Obsessed with Quidditch || Ol...

By thatoneravenclaw16

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'Oh come on Ollie we all know that you are a little bit obsessed with Quidditch' 'I am more obsessed with you... More

One: Platform 9 3/4
Two: Back To Hogwarts
Three: Quidditch Practice
Four: Halloween
Five: Try Outs
Six: About Time
Seven: Gryffindor Vs Slytherin
Nine: The Duelling Club
Ten: Parselmouth
Eleven: I'm Sorry
Twelve: Christmas
Thirteen: Broken
Fourteen: Revenge
Fifteen: Hospital Wing
Sixteen: The Night
Seventeen: Obvious
Eighteen: They Can't Cancel Quidditch
Nineteen: Not Possible
Twenty: Ginny
Part Two!

Eight: The Voice

1.9K 66 10
By thatoneravenclaw16

Emily went closer to the camera boy. She looked and she realised she had seen him before. He was a first year, in Gryffindor. She had seen him taking a picture of Harry Potter when she was talking to Oliver.

She heard a noise. She was terrified. She didn't know what to do. She turned around and saw... Lilian?

'What are you doing here Lewis? What happened here?' she said.

'I would like to know the same thing. And also how do you know my name?' Emily said.

'I am a prefect. I'm on my duty.'

'Oh yeah I forgot about that.'

'What happened to the boy' she said shocked.

'I don't know. I found him like that. He's a Gryffindor. His name is Colin Creevey. I've seen him once. He always holds this camera.' she pointed at it. 'I think his petrified exactly like..'

'Miss Norris.' Lilian said. 'We have to notify Dumbledore.'

'But I'm not supposed to be out here this time of the night.' Emily said

'Go. Go to your dorm. I'll say I found him alone.'

'Thank you. Thank you so much.'

'You're welcome, now go!'. Emily ran to the Ravenclaw tower. She was really upset. What was that voice? Why did she hear it? Why another attack? Was the Chamber of Secrets really opened? And what was this creature? What was hidden inside?


It was early in the morning. Emily had no sleep. She was sitting in the common room thinking about last night. Blair woke up early too. She realised that her friend still wasn't in the dorm so she went straight to the common room. She saw Emily sitting on the couch.

'Hey. Where were you last night?'

'I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk.' she said looking really nervous.

'Did something happen? You looked stressed.'

'Ok, I'll tell you, but can you promise that you're not going to say anything to anyone.'

'Have I ever?' Blair said. Emily looked down.

'I was out last night for the walk as I told you, but then I heard a voice. It said it wanted to kill. I didn't know what that was so I followed it. Suddenly, in the end of the corridor I saw a boy. He was that Gryffindor who always has a camera. Colin Creevey. He was layed on the floor...'

'What happened to him.'

'He was petrified. Exactly like miss Norris.'

'Do you think it has something to do with the Chamber of Secrets?'

'No, I KNOW it has something to do with the Chamber of Secrets. It's not a myth. It's real and it's opened. Hogwarts it's not a safe place anymore.'


The girls were on their way to breakfast. Blair still couldn't believe what Emily was saying. It was just mad.

'How can you be so sure?' she tried to catch up with her friend who was practically running. She wanted to eat fast so that she would have time to search more about the Chamber.

'You remember what I said. The monster inside the Chamber of Secrets is supposed to clear the school, to make Hogwarts a place for pureblood witches and wizards. Colin Creevey is a muggle born. Just connect the dots.'

'There are no dots to connect Emily, that's the problem. Colin Creevey may be a muggle born but what if this is just a coincidence? What if he was petrified by a spell or something?'

'A spell? Really? You think that this was petrificus totallus? A spell that we, two simple fourth-years, can cast? A spell that can be ended with a simple 'Finite Incantatem'?' she said as they entered the great hall.

'What if Dumbledore casted that spell and now Colin is alright?' Blair said with a raised eyebrow.

'Oh really? Check the hall. I'll give you five Sickles to find Colin Creevey.' she said and walked to the Ravenclaw table. Blair stood there searching for Colin.

Lilian saw Emily sitting and stood up. She went to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to her. 'Emily we need to talk.' she said.

'It's about yesterday isn't it?'

Lilian nodded. Emily let out a sign and said 'look I'm sorry for getting in your way or anything and I don't know what happened to Colin.'

'Emily, you are the smartest witch in the school. Of course you know what happened. Please tell me. I need to know.' she said.

'Who said I'm the smartest witch in the school? I'm still in my fouth year. It's practically impossible.'

Lilian raised an eyebrow. 'Please tell me what happened. It has to do with the chamber of secrets, hasn't it?'

'Yes' she said not looking up from her breakfast.

'What is this chamber of secrets anyway?'

Emily took a deep breath. 'It is said to be a chamber that Salazar Slytherin made to hold a monster until his hair came to hogwarts. The hair is supposed to open the Chamber and help the monster to....clear the school.'

'From what?'

'From muggle borns' she murmured knowing that most of Lilian's friends were muggle borns. Lilian was left speachless. She left the Ravenclaw table quietly and went to the Hufflepuff one.

'Ok you're right, no Creevey in the Gryffindor table but that doesn't mean that.....' Blair said but she realised that something was wrong with her best friend. 'Is everything ok?'

'Yeah I'm fine. I have to go to the library. See you at Flitwick's.' Emily said and left the hall.

Brian stood up and went next to Blair. 'What's wrong with her?'

'It's been four years mate and I still can't tell.'


Emily went into the library and found Oliver reading Quidditch through the ages for like probably the millionth time. The moment she saw him she turned around and went to sit at the other corner of the library, but a hand grabbed her wrist.

'Are you going to avoid me forever?' Oliver said.

'I'm not avoiding you!' she said with the casual fake chuckles no one can believe.

'Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what got into me.'

'No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran away like that.'

'So does that mean we're good?' he said.

'Yeah I guess so.' she smiled.

Oliver didn't say anything. He just sat there with a goofy smile on his face. Emily looked at his hands.

'Quidditch thought the ages, hugh? Isn't it like the millionth time you read that one?' he chuckled

'Yeah, but more times you read it, the better. Aren't you a Ravenclaw? Isn't that like your moto?' he laughed. Suddenly Emily remembered the research that she had to do before class.

'Bloody hell! I have to go! See you later! Bye.' she said.

Oliver sat there with the biggest smile on his face. Damn, I love this girl he thought. Wait what?!?


Guys I'm sorry for being late with the chapters. I'm trying to write one every day, but some times I get off schedule. Thanks for the understanding and I wish to see you soon.


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