Chasing a New Dawn

By PokeChick

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When Byleth Eisner and his family saved a group of nobles from bandits, none of them expected to get swept in... More

Chapter 1: Fated Meeting
Chapter 2: Arrival at Garreg Mach Monastery
Chapter 3: Tours and Choices
Chapter 5: Training Day
Chapter 6: Rivalry of the Houses
Chapter 7: Victory and Audiences
Chapter 8: Getting Used to Familiar Scenery
Chapter 9: Birthdays and Individual Teachings
Chapter 10: The Realities of Battle
Chapter 11: Red Canyon Dominance
Chapter 12: Mutiny that Lies in the Mist
Chapter 13: Glimpses of the Past
Chapter 14: Descent of the Black Eagles
Chapter 15: Bonding and Sword Lessons
Chapter 16: Girl of Hresvelg
Chapter 17: Shield's Revelation
Chapter 18: The Magdred Ambush

Chapter 4: Three Houses

155 3 0
By PokeChick

Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem: Three Houses or its characters, I only own Blythe, Celine, and the changes in the plot that I make in the war phase.



Last Time:

"I don't know how, but, Celine seems familiar to me." Dimitri added suddenly.

"Were you a part of her past? She barely remembers anything before four years ago." Blythe responded.

Dimitri nodded. He then realized the timeline.

"Four years ago...that was the Tragedy of Duscur! I wonder, is Celine who I think she is?"


Dimitri, Blythe, Annette, and Celine all met up at the entrance to the stairs on the second floor.

"I can take it from here, Annette. You can go back to the training grounds. After that, can you get all of the Lions to meet in the classroom." Dimitri said. Annette bowed, nodded, and then took her leave.

"Why did she just bow?" Celine asked. Dimitri sighed while saying, "I told the others that they didn't have to bow around me."

He then explained, "I'm the crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus."

Blythe got a surprised expression on her face. She then said, "Oh, I didn't realize!"

"Just address me as you do already. I don't really like formalities. In a formal setting, I learn to put up with them." The prince responded. "That goes for you too, Celine."

Both girls nodded their heads in acknowledgement. He then explained the house system, and the characteristics of the corresponding countries of origin.

"Do you both know what house you want to join?" Dimitri asked as the three walked to the audience chamber.

"I knew what house I wanted to join before we even arrived here. I just needed a tour so I can get the location of all of the facilities." Blythe said with a smile on her face.

"Based on what you said about each house and their respective countries, I'll probably have to go with the Blue Lion House." Celine responded.

Dimitri nodded to the statements of his fellow students. Everyone then arrived at the audience chamber, where the archbishop was. Dimitri approached the door, and knocked on it.

A serene "Come in," was heard on the opposite side of the door. Dimitri opened the door, and he walked in, with Blythe and Celine following behind.


Blythe, Celine, and Dimitri entered the audience chamber, which Lady Rhea was at the end of.

"Hello Prince Dimitri, Blythe, Celine." The archbishop said as the three students walked up. "Blythe, Celine, how are you both liking your time here at the Officers Academy?"

"It's amazing so far." Blythe said while bowing down. Celine nodded in agreement. Rhea smiled softly at the experiences of the two students.

"Do you both know what houses you are going to join?" The archbishop asked.

"They both wanted to join the Blue Lion House." Dimitri replied while also bowing down. "I agree with their decisions, but they need your approval to be enrolled in the Blue Lion House, Archbishop."

"I will give them approval of their decision. Dimitri, please show your new classmates to the Blue Lion Classroom." Rhea said.

"Of course, Lady Rhea." Dimitri responded. He then turned to Blythe and Celine. "I'll show you to the classroom, come on you two."

The three Blue Lion students then left the audience chamber.


Dimitri, Blythe, and Celine all left the audience chamber. They gathered in front of the door. On their way to the stairs, someone called Blythe and Celine's names. Everyone turned around to see Jeralt walking up.

"Father!" Blythe exclaimed with joy in her voice. Celine nodded in greetings while having a small smile on her face.

"Captain Jeralt! It's nice to properly meet you." Dimitri said.

"Likewise, kid." Jeralt responded. He then turned to his two children. "How are you two liking the monastery?"

"I've liked it." Celine told him at the same time Blythe said, "It's been amazing!"

