Time Turner Mishaps {Under Ed...

Od JcBelle32

139K 2.9K 1K

"It's one of my many talents. Pranking, annoying you, and being a pillow." "You can add kissing to that list... Více

Author's Note
*Chapter 1
*Chapter 2
*Chapter 3
*Chapter 4
*Chapter 5
*Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
*Chapter 17
*Chapter 18
*Bonus Chapter
Fun Facts

Chapter 14

4.7K 134 7
Od JcBelle32

Lena's POV-1995

Thundering footsteps running down the stairs shook the house, leaving nothing but the tinkling echoes of laughter in its wake, stirring me from my sleep. Rolling onto my back, I looked around the room noticing I was the last one up, and was clearly abandoned for the delights Molly no doubt whipped up for breakfast.

The buzzing of voices permeated through the walls and whispered in my ears like a soothing lullaby. I focused on each voice, matching it to its person, smirking when I recognized Fred(I)'s deep, boisterous laugh, snickering at Hermione's famous, stern, no nonsense voice and smiling softly as I took comfort in Cole's playful banter.

Yet, as I listened closer there were voices I couldn't identify, the next generation, acting as a reminder that everything that happened yesterday was real, although I wish it was a dream.

I let out a sigh as my eyes focused on Ginny's Holyhead Harpies posters, too lost in thought to really see them. A ball of lead filling my stomach as I recalled all the things the next generation have told us. So many people I love, killed by that monster.

I shook the thought from my mind. I couldn't afford to think such things for it will only torture my mind. Making me anxious, fearful and depressed as I wait for the days in which I will fail at saving my family. Instead I wanted to enjoy the few moments I had left with them like today.

Sitting up I left the fear for my loved ones behind with my sleep and instead embraced the happy moments in the future like marrying Cole, becoming a mother in less than two years, and most importantly the defeat of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

With nothing but warm thoughts I stood up, grabbing a change of clothes and walked across the hall to the bathroom. Smiling softly as I switched out my striped pajamas for the soft pink sundress I wore on my first date with Cole.

Spitting out the remainder of my toothpaste, I checked myself over in the mirror, deeming myself ready and placed my hand on the door knob when two loud screams reverberated through the air.

Whipping the door open I dashed down stairs and just barely had time to stop as the kitchen door swung open and a furious Albus and Rose stomped out with beaks on their faces and horns above their ears, squawking for Teddy and Ty.

I put a hand over my mouth to conceal my giggles but they both just glared at me clearly unamused with their situation.

"They're with the others playing with Buckbeak." I said as best as I could, but a chuckle made its way through and they both rolled their eyes and marched up the stairs.

Shaking my head, I walked into the kitchen and started drooling at the sight of Molly's homemade french toast. I never bothered eating them whenever I was at school for even the elves at Hogwarts could never compare to her cooking. She had ruined french toast for me, but I could never be more happy about it.

As I made my way into the kitchen I smiled and waved at everyone sitting at the magically extended table. Making sure to greet a good morning to each person and kiss Ella and Molly on the cheek before taking my seat with Ginny and Hermione at the other end of the table.

Hermione shook her head at me with a smile once I finally finished my round of good mornings. She was used to me doing this everyday at Hogwarts. I firmly believed that every morning should be started with a smile. It only took one person with a positive attitude to make your day and I was more than happy to be that person.

I looked around the room satisfied with everyone's wider smiles and more animated attitudes. With the Death Eaters coming out of hiding, the death of Cedric and Dementors attacking Harry, people struggled to smile now more than ever, and from what we've been told it would only get worse.

Filling my plate up with a mound of french toast and drenching it with syrup, I nudged Hermione with my elbow, "What happened to Albus and Rose? When I came down they stormed past me with quite an interesting look."

"That would be the handy work of Roxy and Fred Jr." Ginny pointed towards the two troublemakers cleaning the dishes in the kitchen, "They're off serving their sentence over there."

Hermione snorts and points her fork at the red head across from us, "You should've seen Ginny, she was a second away from hexing them for pranking Albus."

"Oh, please." Ginny scoffed, "You had the same look on your face that you wear whenever you lecture Harry and Ron."

