Life With Superman (Completed)

By iam_adrianaj

66.4K 2.3K 233


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 14

2.3K 83 11
By iam_adrianaj

*made a minor change. Instead of her attending college in Arizona, she's attending in Texas. Everything is still the same in the last chapter*

*Crystal's POV*

After I unpacking all of my clothes and getting settle inside my dorm, I decided to go to the gym since nothing was popping off until later tonight. It was so many people on campus and what caught my attention were the fraternities. As I walked to the gym, I saw Jerel and some girl hugged up together. I just stood there in shock because this nigga was just in my room asking me to be his date for the party tonight. I heard someone behind me laughing so I turned around to see who it was. It was a dude with a Kappa Alpha Psi jacket on.

"Something funny?" I asked him.

"Why you standing here looking at ole' dude like he yo nigga," He asked.

"Well, since you're so worried about why I'm standing here then its because that nigga was just in my room asking me to be his date for tonight's party hosted by the basketball team," I answered.

"You must be new here?" He asked.

"Yea," I responded.

"Jerel is that type of nigga that tries to get a multiple girls to get some. I been going to school with dude for years and there's no changing him. He lies a lot cause I haven't heard of the basketball throwing a party. The only party that's going down tonight is the Nupes party,"

"Well I won't be attending," I said then started to walk off. A few moments later I felt myself being grabbed by the wrist.

"I didn't get your name," He said.

"You never asked,"

"Well, I'm Lance and you are?"

"Not interested at the moment," I said. Lance smiled showing all his pretty white teeth. He stood at least 6'1. Dark skin complexion. Bigger than Jerel. Fresh Fade. Pretty eyes but not as pretty as Jerel's. And Lance knew how to dress. I admit Lance was fine but after seeing what type of dude Jerel was, I wasn't going for Lance. He was a Nupe. I knew all the females around campus wanted to get a dude that was in a fraternity. Especially a fine ass Nupe. They were the biggest thing on campus. I continued to walk to the gym so that I could workout. I knew I was going to have to watch out for these dudes around campus. Seems like most of them just want the cootta cat and I wasn't giving it up like that. I began running on the treadmill first. I didn't feel like working on arms. I wished that the track wasn't closed today because I would've went an ran there instead of coming to this stanky ass gym.

*later that night*

Kelly was waiting for me to come inside the dorm. She was all dressed up. She wore white liquid leggings, a white peplum top, and a pair of tall white heels. Kelly was bad. Her wavy Brazilian weave was on point. She wore red lipstick that complimented her brown-skin complexion. I guess she was going to the Nupes Red and White Affair.

"Bitch get dressed in either black or white," Kelly said.

"For?" I asked.

"The Red and White Affair,"

"I'm not going," I said.

"Yes the hell you are! I'm not going in there by myself,"

"I'm not a party person,"

"Well you're going to be tonight. Get dressed," Kelly said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wanted to go but then again I didn't. I wasn't a party person. It's not that I can't dance, it's that I'm shy to let go and have fun. I pulled out my all white halter jumpsuit that crossed at the top and had a little peep hole in the middle of my chest. The bottom of the jumpsuit was skinny. The whole jumpsuit itself was tight. All my curves was showing. The back of the jumpsuit was open. It showed my newest tattoo which was a rose with Casey's sunrise and sunset date at the top of my left shoulder. I put on a pair of all white heels and a pair of diamond earrings. I flat ironed my hair and feathered my bang. Put on some make up and topped it all off with red lipstick. I took a look in the mirror and for once I felt bad as hell. I walked back into the living area to meet up with Kelly. It was only right to snap it up before we left out to go to the party. Time for me to finally stop being shy and just let loose.

Rhythm is a dancer, I need a companion
Girl, I guess that must be you
Body like the summer, fuck it like no other
Don't you tell 'em what we do

Don't tell 'em
Don't tell 'em
You ain't even
Don't tell 'em
Don't tell 'em
You ain't even
You ain't even gotta tell 'em
Don't you tell 'em
Don't you tell 'em
You ain't even
Don't you tell 'em
Don't you tell 'em
You ain't even
You ain't even gotta tell 'em
Don't tell 'em
Don't tell 'em

 Know you say you down with it
Won't tell 'em how you hit the ground with it
Girl, you know I'm from Chicago,
I act a fool Bobby Brown with it
In it, nobody take me out though
You got gifts bring 'em down to the south pole
Marathon doll gon' puttin' miles
Don't you worry 'bout it might gon' work it out

Only it's you got me feeling like this
Oh why, why, why, why
Loving while grabbing the rhythm of your hips
That's right, right, right, right, right

As soon as we stepped through the doors it was hype. The whole frat house was packed. Of course there was more females than dudes. It's a frat party. Some females were dressed cute. Some were decent. And the rest was ratchet as hell. Honestly I felt like Kelly and I was the baddest in the whole damn party. Not trying to be conceited or anything but that is just how I felt. I'm pretty sure a lot of bitches felt like they were the baddest. My opinion. Their opinion. Kelly grabbed my hand and we headed to the front. I didn't know why Kelly wanted to be at the front. I felt like one of those groupies that be at every party trying to get at the cutest dude. Made Me by Snootie Wild started playing and everybody started moving to make way for the Nupes to enter. I thought it was dope how they stepped their way to the front while on beat. The older members just walked beside the ones that were stepping. I had looked down for a second and stepped back. When I looked up, I saw that pretty white smile smiling at me.

