Night Life [Craig x Tweek]

By Tabby21dreams

54.5K 962 3.1K

Craig Tucker is a well respected and feared mafia boss's son. He'd much rather just do his job in the day tim... More

A pretty young Thing
A busy Man
Lunch with a Side of Jealousy
In his Office
Dressing Room
A Lesson
A mattress for Two?
Waking up in a Small Apartment
Just Relax
Click Boom!
It's a Date
Kiss it Better?
Welcome to the City
Where are you Sunshine?
Living in Hell
Hold On
A show to End them All!

Swimming in Emotions

2.5K 36 232
By Tabby21dreams

Craig wakes up the next day. Tweek is the culprit this time, kissing the giant's face all over. He stretches and slowly gets up.

"M-morning love, s-sleep well?"

"You seem chipper, what's up?"

"I-I'll tell you once we eat~" Tweek coos, pecking the giant on the lips before getting off the bed and running off somewhere.

Lola and Burman are still sound asleep so he makes them breakfast with their paychecks next to the plates.

Craig then starts on his own breakfast as well as Tweek's.

Once he sets the food down he makes them both coffee. Just as he's about to call for said blonde, small arms warm around him from behind.

"W-what's cooking good looking~?" the dancer giggles flirtatiously.

"Nothing anymore, I made you food, and coffee" he turns and kisses him. The blonde reciprocates happily before pulling away.

"S-so that's why I smelt food and coffee on my way down! W-what did I do to deserve you handsome?" the blonde sighs heavenly and lifts the giant's hands to his lips, kissing each knuckle until he stops on a new scab.

" D-did someone hurt you?"

"Uh, sure, let's go with that" he lies, kissing his cheeks as he sits down. Tweek frowns but lets it go, figuring the giant obviously doesn't want to talk about it. He finds the chair across from his companion and sits down as well, eyeing his food in awe.

'Wow!' he thinks, cutting a piece and bringing it to his lips. Once he takes a bite he can't help but moan at the taste. In his embarrassment he sips his coffee, loving the taste of it as well.

"F-food is really good!" he explains from behind his mug.

"Are you sure that it isn't my abs?~" he teases. Tweek smiles mischievously.

"O-oh believe me, I have different sounds I can make saved just for you.~"

"Mm? Oh yeah? Think I can hear it?~"

"Mmhm, perhaps when I spend my V-card, sound alright to you big-guy?~"

"Wait, are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"If what y-you think I'm saying is I want my first time to be with you, yes. If you thought it would happen now, no. B-but when I feel I'm ready, I most certainly want none other than you to have my virginity.~"

"Oh, no definitely not now, I think I would die of a heart attack if that happened now" the giant sips his coffee. "Now, what were you so chipper for earlier?"

"O-oh, right! W-well, if you don't already know, Kenny's my friend. So, naturally, he has my cell for emergencies, not my personal like I've given you. So, when I got a text from him, rather than something crazy happening like a fire, he is asking us over for a pool hang out at he and his boyfriend's house. D-do you wanna go?"

"Ugh, McCormick? Seriously? Do I have to?" Craig whines like a child, Tweek chuckles.

"W-well no, b-but I would really love you too. If you don't, it will be lonesome since Kenny and Leopold only ever pay-attention to each other when I visit."

"Give me another good reason why I should suffer even a minute of McCormick?" Craig crosses his arms. The blonde pouts but soon hatches an idea.

"Y-you get to see me in nothing but a swimsuit?~"

"What kind of swimsuit?" he asks with interest.

"W-well, I normally have a choice between feminine or trunks, what sounds more appealing to you?~"

"Whatever you're comfortable in."

"I'll admit, I've never had any reason to wear something other than trunks for swimming, b-but I'd be fine trying it out if you come along?~"

"Mmm fine, but! If I behave I get to do one thing to you tonight, and! This counts as a date."

"Mmm, y-you make pretty interesting offers, hmm.." Tweek puts one finger to his lips, looking up in thought with red cheeks. "Very well handsome, i-it's a deal, but only if you behave.~"

"I'll try" the dancer giggles with a blush.

"I s-sure hope so~" the green eyed beauty softly teases before laughing.

"So, seeing as you've gone there before, how do you normally get there?"

"Oh! Well, Kenny normally picks me up so I think he'll come over and take us. B-but if you wanna drive us there, I can ask him to send directions?" the blonde offers, swallowing a bite down.

"Nah, he can drive us, it'll be funny seeing his reaction."

"O-okay then, do you want me to say you're not going so he has no clue?"

"Yeah" he kisses Tweek's cheek. "Are you enjoying your food?"

"Mmhm!" Tweek smiles, halfway done with his plate."Oh! My swim-wear is kept at their house usually, but y-you've never been there, do you have your own?"

"My own what?"

"Y-you know, like a swimsuit? I don't think you can get away with one of your fancy suits in the water dear~" Tweek laughs.

"Yeah I do" he shrugs, finishing his food.

