In Love With A Nanny (Haylor...

By SwiftieSpice

158K 4.1K 639

A widowed man who thought that the moment which his wife died he would never love again, not even his daughte... More

New Beginnings
Come To Dinner?
French Night Out
Learning More About Each Other
The Envelope
Accident Aftermath
Arguments with Doctors and Mothers
Family Time (In Rehab)
Party Time
Heated Discussions
Holiday's & Library's
Scars Of The Past
Cayman Islands
Don't Feel Well
Change Of Plans
Boy's Day/ Girl's Day
Time To Take A Stand
Maybe I Should Go
Plans Are Always Changing
I'm Sorry
Things Can Only Get Better Now Right?
Court (Part 1)
Court (Part 2)
Author's Note
Science Day Out
First Day Of School
Catching Up
Lunch In The Office
Hospital (Part 1)
Hospital (Part 2)
Again? Really?
Surgery Time
Heading Home
Birthday Surprise Part 1
Birthday Surprise Part 2
Hey Guys!
Sequel is out!

A Way Of Saying Thanks

8.1K 195 22
By SwiftieSpice

A Way Of Saying Thanks - 2

Harry POV
"Marcel!" I called through the PA system from my office to the reception area, Marcel was my assistant who doubled as a receptionist after my last one quit rather abruptly at the end of last year.
"Y-yes sir?" Marcel asked as he came running into the office. I don't think he quite understands that he doesnt have to come running adn he can answer my call from his desk, everytime I call for him he comes running. 
"Order a nice bunch of flowers from the florist round the corner for me to pick up tonight please?" I request and he nods.
"Special lady? Or someone else that I need to address on the card that comes with the flowers?" Marcel asked and I knew that he was secretly trying to find out the gossip as you didn't need to always have a card with the flowers. I knew because I've ordered some by myself before and so I knew what they would ask or at least request about the flowers which you want and who they are going to. Although there was no gossip for Marcel to find out because it wasn't for a special lady in that way anyway.
"No, just get me a gift card of about $100 for a beauty spa put with the flowers please...They're for a friend of mine" I say and he nods before walking out of my office to get all of that organised for me. 

Taylor has been Olivia's nanny for nearly 3 years now and I wanted to be able to give her a proper thank you gift as she has gone above and beyond for me whilst being the Nanny to Olivia. Taylor has something particularly special about her and if I'm completely honest it was something that made me look at her in a different light, it was a light that was making me be drawn to her. I was looking forward to seeing her tonight just like I always did when I came home and she was with Olivia.When she had said her goodbye to Olivia before the holidays last year there had been so many tears shed by Olivia because she absolutely adored Taylor. They spend so much time together it was understandable as they really do have such an incredibly close bond. I didn't know exactly what it was that was drawing me to Taylor but that bond with my daughter was certainly playing a part in it that was for sure. I'm a 25 year old widow with a 5 nearly 6 year old daughter and here I am being drawn to Taylor who is 22 and the nanny to my daughter, in a romantic way.

I don't want to be completely alone forever and deep down I know that Claire wouldn't want me to be alone forever either, she would want me to move on with someone else. She would want me to be happy and i know she would want there to be someone else around to help me raise Olivia seeing as she couldn't be here with me to do that. I may like Taylor but I would never tell her because let's face facts here; she would never like me back that's for sure. I'm just her client or boss depending on which way you want to look at it as she's looking after my daughter for me, not to mention that there is an age gap between us of like 3 years at least. I wanted to spend some proper time with Taylor but she was only really around when I wasn't because that was when she was needed. I knew that she probably wouldn't want to be around us any other time because I'm not anyone special and she sees enough of Olivia when she's actually getting paid so she wouldn't want to hang out any other time. I guess one of the reasons which Taylor seems so perfect to me is because she literally saved my life, she changed everything which I did for the better and which in turn saved it - she's like a guardian angel, my guardian angel. I had feelings for my guardian angel and I guess I was perfectly happy with that.

I wanted to make a fresh start this year, I may have stuffed it up a little with how busy I was with work last week when Mom was looking after Olivia all the time but I wanted to try again this week now that Taylor was back. I wanted to restart things but do them right and I wanted to try to do that by getting home in time for dinner and the bedtime routine with Olivia. But I also wanted to start letting Taylor have a bit more time off in the evenings because she surely had better things to do then look after someone else's daughter, especially if she was in college. I wanted to be able to keep Taylor happy so that she would continue to want to work for/with me this year. I simply didn't want to lose her or have to find someone else who Olivia probably wouldn't be as comfortable with. I picked the flowers up from the florist round the corner when I had left the office but Marcel had given me the gift card himself rather than with the flowers which I don't actually know why but it was all for Taylor so that didn't really matter. I was going to give them both to Taylor when I got home tonight to show her how truly grateful we were for everything which she does. Part of me also wanted to ask her out but I knew that would probably never happen regardless of whether it would be tonight or not. I didn't know whether it was a good idea asking her out, I mean she wouldn't want to go out with someone like me when I have such a past like I do and she kind of works for me.

