The Prince (Harry Styles)

By amandaJtommo

3.7M 124K 53.9K

Book #1 in the Kingdom of Ula Series In the kingdom of Ula, Prince Harry has come of age to look for his ne... More

Before You Read
World Confusion
To My New Readers....
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
2019 Acknowledgments

Chapter 42

54K 1.9K 404
By amandaJtommo

It's a hot chapter!


The planning for the Christmas ball was well underway. I was growing more and more excited as the date came upon us. Today, Queen Anne and I were sitting in her powder room with dozens upon dozens of invitations that needed to be sealed and sent to the guests. Queen Anne has just taught me how to use the royal seal and it frightened me at possibly being burnt by the hot liquid.

The invitations are red and gold with white snowflakes on them. A small diamond was placed in the center of the snowflake for an effect. I was surprised by the expensive gesture, but Queen Anne assured me that they put a jewel on all invitations. It surprised me, but it shouldn't. She lives this extravagant life and I grew up with nothing. I was just being introduced to her life. 

"Excited for Christmas?" Anne asked me. 

"Yes," I smiled with a nod. "It's always a beautiful time of year."

"It is," she smiled. "I believe if we finish these in the next hour, my son has a plan to do something with you. He was whining about it this morning."

"Does he?" I asked.

"It's my son, I don't know what he has planned," she laughed shaking her head. "All I know is that he's been somewhere in the garden since after breakfast. I'm sure you two will have fun today."

I smiled and thought of what he was doing, it could essentially be anything. But the fact that he has been outside in the cold for a few hours was slightly worrying. I didn't want him getting ill or harming himself for me. 

"It is so fucking cold outside!" I heard a distant voice yell. I began laughing as did Anne. He was back. 

"Where did he learn that language?" Anne shook her head.

"Your daughter," I chuckled pouring the liquid wax on the envelope and pressing the stamp down on it. I let it sit as it cooled watching as the dark red liquid hardened. "There isn't much left to do for the ball," I noted with a smile on my face. 

"Next week already," she grinned. "I can't believe how fast it is coming. Soon enough your wedding will be right around the corner."

"Unfortunately, I am still not engaged," I smiled to her. "But I know what you mean."

"So much can happen in a year," she smiled. "It's so hard to believe you been here for almost half a year."

"I know," I nodded. "It's hard to believe myself."

"Your family is invited to the ball by the way," she smiled. "I'm sure they will love to see you."

"I'm sure," I nodded. "I told them I've been busy that's why I haven't popped round."

"Understandable," she nodded. "Harry is still recovering from the gunshot and you are just a girl in love. I understand."

Just as I was about to respond, the door opened to a rosy cheeked Prince Harry walking in rubbing his mitten covered hands together. I smiled to him as he walked over to me pressing a kiss to my cheek. His face felt like ice against my warm skin. 

"Ready to go?" he asked looking down at me and then back up to his mother.

"I think you should warm up a little bit," I said tugging at his hand making him sit down. "It would be wise to warm up before heading outside."

"As you wish," he sighed taking a seat beside me. He cupped his hands together blowing his warm breath into his hands. I let out a soft sigh shaking my head as I wondered what in the world we could be doing today. 

Eleanor came from the shadows bringing Harry a warm cup of tea. He thanked her as she retreated to the back room. He sipped at the tea, his top lip stuck outwards as a slurping sound erupted as he slowly drank his tea.

"Harry," Anne said.

"It's hot," he muttered turning away from her continuing to slurp at his beverage. 

"You are twenty-years-old, Harry Edward."

"I don't hear Gemma being yelled at," he said with a smile. Anne gave a playful glare as she shook her head. Harry hooked his foot under my chair sliding me to him. I instantly gripped the bottom of my seat so I didn't fall out.

"Thanks for that," I said shaking my head. "What are we doing today?"

"Just dress warm and you shall be fine," he smiled holding the cup to his cheeks. "I have everything covered. Surprises are nice and it's winter outside."

"No shit dick tracy," Gemma rolled her eyes as she walked into the room. "Eleanor came and got me since 'Prince Harry has a lovely afternoon planned with Ms. Price,'" she smiled as she sat down in the last empty seat. "Personally, I think her and Louis are spending some quality time together."

"That's nice," I smiled standing up. "I'm going to go get changed."

"I'll come with you," he whispered wiping off his mouth and bidding his mother and sister goodbye. I waited patiently by the door and extended my hand out toward him as he made his way to me. When he was within arm's reach, he locked our hands together smiling at me.

"So I take it we're going to be outside?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes," he nodded giving a soft chuckle. "What gave it away?" he joked.

"I don't know," I said looking up at the ceiling. "The 'It's fucking cold outside!' that we heard from outside the sitting room," I stated pointedly giving Harry a look. He let out a gentle laugh and leaned over kissing my cheek.

