Bad Choices, Great Outcomes

By KingCaptFeline

438K 12.5K 2.9K

Have you ever made bad choices that you could not help but regret then, later on, made you realize that indee... More

Author's Note
Do you know her?


14.6K 574 140
By KingCaptFeline

Lisa was distracted all her shift after Jennie's father dropped her off at her job, she still didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to be there for Jennie and the baby and the other part wanted to run away from the country— the continent even —and never look back.

Like Ji-yong had said, Jennie wasn't making it easy for her, sure they had a good time the night of the party; probably because they were drunk. But the sober Jennie was indeed a pain in the ass, her only consolation was that Jennie's parents were nice people, or at least Ji-yong was, she still needed to meet her mom.

She dreaded going home that night, she knew she needed to talk to Rosé about what had happened and she was sure Rosé was going to end up forcing her to go to the hospital. She had asked her to respect her decision of staying away from the situation but knowing Rosé it was just a matter of time for her to mention something about it.

When she got home, Rosé was nowhere to be found, it was weird since Rosé always went straight home from work; no detours no nothing. She took her phone out of her jeans and was about to call her cousin when said girl walked through the door with a giant smile on her lips.

"Are you high?"

"High on love Lis." She sighed and plopped on the couch next to her cousin.

"Okay definitely high. What the fuck is going on dude?."

"Jisoo." She dreamingly. "She came by the shop and we got to talk."


"Oh, well uh Jennie told everything to her; that we're not rich and all that. She was mad at first because I lied to her but when I got to tell her our reasons she understood. She's really down to earth Lis, she asked me out but we're working on the day because on weekdays she has school and work, her only free day is on Sunday. You hear that right Lis, she works."

Lisa scrunched her face. "We work too."

"I know, but like, she doesn't have to; her parents are filthy rich. But still, she works, she said she doesn't mind that what we told her about our families were lies, that she feels something for me and she wants to see where this goes."

Lisa looked intently at her cousin, it was the first time she saw this light in her eyes, this excitement about what was in store for her. She felt happy for her, she really was but she couldn't help the need to look out of her. "Just be careful okay Rosie. I don't want you to get hurt and I definitely want to talk to her before you go on that date."

"I will Lis, don't worry and I'll tell her once we set a day." Lisa nodded and smiled. "How was your day baby?"

"Um, eventful." She chuckled nervously.

"How come?" Rosé tilted her head to look at her cousin.

"You will never guess who came to see me."


"Jennie's father." Rosé gasped and raised her eyebrows. "I'm not even shitting you. He went all mafia with me when I was leaving the restaurant."

"What do you mean 'all mafia'? What did he do to you?" She started checking Lisa's body for any injury.

"He made his driver stop right in front of me making me almost fell from the bike." Rosé went wide-eyed. "Almost! Stop worrying, nothing happened... To me, I kinda beat the shit out of his bodyguards." Lisa laughed out loud remembering the dude spitting blood and the other one with his broken nose.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to fight Lisa?"

"In my defense I thought they were going to kidnap me, dude."

"Anyway, what did he said to you? Was he mad? Does he even know about the pregnancy?"

"He knows, he said Jennie told them this morning and um he said he wants me to be there for the baby."

"Did he threaten you or something?"

"Nope." Lisa shook her head. "He just... he just said that the baby should have both parents there and he gave me the address of the hospital where they having Jennie's check-up."

Rosé places her hand on Lisa's and turned her whole body to have a good look at her. "Are you going?"

"Dunno. I'm working that day."

"When is it?"

"This Saturday morning."

"I know you said you want nothing with them, but think about it, baby. What would Aunt Chitthip say about this?"

"She would've fucking kicked my ass." Lisa chuckled remembering her mother. "She would've fucking kicked my ass" She repeated again, whispering to herself.

"I can take your shift that day if you wanna go." Rosé offered gently.

