Bad Choices, Great Outcomes

By KingCaptFeline

449K 12.7K 2.9K

Have you ever made bad choices that you could not help but regret then, later on, made you realize that indee... More

Author's Note
Do you know her?


12.4K 423 86
By KingCaptFeline

"The fuck was that?" Barbara jumped off the bed as soon as the door was slammed.

"Sshh, t'much noise." Lisa buried her head deeper within the pillows.

"Where are my clothes, dude? ...Lisa!."


"My clothes, where are they?" Barbara started to search all around the room but couldn't find her jeans or t-shirt.

"Dunno." Lisa mumbled into the pillow. "You threw them somewhere. What was all that noise anyway?" She turned on her back and sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I don't know, dude. I need some breakfast and a freaking pill like, right now."

Lisa grabbed her head groaning. "Don't talk about food."

Barbara smirked and kept talking. "I want like, some waffles with a shit ton of whipped cream and chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, baco-."

Lisa got up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom "Shut ugh-..." She barely managed to get there. Barbara's laughter and Lisa's retching filled the silence in the room. "You sucgghh."

"Don't you want some scrambled eggs, Bec?"

"Shut up, dude!"

"Look at you, having your girl's symptoms and shit."

"Asshole...I think I found your clothes." She pointed at the pile in the bathtub with a few of the expensive champagne bottles Hanbin had in his fridge. "What the hell were you doing in there?"

"Oh, right." Barbara replied thoughtfully. "I wanted to take a bubble bath." She started laughing. "Oh, man, I need to stop drinking that much." Barbara sighted.

Lisa got up from her kneeling position and went to brush her teeth while Barbara got dress— thankfully she never got to open any of the champagne bottles, otherwise, her clothes would've been all wet — and left the room saying she needed to eat.

A few minutes later Lisa walked into the kitchen. Hanbin's chef was already making some food and Barbara was in a stool with her head in her hands and a big glass of milk in front of her. "Where's your model, dude?" Lisa asked Hanbin when he came into the kitchen already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"At her place, maybe? No one stays the night here." He winked at her. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure." They went into the deck at the back of the house, looking at the beach to talk privately. "What's up?"

"Jennie was here...."

"..." Lisa's jaw almost hit the floor, what the hell was Jennie doing there. "What?"

"I don't know why." He moved his head backwards for a moment and shrugged raising his eyebrows. "But yeah, she uh, she has the security code and um she wanted to see you and I couldn't stop her and she saw you and Barbs in bed."

Lisa blew some air through her lips. "Uh, did she say anything?"

"That I was an asshole, she slapped me and then she ran away."

"She slapped you?" Lisa laughed.

"Don't you laugh, her hand is heavy."

"Did she say why was she here?"

Hanbin puckered his lips thoughtfully. "Not really. Just that she wanted, well no, she needed to talk to you."

"Hmm, that's wei-." She was interrupted mid-sentence by the ringtone of her phone. The caller ID displayed a number she didn't know. "Hello?... Yeah, this is Lisa....Uh-huh...What?...Where?...Yeah, yeah I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hanbin saw Lisa's face go from confusion to worry. "What's going on?"

"Jen- Jennie...she...I don't know, man, she had an accident. Could you take me to the hospital, please?"

"Of course, let's go." They ran inside the house startling Barbara who was already having breakfast.

"Whoa, you guys okay?"

"We need to go. I'll take you to your place." Hanbin grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards the garage when he heard Lisa yelling at them.

"Fuck! My car." Hanbin slapped his head remembering he had left his car back at his friend's house.

"The fuck do we do, Hanbin?!." He ran back inside the house and came back with a set of keys in his hand, his chef had borrowed him his car.

"Let's go."

"Lisa your shoes." Barbara said to her when she saw Lisa wasn't wearing any.

"Fuck the shoes, I need to get to the fucking hospital now."

