Dead Money Man (Red Dead Rede...

De RWBYCheesecoffee

83K 1.4K 1.1K

A member of the infamously vicious O'Driscoll gang has to adapt to a new life after an encounter with the Van... Mais

Revela Massacre
The Van Der Linde Gang
Blackwater Massacre
Hunting; both animal and human.
Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?
Horseshoe Overlook
Polite Society, Valentine Society

The First Shall Be the Last

3.1K 75 28
De RWBYCheesecoffee


     It's been a while since I've seen the dry plains of New Austin. It was slightly cooler since the disaster in Blackwater, but still hot. The tan grass blowed gently in the breeze as herds of wild bison grazed on the land. It was all so majestic.

Not that I could enjoy it much. We were still wanted Dead or Alive in Blackwater and the rest of the entire state of New Austin. There were police officers everywhere and bounty hunters wherever there wasn't police. Using the main roads were out of the question. I'm not afraid of a gunfight but...the idea is to avoid detection. I had to take a creatively improvised route around the shore and up the cliff to pass by unnoticed.

     As I continued to ride through, I eventually got back up to higher ground to see Arthur, Charles, and Javier all on a vantage point looking through binoculars. I hopped down off my horse and walked over, taking a seat next to them.

     Javier: How many?

     Charles: A lot. Uniforms everywhere.

     Javier: You see Sean?

     Charles: No, I don't think so.

Javier: Damn it, where's Trelawny?

Charles: Who knows.

     Arthur: Where is that little Irish bastard?

     Charles: I'm not quite sure, Trelawny's off trying to find out.

     Arthur: Has anyone been into Blackwater to see how things lie?

     (Y/n): I'm curious too, but that seems like suicide.

     Javier: You're right too. Place is crawling with Pinkertons, Bounty Hunters, pictures of Dutch and Hosea. Lotta pictures of Corrin and you too, people are still scraping blood off the floor from all the damage you two did.

     He lightly bumped me in the shoulder as a compliment.

     (Y/n): I suppose I'll take that as a compliment, anything that makes it harder for the Law and the Feds.

Arthur: You did well, but we've got a lotta money sittin' in that town.

Charles: And that's where it's gonna remain, for now.

Arthur: Why haven't they hanged Sean yet, I wonder.

Charles: I think he's bait, or they want to trial him publicly.

     Trelawny walked up quietly and took a seat next to Javier.

     Trelawny: Gentlemen. Sean is being moved up the Upper Montana, then to a prison out west.

Arthur: Damn. Well we can't afford to be rescuing people from some Federal prison. We either gotta rescue him now or...cut him loose.

Charles: We're not cutting anyone loose.

Arthur: Of course not.

Trelawny: Ike Skelding's boys are moving him to a camp nearby before handing him over to the government.

Arthur: So I guess, we need to stop them before they get to camp. Charles and (Y/n), why don't you head up on the north side and we'll head up on the other side of the valley and meet you that way we have them in either direction. Javier, Josiah, come on. Let's go see.

Charles and I separated from the group and I've got to admit, I was very excited. I like Charles quite a bit, he's very interesting to me. Quiet, reserved, intelligent but with one hell of a mean streak when he needs it.

     We both climbed down the ledge swiftly and quietly. The people across the river never even knew we were there. We crossed over the river and then began our ascent up the north side of the valley.

Charles: It's impressive that you got here without drawing attention.

(Y/n): Oh? I know how to travel without being detected, you know.

Charles: I didn't mean to sound ungrateful, it's just that Colm's boys aren't quite known for their subtlety.

(Y/n): Ha! That's the truth. Though I'm hurt by your words, Charles. I thought I had proven myself better than the run-of-the-mill O'Driscoll grunt.

I spoke in a joking and dramatic tone, one that actually earned a grin from the usually stoic man.

Charles: You've definitely proven yourself well enough, any other grunt would have run off.