"A-alright then!" Tweek takes out a phone from his bag that's hanging on the chair. He types something on the screen quickly. Two minutes pass and he lights up."K-Kenny will be here in twenty minutes. F-fair warning, he's not the most safe driver." the blonde giggles.

"Alright." Craig stands and packs his trunks and a towel along with sunscreen. Once the dancer's finished he washes his and Craig's plate then dries them before waiting on the sofa with Bean in his lap.

Giant hands cover Tweek's eyes.

"Guess who?" the blonde giggles.

"Tall, dark and handsome?~"

"Mm maybe~" he kisses his ear. The smaller male shivers pleasantly.

"You going to guess?" he kisses his neck.

"Mm, Craig.~"

"Craig, who?" he bites his collarbone.

"Ngh, C-Craig Tucker!~" the blonde gasps, moaning at the sensation.

"Final answer?" he asks, biting a bit higher on his neck.

Ah!~ Y-yes!"

"Positive?" one hand falls down and slips under the NASA shirt. "Your skin is so soft~" he whispers, nipping his earlobe as his other hand explores.

"W-what are you up to?~" Tweek mewls, drunk off the touches.

Craig smirks. "Maybe I'm trying to convince you~" he purrs, kissing his collarbone once more, this time trying to leave a mark.

"Mmhn, w-what is it you're trying to convince me of?~"

"Mm, take off your clothes~" he leaves a hickey then pulls away.

"Mm, n-now why would I do something like that?~"

"To put on your swimsuit."

" I already told you, I left it at their place silly!"

"So you'll just go there in my shirt and only boxers? I'm not opposed but Kenny and his date might be, love."

"O-oh! Right, I'll do a quick change in the bedroom then!" Tweek blushes madly and grabs his bag, running up stairs before coming back in his clothes from last night, a simple leaf green T-shirt with bleached jeans and some tennis shoes.

"I should probably put a shirt on." Craig says to himself, getting up then going to his room and putting on a simple shirt. Once he is finished he heads downstairs. "Yo! Babe! Can you check on the kittens?" he calls from the staircase.

"O-of course handsome! Kenny should be at the door any moment now so if you hear someone knock 'Do you wanna build a Snowman?' it's him!" Tweek calls back before heading inside the cat room where Bean follows behind.

"Why? Wait, why would he do that?! What the fuck?!" Craig calls back but doesn't get an answer. "Tweek! Why?" laughter is echoed.

"H-he went through a Disney phase, b-but he told me it was so I made sure it was actually him!"

"Why would it be anyone else?! You have some sketchy ass friends! What the hell?!" Craig shouts back. "Isn't he still going through it?! Tweek! Tweek! Don't ignore me!" he whines, walking out.

"Y-yes, I think even more so since he and Leo became decided date!" Tweek answers, seemingly sounding closer. "A-also, the kitties are fine!"

"And the mama?" Craig asks, now in the same room.

"S-she seems fine, just bored. But I can't quite tell since I've never had Bean get pregnant."

"Is she fixed?" he asks gently, setting his hand on her stomach.

"N-no, back then and even now I could never afford it..My poor baby hates it when her heat comes..."

"Want me to take her in tomorrow? Get her fixed?" Craig asks, making sure she is producing enough milk. He sets cat food down with some water. He gently pets her and sneezes as he leaves the room.

"Y-you would really do that for her?" the dancer asks hopefully before biting his lip." I-I don't know if I have enough to pay you back though.."

"Smile for me" Craig hums as he takes the allergy medication. Tweek beams sweetly, a blush slightly dusting his features.

Craig closes the gap between them, kissing him softly. Green eyes widen but gently close as he kisses back, making his small hands home inside the giant's hair.

"Payment enough for me" Craig whispers against his lips. Tweek blushes and seems like he's about to say something, however the moment is short lived as they hear someone knock at the door with the tune of 'Do you wanna build a Snowman?'

"Damn, dumbass is here" Craig whispers as he leaves for the door. He reluctantly unlocks it before swinging the slab of wood open.

" Hey Craig, came to pick up Tweek, figured you'd want to come to but I guess not-"

"I'm coming."

A giggle is heard behind the dirty blonde.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, right, I brought Leo-"

"Oh shucks Ken, I'm no business man!" comes a southern accent.

"But you're a lovely doctor Butter-Cup."Kenny winks, making room so his boyfriend is visible.

" Oh shucks, no need for formalities Ken-Bear, I'm not at work!" The bleach- blonde haired man turns to Craig."Please excuse him, I'm Leopold, but my friends call me Butters!"

Craig rolls his eyes "Great, whatever, I don't care, Tweek will only be a moment."

"Uh, are you going to let us in?" Kenny asks.


"But we're letting you in our home!" Kenny whines. Butters just rolls his pale blue eyes. Craig notices a pink faded line on the right eyelid.

"Tweek! Love! You ready?" the giant calls. He hears small footsteps run towards him.

