Kion and Fuli: Until the Prid...

By Active_Ace

49.3K 884 699

As the Pride Lands become Increasingly dangerous, Kion and Fuli become closer and closer as they discover gre... More

Chapter 1: Just a dream
Chapter 2: Another Day Changing
Chapter 3: A Night Together
Chater 4: Scars
Chater 5: The Fire Begins to Burn
Chalter 6: Only the Beginning
Chapter 7: The Journey of 1000 miles....
Chapter 8: ...Begins with a Single Step
Chater 9: Hostile Takeover
Chapter 11: The Darkest Day
Chapter 12: Upendi Day
Chapter 13: Kion's Breaking Point
Chapter 14: A Whole New World
Chapter 15: The Calm before the Storm
Part 2-Chapter 1: Alone Together
Part 2-Chapter 2: Do you trust me?
Part 2-Chapter 3: Revelations Pt. 1
Part 2-Chapter 3: Revelations Pt. 2
Part 2-Chapter 4: Demons
Part 2-Chater 5: What a Heart Desires
Part 2-Chapter 6: Trial by Fire
Part 2-Chapter 7: Ukali
Part 2-Chapter 8: The Final Hope
Part 2-Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart is
Part 2-Chapter 10: A Change of Heart
Destiny (Part 1)
Destiny (Part 2)

Chapter 10: Fury of the Ancients

1.7K 34 24
By Active_Ace

Kovu turns around to see Kiara step forward, it has been years since they've seen each other.

"Kiara?" He smiles and runs over to her and tries to hug her, but she quickly pushes him off. "Kiara what's wrong?"

"Kovu, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?"

"I'm doing this for you Kiara, I'm building a kingdom that I can rule, and I want you to rule next to me, as my queen." Kiara looks into his eyes and sees a fire burning in them. She realizes that he's been corrupted, blinded by the possibility of power, or the promise of it.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kovu?" She said as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "You're not the Lion I fell in love with." This clearly angered Kovu as his tone changed.

"What are you talking about? Kiara I love you and love me. Everything I've done has been for you." He leans in for a kiss but is pushed away once again. This sent Kovu over the edge, as his anger, ego ,and lust for power and control took control.

"You ungrateful brat," he yelled as he raised his paw and brought it down on Kiara, drawing blood and a loud shriek of pain from the lioness. "You will learn to be thankful."

Kion watched as Kiara interacted with the lion. He thought to himself, 'how did Kiara fall in love with a lion like him?' As Kion heard Kovu slowly raise his voice, he remembered that he was talking to his sister, Kiara. He trusted Kiara's judgement, but also felt that something didn't feel right. All of a sudden, he heard a loud shriek of pain that broke his chain of thought. He looked up to see Kiara on the ground, bleeding, with Kovu standing over her, blood on his claw. At that moment, something changed in Kion, his eyes turned a bright crimson red, Fuli looked over and saw the red light emit from his. She shook her head and blinked a few times, not believing what she was seeing. She saw pure fury in his eyes, as if Kion had been altered. The Lion was still Kion, it moved and breathed and looked like Kion, but at the same time, it wasn't Kion. As Kovu raised his claw to strike Kiara again, Kion finally snapped.

"Kovu!" Kovu stopped and looked behind him to see Kion make his way towards him. He laughed as Kion was noticeably smaller than him, and probably weaker as well. Although fairly obvious to everyone else, Kovu failed to notice Kion's unusual red eyes.

"Ha, you must be Kion, leader of the Lion Guard. I know all about you. What makes you think you can defeat me little lion?" At this point, even Kiara noticed the red light bleeding out of Kion's eyes, she knew that who she saw was Kion, but what she saw was not completely him. Kion slowly walked towards Kovu and Kiara, he spoke very calmly, yet there was something about his voice that was able to put fear in even Bunga.

"Kovu, leave Kiara alone." Even Kovu faltered for a second, as he began to realize that something was not right about the lion who challenged him. Still blinded by his ego and lust for power, he continued to not use logical thinking.

"You didn't answer my question little lion, what makes you think you can defeat me?" Kovu taunted once more. But he was surprised when Kion continued forward, his voice sounding much more threatening this time.