(Y/n): I try Charles, all joking aside I care about you all and want to prove to be a dependable member.

Charles: You don't have to explain to me, I know you're one of us. It's obvious by your relationship with Corrin. The girl doesn't give her trust lightly yet you two were friends by the time that gunsmith robbery was done. Colm O'Driscoll's right hand no less.

(Y/n): I know...I feel like I don't deserve her affection. I love her so much, yet I'm just some illegitimate son to a breed-in-bulk child slavery trader that joined Colm and was brought in by all of you.

Charles: And I'm just some half black-half Indian man born from a drunk man and a runaway from her tribe. We've all got our burdens to bear. As far as I can tell, you fit in just fine.

(Y/n): Thanks Charles, I really appreciate that!

Charles: You're welcome. Corrin has told me that she loves and trusts you, everyone in the gang can tell too.

(Y/n): I'm flattered, I love her even more.

Charles: She's also said you'd say that.

We both laughed as we reached our point at the top of the valley. Or well, I laughed. Charles just gave a slight chuckle, fitting of the quiet giant that he is. I reached into my satchel and pulled out my binoculars and looked through them.

Charles: Still using that tattered satchel? It's been months.

(Y/n): Yeah, it's sentimental.

Charles: I wasn't implying that you should get rid of it, just that Pearson can make you a better one with the right materials.

(Y/n): I've thought about that, It's been a bit since I've had a nice hunt too.

Charles: Once I survey the land more, I'll let you know where to go for some good game.

(Y/n): Holy shit, thanks Charles. That's so kind of you!

Charles: Of course. After all, you shouldn't have to use Arthur's hand-me-downs forever.

(Y/n): I love and appreciate his kindness to me, but a new satchel would be nice.

Right as I said that, I saw Arthur, Javier, and Trelawny riding leisurely down to the river through my binoculars. Trelawny rode around a different route to the other side, likely to bullshit his way into causing a distraction. I put my binoculars back into the satchel. Looking down into the valley, I could see quite a few of the bounty hunters patrolling all around. I can already hear Sean bragging about how he warranted all these guards in my head. I pulled my carbine off my back to make sure it was loaded fresh, then did the same with my revolver. Both were primed and ready.

     (Y/n): Things are about to get a bit busy.

     Charles: Stealth isn't going to be an option with all these men here.

     As Trelawny rambled on to the two bounty hunters down below, I could see Arthur and Javier sneaking across the river with knives in hand. Each one of them stabbed a hunter in the neck, killing them. Trelawny stayed back with his horse and then ran off, of course a man of silver tongue wouldn't stick around for the fight.

     Charles and I waved to them and they waved back, signaling that it was time to get this started.

     Charles: Get down.

     I quickly did as he said and he threw a tomahawk over my head with great force and precision. I could hear it whirl through the air as it flew and stuck into a patrolling bounty hunter's skull. He had a worn down scoped rifle in hand, a sniper meant to keep watch from above the valley.

     (Y/n): Shit! Nice throw.

     Charles: Thanks.

     Gunshots rang out through the valley as Arthur and Javier began fighting against the bounty hunters on the ground. I took my carbine and began to focus as everything went red.







     With the sixth red "X" that appeared over the last man's head, I unleashed my barrage of bullets. Each bullet hit it's mark on each man, three in between the eyes and three in the neck as each man fell. The three that got hit in between the eyes died instantaneously there before their bodies could even fall to the ground. The three that got hit in the neck however, weren't so lucky. One laid on the ground clutching his wound, hoping to staunch the bleeding.

It didn't.

He died there, in a pool of his own blood and piss. The other two did similar, clutching their necks with hopes of it saving their lives as they ran away. They both eventually collapsed, twitching in pain from the shock as they died. I couldn't help but feel a satisfaction as they died by my hand. It's what they deserve for trying to sell one of us to the government.

