me. Hey! Are you going to visit Nicki? I'm going to come, haven't seen her in a while, and then we can head down to the Mystic Falls' Grill. We can get a cup of coffee or something," Colton said extremely fast, picking up one of my bras from the floor. I rushed over to him snatching my belonging from his hand. He seemed so suspicious blurting out everthing so fast, and changing the subject in the matter of seconds. What friend would give him a revain neckalace? It was a little weird, and to think I was going to tell him about One Direction's secret. I'm not so sure I should anymore, I thought it would be cool telling him all of his theories were true and existed. But if I did tell him Harry might kill me so I vote on not saying a single thing.

"Elle?" Colton asked moving his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Mmm? Oh yeah sure you can come visit Nicki with me.." I said grabbing my iPhone from my nightstand. "Colton the front door is downstairs, I am not jumping out of a window," I stated with a laugh, stopping him right in his tracks. "You kill the fun out of everything" he said with a huff of his breathe. We raced down the stairs bumping into each other trying to get to the front door first. I tried my hardest not to fall over since I was wearing a pair of my favorite heels. "Where are you going Arielle?!" my mom shouted from the kitchen. "To go visit Nicki BYE!" I shouted running out the door beating Colton. I did my little victory dance all the way to the hospital. "I let you win!" he said with a pout of his lips. "Its okay Colton, I won't tell anyone you got your ass kicked by a girl in heels" I retorted sticking my tounge out at him.

Liam's P.O.V.

We just finished our morning interview, it was like any other interview we ever did. The interviewer asks us a bunch of questions about the tours, or the album, or missing our families. Then they wrap it up with a few question from the fans or the all famous 'who's in a relationship question.' I always loved the interviews, because the fans in the audience had the brightest smiles stuck on their pretty little faces. It was just overall a nice feeling, having so many people support us with our careers.

Niall jumped on top of my back, holding onto my neck with his thin arms. I ran backstage, making our way into our dressing room so we could just sit back and relax after a long hectic morning. "That was a fun interview!" I commented greeting my reflection in a miror. "Yeah, it was but now I'm starving" Niall said jumping off my back. This irish lad was always hungry, and yet his metabolism didn't allow him to gain a single pound. "We'll pick up some food in a bit" I replied with a laugh. "When are we going to pick up Elle?" Harry whined walking into the room with Louis and Zayn following him. "Give the girl some space" Zayn replied with his cool attitude. I could see right through him though, I knew he was dying to go see her just as much as the rest of us did. I had to admit I missed being around her. The sweet smell of her fruity perfume, her warm presence in an empty room. The way her body cligged onto mine in a hug. How her gray eyes had specs of green around the rims of her pupils.The way you could read her lost gray eyes and automatically know her mood. Its kind of funny how I remembered all these little things about her.

"Yeah, I'm agreeing with Zayn. Its a lot to take in, she needs some space" I added taking a seat at my makeup chair. "She's fine" Harry shot back, obviously wanting to go visit her now. It was amazing how he couldn't even realise the massive crush he had on this girl. Everyone in this room could see it and yet he was blind to his own feelings. Throughout this whole day he kept asking when we were leaving to pick Elle up, he was just like a little kid. I always admired that side of Harry, childish and always willing to have some fun. I was more like the dad of the group, keeping everyone together and happy. We were all one big family, with a terrible secret. I hated myself for what I've become. I hated being a blood sucking monster that couldn't come in slight contact with any human without feeling the need to rip their head off and drink every ounce of blood in their being. In a way I'm glad we had Elle, so we wouldn't have to kill any more. So the lads wouldn't have to suffer on animal blood and still have that empty feeling in the pit of their stomach. But I still dreaded the visit to Elle's home today...I miss her a great deal but I could never bring myself to drink her blood. I really hope she doesn't pick me to feed on her first because I can't accept it. I can't hurt anyone else, not again.

"Harry, she can't be fine. Let's give her the space she needs" Louis said also taking our side. "We all miss her Harry, not just you.." Niall added walking out of the dressing room. "You guys are kidding right? I don't miss her..I'm just really hungry and I'm dying to see who she chooses to feed on her first," Harry argued following Niall out of the room. "Let's just go pick some food up and then head over to Elle's" Zayn suggested following after the pair.