"I see you came," Lance said.

"Yea," I said.

"Good. Hope you like what I'm about to do," He said then kept walking. I just smirked. I didn't know what he was talking about but I definitely wanted to find out. Maybe coming to this party was a good thing. Hopefully. The leader of the Nupes greeted everyone then the show began. It was so amazing how they used canes and created something so neat. Seeing dudes step was a big turn on. Seeing Lance all dressed up was a turn on. I was having a good time. Some girls in the crowd were being brought to the front then all of a sudden I was being pulled up to the front by one of the younger members. All the older members went upstairs to change. We were all seated in a chair. I didn't know what was going on but they better tell me before I flip out.

Leader of the Nupes: Ladies keep looking to the front. We have a special performance for you tonight before we get the actual party started. Nupes do ya thang.

*instrumental begins playing*

1st member *starts singing while squatting in front of a girl*: Close your eyes, make a wish. And blow out the candlelight. For tonight is just your night. We're gonna celebrate, all through the night

2nd member *starts singing while holding a girls hand*: Pour the wine, light the fire. Girl your wish is my command. I submit to your demands. I'll do anything, girl you need only ask

1st and second member: I'll make love to you. Like you want me to. And I'll hold you tight. Baby all through the night. I'll make love to you. When you want me to. And I. will not let go. 'Till you tell me to

Lance * starting to sing, he scuffs his left leg in the air then brings it back down. His legs are spread while he rocks side to side slow while rubbing his knees*: Girl relax, let's go slow. I ain't got nowhere to go. I'm just gonna concentrate on you. Girl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night. Throw your clothes on the floor. I'm gonna take my clothes off too. I made plans to be with you. Girl whatever you ask me, you know, I could do

All: I'll make love to you. Like you want me to. And I'll hold you tight. Baby all through the night. I'll make love to you. When you want me to. And I will not let go. 'Till you tell me to

Lance *singing*: Baby tonight is your night. And I will do you right. Just make a wish on your night. Anything that you ask. I will give you the love of your life, your life, your life

I couldn't nothing but blush and cheese my ass off. Lance voice was amazing. I've never had anyone sing to me. Like oh my God. On everything my panties got wet and Nupes were known to get a girl's panties wet. I felt like he wasn't even giving the crowd a performance. I felt like he was being serious with me. The way he was looking at me and licking his juicy ass lips and the way he was singing made me feel like he was serious as hell. I wanted to tell him to take me but I didn't. I wasn't giving it up that easy. I just thanked God for this wonderful creation and for him to place this wonderful creation in front of me. Once the song was over, everybody yelled and cheered. I had to fan myself. Lance helped me get up out of my chair and we just stared at each other for a moment.

"You enjoyed yourself?" Lance asked.

"I did," I said.

"Good. So now are you interested?" He asked referring back to me saying that I wasn't earlier.

"A little,"

"Well now can I get your name and hopefully your number?"

"Crystal and you have to work for my number,"

"Alright Crystal. Would you mind being by my side for the rest of the party?" Lance questioned as he held out his hand. I took his hand giving him confirmation that I would. I didn't know exactly what was on his mind. I just hope it wasn't sex. The party went all the way back by starting off playing Choppa Style. I can't remember how old I was when this song came out, but it was still hitting and got everybody crunk. Everybody was singing out loud. Females were showing their ass and dudes were watching. Lance on the hand wasn't paying attention. He was getting to know me better which made me feel a little secure inside, but I wasn't about to tear down my wall for him. The party began to get even more live when the Que-Dogs stepped in. It wasn't on no beef shit but it did turn out to be a competition between the Ques and the Nupes. "Here we go. I'll be back shawty. This shit finna get crazy. Don't leave," Lance said. I stood up against the wall and watch Lance and his Nupes go against the Ques. The Ques were muscular and strong while the Nupes were pretty boys but they had muscles too. I paid attention to Lance. He took it very seriously. He was very passionate about being a Nupe. Made me began to think that Cash really wasn't shit. He was just taking the easy way out by getting fast money. Fast money was nice but I prefer my dudes to work hard for their money. Kelly came and stood beside me.

"Bitch I see you. Got you a Nupe," Kelly said.

"He's not mine. He's a friend," I said.

"Yea whatever. Lance a good dude for real. I went to high school with him. He had a few girlfriends and he treated them good as hell but they didn't want a sweet boy. They wanted the ones that beat on them. He wasn't near as fine as he is now. He done came up a lot," Kelly said. I looked at Kelly as she was talking then I looked at Lance. I wasn't going to go on what Kelly said. Maybe she was telling the truth but people change and Lance might not be the same person he was before. I just had to find out on my own.

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