The Angel and Her Protector

By AmberCannon9

568 73 24

Angeline had left everything behind, including her feelings for the wrong guy. But after many years away her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 14

17 4 2
By AmberCannon9

    Angeline's eyes slowly opened, taking in the brightness of the sunshine that was coming in through the window. She scanned the room, a room she had been staying in for the past 3 days. His room. 

    She attempted to sit up but a heavy weight was resting on her waist. She rolled over and was met with the face of the man of her dreams. The past few days had been extremely rough on her, and Alex had been so patient, so caring. Angeline was finally starting to feel like herself again, she knew that Alex was the reason for it. He had been there to support her and help her with dealing with the fact that she had killed someone. 

     Angeline continued staring at Alex, and thinking about all the amazing things he had done for her in the last month. All the things he had done in the last 72 hours. If she woke from a nightmare, Alex was right there calming her down. She would get lost in her thoughts and start thinking negative of herself, Alex would be right there knowing exactly what to say to bring her out of that mindset. Angeline didn't think he could be any more perfect, but he continued to surprise her. 

   She brought her hand to his face and brushed his hair back, and slowly traced her fingers down his jawline. Then she ran her index finger across his bottom lip, remembering the last time his lips were upon hers. She looked up at his closed eyes, hoping they stay that way for just a minute longer. She moved her face closer to his, lips almost touching, she glanced up one more time making sure he was still asleep. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his. Before she could pull away she felt his arms tighten around her body, and Alex deepened the kiss. Angeline was surprised, but she was not afraid to kiss him back. 

    They finally pull apart from the intimate kiss, both slowly opening their eyes. "Morning," Alex said in a raspy voice, a smile making it's way on his face. Angeline returned the smile, "Morning, sorry if I woke you." Alex pulled her back in, hugging her tightly, "Lei you can wake me up like that every morning." Angeline's smile grew even bigger when she heard the nickname Alex had given her back in high school. He normally only used it when they were alone, he wanted it to be something special between the two of them. It was their secret and Angeline loved how sweet and cheesy he was about it, it always made her smile when he said it. 

    Alex had sat up, bringing Angeline with him, his back resting against the head board and Angeline tucked into his side. He softly kissed her forehead, something he had been doing lately and Angeline couldn't get over the sensation that overwhelmed her body every time he did it. There was something about it that made her feel so loved, so cherished, and so adored.

    He wasn't going to push her past her boundaries, he knew she was going to need time after everything she had been through. Alex was desperate to kiss her once she was in his arms, but seeing her so broken he was going to have to wait and let it happen on her terms. He had felt her stir and roll in his arms, he wasn't sure what to expect when he felt her fingers touch his face, but when they touched his lips he stayed as still as possible. He thought she had moved closer, then it happened, her lips were on his. He didn't want it to end, he had missed those lips and he wasn't about to let the kiss end just yet. 


    Alex had made a delicious breakfast for the two of them, and as they were finishing, Alex's phone started ringing. "Hello?" was all he said, listening to what was being said on the other end of the conversation. He stood from the table, slowly pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Angeline only looked at him, waiting to find out what was going on. Alex only said, "Fine, set it up and we will be there," and the call was ended. 

   Angeline wanted to ask about the call, but she knew it was better to wait and let him calm down. She could tell that whoever had called gave him some upsetting news, and she didn't want to upset him more by asking a dozen questions. She knew he would eventually talk about it with her, she just had to stay patient like he had been with her these past few days. 

    She started collecting the dishes from the table and placing them in the sink. Alex was now sitting down at the kitchen table again. Angeline had made sure she had all the dishes from the table and was about to make her way into the kitchen to start washing them, when Alex had grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her head for a moment. He took a deep breath, he moved his head so he could look at Angeline, she returned his gaze. He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than usual. Then he placed a soft kiss on her lips before he spoke, "That was John on the phone." Angeline gave a slight nod, encouraging him to continue, "Derek's parents want to speak with you. They told John it was only to talk, and they were hoping we could meet them for dinner tonight."

   Angeline was shocked, she had explained everything that had happened to the police and that information was passed along to the Shipman family. She didn't expect that they would want to meet her or even speak with her. What could they want? Alex noticed her worried look and pulled her closer, "I will not leave your side and we do not have to stay very long, I promise. But John said they were very adamant about talking with you. John will be there, along with Lexie." Alex's calm voice soothed Angeline's nerves and she nodded, "I think seeing them will be a good thing. Even if they are angry with me, maybe it will help them get closure on the situation. And maybe it will help me move past it all as well." Alex only stared at her, amazed at her words and her strength. 

   John had sent Alex the details for their evening plans. The restaurant chosen was a homey type place. Alex was a little confused by their choice, but he had other things to worry about. His biggest concern was why did they want to meet Angeline, what were they wanting to talk to her about? Knowing his sister and John would be there helped to ease his mind a little. This wasn't something she was going to have to do on her own, she would have all the support she needed to get through this dinner.


    As the four of them made their way in to the family style restaurant, Angeline found herself feeling extremely nervous. She didn't know if she was about to be yelled at, looked down upon, or even attacked by the couple. She had taken their only son, and every news station was talking about him and the family. Derek may have been a troubled person and dragged Amelia down with him, but that didn't mean every member of their family was the same. 

