Breathing Blues

By ShatakshiVashishtha

33.8K 3K 2K

Ranking: #1 in bluefamily #1 in darshaners As of 25/07/20 Tara decides to carry on a stupid mistake because... More

Oh My God, He Thinks I'm A Callgirl!
I Shouldn't Have Done This
Get Your Shit Together
What A Morning!
Let's Keep It Buissnes
He'd Never Be Able To See Me
Life Surprises You
I Came To Check Up On You
Twenties Are A Piece Of Shit
You Think I'm Horny?
Average One!
It's HIM
You Remembered?
Write Bad Writeups
Hoping For The Best!
Next Topic - You
Cooler Lifestyle And Fashion Sense
I Wish I Stay The Same
It's Also The Right Word To Use
I Encourage You Not To Die
Happy 26 Raval!
- Tara
But Jerk
A Lot Of Mess
End Of It
Mistakes Maybe?
Life And Death
Think Less
Just Like That
Love, Time, Shadi
Blue Color
New Day, New Life
Cooler People
The World Is Beautiful
Things Move
Live By That
We Don't Die Today
He Makes Me Feel What The Sky Does
We Knew
Didn't Made Sense
I'll Wait For You
Can I Unexist?
Don't Do Anything Stupid
You're Fucked
Here We Go!
Change Of Plans
Bye Bye Haridwar
At The Time
Happy One Year

This Shouldn't Have Happened

735 62 62
By ShatakshiVashishtha

09 -

"So, you don't want to ask why am I here?", Darshan asked, as we sipped our coffees in complete silence until he decided to break that ice.

"As soon as you're ready, man", I jerked back resting my back at the back of the sofa.

"So, I meant when I said I came to check up on you. I was kind of thinking about you since a couple of days", he looked at me.

How did I cross his head?




Um, well it's sort of...some attention which I'm not used too. I didn't notice but I was thinking for too long and it was awkward...again.

If I'd to name this relationship something it'd be 'AWKWARD AF'.

"I'm starving!!!", I sighed, getting up.

"It's almost 12, midnight", he looked at me and I shrugged.

What is this guy even?

"So, your appetite comes in according to time. Very punctual. Mine doesn't", I walked into the kitchen. "You don't have to stay there sitting awkwardly Raval", I said out loud and moments late I heard footsteps and he appeared.

"I was about to leave", he clicked his lips as I kept the pan of Maggi on the stove.

"Too bad, I thought you'll stay for Maggi but nevermind I'll just have it", I suppressed my smile. "Well, thanks for coming! It was nice having some company", I added, quickly.

"We barely talked. It was too awkward...Tara", Darshan widened his eyes which made me chuckle as I added salt and stirred the noodles.

"Comfort comes after you've had awkward Raval!", I stated. "Also, people don't come to my house to check up on me often. It's new. Everyone always has a reason or a purpose, to complete an assignment or party or movie or an all nighter, I don't know. It was good to have someone who was genuinely awkward and had nothing in mind", I looked at him and resumed, "or did you had something in mind?", I questioned, raising a brow.

I waited to ask this since so long.

"HEY! If you think I was here to have sex with you then NO!", he retorted immediately and I sitrred the noodles again without looking at him.

"See, we came clean", I smiled at him.

"Oh, what a bit-", he stopped abruptly probably his cele-manners struck him.

"Your celebrity manners just hit you, boom! Public imagine - 01, Darshan Raval - 00", I commented and he made a nasty face.

"Please, okay? Please! You did that on purpose", Darshan slightly leaned on the kitchen slap as I took two plates out of the shelf.

"What on purpose exactly Raval?", I asked him, placing the plates on the slap.

"Oh, you know well Vaid", he said in a challenging tone and I looked back at him, he was half smiling. Ooo, hey you just made friends with him but than when has it ever worked? Pfft.

"I know nothing", I rolled my lips, serving Maggi in both the plates.

"You know everything, I can see that Vaid", he winked and I gulped handing him his plate. This surname game was too strong. "Spoon?", Darshan softly mentioned.

"You want chopsticks?", I smirked and gave him the chopsticks.

I kind of had an obsession with chopsticks and after years of trying I learnt how to use them properly so I've quite a collection, like an Avengers one and one with cute little bunnies and a steel one and one this wooden type of.