"Y-yup, have everything!" Tweek giggles sheepishly, walking in front of the dark-haired man before getting on his tip-toes and placing a kiss on Craig's cheek. Butters walks up to the dancer, hugging him tightly.

"Golly, how have ya been Tweek? I haven't seen ya since our last meet up!"

"B-been doing good, especially since I've met Craig, he's truly been a saint!" Tweek states, gently pulling away after hugging back. Butters looks from dancer to the giant behind him. The raven haired man looks down at them both. Butters just smiles.

"Well, I hope we can all be great friends then!"

"Mm" is all he says, grabbing his bag with his items. Kenny notices the tension.

"Hey, Craig, buddy! Why don't we load the stuff and let these two catch up, hm?"

"Don't call me buddy" he grumbles, taking Tweek's bag as well. The giant then places them in the back once the car is unlocked. Tweek really wasn't lying about the terrible driver thing, the bright red truck looks beaten up with dents and scratches on each and every side.

"Hey Craig, why the long face? We're going to pool dude! Doesn't that sound cool?" Kenny asks, attempting small talk as he pours ice in his cooler.


"I'm sure once you get in, you'll be more excited!"

"I haven't gone swimming since I was ten."

"Dang! Well, no better time like the present I guess! Also, pardon me for asking, but I noticed a mark on Tweek, not a guy for relationships you said?~" the dirty blonde teases, nudging the giant playfully.

"Fuck off dude, not like Butters is not covered in them."

"Oh, so you noticed?" Kenny chuckles."I can't help myself most nights, he normally wears turtle-necks to hide them when he's at work, my little doctor truly is irresistible!"

"Doctor? He looks a little too young, are you sure he's not a nurse?"

"Yup! Butter-cup fixed me all up when we first met, without him, who knows if I'd even be walking!" the dark-blue eyed blonde smiles fondly." He graduated last spring, he's not as young as he looks either. He's young for a doctor sure, but he's older than both of us."

"You don't even know my age" he rolls his eyes.

"Well, actually, I do. While you were gawking at 'Mocha', I took a peek at your ID."

"Fucking stalker" he mumbles.

"I'm a stalker? I guess that makes two of us, I know you still haven't told Tweek about the real reason you were at his work."Kenny points out with a smug smirk.

"Can we get going already? It's hotter than satan's ass outside." Craig growls.

"Sure thing, you can wait in the back and I'll inform our boyfriends it's time to go."

"He isn't my boyfriend... I haven't asked him yet" Craig mumbles.

"Oh..Uh, well, do it at some point if you really care. Don't just drag him along and pretend, his last ex did that, the fucker left Tweek broken at my doorstep..."Kenny sighs bitterly, closing the trunk before walking away.

The taller man rolls his eyes as he waits. People always assume the worst of him. In highschool he was painted as a troublemaking no good pothead. Truth was, yes he did smoke, still does, but only to release stress. He had good grades, tried to keep them up but one day he just gave up trying to please people, everyone always wanted something from him, they were never kind just to be kind.

His thoughts are interrupted once the door opens to his right and the green eyed beauty climbs in next to him.

"C-Craig, I'm so excited! T-thank you so much for coming!" Tweek giggles, buckling in and smiling up at him. He allows himself to smile back. Okay, so maybe Tweek seemed to be an exception. He really hopes for that to be the case anyways.

He leans his head on Tweek enjoying the comfort it brings him. Once they are buckled in the radio plays and he freezes. Her amber hair blowing in the wind, her smile, intoxicating. Her laugh rings in his ears along with the lyrics. The giant relives their happiest memories as they both watch a cheesy romance movie, Nova Tucked happily between them. Her pants and begs from those longer, more intimate nights they spent together.

Watching her leave with a box of her things and Craig breaking down, sobbing on his knees. A single tear falls. He feels cold, angered, abandoned, betrayed-

"C-Craig, love, a-are you okay!?"comes a worried and sweet voice. A small arms is around him, and a hand caresses his hair soothingly.

"Hmm?" he doesn't look up the song still playing it's final verse. Her voice fills his ears.

"No! This is your fault! You've been too busy with work so I slept with your worker to finally get some attention! You have no one to blame but yourself! All you do is push people away! I'm sick of it Craig! Take this stupid ring! I hate you!" She turns around and slaps him, slamming the door and walking out of his life forever.

He feels salty water leak from his eyes when he comes back to reality. Bright brown eyes don't greet him, but green ones soaked in concern do. Kenny and Butters stare too, the car having stopped due to Tweek's cries of worry.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm fine, allergies.." he moves away from Tweek, turning to face the window. Silent tears still roll down his face. The green eyed blonde isn't convinced that's the truth, but says nothing, only rubbing circles softly on the giant's arm as a form of comfort.

The ride is quiet, save for the music that plays at a low volume. Kenny is surprisingly careful with his driving, so nothing exciting really happens either.

