Obsessed with Quidditch || Ol...

By thatoneravenclaw16

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'Oh come on Ollie we all know that you are a little bit obsessed with Quidditch' 'I am more obsessed with you... More

One: Platform 9 3/4
Two: Back To Hogwarts
Three: Quidditch Practice
Four: Halloween
Five: Try Outs
Six: About Time
Seven: Gryffindor Vs Slytherin
Eight: The Voice
Nine: The Duelling Club
Ten: Parselmouth
Eleven: I'm Sorry
Twelve: Christmas
Fourteen: Revenge
Fifteen: Hospital Wing
Sixteen: The Night
Seventeen: Obvious
Eighteen: They Can't Cancel Quidditch
Nineteen: Not Possible
Twenty: Ginny
Part Two!

Thirteen: Broken

1.7K 60 37
By thatoneravenclaw16

'What do you mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?' Emily asked her younger brother.

'I heard Malfoy talking about it to his minions, Crabbe and Goyle. He said that it was opened, fifty years ago and that a muggle born died.' he said obviously terrified. 'but then they ran away and I swear I saw Crabbe's hair turning ginger.'

Emily frowned her eyebrows. Her eyes widen. She ran to the restricted section of the library and looked through the potion books. She found out that one of them was missing. The one that she was searching for. Moste Potente Potions. She sighed. She quickly thanked Daniel and advised him to go to his dorm while she ran to hers.

When she went inside she was alone thanks to the holidays. She layed on her bed thinking about the things Daniel told her. Is it possible? She thought. How could the chamber of secrets been opened before without anyone knowing? And what about the ginger hair Daniel saw on Crabbe? Was it really Polyjuice potion? And by ginger anyone could know that it was a Weasley. But which one? Percy has a lot to more things to do than spying on Malfoy. The twins? The wouldn't be able to brew such a difficult potion and Ron is really young to know what a Polyjuice potion is. She didn't know what to believe, what to think.


Everyone was back and the great hall was full once more. They had a couple of days since the lessons started so Dumbledore had announced a trip to Hogsmeade.

Emily loved Hogsmeade and especially the really small bookshop that was there. Yes, this girl was all about books. She saw Cedric making his way to his table but he stopped in the Ravenclaw one first.

'Good Morning Emily' he said standing in front of her.

'Morning, Cedric' she said looking back at her book.

'I just wanted to apologize again for...'

'Ced, you have apologized a thousand times. I told you, it's fine.' she cut him looking up, meeting his eyes.

'Oh... Sorry....' he scruched the back of his neck. 'So, are you going to Hogsmeade?' he asked still

'Yeah, I guess' she shrugged her shoulders and looked back down at her book.

'Are you ok?' he said with a concerned face.

'More than ever.' she closed her book and looked up at him with a smile.

'I was wondering if maybe you would like, only if you want to, no pressure, I mean I would understand if you---'

'Cedric just say it I'm not bitting.' She chuckled.

'wouldyouliketogotoHogsmeadewithme?' he said not taking a breath.

'Well I didn't catch that....' she said obviously confused.

'Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me today.' he said looking at his feet. He looked up and saw her confused face 'I mean like friends, not something more. I remember the last time and I understand that you don't see me like that. Just friends. If you're not going with anybody else....' he said scruching the back of his neck again.

'I'd love to.' she said with a smile.

His eyes widen 'Really? I mean great. Uhh cool. I'll see you later I guess.' he said and made his way to his table.

Emily looked confused at his reaction but she ignored it and started reading her book again.

'Hey girlllll. Guess what! We have the perfect program for our Hogsmeade trip today.' Brian sat across from her and Blair followed right after.

'Oh guys I'm sorry but I'm going with Cedric.' Emily said.

'WHAT!?' Blair and Brian said in unison.

'Come on guys it's not that big of a deal.' she said looking back at her book.

'Not that big of a deal?!?' Blair said taking the book out of her hands.

'You rejected this guy when he tried to kiss you. And he IS the Hogwarts heartthrob.' Brian continued.

'Guys he literally said the words just friends ok?'

'Yeah right.' Blair scoffed.

'I'm serious.' she said 'he did a mistake just because he felt something about me. Unfortunately I didn't feel the same. That doesn't mean that I can't hang out with him, that I can't be friends with him.' she said

'I really can't understand that. How is it possible that she feels nothing about him. I mean look at the guy. He probably has a six-pack. These arms....' said Brian drooling again at the Hufflepuff boy.

'Straight, Brian. Straight, remember?' Blair said to him and he scoffed.

'I have to go and get dressed.' Emily said standing up.

'Oh, for Cedric???' Blair smirked and raised an eyebrow.

'Shut up.' she said and left the hall.

No one had noticed Oliver, who was standing behind them more jealous than he had ever been.


'Shall we?' Cedric asked.

'We shall!' Emily said with a smile and  took the hand that he was offering.

They had a fun walk on their way to Hogsmeade. They talked about their lives and their families. It was the first time she came so close to someone from the second time they talked. Of course the first time was awkward but this one was amazing.

'So where do you want to go first?' he asked when they finally got to Hogsmeade.

'I don't know, but I really want to go to the small-'

'bookshop?' he cut her.

'Yeah, how did you know?' She smiled

'Well.... You're the girl who doesn't even look up from her book when someone is talking to her.' he chuckled while her cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

They headed to the bookshop where Emily found some, or maybe a thousand, interesting books. When she bought them they headed to the three broomsticks. They ordered two butterbeers and talked a little bit more. It was amazing how much they had to say and they were both great listeners too.

The afternoon came quickly and they made their way to the Quidditch supplies store for some new things Cedric needed. When they went inside Emily couldn't stop drooling over the new broomsticks but she pulled herself together.

'I'm going to the bathroom for a little bit.' she told Cedric and he nodded.

She went down the bathroom of the store. She found the girls door and walked inside. She was left wide-eyed. It was Oliver making out with....Angelina Johnson. Of course he would chose the Gryffindor successful chaser over the Ravenclaw failure.

'oh I'm so sorry.' she said and closed the door. She felt her eyes water but she pushed it away.

Of course. I was so stupid she thought Of course it was her


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