
By A_Shepherd

163K 6.2K 168

Rose is the only female in the pack that hasn't been mated yet. At the age of thirty-two she spends her night... More



18K 479 29
By A_Shepherd

Locking the door to my little mini cooper, I walk towards the entrance to the club. Gage, the bouncer, tall and broad with a shaved head and bushy black beard nods to me as I enter. It's heaving tonight. The dark, sexual atmosphere had a tinge of musk to it as I made my way through the crowd to the bar at the opposite side of the club. Tossing my black leather shoulder bag beneath the register, I tie my long dark hair back into a messy bun and wipe down the bar. So far, all the customers were focused on Foxy, a popular dancer at Midnight and one of Seth's favourite play things on a Saturday night. Like other dancers at the club, she was human and only knew as much as she needed to to attend to her job with perfection. Foxy was perfect like that. She kept her mouth shut and danced for great money she more than likely wouldn't get anywhere else.

Tall and blonde with a toned figure, it was no wonder she was a favourite. She held every single person's attention as she glided around the pole, dipping onto all fours to slowly crawl her way to the man sat before her. Her blue eyes fixed on him, enchanting him.
Looking around I saw my family scattered around the club. Some at exits to secure the area, some sat down enjoying the show. Seth, the alpha, was sat on his throne, as usual, across from the stage. Sat between two gorgeous human's. One male, one female. Seth wasn't picky when it came to his play things, but Foxy was his favourite. No other could touch her. He'd made that clear plenty of times in blood.
"Hey, girl, how's it going?" Sam, my litter mate, sister and best friend popped beside me taking a quick swig from a vodka bottle before returning it under the bar where we kept the spirits.
"Oh, it's going." I reply, moving the bottle to the correct spot.
"It's busy tonight," she stated. Leaning her back against the mirror behind her and crossing her arms. Sammy was gorgeous. Petite, athletic and spent so much time doing her make up she always ran late. Myself, on the other hand, was the opposite. I never wore make up, I always wore clothes that were comfortable which mostly consisted of a t-shirt and jeans and I was plus size. I liked to eat and refused to be something I wasn't. Five foot two, long raven hair,  and emerald eyes. I loved pizza and beer. Video games and books.
There had been plenty of men in my life before but all who wanted to change me. Make me more of a lady, human's and wolves alike. Well, I have one thing to say to that: fuck off. Then I just stopped trying and fell into a routine of work, books, run with the pack and sleep. I had always been close with my family. So that's where my focus laid. After all, I was the bar manager.

"I saw this hot dude down the hall from me move in yesterday," Sammy grabbed me by the shoulders in her excitement. Forcing me to give her my full attention. "Seriously, Rosie. He's so damn cute."
"Really, that is not surprising coming from you, Sam-Sam."
"I know, but, seriously. He's tall, like a damn tree. He even has the shoulders the width of a tree. Skin like hot chocolate and a smile I could, and did, melt into."
I raise my brows laughing. She was always in and out of love. Soon enough she got bored and moved on. It had always been her way. "Are you sure?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely." She say's dreamily.
"Then I wish you good luck." I turn to get back to work. I had orders to fill out for the previous week and being in Sammy's clutches wasn't helping me get it done.
"We need to find you someone." To my horror, she follows me into the back office. "Look at you, you're beautiful. You need someone!"
"No," I say, my eyes focused on the computer screen when I sit down at my desk in the very tiny hovel which was my office. "I don't."
"Rosie," she sits on the edge of the desk. Saying my name in that same whining tone she'd used on me ever since we were pups. My eyes met hers. "I want to see you happy."
"What makes you think I'm not?"
"Because you walk around here like you're five minutes away from running away to live with grandma in the Alaskan hills." She may have a point. Grandma did live in a beautiful snowy area where they would go every christmas. It had been so magical growing up. But magic didn't exist. Neither did miracles. Nor her soul mate. After all, they didn't exist either. It was a fantasy. Something Disney drills into you as a kid. A woman needed a man. I didn't, I hadn't and I wouldn't need one. "I'm fine. I have no urge to go hunting squirrels with Grandpa."
"He sure does love his squirrels." Sammy mumbles. We both cringe at the reminder of Christmas Eve meals that had been a roasted squirrel and vegetables from Grandpa's back garden.
"Ew." We say in unison then burst into fits of giggles.