"I've no fucking idea how to use them", Darshan held the chopsticks I was offering when his phone rung. He glanced at it for a brief second and shoved it back in his pocket. "Where were we?", he asked.

"Oh, you'll learn okay? I will teach you", l told him as we walked back to the living room. We sat on the same sofa. Broken sofa precisely.

"You place one up there and then down there and now move it. For every noodle that falls I'll take a bite from your bowl", I stated and I could feel his glare on me. "What?", I looked at him.

"Really? You'd be that ridiculous? You know it's almost treason to steal Maggi from someone else's share plus I saw that you put more noodles on your plate and less in mine", he complained.

I thought he didn't notice.

"Whoever makes the Maggi gets more", I said, recalling all the times my sister made Maggi and I stole it from her plate. "And it's my favourite food so I promise if we ever had your favourite food, you get more", I said taking a beautiful bite of Maggi.

"Listen, you called me something the other night in some language. I don't know something like
mons--something", he said trying to take a bite and dropped it off on his denim. He looked at me, blankly with a childish face. I picked it up for him and kept his in front of his mouth. He opened it and had it. I knew what he was talking about.

"Monsieur, its French. It means sir", I told him.

"You know French?", he asked, curiously.

"No, I don't. I tried learning languages but it's really hard. I know bits and pieces. I just feel different languages are so beautiful. Like look for instance, Urdu - what a language. It adds soul to the words. Spanish, it's almost romantic. French, it's definitely sexy. Latin, it's hell of a classic", I told him. "But I've read translated works of Spanish, Urdu, French and Latin authors", I added, eating.

Darshan was doing okay with the chopsticks, not that bad for an amateur.

"Do you think it's bad to cheat on your girlfriend?", he asked and I coughed hard. I was the least eligible person to ask that.

"I'm not capable for answering that, Raval. It's definitely bad and I think I've had my share in it. There's so many guys who're in a relationship that I've had sex with so I'm equally responsible but then I'm not as well because it's not the girl. They would cheat anyway irrespective of who they're cheating with", I thought briefly. "But you know then I also think, lust is strong. I mean, love is when you fall completely in awe of...their body and their soul and their head and...wait I'm rambling too much", I looked at him and he looked from his chopsticks at me. Poor thing.

I got up quickly and came back giving him a spoon. He denied it in a split second.

"Seriously, it's stupid! You don't have to do this", I sat back.

"Now, I'm gonna finish it with this and this only", he held the chopsticks up.

Egoistic, huh?

"And no it was good hearing your views on this specific topic our generation suffers with", he sarcastically declared, but he was scoffing himself.

"A generation of dicks, dorks, whores and sluts", I laughed.

"Except, introverts", he added and I coughed into laughter.

"Hey, easy", he rubbed my back gently.

"Don't say hillarious things if you don't want me to die choking on my favourite food", I gulped some water and he smiled at me.

"You're not that cringe in real life like you're in that Asal Mein's video", I commented and I could feel a sharp glare on him. "Listen, you were trying too hard and she wasn't that gorgeous. Also, you were way out of her league and she dropped you for that duck looking guy, not realistic", I added.

"Don't be a mean bitch, okay?", Darshan rolled his eyes.

"Oh, please I'm a mean bitch. You got the girl food at night, no boyfriend does that. No one. Absolutely no fucking one", I threw my hand in the air and he jerked back off laughing. 

"If I was your boyfriend I'd get you food at night", he said it and almsot instantly both of us realized he shouldn't have said that.

"But you can't be because I'm one of those mean girls in american shows who has this big ass commitment phobia", I said, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Do you?", he asked, smiling.

"Yes, it's the regular basic 'I'm focusing on my career so I don't want to get too involved'. Casualty works for me", I told him and he nodded.

"Look", Darshan showed me his empty bowl. It took him long but I'm glad he was there.

"Yeah super", I got up with both of the bowls.

Walking to the kitchen I threw them in the sink and walked back with a bottle of cold water. I passed it to Darshan and he held it.

"So, what's your story?", I asked him and he looked at me, surprised.

"What?", he asked.

"Your story?", I vaguely gestured as I sat in front of him.

"So, I wanted to do music since I was in 7--", I interrupted him, "-this is the same bickering you do in every fucking interview. Your story means, how did you ended up cheating on your girlfriend although you seem that type but after knowing you a little I've come to this observation that you wouldn't cheat on someone that easily", I opinionated.