Hermione blushed, looking down at the table, and I burst out laughing. It was so strange how Albus and Rose were the same age as Ginny and Hermoine, yet the two already felt the motherly urge to protect their future children.

Washing down my food with tea, I realized the same could be said about me. If anything it was even more strange for me since I was acting like a mother to Ty who's three year years older than me and the minute Davina was hurt yesterday, I didn't even hesitate to go comfort her.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up as the kitchen door swung open again. Albus walked in, beak free, with James and Davina's arms draped over both of his shoulders, and the three whispering deviously with each other.

Albus had a calculating glint in his emerald eyes, as he suppressed a sly smile. Revealing his Slytherin personality for a rare moment before covering it up with a facade of innocence. James wore an eager smirk as he looked towards Davina who's eyes held the same mischievous sparkle as her father's.

Leaning around Albus, James whispered into Davina's ear and she let out a barking laugh. Albus quickly covered her mouth, shushing her, although he too struggled to contain his laughter, and led the three over to the other end of the table, murmuring to each other quietly.

I watched the three, amused by their close relationship, although, two seemed closer than others.

My eyes didn't miss the fact that Davina and James sat closer together than they did yesterday or how they kept sneaking glances at each other when they thought no one was looking

I smirked into my tea as Davina got excited and unconsciously leaned further into James' side.

So, that's where she disappeared last night.

I chuckled under my breath as I remembered Davina sneaking back into the room when she thought everyone was sleeping. Before I had thought she just went to go to the bathroom but now it was clear she snuck out and met up with James.

Cole was going to kill him.

Shaking my head I turned back around as Dominique and Victoire sat down next to Ginny. I smiled warmly at the two, greeting them a goodmorning, as they filled their plates.

I had become rather fond of the two girls when we shared a room last night. We had stayed up for hours talking and getting to know one another. Well, it was mostly them asking me questions of my time in Hogwarts with their parents. Apparently, in the future all of my friends liked to keep the details to the minimum, so the four girls ate up all the information I could give them.

Roxy and Dominique loved when I told them about the Triwizard Tournament- although for different reasons.

Roxy was amazed by all the tasks that Harry and my good friend Cedric had to go through, and by all the drama Harry had faced about 'sneaking' his name in the goblet.

While Dominique was fascinated with the Yule Ball and how magical it was. Asking who wore what and who danced with who. 

The four were all rather surprised to hear of the argument between Hermione and Ron after the Ball and I was more than happy to tell it. It was the year the couple began showing their feelings for each other, even if it was in a rather unfriendly way, and I thought it was a crime Hermione didn't boast about how jealous she was able to make Ron (however unintentional it may have been).

However, Davina and Victoire were more excited to hear about how I met Cole and how we started dating. Seemingly curious to know about the apparent 'secret romance' they never heard about. 

It stung they didn't know about me, and that I was only known as Cole's lost love, for I was so much more than that, but I was still eager to tell them all about our history. 

Victoire, a young girl in love, was more than thrilled to hear of another love story. Especially one involving the only other blood relative of her fiance. She cooed when I explained how nervous the usually confident and intimidating Cole was the day he asked me on our first date and giggled when I told them of the time he got jealous of my friendship with Fred(I).

But with each story I told, Davina wouldn't say a word. Just stared at me and listened with rapt attention. Memorizing every word, thought, feeling, or detail I told them. The only time she spoke up was when she asked me to tell her about my time with Cole at the Yule Ball.

It was the most magical night of my life and one of my most cherished memories. With a wistful smile on my face, all I did was pull out my wand, summon a vile and extract the memory.

No words could explain how perfect that night was. It's a story that can never be told, but if I can't give my daughter much, I can give her this. Something to truly remember me by.

"Oh, no." Victoire groaned, snapping me out of my thoughts, "This is not good."

"I don't know, I kinda like the eggs-"

"Not that." Victoire scoffed at her sister.

Dominique and I followed her line of sight to Albus, James and Davina. The three talking in hushed whispers.

"Then what is it?" Hermoine furrowed her brows, not seeing the trouble the three on the other end of the table were causing.

"Whatever you do, I'd avoid Roxy and Fred(II) today." Dominique sipped her tea, completely unphased, as if she was used to this kind of behavior, "If you're in the same room, be careful of your surroundings."