Once they arrive Craig is the first to get out trying to focus on something else. He unloads their things and waits at the front door.

"What happened?" Kenny asks his blonde friend, taking the cooler out. Tweek just shrugs, biting his lip and feeling like he's done something wrong.

"I-I'll just be in the bathroom changing, I'll see you guys at the pool.."

"You okay there Tweek?" Butters asks.

"I'm fine." is all the blonde says, pushing the door open and walking inside. The happy couple both look at Craig questioningly. Butters is the second one to head inside, holding the door for his lover and their tall guest.

"Come on in, Tweek will join us soon enough!"

"Mm" he walks inside deep in thought. Kenny puts the cooler down, taking a beer out for himself and one out to the raven haired man.

"I'm sorry if earlier I pissed you off, just looking out for Tweek, you seem like a real good guy. Just enjoy yourself, me casa su casa, right?"

"I think he's mad at me."

"Nah, if anything, he's just trying to recover, believe me, he blames himself before he blames others...even when it's not his fault.."

"Yeah..whatever did happen, in his last relationship I mean?"

"Not my tale to tell, it's bad and'd have to ask Tweek, he doesn't really talk about it, but if you ask, he'll spill. Just be sure you have tissues, he used to cry a lot. He was all bruised too-" Kenny stops himself.

"That bad?"

"Yup." is all the sandy haired man offers before changing the topic."Let's not dwell, just have fun! Come on, let's just crack a cold one and hang by the pool till Butter-Cup and Tweek are out!"

"I don't like beer" he truly had forgotten how to let loose and have fun, but could one blame him? Two jobs, one he is a criminal, the other drains him mentally and physically.

"How can you not like beer?! Tell me at least you have a stash?"


"Dirty magazines?"

"No, I have dignity" he rolls his eyes.

"How the fuck are you not a virgin? If I didn't see that hickey on Tweek I'd have thought you have no sex drive what so ever!"

"Unlike most men I also have respect, I respect Tweek and his wants and needs."

"And while I appreciate that, you need to know when to party too! Butters and I love and respect one another, but we also know when to have a good time! Hell, even Tweek's no stranger to weed and booze!"

"He's under-age."

"Doesn't stop most high-schoolers from trying it at least once."

"Does he still do that stuff, is that what you're saying?" he rolls his blue eyes.

"Well, no, but he's got his reasons-"

"And so do I. Some of us just don't have time like you do."

"Well, now's a good time." Kenny huffs, crossing his arms."Look, you do you my man, I'll just be outside. I ain't going to force you, join Tweek in drinking fruit boxes if you don't like beer, just try to have fun." McCormick leaves through his sliding doors to the pool.

The giant sighs. "Fuck it" he opens the can and takes a sip. The taste isn't great but it isn't terrible. With a shrug he has some more and joins Kenny not in the pool but sitting outside.

In no time at all Tweek and Butters arrive. Leo is in trunks and a crop top while Tweek seems to be in a light green one piece that emphasizes his curves, his bangs are also clipped away from his face.

"Hey baby" Kenny greets from the edge of the pool in SpongeBob swim trunks.

"You look great" Craig smiles softly. Tweek blushes.

"T-thanks, so do you!-" the dancer beams, then bites his lip."A-are you feeling better, d-did I do something wrong in the car?"

"I'm still in my clothes, I haven't changed yet" Craig laughs.

"W-well, I always find you good looking anyways, I still stand by what I said!" Tweek giggles, blushing. "You should get dressed soon, I would love for you to join me in the pool~" the blonde flirts, running a finger over Craig's chest before lightly kissing his cheek.

"I might take you up on that offer" the giant is glad that the subject was changed. He didn't want to explain it to Tweek.

The dancer laughs sweetly, grabbing one of the bigger hands and laying a kiss on the palm.

"D-don't leave me waiting too long handsome.~"

Craig rolls his eyes playfully and leaves into the bathroom.

Kenny laughs."Your boyfriend is a hard ass!"

After a few minutes Craig walks out in his trunks, chest littered with small droplets of sweat.

Kenny wolf whistles and Tweek, in the pool, turns to look but becomes starstruck with a reddened face and pupils blown wide.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" The beast asks, getting into the cool water of the pool. The green eyed blonde just stares up, unmoving as if entranced by his giant.

"You doing alright there hon?" Craig asks with concern, lightly placing a hand on Tweek's soft cheek.

"Mmhm" the blond hums, wrapping his arms around Craig's neck as he becomes redder.

"Uh-oh, I think you've broken him Tucker!" Kenny laughs to which Butters joins in.

"Y-you l-look really h-hot.." Tweek admits in a small voice that only the giant can hear.

"I do? You've seen me shirtless before haven't you?" the giant whispers, kissing his neck gently.

"Mm, y-yes, but I never really realized how tone you look in the sun, we only ever meet at night.."

"Dork" Craig goes under the water and swims to the other side before he comes back up.