Slamming her hands on the nurse's desk she spoke. "My uh..." Lisa took a deep breath, she had to run all the way here from the parking lot not even waiting for Hanbin to park. "Jennie...Jennie Kim, I got a call saying she was here." She said to the lady sitting there.

"She's still in surgery." She replied without even a glance at Lisa.

"What?! Surgery for what? Are the babies okay, fuck, please tell me the babies are okay." Lisa was at the edge of crying.

The lady gave her a funny look. "You said Jenny Kim, right? J-e-n-n-y."

"No!" Lisa scowled at the woman. "J-e-n-n-i-e!" Fuck, these people.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I thought it was Jenny. A Doctor is finishing up some tests with her."

She wanted to fight so bad with the lady for almost giving her a heart attack, but she had more important things to think about right now. "Is she okay? Can I see her?"

"Of course. Take the elevator to the third floor, she's in room 305."

She ran as soon as the lady stopped talking, she didn't stop nor care when the lady started yelling after her saying she needed to wear some shoes in order to go up. She just kept running.

Lisa arrived at the room and saw Jennie through the window, she was on the hospital bed wearing a gown, her eyes were puffy and hair was all messy but she still looked beautiful. She was talking to a Doctor.

A few minutes later said Doctor walked out of the room and came face to face with Lisa. "Oh, hi there."

", is she okay?"

"And you are?"

"Lisa, she's my.... uh I'm her..."

"Lisa? Yeah, she asked for you. We ran some tests on her, to make sure nothing serious was happening with her or the babies, thankfully all the tests are negative. She's severely dehydrated and she has a lot of stress. I already told her she has to be stress-free to avoid any complications but I'll tell you too, okay? She can't have any stress whatsoever."

"Okay." Lisa nodded looking through the window at Jennie who had her eyes closed. "So, she and the babies are okay, right?"

"Yes, they are okay. But you need to remember what I told you."

"I will don't worry. Can I see her now?"

"Of course, I'll come back later to check on her and see if she has to stay the night or not."

Lisa nodded and said a 'thank you' before going into the room. "Hey." Her voice was soft trying not to startle Jennie.

Jennie opened her eyes. "Hi."

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired and scared. I thought something was wrong with the babies." She sobbed.

Lisa went to the bed, sat down at the edge and took Jennie in her arms. "Hey, hey, no. Everything is perfect with them and you."

"Where are your shoes?"

Lisa looked at her dirty feet and chuckled. "I forgot them, I got the call saying you were here and I just had to be here."

"Thank you." Jennie mumbled into Lisa's chest.

"For what?"

"For being here." At that moment Jennie raised her gaze and saw Hanbin with the girl she had seen in Lisa's bed. "You can go back to your girlfriend now that you know the babies are okay." She broke the hug and reclined in the bed.

"You really want me to go?" Lisa asked looking straight into Jennie's eyes.

Jennie shook her head slightly and whispered a 'no'.

"Then I'm not going anywhere." She smiled at Jennie.

"What about her?" She nodded towards the glass.

"Hanbin will take her to her house and I'll just talk to her later." She softly kissed Jennie's forehead. "Be right back."

"Wow, I can see why you like her." Barbara said nodding whilst checking Jennie out. "She's gorgeous, is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Just a little dehydrated and stressed." She exhaled. "Could you, maybe bring me some shoes?"

"Sure, I'll just take Barbs back to her place and then I'll come back."


"See you later, we need to talk about last night."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'll call you later." Barbara hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, just like Hanbin had done before they were gone.

Lisa took a seat in a chair that was close to the bed and grabbed Jennie's hand. "What were you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you but you were busy with that girl."

"And what was so important that it couldn't wait till I got back home?"

"I-I wanted to apologize to you, for the way I've been acting and how I've treated you. You don't deserve any of that, so I'm sorry. I really am."

"Well, I can't blame you for everything. I haven't been the best person to you either."

"But you tried, you were nice to me this past couple of days and I was just a bitch to you." She sniffled.

