Back to You

Galing kay cheercclu15

140K 3.2K 314

This is a Law & Order SVU fanfic and it starts at the end of season 15, picking up where it left off. Has 3 y... Higit pa

Back to You
Untitled Part 49
Untitled Part 50
Untitled Part 51
Ch. 53
Ch. 54


1.1K 36 5
Galing kay cheercclu15

A/N: Thank you all for the reviews and the continued support. Feel free to leave me your thoughts and enjoy!

It was New Years Eve and the 1-6 had been swamped every day since Christmas. When she first started working at SVU she never understood why such a happy and joyous time brought out such harm and hatred, but she understood now. Something about the self hate and depression a perp suffered made them want, or need, to bring other people down with them. The holidays were the toughest times to be a detective, let alone be the commanding officer. 

Olivia had missed bedtime with Noah the last three nights in a row and checking her watch, it looked like she was about to make it four. Sitting at her desk with her head in her hands she did her best to fight off the need for sleep and the tears welling in her eyes. She sat back in her chair, rubbing her hands over her bump and sighed, "How are you doing little one? Do you miss your brother and your Daddy just as much as I do?" She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of her son moving ... a life she created kicking inside of her. "You know we're moving soon? We found this big beautiful house that can fit all of us in it, but don't worry, you'll have your own bedroom and it's going to be perfect. You see, you have three brothers and three sisters...I know, that's a lot of people. Your older brother Dickie is so happy you're a boy," she chuckled just thinking about how excited he was when they had told him the news, "You're going to break the tie between the boys and girls in the family. Your Daddy and I are gonna have to start looking for a name for got any suggestions?" 

Olivia chuckled to herself, wishing it was that easy. Whenever she had some down time she would think of names but nothing ever stuck...ever felt right. This would be the name her son would have for the rest of his life and she wanted it to be strong, meaningful. She hoped that once she went on maternity leave her and Elliot could look through the books and find something they liked, but she didn't think she would be able to completely settle on a name until she held her son in her arms, be able to see him and find out who he was. 

There was a light tap on the door and Fin came in, "How ya doin, baby girl?"

Olivia smiled softly, "I'm alright...pretty tired but that comes with the job, and pregnancy I guess." 

He chuckled, sitting in the chair across from her desk, "Why don't you go home? We can handle it here."

"As much as I would love that, we are already stretched too thin...Nick is off since Zara came home, half of the department is at home with their own families, and what little resources we do have right now are being pushed to the limit and we're still short handed," she said, putting her glasses back on and searching through a stack of case files until she found the one she was looking for. "Now I have to go watch an interrogation of a man who has been molesting his six year old daughter and it's taking all that I have in me not to walk in there and just shoot the bastard," she stated, brushing her hair from her eyes and trying to keep what little grip she had left on her emotions in check. 

"It's hard," Fin started, moving towards her and giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze, "Being a parent and doing this job, it's hard, but you're doing a good job at it. It's okay if every once in a while you need to take a step back and just breathe." 

She leaned against her desk, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine...I have to get out there," she said, brushing past him and out through her office door. 

Fin sighed, taking out his phone and sending a quick txt to Elliot. If Elliot couldn't get through to her then no one could.

It was pushing eleven by the time Elliot got there. Walking out of the elevator he looked around the squad room but he didn't see Olivia. 

"She's in her office," Fin said coming in from behind him, "Stubborn as always."

Elliot chuckled, "Thanks for the warning...she'd be pissed if she knew we were keeping tabs on her, but I appreciate it."

"No problem," Fin replied, taking a seat at his desk. "Someone's gotta be tough with her and I'm not taking that on."

"I got it," Elliot said, making his way to her office and pushing open the door.

Olivia looked up from her lap top and a confused look graced her face, "What are you doing here? Where's Noah?"

"Hello to you too," he smiled, walking towards her and kissing her forehead. 

"Sorry," she sighed, looking up at him with tired eyes, "Hi."

"That's better. Noah's at home with Maureen and James," he said, resting against her desk, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," she replied, pushing her glasses on top of her head.

"How about you try that again?" He smirked, corking an eye brow. 

She sighed, rolling her neck and trying to release some of the tension, "I'm okay...considering."

"No, you're not," he stated, moving behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders, gently kneading at the tense muscles in her neck. "You're exhausted." 

"This place has been so crazy, I'm being pulled in every direction and just when I think that it's slowing down, we get hit again...the next case harder and longer than the one before it" she said, tilting her head forward and giving him more access to her neck. "I can't leave yet."

Elliot's hands worked down her neck, until his lips followed, sucking and kissing on her warm skin, "Yes, you can." He pushed her hair off of her shoulder, and kissed down the front of her neck, reaching her chest, "You're coming home with me." 

"Okay," she breathed out, letting him turn her chair around so he could kiss more of her skin. 