"Leave. Her. Alone." His face had no emotion, it was cold. Kion was now about four steps away from Kovu, who stood between him and Kiara, when he decided to speak again.

"Move, or you will be moved." Kovu once again faltered, as it finally clicked in his head that this lion was abnormal. But he had come too far to back down now, and the little bit of ego that he held onto would not allow him to see reason.

"Good luck," he said as he pounced towards Kion. But Kion didn't even flinch as Kovu plunged his paw into
his side, drawing blood from the leader. Kovu smiled, as had already won the fight, but he looked up, Kion stood there, unphased. He looked to the side where Kovu's claw was stuck in his side, blood seeping out, he turned towards Kovu. At this point Kovu has dropped his ego, and was now scared of what stood in front of him, what he just attacked. Kion leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"You had your chance." He quickly struck Kovu, knocking the large lion back a good distance.  As Kion moved forward, Kovu began to retreat an equal distance back. He looked into Kion's eyes, and noticed the fire that burned in them. With unnatural speed, Kion lunged forward, striking Kovu once more. Kovu took the chance to get another hit on Kion, leaving a long scratch mark across his other side. Kion looked to his side, and saw the blood begin to drip from the deep cut. He looked back at Kovu, and spoke in a tone that would make Scar flich.

"You're a dead lion walking." His claws became visible to everyone, sharp as ever. Kovu realized that this entire time, Kion wasn't using his claws, just his paws. Kovu was about to flee the battlefield, but before he could, Kion lunged toward him. Kovu threw a swipe, but Kion easily dodged and planted a claw mark across Kovu's shoulder. He winced in pain, but quickly threw another strike in Kion's direction. Kion easily dodged once more, and threw a swipe at Kovu's leg. The same leg that had the already injured shoulder. The swipe laned perfectly across one of the muscles causing Kovu to collapse the ground, unable to utilize his leg. In a few quick strikes, Kion was able to easily incapacitate the greatest fighter from the Outlands. He walked over to the injured lion who was trying to flee. He flipped him over and planted both claws on Kovu's chest, causing Kovu to grit his teeth in pain. He then took one of his paws, retracted all but one claw, and planted it on Kovu's side. He began to slowly drag his claw down Kovu's side, drawing blood the entire way down, causing Kovu to squirm and yell in pain.

"Stop, please stop" Kovu begged, but Kion didn't listen, there would be no mercy, not from this Kion, and not for that lion. Kion didn't even respond, he just slowly made his way down, drawing more and more blood.

"Kion stop you've made your point." He recognized the voice to be Kiara's, but in his blood lust, he ignored her again. He continued until Kovu's entire right side had a long, bloody cut. He was about to begin on his left side when he felt a paw in his shoulder, he turned to see Kiara with tears In her eyes, pleading to him.

"Kion please, let's just go home, you're scaring me," she begged softly and calmly through her tears. After a few seconds, he removed his claws from Kovu, who was covered in his own blood, and with his sister, walked towards Pride Rock. Without saying a word, the crowd split and watched as the two siblings left the battlefield, the lion guard quickly following. There was silence as they walked toward Pride Rock, as nobody could articulate what they saw, or even wanted to. After a minute of walking, Kion stride began to slow to a halt, drawing notice from everyone.

"Kion what's wrong?" Asked Kiara. Kion remained silent, just staring forward. She could see the red that was in his eyes had almost completely faded. Fuli came up on the other side of him, concerned for her friend as well.

"Kion?" She asked, but once again no response. After a few seconds, Kion took a step and stumbled, blacked out and collapsed, causing everyone to rush to his side.

"We have to get Rafiki, tell him to meet us in the lair Fuli," commanded Kiara. Fuli nodded and took off towards the tree, while at the same time, trying to make sense of what she just witnessed.

Kion began to slowly regain consciousness, as he sat up he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looks down to his side and sees a claw mark that dug pretty deep into his skin. He tries to remember when he got the injury, but can't seem to recall. As he was inspecting his wounds, he caught a glimpse of his front paws, they were soaked in blood, still not completely dry. Confused more than ever, he tried to remember when he got into such a violent skirmish, but he was just drawing blanks. His chain of thought was broken as a mixture of voices breaks the silence.