"Glad you two are enjoying your time here. I don't know about your brother, though. He seemed really out of place when we left him." Jeralt said.

"Oh. Isn't your brother the new professor of the academy?" Dimitri asked while looking at Blythe.

"Yeah. Professor Manuela said that she told the house leaders that my brother was going to be a professor. I'm guessing you're the house leader of the Blue Lions." Blythe responded.

"I am. Edelgard is the leader of the Black Eagles, and Claude is the leader of the Golden Deer." Dimitri said.

"Where were you guys going, anyways?" Jeralt asked suddenly.

"He was just about to show us to the classroom." Celine answered while gesturing to Dimitri. Jeralt nodded while saying, "You both choose the Blue Lion House?"

At both Blythe and Celine's nods, Jeralt shook his head with a small smile on his face. "I should've figured. Blythe always felt drawn to the Kingdom, and the same for Celine."

"This morning, we were about to leave for the Kingdom on our next job." Jeralt said. He then added, "Well, I shouldn't hold you guys up for too long. I'll probably see you guys later."

Jeralt then took his leave. Blythe, Celine, and Dimitri went to the stairs, on the way to the Blue Lion Classroom.


The three Blue Lions stopped outside of the classroom, and Dimitri turned to his two classmates. "Are you both ready to meet the rest of the Blue Lions?"

"Yep!" Blythe said at the same time Celine said, "I suppose so."

Dimitri, Blythe, and Celine then entered the Blue Lions classroom to see a crowd of students standing in the center of it. Annette was in the center of the crowd, with a blue haired male on her left, and a pinkish blonde haired female on her right.

"I gathered them all!" Annette exclaimed.

"Thank you, Annette." Dimitri thanked. He then said to the Blue Lions, "Now, most of you all are probably wondering why there are two people behind me."

After the nods of everyone except for Annette, Dimitri continued. "After their courageous deeds earlier this morning, the archbishop enrolled the two young women behind me into the Officers Academy. They decided to be a part of the Blue Lion House."

Dimitri turned to Blythe and Celine. "Do you want to introduce yourselves to your fellow Lions?"

"I'm Blythe Eisner, daughter of 'The Blade Breaker'. I'm mostly known as 'The Guardian Angel'." Blythe said while waving.

"Celine, known as 'The Lunar Swordsman'." Celine said. She then winced quietly, but no one noticed it.

"As you know, I'm the prince of Faerghus. My full name is Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd." Dimitri said. He then turned to the other Lions. "You all want to introduce yourselves to the new members of the Blue Lions?"

Looking at the students, they introduced themselves from left to right. The first one was a tall young man with a darker skin tone. He had white hair that was in a short ponytail, and had blue-gray eyes. He seemed to be in his late teens, around 18. The young man bowed down while saying, "I am Dedue Molinaro. I am very thankful that you both came to the aid of His Highness when I was not available. If there is anything you need, I will help you in anyway I can."

The next person to introduce themselves was a boy around his middle to late teens, probably 16. He had gray hair and green eyes. The boy had a light skin tone, in fact, every other person had the boy's skin tone. He waved his hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Ashe Ubert, the adopted son of Lord Lonato. I've always wanted to become a knight, so I'm enrolled here to learn the skills to become a good knight."

After Ashe, the next person was a young woman around her late teens, maybe 17. She had blonde hair that was in a braid, and green eyes. She introduced herself with a small smile on her face. "Greetings, I'm Ingrid Brandl Galatea. Thank you for what you both did for Prince Dimitri. I'm striving to become a knight. Also, I'm a childhood friend of Sylvain, Felix, and Prince Dimitri."

Once Ingrid finished, a young man with red hair and brown eyes was next. He was around 19. Blythe and Celine recognized him to be the person from the incident at the training grounds, the one who startled Annette. The young man introduced himself while putting his hands behind his head. "I never expected our new classmates to be two lovely ladies such as yourselves. I'm Sylvain Jose Gautier, I hope we get to know each other better."

A chorus of "Sylvain!" was heard from everyone except Blythe and Celine. Ingrid socked Sylvain in the arm with a grunt. Sylvain rubbed his arm. All of a sudden, someone began to speak. "Ugh. Ignore that bumbling idiot."

Everyone turned to see that a young man with blue hair and brown eyes had spoken. He seemed to be around Ingrid and Dimitri's age, probably 17. The young man had his hair up in a ponytailish style, with a few pieces on the ends of his face. He then introduced himself. "Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Spar with me when you have the time."

