Never Let Go (Book 2)

By Awkward_Bee

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Sequel to She Saved Me Clove and Cato. They used to be best friends. But that changed 2 years ago when Cato w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
I'm So Sorry
Chapter 18
I'm the Worst!
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Status Update
Chapter 24
Not a Real Update

Chapter 20

214 1 8
By Awkward_Bee

First published 5/17/20

I quickly ran out of the gym after we were dismissed, hoping to have appeared shocked and upset. I was upset I guess, because there were parts of the encounter that I hadn't even seen before, probably because my back was turned to him before he came up to me. The things he did though made it even more obvious that, besides his outrageous claims, I was completely innocent. Just a sweet, innocent thirteen year old girl who was going about her day.

As long as Mr. Hadley had to pay for his actions, the embarrassment that may ensue would be worth it. I was done letting him walk all over Cato, his siblings, and me.

He said he'd make me pay for ruining his life, now the tables were turned in my favor.


I was outside before either of the boys caught up to me, Marvel looking upon me with pride, and Cato staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out what was running through my head, and probably trying to figure out his own emotions. It was quite a lot that he just had to take in.

"Clove, how are you holding up?" Marvel asked, finally breaking the awkward silence that had fallen upon us as we all caught our breath.

"I'm as good as I can be after seeing all of that," I sighed, before focusing my attention strictly on Cato, "how are you holding up? I know that was a lot," I asked Cato.

At that time, Marvel gave us a mini-salute and left, knowing that this was something Cato needed to be somewhat alone to absorb. He's a little picky about who gets to see him upset.

"I want to go home," he sighed after searching for the right words for what seemed like an eternity. I was waiting for him to flip out on me for not telling him, but I hoped he wouldn't. I knew he had to have understood this was my own personal crusade.

"Let's go home," I nodded, taking his hand in mine and beginning the walk back to the village. It was a silent walk, as we were both digesting everything that had happened still.

It was only a ten minute walk, but word of the incident at school must have spread very quickly , because there were at least five official coaches emblazoned with the symbol of the Panem in gold.

I stopped for a brief moment, flashing back to the last time I saw this many coaches around where I was living. The day my parents died.

I shook my head and dragged Cato up the front steps before opening the door. The whole room went silent, and everyone looked at the two of us. We were probably a sight for sore eyes. I knew I had let out a few silent tears on the walk, and I assumed Cato had as well.

"Children," Edrina shrieked, breaking the silence, "we have a few visitors that would like to speak to you!"

Visitors in official cars, I added in my head. I simply nodded in response and followed her, trying to keep my worry from becoming obvious. I became particularly nervous when one of the guards took Cato into a separate room.

Never let anyone see that you are nervous kiddo. Nerves are human, but push them aside, and never ever let someone know you are nervous. Always act like you are in control, I heard Brutus say from a deep distant memory. It was right after my parents had been killed, I was a whole six years old about to be questioned about my parents "rebel activities". i knew I had to be strong today and push all emotions aside. I had no clue who was on the other side of the door, but I had to be brave.

Edrina swiftly knocked on the door to the study, breaking me out of my thoughts, and asked whoever was inside if we could enter.

I was not expecting the voice I heard on the come from the other side of the door, but took a breath and turned the door anyways. It was go time.


"My, my, my, Ms. Sevina. I was not expecting to see you on these terms," President Snow said with a wild grin. The kind that put you on edge. I wanted to run as far as possible, but kept my face level.

Nodding, I responded with a simple, "neither did I," with my eyes looking straight forward at him. He kept me on the edge every time I saw him. After all, he was the man who ordered the death of my parents.

He evaluated me for a moment, trying to read my body language. Unfortunately for him, I was raised by two victors, I knew how to give nothing away from my demeanor. After a brief pause, his face twisted up into a wicked smile, and he laughed.

I bit back a smart retort, but I did have to say I had no clue what was so funny to him. One of his appointed officials had just been exposed as an abusive man, word had already spread across the District, I was sure of it. If anything, he should be threatening me.

"I have to say Ms. Sevina, I was quite shocked to hear of the stunt you pulled at school today. Yes, I know it was you who planned everything. I must congratulate you on your ability to avoid our cameras and recording devices while planning this though," he smiled, I felt my heart beat even faster when he paused, "and I must also thank you. I realized within the first six months after my appointment that I had made a mistake. You see, I have been racking my brain for ways to get rid of him without it being a disaster for me. But you, you were his weakness, I never even realized it, but he let all of his horrible characteristics roam with you around. You brought him down without me having to do a damn thing."

I didn't know how to react to the revelation. I helped the President, that had to be something, but not something good. Once you do something for him, you will always be a pawn in his mind. My parents would be disappointed in me, sure I stood up to the powers that be, but what did I really do? Nothing.

"What happens now?" I asked after a moment of hesitation, keeping my voice as level as possible.

"Now, my dear, he gets stripped of his position, and I owe you a favor," he smirked. I felt uncomfortable when he called me dear, but I held it in.

"I don't need a favor from you Mr. President," I replied evenly, "my actions were entirely self-serving. I am no hero, and I do not need a favor. His removal is all I could ever want."