"Kion you're awake," said Kiara. She was followed closely by the lion guard as well as Rafiki and the royal family.

"Yea I guess so," he chuckled. "Can anyone tell me how I got here? And why am I covered in blood?" Everyone looks at him with confusion, not understanding Kion's question.

"Kion, you battled Kovu to protect Kiara, remember?" Ask Bunga. Kion shakes his head and frowns.

"Yea Kion, Bunga is right. I've never seen you fight like that," comments Beshte. Once again, Kion looks at his friends again, confusion on his face once again.

"Kion, do you even know what we are talking about?" Ask Fuli concerned with her friend's lack of remembering. Once again, he shakes his head no. Fuli begins to explain.

"Well me and you were tracking Ono, and we tracked him to the outlands. And uh..." she paused, but Kion knew where it was going.

"I know, I remember. My memory goes blank when we arrive at the watering hole, after Kovu killed Makuu."

"Well, Kiara tried to talk some sense into Kovu, but when she wouldn't accept his advances, he attacked her. You then stepped forward, and you well...." she paused, cautious to say what's next.

"You proceeded to take Kovu down in a few strikes. But...something seemed different about you Kion. After you defeated him, you did what I can only describe as tourture him, you left one claw mark down his entire right side, even after he begged for mercy," Kiara finished. Kion was taken back by Fuli's and Kiara's words, not believing it.

"But I'd.. I'd never... you guys are joking right?" Everyone looked away, refusing to meet his gaze. He looked down in shame, for actions he didn't even remember committing.

"It is possible that..." Rafiki says as he steps forward. "Kion, you don't remember any of what happened right?" Kion nods. "Fuli, Kiara, would you say Kion acted differently? Did he speak differently? Seemed  to show no signs of pain?" Kiara's and Fuli's eyes widened as Rafiki perfectly explained what happened. They nod yes, confirming Rafiki's suspicion.

"I'm going to tell you all a story that does not have a happy ending. A story about a lion named Ukali. Ukali was the leader of the Lion Guard, like Kion. He respected the Circle of Life, and would sacrifice himself for his friends and loved ones without even thinking. He too was bitten by a snake, just like Kion but this was no ordinary snake, he was bitten by an Antiguan racer, the rarest snake in the world, said to have mystical powers. All was normal until a float crocodile attacked his mother as she was drinking. When Ukali showed up, his fellow lions on the guard said that he told them to stay back and that he would handle it. They claim that he jumped into the watering hole by himself, and single handedly killed 15 crocodiles, saving his mother. The Guard said he spoke little, but his words put fear in even their bravest member. When he emerged from the water, his eyes were filled with a crimson red. Redder than the blood that soaked the water. His body was covered in bite marks, scratches, and in some spots, even torn off skin, but walked as if nothing happened. After a few minutes, Ukali passed out, and had no recollection of fighting the crocodiles. They said his fits of rage and violence continued to get worse, until one day, he didn't snap out his rage. He proceeded to kill his Lion Guard as well as half of his pride before his mate was able to break through to him. Ashamed of himself, he spent one last night with his mate, before taking his own life. His mate then gave birth to a male, who ended up marrying the princess. They then gave birth to a Lion named Ahadi, who became the father of Mufasa. Ukali's phenomenon became known as "The Fury of the Ancients." With the similarities between Kion and Ukali, as well as their shared bloodline, it is very possible that Kion could possess the Fury of the Ancients."

"Does that mean.." Kion was cut off by Rafiki.

"As of now, it means nothing. We will continue to keep an eye on you." He nods as Rafiki exits the lair with the royal family, except for Kiara.

"I wanted to thank you for saving me from Kovu, I don't why he was acting like that, I thought we had something, I guess not," she said with a few tears in her eyes.

"I'm glad your ok sis, I'm sorry about Kovu." He said blandly, clearly distraught by Rafiki's story.

"You ok Kion?" she asked.

"No I'm not, how would you feel if you were told that you possess the ability to kill your entire family and all your friends, and you couldn't control yourself,' he yelled, making Kiara back off a little bit.