"I... Can I have these next few days to think about it?" She asked Rosé, scratching her cheek.

"Of course, you can baby, how about now we go to sleep?" Lisa nodded. "I'll see you in the morning."

"See ya tomorrow." After both of them took their respective showers, they went to sleep. Lisa of course, thinking about what Ji-yong had said.

Saturday came quicker than Lisa would've liked to, at 5 in the morning her alarm went off but she stayed there; lying in bed, still thinking. The appointment wasn't due until 10 that morning but she needed to be at the restaurant at 7.

When the clock in her cell phone said it was already 5:30 in the morning, she stood up and went to take a shower. She heard Rosé moving around the apartment, most probably cooking some breakfast for them.

When she got out of the shower, Rosé was already waiting for her with some plates set on the little coffee table they had in front of their couch. She asked her to give her a few minutes while she put her clothes on and after walking out of her room. She took a seat next to her cousin.

Rosé was a bit— a lot —disappointed when she heard Lisa's bedroom door, she thought that her cousin had got her shit together and decided to go to the hospital with Jennie but that door sound buried deep down the hopes she had.

She decided not to press Lisa about it knowing she'll only get her mad and instead she got up to make some breakfast.

They ate in silence, Rosé waiting for Lisa to ask her to get ready to cover her shift and Lisa waiting for Rosé to scold her for going to work instead of going to the hospital. They both finished and no one had said anything.

Lisa went to brush her teeth and when she returned to the living room. She grabbed her wallet and the keys, just saying goodbye to Rosé and that she'll see her in the night.

Lisa wanted to go to the hospital, be there for her kid and for Jennie too but she was scared, she didn't know how to do anything baby related; she didn't even know how to cook for herself. Besides she didn't have the education to get a better job and she knew that now she needed to earn more money to offer something for them or at least for the baby even though Ji-yong told her she didn't have to do that.



"Hey" Jisoo breathed when she saw Rosé opening her apartment door. "You look...gorgeous."

"Thanks." She smiled at her. "Wanna come in? I just need to get my keys and my purse."

Jisoo nodded and Rosé stepped aside to let her in, she surveyed the apartment. "Is nice in here."

Rosé scoffed and raised an incredulous eyebrow. "You don't need to lie Jichu, I know this place sucks."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes, it does, now c'mon let's go." She grabbed her hand and tugged her out of there.

Jisoo had called her around seven saying she had changed her shift with one of her coworkers and she was free that morning. She told her she wanted to take her on a breakfast date (since she knew Rosé had work that afternoon) because she couldn't wait any longer, Rosé accepted and an hour later she was there, outside her apartment door.

They walked to Jisoo's Bentley Continental and Jisoo opened the door for her making her swoon. She took her to a low-key restaurant, nothing fancy.

"At what time do you need to be at work?" Jisoo asked Rosé after they placed their orders.

"I have all day free."

"Really? I thought you worked today."

"I did, but um well you know Jennie and Lisa's situation." Jisoo nodded for her to go on. "A few days ago, Jennie's father came to talk to Lisa an-."

"Shut your mouth!" She yelled and everyone in the restaurant turned to look at them. She lowered her voice and talked again. "He did? Jennie didn't tell me that."

"Yeah, he did. He told her she should go to Jennie's appointment and I thought she would, so I took the day off to cover her shift."

"Aaand I'm guessing she didn't since you're here with me."

Rosé shook her head. "Nope, I woke up this morning with her getting ready for work."

"Well, I mean, I don't really know her but if I was in her shoes, I'd be pretty scared right now. She looks so young and I love Jennie and all but she's super annoying as it is; I can't even imagine with the pregnancy hormones and stuff." She shuddered.

"If she's so annoying why are you her friend?" Rosé questioned her. It was kind of confusing for her. If she found someone annoying. She just avoided them instead of making them her friends.

Their conversation got stopped for a moment when their food arrived.