"For someone who hasn't swam since he was ten, you've got skills Craig!" Kenny claps, impressed.

Craig intakes some water then spits it at Kenny, laughing.

"Really dude!" he complains. Tweek just snorts, finding the giants antics to be funny. "Tweek, how do you stand this guy!?"Kenny jokes.

"Aw! Ken, give him a break, he probably hasn't had fun in years since he's a grumpy old man!" Butters giggles.

The skyscraper of a guy rolls his eyes going back under once again this time coming up under Tweek. Placing the midget on his shoulders.

"Gah! C-Craig, warn me next time you goof!" the dancer chuckles, trying to keep his balance.

"Hold your breath" he warns before going back under. Tweek obeys, catching on quickly.

Craig moves to Kenny and pops up next to him, spitting in his face.

"Oh that about does it, Butter-cup, hop on, it's time to take these two down a peg!" he laughs. Butters rolls his pale eyes before he follows his lover into the water and gets on Kenny's shoulders.

The height difference between Craig and everyone else here was Incredible, add another person onto that and it's pretty difficult for Butters to reach Tweek but Craig rolls his eyes, going on his knees and the height is about the same. The two males on the top both playfully wrestle, trying to knock the other down. Both lightly perspire, giggling like children.

"Come on Butterfly, you've got this in the bag!"Kenny cheers from underneath.

Craig plays dirty and nudges Kenny's feet from under him but all it does is cause Kenny's attention to switch to the giant.

"Oh? So you play that way do you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about" the giant lies. Butters is victorious as he pushes Tweek into the pool when the midget becomes distracted.

"Okay now that was dirty." Craig turns and dives in after Tweek, once he grabs him he pushes off from the ground and onto the edge of the pool. "You alright?" He asks, his raven hair falling in his eyes. Tweek coughs up water, his pale face red.

"Y-yup, water broke my fall and you saved me" he explains through more of his coughing fit.

"Here, stand up and put your arms up, it'll help your airway."

"O-okay" he lifts his moon kissed limbs to the sky. He tears up as he coughs a few more times before finally being able to breath again.

"Why don't you just relax baby?" Craig speaks softly even as Kenny is trying to put him in a headlock.

"N-no, I'm good, n-no more fights for me though" he laughs softly, slowly getting up but feeling dizzy."On s-second thought, I'll just lay on a chair for a bit-" he wobbles a bit, but makes it to the closest chair, giving the giant a smile to show he's okay.

"Alright love, if you need me just call" he turns grabbing Kenny's arm holding it behind his back. "Say uncle" Craig laughs.

"Ow! What the hell- never!" Kenny hackles through slight pain.

Butters rolls his eyes, getting out to check on Tweek.

"Sorry about that, are ya feeling better?"

"Mmhm, I think I got most of the water out of my system!" Tweek laughs softly.

"Say uncle, fucker!" Kenny laughs as he has Craig in a headlock again, this time clinging to his shoulder like a bird.

Leo playfully rolls his eyes."I can't believe I'm considering marrying that man one day!" the bleach-haired blonde giggles."So, pardon me for questioning ya, but how long have you and Craig been dating?"

"Um, define d-dating?" Tweek sheepishly asks. Butters eyes widen.

"So, you're not going out?"

"W-well, we go on dates, hang out, we've even kissed, b-but I'm scared to ask him what we are.." Tweek sighs.

"Well, it sounds like he means a lot to ya, you shouldn't be scared, I can tell he feels strongly for ya!"

"B-but when I know who, things only soured..I d-don't want to live in fear, but I'm scared of it happening again.."

"Tweek, you can't let fear run ya over. Tell ya what, ask him when you two are alone, I have a feeling this one's different."

"Ha, I win!" Kenny cheers as he gets out of the pool."Butter-cup, did you see that!?"

Craig smirks, grabbing Kenny's trunks and pulling them down in front of the other blondes. He then gets back in the water laughing to himself.

"Ha! Jokes on you, Butters has already seen what I got!"

"Tweeks hasn't" Craig mentions seeing his blonde turn a bright shade of red.

"Don't worry, mine is bigger."

"Yeah right!"

"You don't believe me?"

"No I don't!"

Craig rolls his eyes walking out of the pool his trunks sag a bit hanging onto his hips loosely.

They both walk into the house and moments later Kenny walks out bewildered.

"Holy shit" he whispers.

Craig laughs jumping back into the water. Butters facepalms before comforting his lover.

"B-Butters, please don't leave me, I know I'm not the hugest guy but-"

"There, there Ken, I won't, don't cha worry."

"Yo, Tweek!" Craig whistles, once their eyes meet he winks.

"What the h-hell did you make Kenny witness!?" Tweek asks, blushing madly as he makes his way in the water again.

"The truth, I told him I was bigger and I am, he just saw it" the giant swims over to him. He puckers his lips "kuss?" he asks through his puckered lips. Tweek becomes hot all over but laughs it off and kisses the man on the cheek.