"What do you think about us starting fresh? I forget everything you've said and done to me and you do the same." She knew it was going to be hard to forget about the night at the club but she kept replaying the Doctor's words about keeping Jennie and the babies stress-free.

"Really?" Lisa nodded. "I'd loved that. Can you hold me, please?"

Lisa nodded and placed her arms around Jennie who nuzzled her head into Lisa's neck. "Was that all you wanted to say to me?"

Jennie shook her head but didn't say a word.

"...What else did you want to want to say to me?"

"That I li-." A knock on the door interrupted Jennie from finishing what she was going to say. A nurse walked inside with a tray full of food and told Jennie she needed to eat.

When the nurse left the room, Lisa talked again. "What were you saying?"

"Can we talk later? I'm really tired."

Lisa wanted to say no and keep talking but she knew Jennie needed to rest and eat her food so she just nodded and helped Jennie eat everything in the tray. Apparently, she hadn't eaten since the day before.

Once she was done Lisa placed the tray aside and laid next to Jennie, hugging her close to her body. Minutes later Jennie was sleeping peacefully in her chest, soon after she was closing her eyes too.

Lisa was woken up by Ji-yong and Dara's voices, they were standing next to the bed on Jennie's side. "Sorry, we woke you, sweetie."

"It's okay." She looked around the room and started to get up from the bed.

"Stay there, don't worry. How is she?"

"Tired and scared." Lisa said running a hand through her hair.

"I think we all are." Ji-yong talked. "I see you're together now."

Lisa looked at him confused as to why he said that. "Uh, no sir...we're not together."

"Oh, sorry. Uh I just...never mind."

"Ohkaay. Um, I need to call my cousin, so..." She pointed at the door and carefully untangled Jennie's arms from her and stepped outside the room.

"Go ahead, honey." He looked at Lisa's feet and then turned to look at his wife who was chuckling.

"Hey, baby. How are you?"

"Hey, Rosie. Um, I don't know." She reached the end of the hallway and sat against the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, Jennie is in the hospital."

"What?!." Rosé screeched through the phone. "Is she okay? Are the babies okay?"

"Yeah, the three of them are okay, Rosie but I got really worried." She ran a hand through her hair.

"I don't blame you, baby. What happened to her?"

"Uh, I really don't know. The Doctor said she was dehydrated and had a lot of stress plus her last meal was yesterday afternoon."

"She needs to take better care of herself but I'm glad they are okay."

"Me too, she apologized to me, Rosie." Lisa smiled, she never thought someday she would hear those words coming out of Jennie's mouth.

"She did? So, you're okay now?"

"Yes, I told her we could start fresh and she accepted."

"You think you can make it? I mean you don't have the best track record."

"I don't know about her but at least I'll do it. I don't wanna make something that could harm her or our babies." She felt someone standing in front of her and when her gaze was raised, she saw it was Hanbin. He was holding her sneakers, on one hand, a bag on the other one and Lisa's backpack on his shoulder. "Rosie, I gotta go. I'll call you later okay?"

"Alright, baby, take care and tell Jennie I said 'hi'."

"Will do, bye."

Hanbin handed her the bag that contained two styrofoam containers. "Eat something."

"Thanks, man."

"You're welcome. So." He sat next to Lisa on the floor. "Did you banged Barbs?"

Lisa choked with the bite of food she had in her mouth, she coughed a couple of times— Hanbin helped a little by hitting her in the back — and when she was okay, she swallowed the little food that was left. "You are definitely your sister's brother and I'm so no talking about this with you."

"Why not?"

"I thought you were supposed to be her brother's friend."

"I am but you're my friend too and I want to know if my friend got some last night. Right now, we're not talking about my friend's sister. We're talking about you, my friend."

"I'm not talking to you about it."

Luckily for Lisa, Ji-yong interrupted them saying that he was going out to get some food for them and that if they wanted anything. After showing him that Hanbin had already brought some food for her, Ji-yong asked Hanbin if he wanted to go with him. He accepted and left Lisa alone in the hallway.