"Constant vigilance!"

The five of us chuckled, laughing until we had stitches in our sides.

Catching her breath, Ginny was the first to calm down, "Why? Are they going to prank someone again? Because I already have to be careful of my brothers."

The blonde veela shook her head, "No, it's because James and Davina are going to prank them back."

"How can you be sure of that?" Hermione asked.

Taking a long sip of her tea, Victoire nodded her head towards the three troublemakers, "You can see them plotting from here."

Looking at James whisper something to Albus, I chewed on my bottom lip. Someone could get hurt if their prank goes wrong or they could get in trouble if they're caught!

"Should we stop them?"

Dominique just shrugged, doing little to appease my worry, "They messed with Al...one way or another they'll get the twins back. It's pointless trying to stop them."

Ginny stared at the other redhead in shock, "They'd really do all that for Albus?"

Dominique nodded, and Ginny looked over at James with pride. Happy that her son would stick up for his sibling like that.

"If someone outside of the family pranks us, it's a given we'd get them back." Dominique answered, swallowing a piece of toast, "But, if there's pranking in the family, everyone is fair game...except for Al and Benji."

"Why's that?" I furrowed my brows, "I can imagine why Benji's safe, he's the family baby, but why Albus?"

Scooping more eggs onto her plate, Victoire explained, "Albus has been close with James and Davina since they were in nappies." Ginny and I shared a look of surprise, not realizing how close our kids are, "Before Lily was born, Al was the original baby to them. They'd play hide and seek with him, cheer him up if he cried, run and get Harry or Ginny if he got hurt. They've always been protective of him, it's quite cute, really. Then when Albus joined them at Hogwarts, people started giving him problems and they got even more protective. They don't let anyone mess with him, family or not... only James has that privilege."

Ginny, Hermione and I stared at her with our jaws dropped in shock. The redhead and brunette because they can't believe how strongly they care for Albus. Whereas I'm shocked because I didn't realize Davina caused any trouble.

"Wait, so you're telling me Davina pranks people too?" I groaned, "I should've seen this coming since Cole is her father."

Dominique and Victoire cracked up laughing. Only making me feel like what I said may have been an understatement.

"Oh, yeah." Dominique chuckled.

"Been that way since she grew up with James, Roxy and Fred(II)." Victoire added, with a mirthful smile, "If anything, I'd say she's the worst of them all. She's more cunning than you'd think."

"What!" My eyes widened in horror, while Hermione and Ginny burst out laughing.

Victoire sips her tea smirking, "They'd never admit it but back when I used to babysit them as kids I once overheard them plotting a prank on Teddy and while the others may come up with the pranks and the execution, Davina is the one who figures out how to get away with it all."

Dominique took a bite of her eggs adding, "Some of us joke that she should've been put in Slytherin with how sneaky she can be."

Before I could respond, a soft, sweet, innocent voice piped in, "Excuse me." My eyes snapped to the mini redhead who looked just like the girl across from me, "Would any of you care to join Louise, Hugo and I in a game of Exploding Snap?"

Lily rocked on the balls of her feet, looking at each of us expectantly. Meeting Ginny's eyes across the table, we both gave her a nod, following the Mini Ginny out to the living room and plopping down next to Louise by the fireplace.

~ ❈ ~

"That's cheating!" Louise cried, pointing at Hugo's piece.

"No," Hugo smirked, "That's called winning."

I shook my head at the two, setting up for our fourth game, which Hugo dominates us in.

As I was handing out each player's piece, I lifted my head as Roxy and Fred(II) walked in eating cookies.

"Ready Lena?" Ginny asked.

Turning back around, I nodded and the game went the same as the three before it. Hugo and Ginny competed to win, while I secretly helped Louise stay in the game.

"No!" I threw my hands up as Louise 'beat me' again, "This is like the fourth time you've beat me!"

Louise grinned, muttering a fake apology, and happily turning back to the game.

I winked at Ginny who rolled her eyes, never understanding why I never played to win. Competitive even when it's against her own daughter and the two youngest in the family.