Kissing up to her lips and cupping her cheek in his hand he claimed her lips as his. He took her mouth in his, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and nipping at it only to soothe it with his tongue, "We're leaving here and I'm going take you home and make love to you all night's been too long."

Olivia moaned into his mouth, running her hands through his hair, "It's been three days." 

"Exactly," he growled, pulling her up from her chair and flush against him, as close as her growing belly would allow, "That's too long." 

"We have to go then," she murmured against his lips. 

He pulled back, looking into her eyes and loving everything he saw in them...lust, love, need, it was all there. "Let's go," he said, wiping his lips and holding out her coat for her. 

"Thank you," she smiled, slipping her arms into her jacket. 

He kissed her cheek and took her hand in his, "You're welcome." 

"Wait ... I need my files," she said, pulling away from him only for him to pull her back. 

"Not tonight," he said, kissing her breathless, "You won't have time for work tonight."

"Is that a promise?" She asked with a smirk. 

"Yes," he replied, pulling her out of the office while she chuckled at his eagerness. 

"Glad to see you got her to leave," Fin said from his desk. 

Elliot smirked, "She doesn't stand a chance against me." 

"I resent that," Olivia said, hitting his arm. 

Elliot rolled his eyes, "Trust me, I can't hold up against you either." 

"Well in that case," she smirked, "I guess it's alright." 

"Have fun," Fin yelled at their retreating forms, receiving a wave and a smile from Olivia over her shoulder. 

Elliot held the door for her and helped her into the jeep, running around the front and hopping into the driver's seat. He started the car and they were off. 

Olivia reached over the consol, gently resting her hand on his thigh and feeling him shutter under her touch when she reached his groin.

He bit down so hard on his lip he could taste blood. They stopped at a red light and he looked over to her, "If this car was bigger...I'd take you right here, right now." 

"Well you better hurry up and get us home then," she purred, giving him a squeeze through his jeans. 

"Damn red lights," he muttered, stepping on the gas as soon as the light turned. 

Elliot was basically dragging her up the stairs, only pushing her up against the wall three times to kiss her hard and start down her neck before they could hear someone coming and they pulled apart. 

"El," Olivia moaned, as he pushed her against the door, his hands moving to her hips.

He mumbled something incoherently against her neck, her hands gripping the back of his neck when his lips came back to hers. 

The door opened and they nearly fell into the apartment, stumbling while trying to untangle themselves from each other and find their balance. 

Maureen chuckled, watching them fumble with themselves, "Good to see you got her to come home."

"Uh...yeah," Elliot mumbled, a blush creeping up past the collar of his jacket. 

James helped Maureen with her jacket and they slipped on their shoes, "Happy New Years." 

Maureen gave her father a kiss on the cheek and Olivia a hug, both of them still too embarrassed and stunned to really do much.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Maureen called as she closed the door behind her. 

Elliot looked from the door to Olivia and back at the door, walking towards the door and locking it. He threw off his jacket and toed off his shoes, making his way back to Olivia and taking her in his arms. 

"Aren't you the least bit put off by what happened?" She asked him, resting her hand on his chest. 

He shrugged, "I guess...I can't do anything about it though and they didn't really see anything. Plus," he started, kissing her neck and feeling her melt into him, "I have you right in front of me and it's kinda hard to focus on anything else." 

"C'mon," she chuckled, slipping out from between him and the couch and walking down the hallway to their bedroom. 

Elliot followed her to the bedroom, leaning against the doorway and watching her undress. She was beautiful. His mind wondered for a moment watching her olive skin in the moon light, her beautiful silhouette outlined against the darkness of the room, her wavy tresses falling over her shoulders, and he thought that sometimes beautiful just wasn't even a good enough word to describe her. 

"What's wrong?" Olivia asked softly, turning around to see him starring at her, feeling slightly self conscious as she stood there in her bra and panties. 

"Nothing," he smiled, pushing off of the wall and going to her. "You're just so beautiful...there needs to be a better word for how absolutely stunning you are."

"That's enough for me," she said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck while his found their place splayed across her bare back. 

He kissed her lips softly, resting his forehead against hers and looking into her deep chocolate brown eyes, "You're beautiful...exquisite in every way." Running his fingers through her hair, holding her closely and laying her down on the bed, supporting his weight with his arm, "I love you so much, Olivia...nothing can compare to what loving you means to me."

Olivia cupped his cheek in her hand, her thumb caressing his cheek, "If its anything like what loving you is like, then I have a pretty good idea." She brought his face down, kissing him softly and resting her lips on his cheek, "You're the most amazing man I have ever known...having your love, being loved the way you love me is something so extraordinary and I cherish it every single day. I love you, Elliot."

"I love you too," he murmured, taking her lips with his. Resting his face in the crook of her neck and kissing softly behind her ear, "Here is to the best year of our lives." 

She ran her fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head and holding him close to her, "To the best year." 

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