"Seriously though, I'm fine. I just need to get this work done." I say once the giggles died down.
"Fine." She paused. "You coming running after work?"
"Of course." I smile. Happy the topic had changed to something I could get on board with.
"Alright, I'll leave you too it gorgeous." She leaves. Closing the door behind her. Thankfully blocking out the club music which had always hurt my ears. Having heightened senses sometimes sucked.


It was around midnight when Seth burst through the door and stood before my desk. Alarmed, I get to my feet with a surprised squeak. His dark eyes twinkle in amusement. "Rosie, I need you with me at a meeting tomorrow night around nine."
"Yes, Seth. I'll be here."
"Good." He said as Foxy slinked her arms around his waist and pouted.
"No time for me tomorrow, Sethy?"
"No, Fox. I have plans."
"What plans?" She asked petulantly.
"Plan's that are for me and mine alone to know." His voiced dropped. The tone deep and warning. She yanked her arms away and crossed them over her breasts. "And I am nothing, is that it?"
"You are my employee." He states, not looking at her. His face fixed on me. Showing her her place. Seth, even though he was fond of Foxy, he still held her in the same light as other humans. Below him. Or in Foxy's case under him.
He was handsome. There was no denying that with his strong jaw, giant size hidden beneath a dark suit and tie. His dark hair short and curling around his ears. He was a thing of beauty. But his arrogance, like most alphas, really got under my skin. Foxy left when he didn't answer, slamming the door behind her. He carried on like nothing had happened. His face softening.

"We have guests from out of town and I need my bar manager to help me. I'm considering on taking on a partner. To branch out, maybe open another club in Dallas."
"The US?"
"Yes, the American pack will be landing in the morning at Heathrow and then staying with us until they leave the next day after the meeting."
"Very well. Should I call Dina and have her arrange their rooms?" I reach for my phone. But his voice stops me.
"No need. It's already been done. Everyone is aware and on high alert until they leave."
"Alert?" I tense. Knowing full well what it meant. High alert meant: be ready to kill.
"Yes. Just in case. There shouldn't be an issue but you never know. Having a foreign pack in my London doesn't sit well with me, but I'm doing this to take our business to the next step. After all, we do need alliances." He crossed his arms and grit his teeth at that last part. It wasn't a secret that our numbers were made by siblings. Only a few, Seth included, were only related by pack, not blood. Gage and Sammy and myself were little mates. Dina, Seth and Ramon were little mates. We needed fresh blood to keep our numbers flourishing. The rest of the pack were just pack. But they had taken each other as mates. Having pups of their own. Being alpha, Seth should have taken a female by now. But he hadn't. Being busy with the business and making sure his family were safe and well cared for had always come first. Although his arrogance may irritate me, the man was a good one.

"I agree." I nod. His smile widening, revealing soft dimples in his whiskered cheeks.
"Speaking of," he leans against the desk, exploring my soul with those dark eyes. "Samantha has taken a mate, why haven't you, Rosalie?" At the very personal question I flush. My cheeks turning a soft pink. "I only ask because you're the only unmated female. It's unusual for such a beauty to be wasted."
My mouth falls open to reply. My fury and surprise disabling me from saying actual words. I stammer, my hands sweating. Finally, I manage to get out something in a sound that could be heard by wolves everywhere. "I'm more than looks." I clear my throat. His grin widens and his eyes brighten in amusement. "Ah, a feminist I see."
"I've had dates, Seth. I just don't want to settle for someone who makes me unhappy. I'm fine on my own." I ramble out, shuffling papers then putting them in a file to keep my nervous hands busy. He notices my discomfort which makes him chuckle deep in his chest. Like a rumble of lightning.
"I'm sure there is someone out there somewhere, Rosie."
"Who knows." I mutter.
"I do." I meet his gaze and his dark eyes seem to see straight into me. And I see something there: longing, need, desire? I wasn't certain. All I knew for definite was my heart had sped up as I saw it. I blush and manage to whisper, "thank you." With that he nods and leaves me alone in an office that's suddenly humid and reeks of arousal. I shiver. It smelt delicious.

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