I trailed alone, farther behind everyone else. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that Elle would choose me and then I'd have to screw things up and tell her I couldn't feed from her. How would she react? Would she be upset? It wouldn't be her fault it was just me. I can't bring myself to feed on a human..especially someone I care about. I just met her yesterday, but I feel an overpowering need to always be there for her and protect her through everything. I inhaled a sharp breathe realizing Louis was walking right beside me. "Something wrong Liam?" Louis asked with a concerned tone. "Huh? No everything's fine. Where did Niall choose to go eat?" I asked pushing the thought of Elle to the unconscious part of my mind. "McDonalds," Louis said staring blankly at me. I stayed quiet looking down at my converse. My stomach growled at me, wanting to be feed. Louis handed me a black water bottle. "I'm pretty sure we all heard your stomach's call for blood" he whispered literally. Vampires had some wicked hearing trick, we've already mastered the cool perk."This is animal blood right?" I asked popping off the cap. "Yes Liam, it's animal blood but you should truly consider letting go of the past...you can't live on animal blood all your life. You already know this makes you the weakest link in times of danger" Louis answered swiftly meeting up with Harry farther ahead before I could even answer him. Easier said then done Lou.

Arielle's P.O.V

Whoever made up the saying silence is golden, is defiantly wrong. I got the silent treatment from my sister my whole visit to the hospital. She talked to Colton for an hour straight but wouldn't do as much to even keep eye contact with me. I didn't think she would be that mad at me not visiting her the day before. It wasn't my fault...if she can't deal with one day how is she going to last when I go travel with the boys. Speaking of that topic, I still have to break the news to her. I hate making her even more depressed than she already is. It makes me feel useless, not to mention at fault.

Colton held open the door to the grill so I could walk in first. I took a seat on a tall stool, resting my head on my arms leaning on the counter while waiting to be served. A girl about my height came over to me to take my order. "What would you like?" she asked in an angered tone of voice not even looking up at me. "Just a glass of water..." I mumbled watching Colton take the seat next to me. He ordered a cup of coffee and then narrowed his eyes toward the waitress. I starred up at him looking his unusually copper brown hair. "Psst, Elle" he whispered poking my shoulder. I scrunched my eyebrows together as he pointed to the waitress. She was wearing a navy blue beanie hat that covered her whole head not even revealing a single strand of hair. She looked exactly like me...how did I not notice that? I guess I was so caught up thinking about Nicki I paid no attention of what or who was in front of me.

I sat up straight starring at the girl as she placed the glass of water in front of me and than scurried in the back of the bar toward the kitchen. She had the same gray eyes, the same button nose, the same thin eye brows, it was like starring into a mirror. I was now officially creeped out and I think she realized the resemblance by the way she ran out of the room. "Colton, why does she look like me?" I asked taking a large gulp from my glass of water. "I don't know, don't worry about it. It's probably our minds screwing with us. But to be sure, I'm about to do a lot of research when I get home" he replied chugging down his cup of coffee. I should now prepare myself to hear about some crazy theory in the next hour or so.

I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh. I turned my attention away from my look alike as I saw a text from my mother informing me that One Direction was already at my house. Fuck, I didn't even think about who I was going to choose yet. "Uhh I have to go Colton, thanks for coming to the hospital with me. I'll Skype you later," I quickly stated, glancing at the back of the bar where the kitchen door was, but no one was there. I ran out of Mystic Falls's Grill still feeling a pair of eyes following my every move. I began to walk home thinking of all the boys. I kept my eyes glued to my feet crossing Harry off the list immediately. Next off the list was Zayn, I just didn't trust him yet. He was just so mysterious and unreadable. I should choose the person I connect with effortlessly, someone I can put my full trust in. Then it all clicked, I was going to choose Liam. He was just so gentle and caring, his arms made me feel at home and more importantly safe. I could sense that he would never lie to me, it was hard to explain but I felt Liam was the right choice.

I smiled to myself since the decision took very little thought at all, although I felt guilty not choosing Louis or even Niall since he looked so worn down yesterday. An image of his tired blue eyes shot through my head bringing my smile to a frown. "E-Elizabeth?" a deep british accent called out in front of me. I looked up at an unfamiliar man in old ripped clothes with a pale tainted skin color. I glanced behind me wondering if he was talking to someone else but no one was there. I wrapped my arms around my shivering body taking a deep breathe. "N-no I'm Arielle" I replied with a ragged tone of breathe. "My apologies, you remind me of someone I know.." the young man said looking at my scared completion. I could just picture how scared I looked right about now. I nodded my head now making a run for my house. It was more like a fast jog since I reminded myself running and high heels didn't exactly mix. First the weird look alike and now some man I've never seen before mistaking me for someone else. What is going on?


Things are about to get intresting ;) xx Hope you guys are enjoying this story!

Take Me Home has been on repeat non-stop. Just a brilliant album!

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