Jisoo sighed once the waiter was gone. "We met when we were like 5 and we became good friends, she was really outgoing, sweet and down to earth. But a few years ago she just started to change when she met some guy, she started to hang out with a group of people who just want to party and I mean, she has been my best friend for almost 17 years; is hard to break such a long relationship."

"Hopefully she'll change now that she's pregnant."

"I really hope so, I missed my best friend. But anyway, enough about those two idiots, since you don't have to work today and neither do I; how about we spend all day together? I had just planned this breakfast and maybe going for a walk but now we have all day free." She sent a dazzling smile to Rosé who couldn't help but mirror it.

"I'd love that, how do you feel about going to the movies later this afternoon?"

Jisoo placed her chin in her hand and tapped her finger on her lips pretending to be thinking about it. "I'll like it better if we watch a movie at my apartment." Rosé raised her eyebrow. "Not that I'm trying to take this day to a different level, just like...I'd like to spend some alone time with you."

She received a smile from Rosé. "It is fine as long as we keep everything pg-13, I know we already um did it but last night we said slow and well I don't wanna ruin this by jumping into that again."

"You can say sex Rosie, we're all adults here." They both laughed. "But yeah, I agree with you. I'll keep my hands to myself." She grinned innocently at Rosé.

"Then let's finish here so we can go on that walk you planned and then to your place."

It wasn't long before they finished their food, Jisoo took the check when the waiter brought it for them and even though Rosé insisted in at least paying her half, Jisoo didn't accept and told her she had invited her on the date and that it was her duty to pay.

They walked back to the car and when Jisoo opened the door for her, she heard the sound of her phone indicating her she had a new message.

"Oh, c'mon!" She threw her head in the seat's headrest.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked her from the driver's seat.

She handed her phone to Jisoo for her to read the new message

Baby Chick: Hey Rosie could you come to Rocky's and cover me while I go to the hospital? I wasn't planning on going but uh yeah, I changed my mind.

"Baby Chick?" Jisoo laughed. "I can drive you there if you want."

"It's okay, I can take the bus. I'm sorry, I really wanted to spend this day with you."

"No way, I won't let you go on the bus when I can drive you." She started the car and drove off. "Just tell me where to go."

They arrived at Lisa's job 20 minutes later, Rosé walked to the staff's door after saying goodbye to Jisoo and found Lisa talking with the cooking lady.

"What made you change your mind?"

Lisa shrugged. "I don't know, I have to be there."

"You don't have to be there if you don't want to Lis, you have to want to be there."

"Okay, I want to be there. I'm still scared but is mine too after all. So, are you here to reprimand me or to cover for me?"

She smiled at her cousin. "Of course, to cover you, get out of here." She nodded her head towards the door for Lisa to go already.

Lisa took her apron and changed the shirt of her uniform to one of hers and walked out of the door.

"Finally, she got her shit together." Rosé mumbled to herself, she put the apron on and stepped out of the kitchen to attend the clients. She totally didn't expect to see Jisoo sitting at one of the booths. "What are you doing here?"

Jisoo turned to look at her and smiled. "Well, I wanted to spend the day with you too, so here I am."

"Oh gosh, you're crazy." She shook her head laughing but internally she was dancing at how cute Jisoo was being.


"We'll go see Dr Bae, sweetie, we'll be right back."

Jennie nodded at her mother and flipped the page on the magazine she was reading, it was so boring being there in the waiting room. She hated to wait especially when she had an appointment already.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement in the couch next to the one where she was seated and out of curiosity. She looked at the person, finding the only person she didn't think she'll see there.

"What are you doing here?" She scream-whispered to Lisa.

"I came to know if everything is okay with" She trailed off pointing at Jennie's belly.

"I told you to forget I ever told you about it."

"I know." She didn't want to fight with Jennie, especially in a public place. When she arrived to the hospital, she saw Ji-yong and his wife talking to a doctor, he waved at her and pointed the direction where she needed to go.