"Hey!" he whines, nudging Tweek's hand with his head

"I-I don't know, have you been behaving like we agreed on?~" The dancer purrs lustfully, reminding him of their agreement.

"Okay, but he started it!" he whines childishly.

"Alright, I-I won't count it, but play nice for now and maybe I'll show you how I can use my mouth?~"Tweek offers, lifting Craig's hand up to his mouth and sucking gently on one digit.

"B-but I just wanted a kiss" he whines like a house mutt.

"S-so was I, just a different kind, love~" the blonde teases with a giggles, cupping the giant's face and kissing him on the lips.

"W-wait, are you saying what I think you are?"

"M-maybe, but you won't really know till tonight, will you, handsome?~"

"Alright fine, I'll behave, but only if you tell me what's bugging you?"

"W-what, h-how, w-who told you?" Tweek stutters more than normal, once teasing tone now gone as his eyes fill with panic.

"Baby" Craig pulls Tweek closer "what's bugging you?"

"W-well, two things..they kinda just merge..."Tweek sighs."C-can we talk about it inside, p-please?"

"Alright" Craig lifts himself out and picks Tweek up. He carries him inside, wrapping them both in the towel. "Now, what's bugging you?" Craig traces his hips since there are some places that are left uncovered. The blonde takes in a deep breath.

"I'm scared to ask this, b-because the last time I did I ended up in a two year long abusive relationship.."Tweek admits shakily.

"Baby... Why didn't you tell me?" He gently kisses the back of Tweek's hands.

"I-it's not easy for me to talk about..I've talked about all the other guys, but this one? H-he made my life Hell! I-I can't bring myself to tell you the whole story, b-but you deserve to know-"

Craig stops him with a peck to the lips "No love, tell me when you are ready, alright?" the dancer smiles sadly.


"Well, we'll tackle one obstacle at a time, you can ask me anything, I will never hurt you." the dancer nods, smiling warmly even as he feels nervous.

"W-what are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"W-well, we cuddle, we go on dates, we kiss, b-but we've never established where we stand in this r-relationship.."

"I was going to wait until later tonight but-" Craig kisses his cheek. "Tweek, will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" forest eyes widen and the blonde has to do a back track.


"I mean, unless you want to be my girlfriend?" He teases, kissing his nose. Tweek giggles sweetly, overjoyed.

"Y-yes, a million times yes!" the dancer states, littering kisses all over Craig like a happy dog.

Craig laughs softly and kisses Tweek's lips happily. "You don't need to worry alright, if something is bothering you just ask" the beast leans his forehead against Tweek's. The green eyed beauty nods, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

"Are you s-sure you wanna go through with this? My past isn't a happy one, there may be days where I freak out."

"That's okay dear, everyone has a tale to tell" the blonde beams.

"Y-yeah, I suppose that's true. I'll tell you mine one day, j-just not now, b-but you'll have to remind me before the year ends, okay?"

"What do you mean love?"

"W-well, it would be me and my ex's anniversary at the start of the year, I usually don't like to talk at all and I just..shut down. S-so if I tell you, m-maybe I can end that cycle and not feel so alone?"

"Maybe, yes I'll tell you" Craig picks up his now boyfriend and walks back outside. "Hold your breath" he whispers. Tweek giggles but does as told.

Craig jumps in the pool, splashing both Butters and Kenny, pulling them away from their make out session.

"Hey! Really!?" Kenny complains.

"Yep" the giant comes back up, Tweek still in his arms. Once they both are at the surface Craig releases Tweek. Green eyes shine sweetly and the blonde just kisses his now boyfriend on the lips.

"Y-you said you'd behave mister Tucker!~" Tweek playfully scolds once he pulls away.

"I am, just having some fun in the pool" he smiles but groans as his phone rings. "Hold that thought" he pushes himself out of the pool and fishes his phone out of his jean pocket. "Hello?" he sounds irritated. "Can't you just- fine I'll be there in ten" he hangs up. "Sorry guys, I gotta go, Bebe is freaking out since a patient came in and none of my other Vets know what to do." Quickly, he changes. "Tweek, you wanna come or stay with these two?" While Kenny makes a fool of himself and does some questionable hand gestures the elude to making out or doing something more, Butters lightly smacks his boyfriend, insisting he stop teasing the two. Tweek rolls his eyes and starts getting out.

"I-I'll come with, if I stay they'll just ask me more embarrassing questions. I'm surprised Kenny hasn't told you the embarrassing stuff about me yet!"

Craig nods. "Can you guys drive us?"

Kenny smirks "why should I?"

"Fuck it, I'm calling Burman." Craig dials his Butler.


"Can you come get Tweek and I?"

"Of course sir, text me the address" he hangs up after Craig sends the address.

"Ready love?"

"A-almost, I'm going to change real quick, can't imagine what your staff might think if they saw me in only this!" the smaller male jokes, ringing out his hair before heading inside to get ready.