Ingrid sighed with an exasperated expression on her face. Sylvain and Dimitri shook their heads. Annette smiled while saying, "Moving on!"

Everyone turned their attention to Annette. She properly introduced herself while putting her left arm over her chest. "I'm Annette Fantine Dominic, niece to the current Lord Dominic. If you need help with anything regarding magic, I can probably help!"

The last student in the Blue Lions was a young woman with pinkish blonde hair and light purple eyes. She looked around 22, a year older than Byleth. Blythe saw the student, and a memory flashed through her mind...


Eastern Faerghus, Imperial Year 1170

Jeralt and his company were in the eastern portion of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus on a job. Byleth and Blythe came along with the company, both of them in gear to protect them from the cold. Blythe's mom had died earlier that year, and Blythe was still slightly down from it. Jeralt ruffled Blythe's hair affectionately, and Blythe looked up with a small smile on her face.

"Papa?" Jeralt looked down to see Blythe looking at him. Blythe then asked, "We're going to be here for a little while, right?"

At Jeralt's nod, Blythe continued, "I want to learn something new. White magic, to be precise."

"Why?" Jeralt asked while acting curious. He knew why his daughter wanted to take up white magic, but he was reluctant to let Blythe pursue it.

"I was unable to do anything to help Mama when it counted the most. I don't want to be like that again! The only way to do that is to help people with white magic! Please, Papa?" Blythe said to her father with a pleading expression on her face.

Jeralt was thinking. His daughter had a noble reason to want to learn faith magic. He wasn't worried about his daughter getting lost in trying to learn the magic, but he was worried about where they would have to go. They would have to go to a church, where there would be many people affiliated with the Church of Seiros. But, if Blythe was able to stay away from the symbol that the church is known to have...

"Alright, you can." Jeralt told his daughter. Blythe celebrated until her father interrupted with, "But..."

Blythe paid attention while her father showed her the symbol on his jacket. "Stay away from anyone besides me with this symbol. If they come towards you, hide or run away."

The turquoise-haired young girl nodded in affirmation. After that, Jeralt began to walk with Blythe to a church, Byleth following behind.-------------------------------------------------

When the Eisner family arrived at the church in the town that they were in, they were greeted by a woman and what seemed to be her daughter. Jeralt recognized the woman, it was the best friend of Blythe's mother.

"Lady Martritz, it's a pleasure to see you again." Jeralt said to the woman.

"Jeralt, you know you can call me Angelica." Lady Martritz responded with a smile on her face.

Lady Martritz, or Angelica, was a beautiful woman with pinkish blonde hair and light purple eyes. She had a calming and serene aura around her. Angelica was also wearing a pale pink dress with flats. The young girl looked the same as her mother.

"I know, but, we have to set a good example for the children." Jeralt told Angelica. Angelica nodded. She then got a slightly grieved look on her face. "I can't believe that Althea is gone."

Jeralt was about to respond when Blythe hid behind him all of a sudden. He looked behind Lady Martritz to see a monk of the Church of Seiros. Jeralt ruffled Blythe's hair while saying, "Yeah, but, Blythe here wants to learn faith magic. So she could help people when they need it the most."

Angelica then answered Jeralt's unspoken inquiry. "I would be honored to teach Blythe alongside Mercedes."

"Thank you, Ma'am!" Blythe beamed up at Angelica.

"Of course."


After the memory rolled through her mind, Blythe realized that the child from back then was right in front of her.

"Merce..." Blythe said to the last student while using her nickname.

"Hello again, Blythe. It's been a long time." The last student said. She then introduced herself. "I am Mercedes von Martritz. I went to the Royal School of Sorcery in Fhridiad a few years ago. I am also the adopted daughter of a merchant in Faerghus."

After the introductions, all that was heard in the Blue Lion classrooms were conversations. Both nostalgic and curious...


The Next Day:

The day before, Byleth had taken a stroll around the Officers Academy on his own time. He tried to find his siblings or his father, but, he could not find any of them. Now, the teal-haired professor was looking at a book in a room with a table. Byleth was sitting down at the table, while flipping through the pages of the book. In the book, he saw diagrams and text, while seeing the occasional picture. All of a sudden, Byleth heard something!

