My Next Right Thing ( Anna x...

By nerocissist101

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Wrong Turn
Encounter with the Queen
What Just Happened?
Welcome Home
Ninth Chapter
Blurry Feels xD
What's Right? What's Wrong?
Right Here

The Candidates

3.5K 180 135
By nerocissist101

A lot of people gathered in Arendelle. A huge dome was built in the courtyard of the castle. Elsa and Anna sat on thrones built on a higher space on the battlefield.

"I welcome everyone to the Kingdom of Arendelle!" An announcer spoke. "This is the day everyone has been waiting for! Our dearly beloved princess will meet the candidates who will try to pierce her heart with the arrow of love!"

Anna cringed at that. "Eww."

"A series of games and tests will be prepared for them." The announcer continued. "The one who will endure all these trials and defeat every candidate will be able to ask the princess' hand for marriage!"

Everyone in the audience cheered.

"But before everything else, a word from our lovely queen. Queen Elsa of Arendelle!"

More cheering and clapping can be heard. Elsa stood up and everyone became silent to listen to her.

"Thank you to all who have come here to witness the start of this tournament. All I want to say is that I held this tourney not to put my sister Anna as a product to win, but I want her to marry someone who will fight for her. I made this happen to test all the suitors of their intentions and if they truly love her, they will brave all the challenges that will be thrown at them. So, let me remind all those who will participate, Anna is a princess of Arendelle, not a trophy to be won. Fight with all your heart and love for her. Win, and I will accept you as her fiance. Wherever you came from does not matter as long as you show me your love for her through this. I now officially proclaim the start of the tournament."

Elsa raised her hands and threw bursts of ice like fireworks. The cheering started once more.

"And now! I present to you, the Candidates!" the announcer yelled. "First of all, we all know this guy. The guy that does not give up! He has been relentlessly pursuing our princess so of course he would jump at this chance! I present to you, Prince Jack of Spades!"

The all too familiar face of the man smiled while walking towards the center of the field. He waved his hands around to greet the cheering crowd then winked at Anna. He combed his black hair with his hands and stood there.

"I don't know how long I'll last." Anna whispered to her sister.

"The next one! A bit snobby but a very skilled athlete! A bit on the short side too but don't you dare underestimate him or your toast! Prince Zenma of Sinnet!"

A short guy wearing a hat that covers his eyes went in. When he looked up, everyone gasped because of his intimidating looks.

"Next. A prince that everyone likes. A prince that has a heart of gold but will also hit on any damsel in distress he found in the forest. Is our princess maybe his last one? Here comes Prince Chard of Yensid!"

A charming prince with all smiles came in.

"I'm no damsel in distress." Anna whispered some more.

"Tell me about how (Y/n) saved you again?" Elsa whispered back.

"Now, a prince with good strategic sense. He could destroy kingdoms after kingdoms without lifting a finger. A man of deception, but can he deceive his way to our princess's heart? Prince Luz of Geass!"

Another black haired man entered wearing a mask and a bizarre outfit.

"Next is Prince Milliardo of Sanc! A great man of machinery. An expert engineer."

Now enters a man wearing a helmet covering half his face. His long blonde hair flows in the air.

"This time let's welcome a happy-go-lucky prince. A man used to having servants all over him. Will he be able to serve our princess? Prince Soma of Bengal!"

The prince ran to the middle, spun once and smiled at everyone. He has shoulder length hair and long earrings adorn him.

"Here comes a mysterious prince. He is not as charming as everybody else but we might find out more about him during this tournament. Let's welcome, Prince Ukyo of Le Cru!"

A man with heavy makeup entered and smiled a little.

"Next, Someone we already know. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." the announcer said without energy.

The prince smiled smugly. Murmurs can be heard all over.

"To be just and fair, we decided to let him join." Elsa spoke. "We, of the Kingdom of Arendelle, want to give everyone the same chances. Prince Hans will participate as proof that everyone can have second chances, whether he wins or not is up to him."

"If everyone's okay with the Queen's explanation, then I'll continue. As for the representative of Arendelle, The queen had chosen this man to compete. Sir Kristoff of Arendelle!"

Kristoff entered and most people cheered for him while others snickered because of his background.

"And the last one, a wild card added by the queen to spice things up! How will this person affect the tournament I wonder? (Y/n) come and enter the stage!"

You stepped inside and the murmurs got louder. Even the princes were confused. One spoke up, a man named Jack.

"Hey! That's a woman! Why is she competing with us men!? How can she be qualified!? Plus, two women can't get married! This is unacceptable!"

Elsa stood up to speak once more.

"Are you perhaps afraid of a woman?"


"You said it yourself. She's a woman. If you think she's weak, then you have nothing to be scared of. And as I said, the Kingdom of Arendelle wants to give everyone the same chances. A woman is no exception. Are there any more objections?"

Everyone was silent.

"Then!" the announcer spoke. "Every candidate will be given an assigned quarter for them to stay in the castle until the tournament is over. Everyone, please stay tuned for the announcements regarding the first round! I hope you all will watch until the end!"

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