Arthur and Javier continued to fight through the small handful that remained on the ground, easily mowing through them. Reinforcements came running down into the valley but couldn't reach Arthur and Javier in time before I shot them dead. The first ran out and my bullet gave him a third eye as his brains splattered all over the two behind him. Those two, disoriented, completely lost their confidence and immediately ran for cover. Two shots from my carbine later, both lay dead with holes in the back of their skulls.

     Three ran up behind us and aimed down at the ledge Charles and I were on. They must have sneaked around using the trees as cover when the fight started. Charles quickly blasted a hole in one's chest cavity with his sawn-off shotgun. I drew my revolver and aimed up from the hip and fired, shooting one in the nose as the bullet exited the back of his head. The last man wasn't so lucky as due to the angle he was at, I ended up shooting him right in the dick. He immediately yelled in pain and buckled down, causing him to slip off the top of the cliff and fall down past us all the way to the bottom.

     Charles: They're falling back, let's push up.

     (Y/n): Agreed, I'm right with you.

     We both carefully climbed down off the ledge and down the steep cliffs, our hunting knives coming in pretty handy for stabbing into sensitive deposits in the rock. Once we reached the ground both ran ahead to catch up with Arthur and Javier. We came around the last turn in the valley to reach and the last wave of bounty hunters arrived.

     Arthur shot three of them dead with the quickest precision firing from the hip I've seem since my brother Joshua. He shot two of them in the eyes and the last in the chest right in the heart. Javier shot two of them dead by just fanning the hammer of his revolver and peppering them with bullets. Charles ran up incredibly quickly for a man his size and cleaved a man right in the fucking neck with his retrieved tomahawk, blasting two other mens' heads into brain matter with his shotgun.

     A man rushed me with a shotgun but I blew out his kneecap with my revolver and before he even finished falling I put another shot into his skull. Two more peeked out from behind crates. I rolled forward on the ground and shot one dead, the blood splattering from his skull as the bullet made it's entrance and exit. The other man was momentarily distracted by his friend getting an extra eye socket and I took advantage by jumping over the crate and kicking the man square in the jaw, a satisfying crack ringing out from it breaking as his mouth hung open unable to close.

     As a final touch I put the barrel of my revolver in his mouth, smiled in glee, and pulled the trigger. The contents of his cranium painted the grass a rather lovely deep red. I stood up to see Arthur, Charles, and Javier staring at me.

     (Y/n): What?

     Arthur: *Chuckles* God Damn, I think you enjoy this a bit too much.

     Javier: Them O'Driscolls taught you to be a real sick fuck with those kills huh.

     They both had a rather teasing tone, but it was just playful picking.

     (Y/n): Oh come on, we're all killers. What's wrong with enjoying it every once in a while?

     Charles: It was them or us, regardless.

     (Y/n): See? Big Man has my back.

     We all took a moment to stop and laugh to congratulate each other on another successful shootout. However it was interrupted by a very familiar Irish accented voice. I looked in it's direction to see Sean hilariously hanging upside down from a rope on a tree, his entire head in a hostage bag.

Sean: Sorry to interrupt the talk but I'm blood-rushin over here. Someone tell the O'Driscoll to make himself useful and cut me down!

I walked over and kneed him in the guy.

Sean: AH fuckin cunt!

(Y/n): Christ why couldn't they have taken your tongue too.

Arthur: Because with how things have gone, we can't get that lucky.

I drew my revolver and shot the rope, breaking it and sending Sean to the ground with a thud as Arthur cut his binds and he removed his face bag.

Sean: You know, you all look a lot less ugly from that other angle.

Arthur: Come on.

Arthur extended his hand and pulled him up.

Sean: Do I get a hug, Arthur? A warm embrace for a lost brother now found?

Arthur: *Chuckles* You know, nothing means more to me than this gang. The bond we share, it's the most real thing to me. I would kill for it, I would happily die for it but in spite of all that I would have easily left you here to rot if Charles hadn't stopped me.

Sean: Awh I don't believe a word of that Arthur!