He looked up after hearing the sound. Byleth figured out that the sound was a bell ringing, and so he stood up and pushed in the chair. He then picked up the book, and put it in one of the pockets on his pants. He then walked to the door, and pushed it open with both hands while walking out.

Outside, Byleth looked around him to see classes going on. There was a magic class being taught by Professor Hanneman, the gentleman watching over the students casting magic with a watchful eye. Another class was in a classroom. The teacher that was teaching was Professor Manuela. She was walking up and down the aisle of the classroom while teaching from a book.

Byleth continued to walk through the monastery. Once he got to the stairs leading to the second floor, he began to traverse them. His mind wandered to how his family was doing. He knew his father was going to be the Captain of the Knights of Seiros again, but, what would Blythe and Celine be doing in the monastery. Would they both be knights under their father's command?

There was no time to think about that now, Byleth realized. He was at the second floor. The teal-haired professor then began to walk to the audience chamber, where Lady Rhea was waiting. When he got to the entrance of the chamber, he then opened the doors, and walked in. Rhea smiled at his arrival, and then lightly lolled her head to the side.

"Professor Byleth, I trust that you have had a good nights rest, along with a peaceful morning?" Rhea asked.

Byleth nodded yes to Rhea's question. Rhea then said, "I assume you are already aware that you will be teaching here at the Officers Academy. Correct?"

When Lady Rhea saw Byleth nod again, she told him, "Good. To start, please speak with the three house leaders. You should also take a look around the academy and acquaint yourself with your new home. That is your first task here at the monastery."

"I accept this task, Lady Rhea. I'll now take my leave." Byleth said. He then bowed, and started to exit the audience chamber. While he was leaving, he heard Alois call for him. Byleth turned to see Alois standing next to Seteth.

"Good morning, Professor!" Alois greeted with a raised voice. Seteth did the same, but, in a much more quiet tone.

"Ha! I imagine you were a bit surprised that I recommended you as a professor here." Alois said. After Byleth's nod, he continued. "Frankly, we had someone else in mind for the role, but they ran off during our dustup with the bandits. Can't entrust students to someone who's abandoned them once before, huh?"

"I wouldn't. They showed their true colors." Byleth said with a scrutinizing look on his face. Seteth told Byleth, "You saved the lives of the students that you came across. That, at least, was admirable. Now, you should make the rounds. Go around the monastery and see that you greet everyone."

"I will. Good day." Byleth told the two. He then walked out of the audience chamber, searching for Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude.

Byleth then entered what seemed to be a reception hall. It had a lot of tables on both sides, with an aisle in the middle. Over the sea of people, the teal-haired professor saw a head of white hair on the other end of the reception hall. He recognized it to be Edelgard, so he walked over to her. Once he got to her, she lifted her head up.

"So you've accepted a teaching position here...Pity. I was hoping you would lend your strength to the Empire." Edelgard said. She then realized that she did not introduce herself properly earlier, "I never properly introduced myself, did I? My name is Edelgard von Hresvelg. I am the princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire. I wonder if you'll be tasked with leading the a Black Eagles..."

She then said, "I hope you've had a chance to meet everyone. They're all in the vicinity of here to the classrooms. Would you like to know more about any of the Black Eagles?"

"Actually, I would. Starting with you, if you don't mind." Byleth answered.

"Me? Well...some think I'm a bit distant. Arrogant, even. But there's little to be done. One day, I must rise to become Adrestia's next emperor. What else... Well, it seems to me that we may have similar personalities." Edelgard responded. Byleth had to admit that he saw where she was coming from.

She then told Byleth about the rest of the Black Eagles. Hubert was the heir of Marquis Vestra, and had served Edelgard since she was a child. He also is a bit harsh. Ferdinand thinks that Edelgard is a constant rival that he needs to triumph, but that gets on Edelgard's nerves. He is also the son of Duke Aegir, the Prime Minister of the Empire. Linhardt is the son of an imperial noble, and he likes to nap. Caspar is the second son of Count Bergliz, and he is very hot-headed. Bernadetta is the only daughter of Count Varley, and she never likes to come out of her room. Dorothea is the only commoner of the Black Eagle House, and she came from an opera company. Lastly, Petra is from Brigid, and she is the granddaughter of the king.