We walked into my bedroom silently, our hands parted shortly after we entered the room. I opened my wardrobe and found some warm clothes. I decided on some jeans, boots, a long jacket, and the other obvious winter wear. I stripped the clothes I had on and began getting dressed. As I was sliding the jeans on I felt a cool hand slide across my waist. A small smile appeared on my lips as I leaned into the touch.

"I still can't get over how beautiful you are," he murmured into my neck. 

"I think you should let me finish getting dressed," I breathed not wanting his touch to leave. I couldn't trust myself if I allowed him to continue his soft touches. We would never leave the room.

"Fine then," he said kissing my cheek letting his hand slowly drop from my side. The sudden absence of his touch growing more prominent in the back of my mind.

I finished getting dressed and turned to face Harry who stood by the doorway with a smile on his face. Harry opened the door for me to walk through. He trailed behind me grabbing my wrist and pulling me to his front. 

"No matter what you are wearing, you look sexy as fuck," he all but growled in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine as I continued walking.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked choosing to ignore his statement.

"Not the garden, a different place," he smiled dangling a set of keys in front of my eyes. 

He led us to a large black truck where one of the palace help opened the door for each of us climbed in. Harry started the engine and checked his mirrors adjusting them slightly. He shifted the car and began to drive. He switched the radio on letting it quietly play in the background.

Our destination was a snow covered park we've visited only once before. Back when the love we share wasn't a thing, we were simply friends at that time. I glanced over at Harry who had a smile on his face. He got out of the car walking around to the trunk, popping it open and pulling the back down. I saw a variety of things in the back not knowing what exactly we were doing. Harry patted the trunk instructing me to sit on it.

"It's going to be cold, but we are going to have a fantastic time," Harry smiled giving me a peck on my lips. He pulled out a pair of ice skates from behind me. 

"Ice skating?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I'll have you know I made an ice rink," he smirked to me. "I made something."

"Oh did you?" I asked as he slid my boots off my feet. "How?"

"I bought jugs of water, put them in the trunk, made the barriers of the rink, and poured the ice in said barriers. I've been working on this project for a while," he admitted sheepishly. "But I did it for us to have a lovely time. Also, I tested it out this morning and it seems good to go."

"That's good," I smiled as he sat beside me putting his own skates on his feet. "I am just glad to be able to spend the day with you."

"Yeah?" he smiled. "I love getting to spend my days with you. I can't wait until we can freely spend time together."

"Me too," I smiled watching as he finished lacing up his skates. He carefully hopped off the trunk and held his arms out for me to take. I slowly slid off the trunk almost crashing into Harry.

"Careful there," he smiled holding me close to his side. "I'm going to lock up the truck," he said grabbing his keys from his coat pocket and pressing a button before the car beeped. He smiled down at me and began pulling me to his masterpiece.

"Here it is," he said holding out his free arm. "Possibly the greatest piece of work I've ever made. I labored over this for days," he said looking at me. "So I hope you enjoy it."

"I'm sure I will," I grinned as he stepped onto the ice. I carefully stepped on soon after he did, but I felt myself begin to lose the grip of my balance.

"I've got you, Em," he promised holding me close to him. 

I knew he had me, he never lied to me in this sense. No matter what, he made me feel safe even when I doubted my own safety. Harry's large hands gripped my waist tightly, our bodies molded together as we stood still on the ice. 

"I'm going to back away and pull you along," he whispered looking into my eyes. I nodded as he slowly pushed off of me. "Don't think much about it," he smiled as I felt myself being pulled forward.

My stomach dropped as I felt my balance begin to loose itself. Out of instinct, I pulled Harry and we both crashed onto the glass ice. Harry groaned as his force met my inertia. His mitten covered hand caressed my face looking me over; inspecting me.

"You alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile. "I can't say I'm surprised we fell."

"You didn't have to take me with you," he chuckled kissing my lips. "I'm kidding, babe. However, next time you can land on me."

"Yeah, because that's totally practical," I snorted. "I'm beginning to get cold," I murmured. "My back."

"Right," he said pulling me up off the ice. "You have got ice shavings all over your ass."

"Who's fault is that Your Royal Highness?" I asked sticking my tongue out at him.

"Shut up," he murmured pulling me to him. "I was testing it out," he said with a smile on his face. 

"You just don't want to admit that you like ice skating," I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck. "Admit it."

"I'm not going to say I don't like it because I do," he laughed. "It's better when there's someone with you to share the experience with," he murmured looking at my lips. He soon bent down molding our lips together.

Every kiss felt like the first one. Each kiss felt like a breath of fresh air. Crisp and always refreshing. The days we were apart, I only wanted him. I wanted to feel him—every part of him. This feeling was something I was feeling right now and I knew he was feeling something similar. Harry pulled me as close to him as it was physically possible. 

"Let's go to the car," he murmured between kisses. 