I unlocked the front door and was blown away by the amazing sight going on at the kitchen table whilst Clark who was my butler took my coat and I placed my briefcase down by the stairs where I would just get it later. I saw Taylor sitting next to Olivia at the table and working on her homework together, thankfully I had snuck in quiet enough for Olivia not to notice and so I got to witness this incredible sight. It really showed me exactly how perfect Taylor was and the bond which she and Olivia have no that I didn't already know it.
"Liv, who's that?" I heard Taylor distract Olivia from her homework and point towards me, I've never seen Olivia look so happy, she had a large grin on her face as she got off the chair and run towards me.
"Daddy! You're home!" Olivia hugged my waist and I pick her up in my arms, holding her close and kissing her head, I had really missed my little girl whilst I was at work and it was pretty clear that she had missed me too.

"I'm going to try and come home early from now on, does that sound like a deal to you?" I say holding out my pickie towards Olivia, she was really big on pinkie promises at the moment for whenever we made a deal. I knew that she had picked this up from school so every time we made a deal we had to lock our pinkies over it because that made it real and if we didn't then it didn't count.
"It's a deal" She said before locking my pinkie with hers, now I had to keep that deal with her because she would be so hurt if I didn't.
"Livy, go wash your hands before dinner please" I say placing her back on the ground as I spot Taylor walking down the hall with her bag, clearly she would be heading home now because I was here and that was perfectly fine with me. I mean she had been with Olivia all afternoon so it would only be right for her to leave now that she wasn't needed.

"I-I got you these, you've been looking after Olivia for nearly 3 years now and so I thought we don't really appreciate you enough or at least I don't think that I do...So here, these are my way of saying that you for everything which you've done to help me and that you continue to do to help Livy" I say hanging the flowers and the gift card over to Taylor, she smiled clearly she liked them.
"It's my pleasure but can I say something?" She asked and I nodded.
"I know that you came home early tonight and you've made some kind of a deal with Olivia to try and come home early more often but what she really wants is to spend time with you on the weekends. She also really wants to go to the zoo this weekend for some reason, she asked me if I would take her when we were on the way to dance but it's not my place to do so...Anyway, see you tomorrow Mr Styles" She continues before grabbing her coat. I honestly hated the way she always calls me Mr Styles because it makes me feel like my father, like she just some lousy employee when she's so much more than that.

"Please, call me Harry...I'll see you tomorrow" I say as she smiles politely and I watch her exit the house before walking down to the car which I had already waiting to take her home. I knew that Olivia and I would talk later about Taylor because I loved hearing the stories about things which they got up to. Olivia really admired Taylor and I felt pleased that they had such a connection like that, she was a perfect role model for Olivia to look up to. Frankly, I would love for Taylor and Olivia to be more than just that in the future and Taylor be more in Olivia's life than just being her nanny that she sees every afternoon but only when she's in school. The only way that would actually happen would be if Taylor and I were an item but there is no way someone as amazing as Taylor would want to be with someone who has as much baggage as I do. Besides I'm sure there are plenty of men out there who she would be drawn to and suit her better than I would, if she doesn't have a boyfriend already. Sadly though there just weren't many women out there for me who were like Taylor or could have so much meaning to Olivia. Taylor was like another mother or an older sister to Olivia especially after Olivia's mother had died, Taylor had been the only one who was there for Olivia and I knew that really should have been me instead.

Dear Taylor,
I know you're most likely in the car on your way home after a hard afternoon/ evening with my daughter when your reading this. I felt that I really should say something about the amount you really mean to Olivia and I. You are like a mother figure or an older sister to Olivia and I know this may sound a little creepy but you're like my guardian angel to me. You pulled me out of the mess which I had for a life after Claire passed away and you took care of Olivia whilst trying to get me back on my feet. I want to say thank you and I hope that you keep the good work up with everything you do because you're incredible at it and I don't think there is anyone else out there who could do such a good job.

Now, I had to write this all down in this letter as I know I could never get the courage to really ask you in person because I'm a coward. Taylor, would you like to go out for a meal or something with me sometime? Someone like you is very special and well I feel you should be treated like that. I would love to take you out one night and really show how much you mean to me. Just let me know when and I'll pick you up, you have my number so feel free to call me with your answer or you could simply just tell me tomorrow when I get home. I would really like to take you out somewhere nice for a meal soon - this week maybe?
Best Wishes

I'd put the final touches on my letter after putting Olivia to bed, I grabbed a nice envelope ready for Olivia to give Taylor tomorrow when she got picked up from school. I knew that Taylor wouldn't actually read the letter till after she was on her way home because she wouldn't turn her attention away from Olivia when she's supposed to be looking after her. Taylor was the kind of girl who only has her mind set on one thing when she's working which when she was with Olivia was only Olivia and everything which she had to that afternoon. It was something which I admired about Taylor because other nannies which I'd heard about couldn't care less about the child they were looking after as long as they got their money that was all that mattered to them - I told you Taylor was different!

A/N: I'm trying to update this story everyday at the moment because I feel like you guys would like that? Please comment, vote, do whatever you feel like you should with this story.
Until Next Time :)

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