My attention was snapped away as Fred(II) burst out laughing on the couch. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I saw both Roxy and Fred(II)'s skin be coated in slime and their eyes bulge out, both starting to resemble a snail.

Fred's laughter caught Roxy's attention, and as she looked at him she started cracking up. They both just sat there pointing at each other, laughing, completely unaware of what had really happened.

My eyes traveled across the room to where James and Davina conveniently sat with Teddy and Ty, looking completely shocked and amused at the events happening before them.

There was no doubt in my mind that it was not by chance that they were already talking to the two authority figures of their time when the prank happened. It was the perfect alibi.

If Roxy and Fred(II) didn't know them, James and Davina never would have been suspected of turning them into human slugs. Instead most people would have assumed Cole or the 1995 twins had done it, as they were out of the room.

As I gazed at Davina, I couldn't believe my daughter was clever enough to think of such an alibi. I don't know if I should be proud or worried at how devious she could be.

The future parents definitely have their hands full.

Slowly the future twins furrowed their brows, and simultaneously asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Roxy and Fred(II) gasped, looking down at their slimy hands, and screeched. Looking across the room the two glared at the only people who would've pranked them for revenge and growled.


The two pranksters finally burst out laughing and held their hands up in surrender, knowing better than to plead innocent.

Teddy pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. This was the second prank of the day and he was sure that there would be more. Looking at Ty he asked, "Do you want to take this or should I?"

Ty rubbed his chin, staring at the two threateningly, "You take James, I'll take V. It's more effective that way."

James and Davina's smiles dropped, and looked at each other nervously. I chuckled, realizing that the four found themselves in this situation quite a lot and seeing James and Davina's reactions it appears that over the years Teddy and Ty's methods had indeed proved to be most effective.

There was no doubt that Teddy and Ty's responsibilities as the eldest cousins and their chemistry as auror partners helped them to work together flawlessly in disciplining the two troublemakers.

"You know the drill." Teddy said sternly.

Sighing, both Davina and James stood up, pointed their wands at the twins, and mumbled the incantation to fix Roxy and Fred(II).

Once they were finished Davina turned back around and held out her wrists to Ty going,"Take me away officer."

Ty rolled his eyes but nonetheless dragged his sister up the stairs. Teddy and James not too far behind. The latter having the decency to at least pretend he felt guilty as he looked sorrowfully at the ground.

When they were finally out of sight everyone went back to their original tasks. All ignoring the yelling and lecturing coming from up the stairs.

When Teddy and Ty came back down, Remus looked up from his newspaper and asked, "Where are Davina and James?"

Teddy sighed tiredly, "They're being forced to clean out the attic-" the only room if Grimmauld place not yet cleaned, "-without wands."

"It's only fair since Roxy and I had to wash everyone's dishes from breakfast." Fred(II) grumbled, "And our family is huge!"

Remus just stared at his son proudly. Impressed by how he handled the situation, no doubt thinking he would have done the exact same thing and how great of a father and husband Teddy will be one day.

Both generation's attention was snapped away as purple smoke once again began filling the center of the room. Remus began to call everyone into the living room.

Everyone filed in, except for James and Davina, and watched as the smoke cleared revealing four individuals.

The room was silent as we all couldn't believe our eyes. Before us stood four people we knew like the back of our hand, yet they'd never seemed more like strangers.

Harry lost his boyish features and the tense shoulders from the pressure of carrying the fate of the wizarding world on his back. His eyes held a mixture of pure contentment and of a haunting past.

Hermione grew into her title of the Brightest Witch of Her Age. Her eyes held wisdom; grown from the knowledge of books and from personal experience. As well as what I could only assume was the letter 'D' scarred on her exposed forearm.

I gasped as I noticed George was missing his left ear and I dreaded to think of how he may have lost it. What scared me even more was that he had lost his lighthearted aura, and held himself more seriously. Making me fear that the loss of Fred caused him to lose not just his twin but a part of himself as well.

Worried he may have serious injuries like George, my eyes finally settled on the person I love the most, Cole. His hair was no longer, long and wild, but instead short and styled, seeming to match his more mature demeanor. The grey eyes I loved to stare at and get lost in no longer swirled in a storm of anger and mischief but of regret, pain, and loss.

Grey eyes that were staring straight at me.

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