She finished eating and sat there for a few more minutes after the scare her hangover was starting to catch up with her again. The food helped a little but her head was pouncing harder every passing second.

Knowing that she couldn't stay in the hallway all day she put her sneakers on and grabbed the bag with the food containers and her backpack, before walking to Jennie's room.

Through the door she heard muffled voices, she wasn't quite sure but thought she heard 'I'm sure she did nothing with that girl' or something along those lines. Not wanting to pry on Dara and Jennie's conversation she knocked on the door and opened it when Dara's voice told her she could come in.

"Lisa, darling, I thought you'll be going with Ji-yong to get some food."

"Hanbin brought some for me." She raised the bag in her hand. "So, I stayed here but Hanbin went with him."

"Good, so, are you having a good time here?"

"Yeah, it's pretty nice. It's really hot though and the sun burns like a bi-...really bad but other than that it's really cool."

"Not a big fan of hot weather?"

"No, ma'am, I prefer cold weather."

"Are you behaving? Jennie told me about some girl that was with you."

"Mom!" Jennie hissed from her bed. She couldn't believe her mom was asking that to Lisa.

Lisa blushed. " we met last night at the party Hanbin invited me to." She scratches the back of her neck feeling way too nervous.

"I see... Are you planning on seeing her again or it was just a one-night stand?"

Lisa felt like her face was on fire, was Mrs. Kim really asking her what she thought she was asking her?

"Mother, stop."

"We're amongst family, I'm sure Lisa doesn't mind. Right, darling?"

Lisa did mind...A lot, especially because she didn't want to talk about Barbara in front of Jennie. But she didn't want to be rude with the grandmother of her kids so she said no.

Even though she was dying inside.

"So... are you seeing her again?"

"Mama, please stop. Bec you don't have to answer." It wasn't that Jennie didn't want her mother asking those questions to Lisa as much as she didn't want to hear the answer. She didn't want to know that Lisa was going to see that girl again.

"It's okay Jen." She sent a small smile towards Jennie. "Uh, I don't- I don't really know ma'am." It wasn't technically a lie. I mean she was going to meet with Barbara again but she didn't know when.

"What do you have in your backpack?"

Lisa was glad that Jennie was changing the topic. "Oh, it's my laptop, Hanbin brought it along with my shoes."

"But I saw your laptop back at the apartment."

"Yeah, um Hanbin bought this one for me. He introduced me to one of his friends who happens to work at a record label in New York, so I needed it."

"Wow, that's amazing, Lis."

Lisa beamed. "Yeah, I mean he said he had to talk to his team about me and stuff but I don't know, it's something."

"It is." Jennie nodded, she wanted to hug Lisa so bad but since she had to stay in bed. She just told her how proud she was of her. She was still mad at Hanbin because in her mind he was responsible for Lisa meeting that other girl but she also was thankful that he was doing so much for Lisa.


"Baby, you're back!" Rosé exclaimed when she saw Lisa walking into the apartment, Hanbin was behind her.

Lisa chuckled at her cousin's enthusiasm. "I'm back." They hugged for a few minutes while Jisoo said hello to her brother.

Breaking their hug Rosé went to welcome Hanbin and Jisoo to Lisa. "Welcome back, kid."

"You're not that old, dude."

"No, but I'm cooler than you." She laughed and hugged Lisa.

"Fuck off."

"Go change your clothes girls, 'cause we're going out."

Before they had the chance to go to Rosé's room Lisa asked. "Where's Jennie?"

Rosé and Jisoo exchanged a look and Rosé were the ones who spoke. "She left, she came back from Miami and packed her bags."



Seeing the decreased comments on the last chapter. I kinda knew you weren't happy with the last. Trust me I felt that way reading this fic a long time ago. But what's shocking because that was my favorite chapter out of all.

Please have some faith with the two.

Don't forget to write about your thoughts of the chapter.

See you in the next one. =)

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