"I'm sorry Kion..." Kion realized that he just freaked out on his sister who was actually trying to help him.

"I'm sorry Kiara I... I need to go." Kion quickly exited the lair pushing past the Lion Guard.

"Kion wait," both Kiara and Fuli yelled, but he didn't. He ran, and did not stop running until he found himself at the edge of the Pride Lands where it met the Backlands. He looked out over the Backlands, and a thought crossed his mind, a thought that he didn't want to make sense. 'If I leave the Pride Lands, I can't hurt any of my friends, or family.' The thought lingered in his mind, as if he was contemplating it, because he actually was. But of course, there was nowhere he could go that she couldn't find him.

"Kion..?" He turned and saw none other than Fuli standing behind him.


"I know what you're thinking and..." she was cut off by Kion.

"Do you Fuli? Do you? How can you know what I'm thinking if I don't know what I'm thinking?" He turned to face the Backlands, "I'm scared Fuli, scared of myself. If what Rafiki said has any truth to it, then I could destroy the very place and people I swore to protect." he turned to face Fuli again, this time he had tears in his eyes. He walked over to the cheetah, and put a paw on her cheek, the tears beginning to fall on the ground. "I'd rather die, then live in a world where you, or kiara, or my parents, or anyone I care about isnt here because I killed them." He then moves Fuli's face to meet his gaze. "Fuli, I made a promise to you. A promise that I'd never let anyone hurt. I just never thought that I'd be the one that I needed to protect you from. But I plan on keeping that promise, no matter the cost." He turns and faces the Backlands again, tears still falling, as he begins to walk away, but is stopped once again.

"So that's it, you're leaving? Kion you didn't even try. For all you know, Rafiki could have some ways to help you. You still have a job here, to protect the Pride Lands. What if Kovu and KIburi attack Pride Rock and you aren't there? Wouldn't their deaths still be your fault because you ran away?" Tears began to form in her eyes as she began to open up. "I lost my mother and my father when I was very young, I lost my family, and I was scared to get close to anyone else ever again. But then I met you and the Guard, and even though I was scared, I gave it a shot, and I've never been happier. I have a new family with great friends, and one even greater friend." Upon hearing this Kion turned around and faced Fuli, his brown eyes meeting her green ones. Both cubs manage a smile through their tears. "All I'm asking Kion is to try. If not for yourself, or your family, or the Guard or the Pride Lands. Then at least do it for me." Kion was taken aback by the cheetahs words. Fuli has never opened up to anyone ever, and here she was, completely vulnerable in front of him. He walked back over to Fuli and nuzzled her. Fuli pulled Kion in closer and whispered "thank you."

"No, thank you Fuli." He plants a soft kiss on her cheek, and then puts his forehead against hers.

"Kion, no matter what happens next, good or bad. I promise I'll never turn my back on you. Friends till the end."

"Friends till the end Fuli." They both release each other from the embrace. As they make eye contact, they both blush and break eye contact for a second before re engaging as their tears began to dry.

"We should probably return to Pride Rock,"
Says Fuli.

"Couldn't agree more." They share a laugh as they make their way back. Meanwhile on Pride Rock, Rafiki is conversing with the royal family.

"Simba, there is something that I didn't not tell the group, that I believe they are not ready to hear." Simba nods and as Nala and Kiara listen to the old mandrill.

"Kion definitely the fury of the ancients, and I thought you should know, I don't know know a way of curing him of it nor helping him control it. I will consult the lions of the past. But while I'm doing that, we must keep an eye on young Kion, as now that he has had his first exposure to the power, negative emotions such as jealousy and embarrassment can set him of into another fit, but he can easily be brought back if triggered by these emotions. But if he is exposed to high amounts of stress followed by anger or the fear of losing a loved one, like Kiara, it may be very hard to break through to him."

"So what if Kion does go into a fit of rage? How do we bring him out?" Questions Simba.

"I'm afraid I do not know. Kiara, how did you get through to him?"

"Honestly, I just talked to him. I didn't even yell at him. For a second, I thought he wasn't listening, but something clicked, and came with me."