"You guys planning on coming back or is that a no?"Kenny asks, crossed arms with a sly smirk.

"If I can help it? No, never again" the giant waits on the couch for Tweek.

"Awe, but why? We have fun here! You even took my pride in my size away, you can't do that to another man and leave him hanging!"

"Maybe some other time, just don't bug the shit out of me."

"I don't even have your number, how would I?"

"You have Tweek's, bugging him will bug me."

"Tweek doesn't get bothered! He likes our hangouts!" Kenny laughs. As soon as Tweek comes out his hair is still damp, but otherwise he's dried off and dressed." Tweek, tell your boy-toy to stop picking on me, he says you don't have fun here!"

"D-don't worry, I do, j-just don't expect me to come over every time you ask!" Tweek giggles.

"See Craig, Tweek likes our company!" the giant rolls his eyes.

"He enjoys mine more" Craig flips the dirty blonde off as Burman texts he's pulling into the driveway. "That's our ride, come on love."

"J-just a moment handsome!" the blonde laughs, bidding goodbye to the happy couple as he grabs his bag."It was nice seeing you guys again! T-thanks for inviting us!"

"Why it was no problem, let us know when you wanna come over or meet another time, doesn't have to be just swimming!" Butters says cheerfully as he gets out and sits on the edge of the pool.

"O-of course, stay safe you two!" After that, he follows Craig through the door until they go out once again to the drive-way, where a black Jeep waits.

"Good evening sirs."

"Afternoon Burman" Craig holds the door open for Tweek. The blonde smiles, thanking him as he crawls in, leaving room for the giant.

"Do you want to come with me to work or return back to my place?"

"W-whatever works better for you!" Tweek beams, buckling up.

"It's up to you baby, I would prefer if you didn't come with me today though, the patient I have is a dog."

"W-what's wrong with dogs?"

"They were run over, those ones don't usually live after and I don't want you to witness that hon" the giant kisses his cheek.

"O-okay, will you be back home soon at least?" Tweek whimpers, making puppy eyes. He never liked being alone before but he could handle it, yet now that he has Craig, he admits he's gotten too used to being in the raven-haired man's company.

"I will try honey, if you want to keep swimming I have a private pool, just ask Burman and he'll show it to you."

"Where to sir?"

"My work."

"Which one?"

"Vet" he nods and starts driving.

They drop Craig off before Burman takes the car and Tweek back to the house.The blonde just watches movies to give his mind some ease once they arrive.

"Anything I can get you Tweek?" Lola asks, sitting by him.

"N-no, I'm fine..on second thought, could you stay here with me? Being alone tends to make me think too much, w-which often just leads back to memories I'd rather forget.."

"Of course, we can have some girl time, I think I still have some Rom-com movies, if you want?"

"S-sure, t-that would be lovely!" the blonde giggles.

"Let me see your nails" she smiles, taking his hands in hers. "Oh this won't do!" she giggles and stands. She returns with blankets, nail polish, a nail file, nail polish remover, a few movies and some snacks. Once everything is situated she puts in a movie and starts doing Tweek's nails.

"What color do you want?"

"U-um..hmm..what's Craig's favorite color?" the dancer asks sheepishly.

"I'm not sure, though, considering most of his attire and choices involve blue, I'd say blue." she pauses."Why, are you trying to catch his attention?~" Lola teases.

"M-maybe-" Tweek laughs.

"You already have his attention you have no need to worry" she smiles. "I can tell you make him happy, and I'm glad! After his last relationship I never thought we would see him happy again." she states, shaking the dark blue nail polish before getting to work.

"Never see him happy again? W-was it really that terrible?"

"Well it messed him up a lot, she wasn't physically abusive, more verbally and emotionally. He never knew, still doesn't. She never hit him but she was difficult to be around, everything wrong was his fault but he was a fool thinking he was in love" she sighs, painting his nails on his right hand.

"Oh my goodness, that does sound bad! I may have some scars, b-but what really hurts for me was the emotional violence..that is the hardest to heal from..." Tweek bites his lip, memories trying to rip out.

"Have you ever been to the city?"

She nods. "He's gotten better, but hearing a song does bring back the memories they had" she starts painting his nails on his left hand. "Anyways, how did it go?"

"How did w-what go?"

"Your date?"

"O-oh! It was fun, C-Craig even asked me out, b-but he was called in for something important. S-still, I can't be any happier, even if I'm still shaken up, I know Craig's different!"

"Did you say yes?!" She squeals.

"I-I'd be a fool if I didn't, I've been hoping since our fourth date!"

"Yes! You need to come over every weekend!" She giggles finishing one hand.

" I-I'll certainly try, it depends if Craig doesn't take me out for more surprise dates!" Tweek giggles."B-but I'm off Friday, s-so I'd be here on the weekend, just not at night on saturday."

The small chat continues until the front door opens. It's silent until Craig stands in front of Tweek, not saying a word.