"Thank you for the help, Edelgard." Byleth said. Edelgard nodded in reciprocation. Byleth left the reception hall, in search for Dimitri or Claude.-------------------------------------------------
After walking for a few minutes, he saw Claude outside of the Golden Deer classroom. As Byleth was walking up to Claude, the noble in yellow remarked, "Well, Well. Scored a teaching gig here, did ya? Talk about a great first impression."

Claude then said, "I guess that means I'd better introduce myself properly. I'm Claude von Riegan. I'm from the ruling house of the Leicester Alliance, but don't worry too much about all that madness. I'm guessing you don't know which class you'll be teaching yet, do you? I bet you'd like ours. We're not as...difficult as the other two...."

"Care to know about anyone from the Golden Deer House?" Claude questioned. Byleth replied the same as he did with Edelgard.

"Piqued your interest, have I? As luck would have it, I'm pretty curious about you as well." Claude replied. He then continued, "But what's life without a bit of mystery? Let's just spend the next year or so learning about each other, little by little."

Claude told Byleth about the rest of the Golden Deer. Lorenz is the heir of Gloucester territory. He's arrogant and fancies himself as a lady's man. Byleth would have to watch out for him. Raphael comes from a merchant family, but his parents died in an accident. He likes to train and eat. Ignatz is the second son of another merchant family. He's training to become a knight, but Claude thinks Ignatz's just doing that to please his parents. Lysithea is the daughter of Count Ordelia, and is most likely the youngest student at the academy. She's a magical prodigy, and her spells are very strong. Marianne is Margrave Edmund's daughter, and she is very soft spoken. Hilda is the only daughter of Duke Goneril. She's lazy, and she seems a bit spoiled because her father and brother coddle her. Leonie enrolled because she wanted to become a mercenary.

Byleth bid farewell to Claude. According to Edelgard, everyone was in the premises of the classrooms, so, Dimitri had to be here somewhere. Byleth turned around to see Dimitri at the other end of the little field. The teal-haired man walked towards him. Dimitri saw Byleth coming up towards him, so he turned, glancing at the tree to his left.

"Please accept my apologies for the other day. You came to our aid, yet I hadn't even the courtesy to properly introduce myself." Dimitri said. He then introduced himself with a bow. "I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Of course at the academy I am simply a student. And I've heard word that you are to become a professor here."

"Delightful news, I still have much to learn, but I'm confident I could benefit greatly from your guidance. In any case, welcome to the monastery." Dimitri said. He then asked Byleth, "I hear you're investigating the different houses here. Did any of the Blue Lions catch your attention?"

Byleth replied the same that he did with the other two house leaders. Dimitri then said, "Me? Oh, um please forgive me... It's difficult to open up on the spot, don't you think. I'm afraid my story has not been a pleasant one... I do hope that doesn't color your view of me, but I understand if that can't be helped."

Dimitri then told Byleth about the rest of the Blue Lions. Dedue was born in Duscur, and he had served as Dimitri's vassal for four years. Felix is the heir to House Fraldarius, and has a bit of a sharp tongue. He also likes to spar. Ashe is the adopted son of Lord Lonato, but was born a commoner. Sylvain is the heir to House Gautier, but he's a bit of a skirt chaser. Dimitri tried to speak to Sylvain about it, but, it doesn't help. Mercedes was born to Imperial nobility, and she's a kind soul. Byleth knows the name is familiar, but, he doesn't remember how. Annette is the niece of Baron Dominic, and she went to the Royal School of Sorcery. Ingrid is the daughter of Count Galatea, and a childhood friend of Felix, Sylvain, and Dimitri.

Byleth was about to leave, until Dimitri said, "Although, I forgot to mention that the Blue Lions have two new students."

Byleth turned to Dimitri again. Dimitri then continued, "You should know the two students pretty well. One of them is actually close by."

Dimitri then nodded towards the tree. Someone came out from behind the tree. Byleth couldn't believe his eyes.

"Surprised?" The person said with a smile on their face. "I thought you knew me better."


A.N. The person who taught Blythe faith magic is revealed. It turns out that Blythe has a past with Mercedes. What house is Byleth going to teach? Is Byleth going to find out about what Sylvain did the day before? Find out next time!

Also, anyone who wants to make fan arts or AMVs can do so! Once you complete it, add me into a story with the creation in it. If you find another way to send it to me, direct message me.

Until next time!

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