Arthur: Now get him outta here.

Sean: You're a great man Arthur Morgan, the kind a young wippersnapper can really admire!

Arthur: Oh shut up.

As they spoke I looted the camp. Nothing too special...a tonic here, a change purse there, even one of those cute little cigarette cards that I've grown fond of collecting. As I was looting though...something out of my peripheral vision caught my eye.

On a distance cliff stood a man in very strange clothing with a deep red and black color pallet. It seemed to be made of several different pieces of clothing, topped off with a skinned wolf's head that had been fashioned into a hood. The man had very pale skin and his eyes were covered by a pair of glasses that gleamed dim in the desert setting sun. He looked right at me, I know he did. We stood there looking at each other until he did some form of bow. I couldn't tell if it was a taunt or in respect for my recent shootout performance.

(Credit to the original artist, searched for an hour and all I could find is f**king reposts.)

Arthur: (Y/n)! We're splitting up and heading back to camp!

I looked at Arthur to answer.

(Y/n): I'll be there shortly!

Arthur: No rush, just be careful.

(Y/n): Thank you Arthur!

I looked bag to the eerie man, only to see he was gone. Like a wisp in the wind. I didn't want to stick around any longer after that, I was feeling unnerved by it. I whistled for Cirilla and she quickly ran up. I hopped on and rode as fast as Cirilla would carry me. I had an eerie feeling about this, he had to have been watching us the entire time...why else would he make himself known there at the very end, and just to me...

     I arrived at the camp to the sound of music from the gramophone playing and everyone dancing around and drinking, celebrating the return of Sean. He's a snarky little shit...but I'm relieved that he's ok. We've lost too many people already. I sure as hell ain't telling him that I'm grateful for him though. I can only imagine the teasing.

I hitched my horse and brushed her, feeding her an apple afterwards. After that I walked closer into the camp to be eagerly greeted by Corrin jumping into my arms in a hug and I spun her around elegantly. Her lips immediately claimed mine and we shared a passionate kiss. Her warm soft lips were a contrast to my cold ones but always put me at ease and made me feel...loved.

Corrin: I'm so glad you're ok!

(Y/n): Awww were you really worried about me~?

Corrin: *Giggles* I know you're more than capable, I just hate us being separated.

(Y/n): I feel the same same way love, but we're together now and that's what matters most.

Corrin: Yes, now...

She pulled me over around the fire, handing me a bottle of Whiskey afterwards. I quickly pulled the cork out with my teeth, spit it out on the ground, and took a nice long swig. I handed it to Corrin afterwards and she did the same as she grabbed my hand, her gorgeous ruby eyes sparking in the starlight, her beautiful platinum blonde hair practically glowing from the campfire's light.

Corrin: Dance with me~

(Y/n): I uhhh...

Corrin: What?

(Y/n): I'd love to, but I never learned how.

Corrin: I was hoping you'd say that!

She took my left hand into her right hand and squeezed it, putting my right hand on her slender lower back with her left hand and wrapping her left arm around my neck afterwards. She pressed her body against mine and gave me another sweet kiss.

Corrin: We'll start slow just follow my movements, move with me.

(Y/n): Yes Ma'am!

We started dancing back and forth in each other's arms around the campfire beneath the moonlight. She was so graceful as she twirled and swayed, not completely unlike how she fights. I then noticed everything had gotten quiet. I looked around to see that everyone's eyes were eagerly on us. I thought they would tease my bad dancing but...they all watched with happiness as we danced!

Javier took the opportunity to pick up his guitar and began to strum a tune and sing to the rhythm to match our dancing. Corrin tucked her head beneath my chin and I pulled her closer as we danced.

Corrin: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yes, my love?

Corrin: I love you so much!

(Y/n): I love you even more, my princess~

With everyone watching us as Javier played, we danced beneath the moonlight. I felt so relaxed and at peace with this people.

I can only hope that it lasts.

Continue lendo

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