"I don't want you here Lisa, you can go." Lisa said nothing to her, she didn't even acknowledge her. "Ugh" Jennie scoffed in annoyance and went back to read her magazine.

"Lisa, honey. I was starting to think we wouldn't see you here today." Ji-yong said when they got back from talking to their friend. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too sir." She held her hand out for him to shake it but he dismissed her and hugged her with a laugh instead. Jennie rolled her eyes at her father's antics.

"I told you already to call me Ji-yong, here, this is Dara; my wife."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim." She again was surprised by a hug but this time coming from the raven-haired woman.

"Please just call me Dara, dear. Is so nice to meet you, Ji-yong talked wonders about you after your meeting."

"I'd hardly call it a meeting, love but okay." He laughed again and patted Lisa's shoulder. "Wouldn't you agree, Lisa?"

"I- yeah, I do have to agree with that." She permitted a smile to form on her lips, she didn't understand Jennie's behavior having such great parents.

"Let's take a seat, shall we." Lisa and Dara nodded taking a seat in the couch.

"I don't understand why would you ask her to come, I told you I don't want her to be with me." Jennie told her father. Lisa lowered her head already thinking about how stupid she was for coming.

"Jennie, please, stop being like that. Lisa is not here for you, she's here for the baby so stop being so immature." Her mother told her before her father had the chance to say anything. She loved her daughter but she was getting tired of Jennie's attitude towards everyone, especially Lisa. Lisa was surprised by the attitude that the couple had with her, she didn't expect them to be so nice to her.

"Ji-yong said you had work today, dear, won't you get in trouble for missing work?" She turned her body away from her daughter and towards Lisa.

"I asked my cousin to cover me while I'm here and I'm friends with the owner, so don't worry I won't have any trouble." She smiled gratefully at Dara.

"How old are you? Tell us about yourself, we just know your name."

"Uh, I'm Lalisa Manoban, 18. Um...I live here with my cousin and uh I have two jobs.... I really don't know what to tell you guys."

"It's okay, dear. That'd be enough for now." Dara winked at her.

They were called to the doctor's office and the four of them walked inside. Luckily the office was big enough for all of them or it would've been too crowded.

"I believe the nurse already took blood out of you?" The doctor asked Jennie who in returned nodded. "Well, that'll help us see if you have any disease or if the fetus has any abnormalities. If you like we can also run some test in the father to make everything more reliable."

"Are you okay with that Lisa?" Ji-yong asked her.

"Yeah sure, anything you need."

"I'm sorry, I'm not understanding." The doctor looked confused at all of them.

"Intersex." Was all Lisa offered to her, not that she needed to know anything else besides that.

The doctor nodded and called the nurse to take some blood out of Lisa. Whilst the nurse did that, she began to explain everything to them.

She asked Jennie how many weeks she thought she had and after telling her it was almost two months, the doctor asked them if they wanted a scan, they accepted so the doctor led them to another room.

Spreading the gel on Jennie's belly, she explained to them that they wouldn't be able to hear the baby's heart but they were going to be able to see it in the monitor.

The doctor turned the lights off and the monitor on and began to move the ultrasound transducer on Jennie's belly, stopping at one point. "Here you can see the fetus." She pointed at the spot in the monitor where you could see a little white circle inside a bigger black circle. "And right here you can see the little movement of the heartbeat." She pointed to a different part of the baby.

Ji-yong and Dara had tears in their eyes, Lisa and Jennie, on the other hand, were still kind of shocked about everything.

"Oh, wow." The doctor exclaimed.

"What is it, is something wrong?" Lisa found herself saying without thinking about it, Ji-yong and Dara following soon after.

"Not really, here's the other one." The doctor smiled at all of them.

"Wait, what?"

"Congratulations, you're having twins." Ji-yong and Dara's faces broke into huge grins whilst Lisa and Jennie's jaws dropped to the ground.

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