    The hostess took them to their table, and the couple already sitting at the table. They stood when they saw the four of them coming towards them. Mr. Shipman was the first to speak, "Hello, I am Daniel and this is my wife Grace." He reached out to shake Alex's hand, Alex reluctantly accepted but he didn't want to be rude. Alex then introduced everyone, "I'm Alex, my sister Lexie, I believe you already know John, and this is Angeline." Daniel shook hands with the others as Alex introduced them, Grace did the same until she came to Angeline. Grace looked at the woman, tears slowly collecting in her eyes. Angeline didn't know what to do, she was certain the tears were for her son, but then the older woman pulled her into a tight hug. She whispered into Angeline's ear, "I am so sorry for what he did to you." Angeline pulled back, shock written all over her face. Grace had apologized. Angeline couldn't help her own tears from falling, she pulled Grace back in for another hug and together they wept. 

    Alex wasn't exactly sure what was happening between the two women, but one look at Daniel and a sense of relief washed over him. The expression on Daniel's face didn't show hate or anger, but of remorse. They weren't here to blame Angeline for what happened or for what she had to do to survive, but to apologize for what their son did to her. 

    Everyone finally took a seat at the large round table, Grace determined to sit next to Angeline. Alex taking the seat on the other side of her, and Daniel sitting next to his wife. Lexie sat next to her brother leaving John the open seat next to her and Daniel. 

    "We hope you don't mind, but we took the liberty of ordering for the table. This is one of our favorite places and they make some of the best BBQ in the area," Daniel announced. Everyone nodded, expressing that they were fine with that decision. A waiter had come around to take their drink orders, and once he delivered the drinks the group was left to talk in private. 

    Grace had pulled Angeline's hand to her chest, and looked into her eyes, "I am truly sorry for what happened, for what Derek did. We had no idea he was doing all of this. We want you to know that we do not have ill feelings toward you. You did what you had to. From what we know of our son and all the information given to us by either John or the police, Derek would not have stopped." Grace took a shaky deep breath, trying her best to keep from crying again. 

     Daniel took this opportunity to finally speak, "When Derek was younger he had issues with letting go. He would quickly become obsessed with an object or even with a person. When he started reacting violently towards us or anyone that was trying to take away what was HIS, we knew we needed to get him help. He had been seeing a Psychologist from the age of 11 through the age of 18. It seemed after we moved, during his Junior year of high school, that we started seeing a difference in him. We thought maybe it was due to the new surroundings and the new doctor. So after he graduated we told him it was his choice if he wanted to continue his sessions."

     Daniel had a look of regret on his face, he turned to look at Grace who only mirrored his expression. They both regretted that decision to give Derek the option to end the counseling. Grace then continued where Daniel left off, "Derek had told us that he would continue the sessions till the end of summer. Once August came around he had moved away for college. With him so far away it was hard to read his behavior accurately when he came home on breaks. He always seemed very happy and upbeat, and we hadn't been informed about any incidents from his school so we assumed he was doing well. We would ask about his life and if he had met anyone special, but he would always tell us that he was good and that he didn't have anyone special in his life yet."

   Yet! Angeline froze when Grace said the word, and Grace squeezed her hand a little when their eyes met. It wasn't until recently that Grace finally understood why he always said it that way. It wasn't that Derek was waiting to meet the right person, but that he was waiting for the right moment to make Angeline his. 

    The conversation was put on pause as the food made it's way to their table. Everyone enjoying the delicious food, and focusing on some lighter topics to talk about while they ate. Angeline couldn't help but look at the older couple and feel a connection with them. 

     The direction this meeting took filled Angeline with relief. Derek had many psychological problems and they resulted in him feeling extremely attached to something or someone. Angeline ended up being a huge someone to him, and he had created an alternative life in his mind where the two fell in love and had a happy life together. It was when someone stepped in and changed his perspective on his reality that he would act out of character, and causing him to act violently towards others.

    Everyone was finishing up their meal, and the conversation was still flowing smoothly around Angeline. She was lost in her thoughts and was having a hard time concentrating on what the others were saying, until Lexie brought up Amelia. Angeline gave her a confused look, Lexie had asked John if they had ever found her. They were all aware that Angeline had seen Derek strangle her, and that she saw her lifeless body on the floor, but she didn't know that her body was never found. That bit of information had been kept from her. She just assumed that Derek wouldn't risk bringing the body with them when they left the cabin. So, if she wasn't found there, could she still be alive?

    Beep! Beep! Beep! Daniel's phone went off bringing everyone's attention to him. He pulled it out of his pocket and noticed it was a text from an known number. He didn't know if he should look, but his curiosity had won and his jaw dropped when he opened the message. Grace peaked over at his phone, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, tears steadily falling from her eyes. Daniel handed the phone over to John, knowing he was the best person to help them. 

    John's facial expression never changed, he simply looked at Alex and said, "It's from Amelia, it's a picture of us sitting here eating dinner." John passed the phone over to Alex, it was then he saw why Grace reacted as she did. Amelia had circled both Grace and Daniel in the picture and wrote 'TRAITORS' above them, and over Angeline's image in the picture was the word 'KILLER'. Before Alex handed the phone back to Daniel another message came through from Amelia.

  "I will make you pay for what you did! ~Amelia"

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