"Hm, still not sure, we will have to wait and see, but for now we should keep any eye on him. Speaking of Kion, where did he go?" Ask Rafiki. They begin looking around, to no avail. As Simba is about to send out a search party, Kion and Fuli were seen coming up the path to Pride Rock.

"Kion, where did you run off too?" Kion was caught off guard by his dad, and was not prepared for the conversation.

"Well I just...I mean," he stuttered. Once again, Fuli jumped in and made an excuse to bail him out.

"Sorry your highness, I should've warned you of our departure. Kion was feeling light headed and thirsty, so I took him to the watering hole, where we sat and talked about Rafiki's story." She was very convincing and quick on her feet, she was a cheetah after all. Simba looked Fuli in the eyes, but she didn't falter.

"Alright, thank you Fuli, but please just tell me next time, we were looking for Kion and couldn't find," Simba tells Fuli.

"Of course," Fuli said with a bow. Nala looks at Fuli and Kion, and can tell something more happened. She could see the redness in the corner of their eyes, and was surprised that Simba missed that small detail. Nala knew that Kion wouldn't say anything, but maybe she could ask Fuli. After Simba went inside the Den, Kion turned to face.

"Well, I should probably stay another night at the den before asking to stay with you, but uh...thanks for talking some sense into me back there, if you hadn't come well, who knows," Kion says with a slight chuckle.

"Anytime Kion." They embrace each other shortly but before Fuli can leave, Nala comes over.

"Fuli wait, if you two want, you can spend the night at the watering hole near Pride Rock if you'd like?"

Fuli and Kion make eye contact for a second before nodding in unison.

"We'd love to Queen Nala." Fuli bows, getting a laugh out of the lioness.

"Please Fuli, call me Nala, and you two can go. But I'd like to talk to you in private, if you don't mind." Fuli hesitates before following Nala down the path, leaving Kion on the top of Pride Rock. As they reach the bottom path, Nala engages in a conversation with the cheetah. She could see the cheetah was somewhat tense, so she tried to keep her calm.

"You're not in trouble, Fuli, I just have a question for you, so please don't worry. I noticed that you Kion were gone for a little longer than a trip to the  watering hole, and I also noticed that your eyes were a little red. Can you tell me where you went and what happened? I won't tell Simba and you don't have to tell me if you don't, I'm just worried about Kion." Fuli could her the concern in Nala's voice, and she decided to come clean.

"Kion...didn't take the story too well. He scared Nala, really scared. He would've ran away if I didn't talk some sense into him, and open up to him myself, a heart to heart if you will. He doesn't trust himself to control the power, and quite frankly, I'm worried for him as well." Nala took in Fuli's words, thinking very carefully, she was worried about her son.

"Ok thank you Fuli, I have a request. I was wondering if you could stay with Kion for awhile? I will have some lionesses take your place with guard, though there haven't been many attacks recently. But you're the only animal I trust to watch him, he seems to have a certain amount of trust in, an amount of trust I don't think he has for anyone else. You don't have to do this if you don't want too, I know Kion can be a bit much."

Without any hesitation Fuli replies. "I'd love too...I mean of course, your highness."

"Thank you, and if you think anything weird is going on with Kion, tell me or Rafiki, ok?"

"Yes Nala, I understand."

"Thank you Fuli, you and Kion can leave now, have fun." Fuli bows before leaving to get Kion. Nala is met by Simba who is curious as to why Nala and Kion have not entered he lair.

"Is everything ok dear?" He asked.

"Yes Kion will stay with Fuli for awhile but...what will happen to our Kion?"

"I don't know Nala, I don't know."

"I have faith in Kion and his friends. And I feel as if there is something more between Kion and Fuli. Something about them reminds me of the way we were as cubs. Maybe she and Kion will be able to do what Ukali and his mate couldn't."

"Maybe Nala, just maybe. Also, did you see Ono with the guard today?"

"No, I didn't."

(Wow, sorry this took so long, this chapter is 4,100 words, and honestly I think it might be one of my better chapters. We are finally getting into the side of The Lion Guard I wish they went more into, the magical and mystical side. But regardless, I hope you enjoy)




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