I nodded as he pulled the both of us back to the edge of the homemade ice rink. As soon as he hit the snow, he lifted me by the waist and I carefully wrapped my legs around him. Our lips were locked tight together, our mouths moving as one. He reached behind me as he untied my skates pulling them off of my feet. He opened the truck and set me on the edge as he took his own skates off quickly. He left both pairs of skates outside the truck. 

I climbed over the back seat sitting on the bench. Harry closed the truck up and came over to me quickly peeling away the layers of clothing. He took his keys out and started the car turning the heat on and turned back to me. I pushed him down on the seat climbing onto his lap.

"You sure like taking charge," he smirked to me.

"I sure do," I said kissing his lips as I undid his belt buckle and unzipped his trousers. I let my hands roam over his chest and slid on into his pants. A gasp escaped Harry's mouth, his hips bucking upwards.

"God Emerald," he groaned letting his head fall back against the headrest. I slid my thumb over the tip of his penis running it back and forth a few times knowing it was driving Harry absolutely crazy.

Harry hands went to my clothes as he took them off of me. His mouth greedily nipped at my skin. I lolled my head to the side allowing him access to my neck that I know he loves to suck on. I pulled his trousers down grabbing the condom from the pocket. I put the small packet between my lips as I stood up and stepped out of my own trousers. He watched me with lust filled eyes as I did this.

"I can't believe you're mine," he gasped as I was now stark naked before this beautiful man known as Prince Harry. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world and you are all mine," He whispered pulling me back to his bare body. 

"I'll always be yours," I whispered kissing his lips biting down on his bottom lip. A throaty groan escaped his lips when I did this making me smirk in satisfaction. 

I took the packet and ripped it between my teeth. Taking its contents, I rolled the rubber onto Harry's length slowly while looking in his eyes. I knew we were about to make love, but in the back of my mind, I was contemplating doing something different than before. I mean, we've both never had sex in a car before, but I mean a different position. 

"Up," I instructed him. He furrowed his brows and obliged my request. "Can you fold this down?" I asked pointing to what we were just sitting on.

"Yeah," he nodded. I gave him a look and he folded it down as quickly as possible. I could see his fingers slightly shaking at the urgency he needed to finish it. 

As soon as the back was a flat surface, Harry lay back down. I straddled his waist once again. I kissed his shoulders, peppering small kisses down his torso on his inked skin. My hand ran over his pubic hair lingering over his penis. He sucked in a deep breath when I bowed my head down sucking at his balls lightly and giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Oh fuck," he groaned as he sat up on his elbows. I smirked deciding to do what I had planned in the back of my mind. I turned around tossing my hair over one of my shoulders.

"Jesus, what the fuck are you doing?" Harry asked breathlessly now noticing I was no longer facing him. 

I never answered him. Instead, I reached between my legs and took hold of his penis steadying it just below me for me to slide down onto. As soon as I lowered myself onto him, the wholeness filled me and a loud moan erupted from Harry. I firmly placed both of my hands on Harry's knees for balance. I moved my hips, rocking them back and forth as I took charge. Harry's hands collided with my ass clutching the flesh tightly. 

The feeling left me breathless as Harry's hips moved along with me. The moans and gasps erupting from both of us was enough to drive me over the edge. The feeling I had while rocking back and forth on Harry was indescribable. The feeling I had for him drove me over the edge as it is, but the experiences only I would ever have with him made this even more important. He showed me who I was sexually and I loved the feeling of us together. We fit together like two puzzle pieces.

Harry pushed me up so he was no longer inside of me. He pulled me down so I was lying next to him on my side. He gripped me pulling me closer to him. He took hold of my leg holding it up as he pushed himself back inside of me taking control once more. I threw my leg over his and he gripped my torso, his fingers playing with my nipples.

His thrusts weren't slow or even, they were rough and deep. The feeling of deep satisfaction filled me as his thrust in and pulled all the way out before repeating this gesture. My lips were parted and my eyes were screwed shut as the intense amount of pleasure filled me to the bone.

"God Em," he groand. "You're so tight," he said biting down at my shoulder. "It's fucking hot."

I could feel the tight fire burning inside of me as Harry made love to me. I clutched Harry's hand tightly moaning.

"I'm so close," he grunted.

Soon enough I hit my high and I knew Harry had too. His thrusts grew sloppy and slowed down as he twitched inside of me. His hold on my relaxed and he pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder. 

"I love you," he panted trying to catch his breath. 

"I love you too," I said turning my head to him. He kissed my lips gently as his hand gripped my waist and he pulled out of me. He took the condom off and tied it up.

"I could make love to you every day," he said to me. "You are so beautiful."

"I could spend the rest of time with you and be perfectly okay," I smiled. "But making love is good, too."

Harry chuckled kissing my lips. I cupped his cheeks and looked into his wild eyes. He looked at me with a look of adoration and he definitely showed that to me. Whenever I was with him, I felt nothing less than adored and loved. He was my all. If only time was endless, we could spend an eternity like this.

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