"I'm single", he stated in a second. "I just asked you that because I wanted to hear a different point of view, it's creative process", he added rapidly and I looked on.

"I know someone needs to break this out to you so here to goes", I stopped for a second, inhaled sharply, "everybody knows you're not single! I mean look at you dude, it's not believable anymore so cut the crap", I exhaled.

"God, I'm messed", he opened his shoes and sat, resting his back on the sofa, crossing his legs. He was wearing shoes all this time?

"Fuck this! Yes, I've a l girlfriend and she's super pretty and I love her very much but I don't know what happened we just stopped feeling it or I did. I don't know we talked about it and we mutually agreed on no sex for a while and well it had been too long and I was super hammered the night we met and then you and I had sex and it was good sex and I needed it. I was too frustrated. You know, I don't get it why the fuck it is awkward to talk about sex or your body in a relationship? No one gets awkward while getting naked but the moment you want to talk about something serious and logical, it's awkward. What's the damn problem? It's even mentioned in our holy books or something of that sort, right?", he looked at me while I was processing all the information he just passed.

"Yes, the famous kama sutra. You know I've read the whole thing and it's bloody erotic", I smiled at thinking of all the things I'd read when Darshan broke the silence.

"Exactly! I don't know we connect in every way, feelings, choices, understanding. Our statuses match and everything at all except for bed these days. What has happened? And I want to tell her that I cheated on her...technically", he sighed.

"Okay, hold on. (A) you're not telling her, don't feed me the crap of how will I look at her or do her, you want to spoil your relationship because you slept with someone you thought was a prostitute, get over it! (B) how long have you been dating her?", I asked.

"Around 6 years", Darshan replied and I stared at him. He's technically married to the girl.

"What? Of course you've lost the spark. I don't know about relationships that much especially in front of you who has managed to be with one girl for six years but I know about sex very well. I was a curios teenager but nevermind that. The spark dies, Raval. Do creative sex, strech your imagination, bloody read Kama Sutra if you have to", I said what I thought was the best.

"Do you think that'll do?", he asked.

"Babe, it works. Go BDSM, go big, go huge", I grinned.

"No, not that far", he scoffed and I chuckled.

"But also, don't forget to like slow dance with her, cook her a meal and that sort of romantic junk because that'll make it perfect", I told him.

"Thanks", he said.

"How many days had you bottled up all this info in you?", I mocked and he made a face.

"A lot of, I couldn't even tell my friends", Darshan looked around and I thought of the famous boys bro-code.

"Too bad, the problem is solved. Try it, it'll work", I assured him and he started wearing his shoes.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you so late at night without even telling you that I'm coming but thanks for the coffee and the Maggi. I'd a nice time and we'll meet soon", he stood up, looking at me.

"Don't ruin it Raval with all your formality, it's fine. We're friends now, aren't we?", I looked at him and he gave me a half smile.

"Yes, Vaid", he mentioned, walking towards the door.

We were standing there looking at each other, about to say bye. It was a nice time I'd with him not out. I forwarded my hand for a handshake and he stretched his arms for a hug simultaneously. I stretched my arms and he forwarded his hand this time.


"Hug?", I stretched my arms and he nodded, smilingly.

I locked my arms around his neck and I was getting a strong déjà vu. As I pulled back softly his cheek brushed against mine, I could feel his beard and my toes hurt because he was so tall. I was looking at him and I could feel my heart which was about to combust because even my lusty heart didn't see that coming plus it didn't wanted it.

He collided his lips with mine and there it was! My lips automatically responded.


He didn't hesitated, he worked his way very well and in the haste, for the first time I couldn't note when did it ended. As he ended giving me chasing bite at the end of the kiss, I could feel the urge to do more but I controlled my hormones and stepped back. Tugging my hair behind my ears, I managed to lift my head up meeting his eye.

He felt weirdly calm which I wasn't.

Boy, I wanted more but I couldn't bring myself to it and there he was standing composed.

"Sorry about that! We'll catch up", he said before walking towards the staircase. I watched until Darshan disappeared and then closed the door.

Leaning to it I thought about it all and I could still feel my body which was all tensed up. This wasn't supposed to happen but I don't regret it either.

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