Spurious [Sequel To Open Your...

By wondersland

107K 3.9K 429

Spurious: not genuine, authentic, or true. [book 2] More

[1] Something New
[2] This Might Hurt?
[3] Second Chance
[4] Might Need Some More Help
[5] Awkward Ex Encounters
[6] Trackers On Everything
[7] Weird Dreams And Archaic Latin
[8] Late Night Crime Fighting
[9] Grumpy Wolves Are Not Doctors
[10] Milkshakes And Kanimas
[11] Snitches Get Stitches
[12] Survival Skills And Supernatural Lizards
[13] The Truth Will...
[14] Nostalgia
[15] Creative Psychopath
[16] Advice From A Drunk Guy
[17] Sleep Is For The Weak
[18] Twenty Seconds Of Courage
[20] A Killer Hale Of A Day
[21] It's For...Anti Possession
[22] Lover Not A Fighter
[23] Therapeutic Therapy
[24] Complimenting Compliments

[19] Eavesdroppers

3.5K 147 3
By wondersland



Another loud and extremely annoying pop fills the room for what seems like the thousand time. I turn around from packing to look at the source of the sound with an irritated expression on my face.

"Stiles if I hear the bubble wrap in more time, I'll show everyone that picture of you from the summer you tried to bring mullets back into style." I warn, causing him to drop the bubble wrap that was in his hands.

"That's low Claire, that's low." He replies, not pleased with the fact that I own said picture. I smile and go back to closing the last box in my room.

I glance around the now empty room, feeling my heart drop to my stomach. The only things left are a few boxes and my desk in the corner of my room. Well I knew I'd move out for good one day.

Plus... I did spend the first half of the summer finally convincing my mom that it's not a bad idea. So i just need to suck it up and finish packing my things.

"Alright, well I'm done here. Lets go 'try' to help Scott move some of these boxes down." I suggest, standing up and dusting myself off.

We each grab a box, neither one of us wanting to be the wimpiest one. Stiles looks over at me as we walk down the hallway, with an all too familiar look on his face.

"On the count of three?" He asks, sounding like he already knows the answer.

I nod my head, looking down the hall with a determined look on my face. "One." He starts, both of us stopping in the hallway.

"Two." I grip onto the box, wishing that I hadn't packed so much into the last few ones.


We bolt towards the stairs, both of us sounding like we're the ones who should have an inhaler. Or like we're about to pass out.

He beats me to the stairs and rushes down. "Ha, ha--"

His victory cry is cut short as he misses a step at the bottom and eats it. I can't help but let out a laugh as he drops the box and lands face first on the ground.

I try to stifle my laugh- to no prevail- and step over him, making it to the front door in victory.

"Ha! That's what you get for trying to rub it in." I say, waiting for him to pick himself up.

He tries not to look mad from his lose, but seeing as he use to be the raining victor when it use to be just him and non-werewolf Scott...well he just hates to give up his title.

"Maybe you should stop gloating and act like the twenty-hundred year old that you are." He sasses as we walk down the driveway to the rental truck.

I laugh at his disgruntled expression and move out of Scott's way--who's carrying the last three boxes with ease.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I'm sure I look as winded as you do." I say, referring to his tinted cheeks from our short run.

Scott looks at us with an amused stare, waiting for us to haul the last boxes to the back of the truck. "Soak it in, Scott. Soak it in." Stiles mumbles, causing his best friend to laugh and close down the door.

We walk over to the side of the truck facing the house and lean on it. "Are you sure we shouldn't have waited for mom to get home?" Scott asks with a semi concerned tone to his voice.

I look over from my spot from a still sore loser faced Stiles and nod my head. "Don't you remember how she got when I moved away for college?" I ask back.

A look of recollection crosses his face before nodding his head in agreement. "And plus, I already took her twice to my new apartment downtown." I lean back on the side of the truck.

"You and Stiles really need to workout or something." Scott comments after a few seconds of silence. Stiles and I both look over at his amused face with equally unamused frowns.

Not that I would say this outloud right now...but ya, we both really need to workout.

"Ya, laugh it up wolf boy. But just remember that we're the brains of this operation." Stiles fires back, making Scott chuckle at us.

"Alright it was just a suggestion. And plus, I'm more then grateful for both of your brains." Scott smiles thankfully at us.

I smile back at him. "Love you guys too." I ruffle Stiles now growing hair once, before he swats my hand away.

The rumbling of the familiar engine of my mom's car makes my heart start to pick up speed. "Claire if you don't clam down you're going to blow my eardrums out." Scott jokes, trying to ease my nerves.

I ignore him and continue with my panicking "Oh God. We should have waited for her, now we're dead!" I panic, trying to look for an escape route.

Stiles pats my shoulder as my mom comes into view. She look from the parked truck over to the three of us. Before zooming in on me and my panicked exterior...and interior.

"Claire, here, now." She instructs moving to the back of her car. I look over at Scott and Stiles for support. But they're both saluting me as if I'm already done for.

"If I'm dead then I'm haunting you both." I warn as I pass them both still saluting me. Their muffled laughs still reach my ears as I stand behind my mom who's getting something from the backseat.