"Sir? You okay?" Lola asks. Tweek stands up, hugging the giant close.

"W-what's wrong love?"

Craig hugs back, slightly trembling.

"I didn't...want to be right, it never gets any easier..Ask me to shoot scum, I'll do it, but to have to put a dog down to end its suffering? To know you can't do anything else-"

"Shh-, i-it's going to be okay, you did all you could."

Lola cleans everything up and helps Tweek lay Craig on the couch.

"She begged me to help, I tried, I wanted to help her dog so bad.." he whispers.

"Shall I start a bath sir?" Lola asks Tweek more than Craig since the giant is mumbling to himself.

"I-it might do him some good."

She nods, starting for upstairs to the bathroom and turns on the water.

Craig grips his boyfriends clothed leg. "I tried Tweek! I wanted to help her! " Tweek stares back sympathetically, embracing him and trying to sooth the man in distress.

"I believe you, you're good man! Her dog is in a better place now, I know it h-hurts, but the world is cruel, you can't blame yourself for something that was inevitable."

"She was only six, I had to tell her I couldn't help her dog...she was six.." he whispers staring at the floor.

Lola returns "it's ready sir."

"T-thank you Lola!" he calls."Come on d-dear, you need to relax." he states softly, already in the process of getting the giant's arm perched on his own shoulder.

"His name was Sparky.." Craig whispers, letting Tweek lead him. The blonde has some difficulty, but they eventually make it all the way up to the bathroom where the tub's full. With a wild blush, Tweek helps Craig out of his clothes and into the warm water, avoiding his eyes from drifting lower than necessary, thankful for the trunks hiding Craig's privates.

Craig sits in the tub still trembling. "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to help, I had to put him down, I didn't want to..."

"Shh- It's okay, just relax, you're shaking" the blonde points out.

Craig reaches out and grips Tweek's hands "I'm sorry" he whispers.

"T-there's nothing you've done wrong today, just lay back, okay? I'll massage your scalp and when you're out we can lay down. S-sound good?"Tweek kisses his boyfriend on the lips.

Craig doesn't kiss back, just stares at the ground, rocking slightly. Tweek sighs and pours shampoo into his hands, scrubbing softly at dark hair while humming softly.

Craig lightly traced a finger in the water still looking distant.

Once Tweek has washed the giant's hair two times in shampoo and once in conditioner, he covers the man's eyes and rinses it out.

Craig is a little calmer, still distant and shaking but not mumbling to himself anymore. The blonde takes that much as a good sign and drains the water, unsure if it'd be crossing a line to wash anything else.

"Thank you love, I'm sorry" he grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist.

"O-of course, you've no idea how much you help me, it's the least I could do!" the dancer beams, unable to help his blush.

Craig leaves into his closet and changes. Once he steps out, the giant lays on the bed.Tweek walks out of the bathroom, joining him.

"I wish I could've saved him, the look on her face when I had to tell her, I can still see it.." the forest eyed male frowns, looking up as he traces patterns on his lovers arm.

"Want me to h-help you forget it for a while?"

"I want to but I don't think I can, she broke down in tears sobbing on me" he starts shaking again. "Her little hands gripped my jacket begging me to bring him back, I had to tell her I couldn't..."

"Y-you were only doing your job, you're no God, you're only human" Tweek gets up.

" Focus on the now, it's t-thanks to you I'm even happy. I still have things I'm paying for, b-but you make the hardships worth living through!" the blonde cups Craig's cheeks, a look of determination on his face and honesty in his eyes.

"I do?" he asks, looking into the green eyes he has fallen deeply for.

"Y-yes! Before I met you, I was living alone, with only my kitty as company. Don't get me wrong, I love Bean, she's my sweet angel, b-but I can't keep a conversation going, and it's not as though she can hold me through the night. You make me, a stripper who has parents who were taken at a young age. A person, might I add, who is only a year sober and contemplated his existence since the age of twelve, feel complete."

Craig's hands tremble as he gently sets his hands on Tweek's hips. "You deserve the world Tweek, nothing less" the giant kisses him deeply rubbing, circles onto his hips. Tweek gasps into the kiss but soon melts, closing his eyes as he mewls sweetly and reciprocates with passion.

"Tweek?" Craig pulls away, noticing salty water spill from the smaller male. "You mean the world to me" he wipes the tears away and kisses his cheek. "I never want to see those beautiful eyes cry again" he whispers, kissing him once more.

"I-I think I'm ready to tell you now, I-I really want you to know, j-just promise you won't think anything less of me?"

"I won't love, never, but only if you really want to, I won't make you." Craig speaks softly, moving his hands up into Tweek's shirt. "We can both just forget about today if you want."

"N-no, if we want anything to go further, I need to get this off my chest, I won't feel right not saying it. B-but thank you for the offer."

"I'm listening" Craig seems content just touching Tweek's bare skin, rubbing occasionally. "I-it all started one cold night..." Tweek begins.

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