President Snow nodded slowly, seemingly taken aback by my refusal of his offer. He looked at me with curiosity before nodding once again, and saying "if you ever change your mind on that favor, have Edrina send a message. I am good to my word when I am indebted to someone. You are dismissed," he finished, motioning to the door.

I stood up slowly, thanked him for his time and exited the study confidently. It was only when I shut the door solidly that I let my shoulders slump forward and let out a sigh of relief. I was sure that he was going to ensure I was in the next games or something, but instead he tried to get me to make a deal with the devil.

I looked around the hall for a sign of anyone else, but found myself alone. I resolved to go upstairs and take a shower. Hopefully once I finished Cato would be back from whatever meeting he had been called to.


Cato's Meeting: Trigger Warning here, some talk about abuse.

"Mr. Hadley, come in," the feminine voice announced from the other side of the door after I knocked. I was nervous, they probably thought I had planned what happened today. In all honesty, I was shell shocked. How could I have known what was going to happen, even Clove looked shocked.

"Good afternoon," I smiled in a greeting, not knowing who the woman was seated in front of me. She was definitely an official, though she didn't look like a Capitol woman, but in all of my time in District 1, this was the first time I had met her. She motioned for me to sit in the chair across from her, so I nodded and sat before looking at her again.

"Do you know who I am and why I'm here Cato?" the woman asked me, this time opting for simply my first name. I was guessing this was about my father, but I simply shook my head no in response to her question. She smiled back at me before nodding and speaking again, "I am Doctor Carina Triffle, yes, sister of Edrina. I know, we look nothing alike," she laughed, "anyways, President Snow asked me, a trusted advisor to the President, to talk to you about everything that has been alleged against your father over the past hour. After the video came out of what he had done to Miss Sevina, we reached out to your mother, ad she informed us of some, abuse. Is this true?"

I took in a deep breath before attempting to say yes, but only being able to muster up a nod. Words were not leaving my body at this point. They must have known everything. I don't know why they were meeting with me.

"Cato, I was asked to evaluate you. We are afraid that this may be too hard for you, being around your father and seeing what he did to Clove, who you are in a relationship with correct?"

"I'm not sure I would call it a relationship. We're just lonely kids with screwed up lives, we bonded," I lied. I did not want to tell anyone who was an adviser to Snow that I was madly in love with Clove, "and I'm doing just fine. He doesn't bother me anymore. I grew up with his violence, I would be lying if I said it didn't upset me to find out he had hit Clove, but that was just because no man should ever hit a woman, its just wrong. And before you ask, I have no clue how any of what happened at school happened. I was just as shocked as everyone else in that damn gym."

"I believe you Cato, obviously we're just concerned about the mental impact your father left on you and your siblings, and we have to ask, did he ever hurt you or your siblings physically?" Dr. Triffle asked me.

I didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth, I guess I had to tell what I thought was the truth so my mother doesn't get in trouble for lying, "I can't speak for Liam or Cami, but yes, he physically hurt me. It stopped hurting after a while. He had preferred methods and I don't want to talk about it. Those memories are buried and it took me a while to get past them. Please don't make them resurface," I finished, hoping she would respect my request. When I saw she wanted to ask more questions, I turned and showed her the scars on my back. I had avoided even showing them to Clove. I couldn't let her see me weak when she's been going through hell.

"Of course, we just needed confirmation that the alleged acts were committed by your father. I hope you know we do take abused of power very seriously. Our youth are the nations future, and you seem to have a very promising future," she smiled in the only way a person who lived in the Capitol could. It was like they didn't know what life in a District, no matter the district, was it's own form of hell. Most people in District 2 end up working in the Nut.

Besides being a victor in the games or a Peacekeeper, I don't know what bright future she's convinced lies ahead of me.

"Am I excused ma'am?" I asked after a brief silence. She nodded and I moved to get up, before being interrupted.

"Cato, if you ever need me, don't hesitate to call," she said, either truly concerned or feigning concern. She passed a business card over to me, and I took it before thanking her and leaving the room. I needed to find Clove immediately. Sure I had been safe, but I had no involvement, I realized on the way home Clove and maybe Marvel had planned the whole thing.

I had sworn to myself to never let go of Clove once I got her back. I wasn't going to let my dad take her from me again.
Hehe, what do you guys think? I'm super happy with the past few chapters and I don't know if that's reflected in my work or not. I'd like to think when I'm happy and proud of my work y'all can tell.
Question for you guys, do you want to see the things I do in my day to day life on Instagram or something? I know a lot of Wattpad authors have stuff like that and I feel like I've been fairly open with you guys. Let me know what you think. Some of you guys have been with me for three years and suffered through my horrible writing. Again, let me know.
Also, do you guys hate my authors notes? I saw someone else say they feel they're tacky (not someone on any of my books) and I want your thoughts because I want to keep you guys happy!
I was going to wait to post this until the 19th, but I really want to post it now, so I will!
*disclaimer so no one comes at me, I knew of Cradles by Sub Urban before TikTok*
As always, I love you all and until next time

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