The Hearts Behind the Silver...

Da Allisonann12

113 35 45

Olivia has struggled to make it as an actress, until now. She finds herself landing the role of a lifetime. B... Altro



4 3 4
Da Allisonann12

When we got back to my apartment, I grabbed some nice clothes and got dressed. I even went as far as doing my makeup and hair. Going out was not a common occurrence for me. So, I figured I should take the opportunity seriously.

"I called us a cab... whoa." He looked at me with a very shocked expression on his face.


"You're dressed up."

"Yeah. We're celebrating, remember? Besides, you're dressed up."

"I guess. Let's get out of here."

"This isn't going to be like one of those times back home when you would find a cute girl and leave me sitting there all night alone, right?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Because, that's what always happened back home."

"Well, I promise it won't happen."

"Ok. Let's go."

We walked down and got into the cab waiting for us. I asked our driver to take us to a bar close to my place. It was a little hole in the wall with cheap drinks and rock music blaring in the background.

We found a little table in the back and sat down.

"I'm going to go grab us some drinks." Connor walked over to the bar.

I sat there, people watching. It was an older crowd. A few bikers here and there. A few people my age. There were a few pool tables and some dart boards, a stage with live music playing. All in all, a cozy little spot.

"Here." He handed me a drink.

"Thank you."

"We haven't done this in a long time."

"I know. It's way over due."

"Well, now we can do stuff like this all the time."

"I'm glad you're here, Connor"

"Me too. Now, let's do some shots."

I lost count of how many drinks we had both had. We spent the night talking and laughing. I felt like an actual person. For the first time in a long while, I didn't have to sit home and be by myself.

Hours flew by, and eventually, we called it a night. Once we got back to my building, we both had a hard time stumbling up the stairs. We both flopped down onto our beds and passed out.

The next morning, I woke up to the lovely sound of my brother puking. The light was so bright, I couldn't open my eyes. I stumbled out of bed to the kitchen counter and grabbed my sunglasses. My head was pounding.

I went over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Been better." He yelled back.

"Need anything?"

"A better alcohol tolerance."

I went back to the kitchen and got into my cupboard. I pulled out a bottle of aspirin and popped a couple. I couldn't wait for them to kick in so I could see again.

My brother emerged from the bathroom and laid down on my bed.

"This bed feels amazing." He mumbled into my pillow.

"Once we find a better apartment with actual bedrooms, you can get an actual bed."

"The sooner, the better."

"Well, we're half-way there. We both have jobs to pay for it. Now, we just need to get a place."

"Do you have work today?"


"Good. Go make me breakfast."

"No. My head is pounding."

"Can you at least order some carry out or something?"

"Ugh. Fine. Hand me my phone."

"Whatever you order, make it greasy."

"You got it."

Just as I went to dial, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello. Is this Olivia Baileigh?"

"Yes, it is."

"This is Becky from the audition. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. And you?"

"I'm great. I was calling to let you know about the audition and who we have selected for the part."

"Oh, ok."

"Congratulations, Olivia. You got the part!"

"What... are you serious?!"

"I am. We're having the script delivered to your address today. We will see you Monday. The address of the studio and everything you need will be in the same packet as the script."

"Oh my gosh. Thank you!"

"You earned it. Have a wonderful day."

"You too."

I set the phone down on the counter and put my hands on my head. I wasn't daydreaming this time. This really happened!

"I assume that call had nothing to do with food." Connor's voice croaked. To be honest, I had forgotten that he was there.



"I did it..."

"Did what?"

"I... got the part."

He shot up from the bed and walked over to me.

"You're serious, right? This isn't one of your stupid jokes?"

"No... I'm serious."

"OLIVIA!" He threw his arms around me.

"This is amazing! You're going to be in a movie!" He screamed.

"I think I'm still in shock..."

"That's ok, Liv. It's big news."

"What about my job at the bookstore?"

"You said they have been pulling for you. They will understand. Besides, I can help them out when I'm not working maintenance."

"You're right. I can work there in my spare time."

"I think you might be too busy, Liv."

"I love that job. I'll find a way."

"Well, we can go down to the store and talk to them."

"Good idea. I'll get ready."

"Ok, so will I."

We both got dressed and drove down to the bookstore. My heart was racing. I was nervous to tell them. I didn't want them to be mad at me. But this was my dream. And as much as I love my job, I couldn't let it stand in the way.

"Oh. Hello, Olivia." Josie said.

"Hi. Is Frank here?"

"No, he wasn't feeling up to it today. Who's this you've got with you?"

"This is my twin brother, Connor."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." He extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Connor. What's going on?"

"I got the part in that movie I auditioned for the other day."

"Oh, Olivia! That's wonderful news!"

"I start Monday. I'm really sorry."

"Sorry? This is what you have been dreaming about. Never apologize for following your dreams."

"What about the store?"

"We will manage."

"I want to work on days I have off."

"Well, when you have time off, you can let me know."

"Connor said he can help when he isn't working his other job."

"Well then, Connor. We would love to have you so we can have a day off now and then."

"I will be working nights on call. So, I can work any time." He told her.

"Why don't you come in Monday around noon, and we can show you around?"

"I'll be here."

"Well, you kids go out and celebrate. I will pass the news on to Frank. I know he will be thrilled for you."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon."

"And I will see you Monday."

"Ok. You kids have fun."

"Thank you." We both responded.

We walked back and got in the car.

"See? She was thrilled for you." He said.

"I'm so glad. I was so nervous."

"Let's go grab something to eat. She's right, we have to celebrate."

"I'm still sick from last night's celebration."

"We will just stick with lunch and dinner today. Whatever you want."

"Thanks. I could go for some breakfast food."

"I could go for some bacon."

"I know a place we can order in from. I feel like being home if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I feel like hell. I could use a nap."

"Good. Me too."

We ended up dozing most of the day away. And when we weren't sleeping, we were eating the most greasy food we could find.

I spent the weekend memorizing and running lines. I wanted to be prepared. I didn't want to appear to be out of place when Monday came. I knew I could be easily replaced, and that drove me to keep practicing.

My poor brother ran so many lines with me. He was so patient and understanding, like always. He gave me constructive criticism, and kept practicing with me. I couldn't have asked for better support in this crazy time in my life.

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