She pulls out something, but hides it behind her back as she turns around to face me. "I'm still not happy that one of my babies is moving out, so I got you this." She pulls out the object from behind her to reveal a wooden bat.

"Mom, don't kill Claire till the weekend is over." Scott calls out from behind us. My mom rolls her eyes and 'mom glares' at him.

"Ya. She's got a date with a certain *cough* Derek *cough* Hale this weekend." Stiles adds. My face starts to heat up but I still turn to glare at them both.

"First of all you two need to stop listening in on phone calls. And secondly it's not a date." I yell at the two laughing teens. I shake my head and turn back around to my mother who's still waiting for me to take her gift.

"He's just being nice enough to go take me to see where Laura is." I reassure, clearing out my throat.

She gives me a content smile. My mom knew how much of a friend Laura was to me in high school. So she knows how much this means to me.

I was actually very surprised when Derek brought it up, being as how I had wanted to ask him myself. But you know, with all the supernatural hoopla and with him still sorta offish with me from the whole finding out about my past ordeal, I just never thought that it was going to happen any time soon.

I grin at my mom and take the bat from her outstretched hands. "I hope you didn't think I forgot about my weekend visits I planned out."

"And we'll still be stopping by to make sure your food isn't poisoned." Stiles calls out. Guess it's too much to ask for these two to stop eavesdropping anytime soon.

"Wow Claire, looks like they just out-shined my bat with their willingness to get poisoned." My mom says, rolling her eyes at their antics. We both look behind us to see them both mock bowing.

Yeah it's still hard to believe that they're both going to be juniors in high school soon.

"Alright well now that I have my trusty bat, and royal taste testers." I jab a thumb back at the future freeloaders. "We should get going so I can get everything in before it gets too dark out."

My mom heads into the house saying that she'll meet us there. And I get into the drivers seat, seeing as how thing 1 and thing 2 already made themselves comfortable in the truck.

The doorbell rings and I look from the box of plates I'm unpacking in the kitchen. "Claire! The pizza is here!" Stiles yells from the living room, where he and Scott are 'still helping' me unpack.

I huff, stopping what I'm doing and walking to where they're laying around. They scramble to grab something to look like they're helping, as I grab my purse from the couch.

"Oh don't get up you two are way too busy helping me out." I sarcastically say before walking to the front door.

I open up my wallet not bothering to look up as I open the door. "Oh it's on the house." The young teen employee says.

My head lifts up and I know I have a look of disbelief clearly etched out on my face. He only smiles and stretches out his hands to give me the two boxes. I slowly smile back, but something feels off about the kid.

Call me paranoid or what not, but something just seems off about him. Like he's way out of place in his red pizzeria uniform. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm hungry or something.

"Alright. Well thanks, but I'd feel better if I payed for what I ordered." I respond, trying to give him the money. His smile remains, but more forced, as he shakes his head.

"Sorry but it's the bosses orders and if I don't follow through then I'll get in a lot of trouble." He explains. I place my money back in my pocket and take the food from him.

His smile is less strained but I still feel something off about him. "Have a nice day, hope to see you soon." He says in a scarily knowing tone.

Almost as if he knows he'll be seeing me again soon. I shake off the gross goosebumps and let out a small laugh as I turn to go back in.

As I move to go back in something small flies off the top pizza box. Huh, weird.

I crouch down, careful not to drop the food or else risk having a cranky Scott and Stiles, and pick up the small half piece of folded paper.

Stiles walks towards the front door and gestures for me to hand him the boxes. "I'll just help you with these." He says before rushing off towards the kitchen, most likely where a hungry Scott is waiting.

To be honest Scott should be the only one complaining since he did all the heavy lifting. The crinkle of the small paper in my hand reminds me of its existence again.

I close the front door behind me, but stay in my spot as I unfold the note. Well that's not good.

My knees feel shaky while the paper almost falls out of my hands from how sweaty they got. No, no, no, this can't be happening. We just got rid of one huge problem, now this? I take in a deep breath, trying my best to keep my heartbeat from raising to quickly and earning Scott's attention.

"Claire! Hurry up and come eat before Stiles eats everything." Scott's voice rings out, snapping me out of my panicked thoughts.

I chew on the inside of my cheek before answering. "Ya, just looking at something." Something that's probably my death sentence.

Crumbling the small note I place it inside of my back pocket, making sure that it won't fall out. I turn around and make sure the locks are set on the door.

Looks like I'm going to talk to Deaton about that wolfsbane for my apartment sooner then I expected.


*confetti cannon blasts to an upbeat tune* I'm finally b-a-c-k!! How are all you lovely folks doing? I hope you guys all had wonderful holidays and are all ready for updates.

So what'd you mofos think is on that small note that the mysterious person (they're actually not that mysterious since it's someone in season 3a) gave to her. Or who do you guys think is said mysterious person.

Oh, I have big news about the next book that will come in the next chapter. But not to worry since I'll have the next update up tomorrow...never mind today, I just looked at my clock and noticed it's past 2 in the morning so it'll be up later on today.

Well I'm off to sleep since I have to get up fairly early and I probably should have been sleeping by now. But before I go I just want to give you guys a massive thanks for getting this book over 7k reads and OYE over 11k!!!!

You guys honestly made me get inspired to write and I have like five chapters on my phone's notes written.


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