Vampire's are my Enemy's (Vam...

By PatrycjaSawina

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What happens when you find our you're the one that can stop everything or the one that can cause all the prob... More

Vampire's are my Enemy's (Vampire Diaries)
A New Family
New House
New School
New Friend's
New Enemies
A dance to get ready for
A Dance
Elijah Love
Vampire Love
Locked up
The Plan
Murder House
Author's Interview
The Save
Moving Out
More than a game
Lies that are Wise

Home is Hell

180 5 5
By PatrycjaSawina

Cassie's Pov

   I woke up feeling my head spinning like crazy and let throbbing in pain for some reason and they I started to remember what happened.

   Chris was driving on the rode when we saw a guy in front of us on the road just standing there not moving at all. Chris pushed on the brakes hard and the car ended up flying forward and it was ended up the roof down on the ground. The glass was crushed everyone, the work went black, and the next thing I knew I was here.

   I struggled to get the ropes off my hands while they were tied to the chair and it wouldn't move at all, I kept struggling trying to get them loose.

   "I wouldn't be trying if I were you it'll hurt after awhile."

   I looked up to see who was talking to me and there I saw in the other chair dark brown curls, evil brown eyes, black high heels, black skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket.

   "Katherine what are you doing here." I asked wearily and tired, "Well this is where your little werewolf friend locked me here for you to come kill me. Now somebody brought you down here and they're planning to bbring you to Klaus or bring Klaus here to you one way or the other Klaus gets you."

    I then heard the doors open from the top and I quickly turned away from Katherine and looked down at the ground and saw that I was still in my costume.

   "Looks like the doppelganger woke up get ready Klaus will be here for you in just a matter of time." one male voice said. 

   "Then there's you Katherine I can't wait to see you get scared by Klaus." another male voice but to Katherine  this time.

   The next thing I knew the guy in front of me had a bloody hand threw his chest, then he fell to the ground and I saw a girl that looked exactly like me holding a bloody heart.

   "Why do you look like me?" I asked her as she dropped the heart and walked to the back of the chair. "I'm your great, great, many more great grandma, I helped Katherine survive after she turned and now I found you my doppelganger. I was changed right after I had a daughter same like Katherine."

   She untied the rope from my hands and legs and let me off the chair "Besides Cassie I'm not like Katherine I want to help you." she held onto my shoudlers. I felt like I was looking in a mirror the only difference was that she kept here hair straight not curly like me.

   "What's your name you haven't told me and you know my name?" I asked looking at the matching blue eyes. The other difference was our style she was wearing a floral top, dark jeans, and converse. It did look a bit like me.

    "I'm Rosalie now run I'll hold off Klaus." she pointed to the stairs and I ran up them hearing the front door open. I then noticed where we were seeing the kitchen... my old house.

    Everything looked so old like it's been abandoned for centures and then I started up the stairs to the upstairs. 

   I ran into my room and I closed the door blocking it with one of the fencing swords my cousins once left I can't believe I still rememebered that. I sat down by the door panting and I could hear Rosalie downstairs.

   "Hello love you should know it's me Klaus and you're going to die soon." he bought it he actually thought Rosalie was me. "You wouldn't kill me you don't have the guts." Rosalie sounded exactly like me.

   "You must be stupid to think I actually believes you were the doppelganger." I then could tell Rosalie fled but she had to be in the house somewhere.

   Then I heard Klaus start to walk around somewhere downstairs and I kept quiet "I know you're in here."

   I pulled of my high heels because every step I made they made a noise and it'd be harder to hide from him.

   I looked over at the window and saw that it was wide open so I went and closed it shut, then I looked and Rosalie was there staring at me from the bed.

   She held a piece of paper with a pen, as she began to write on it, she was smart she wasn't talking or else Klaus would hear.

   Then she handed me the paper and I read it in my head not letting out a sound so Klaus wouldn't hear me up here.

   I'm going to get help stay up here and don't leave unless he gets in here, here is my number text me if there is any problem. Don't let him in at all I have to go.

   I looked up and the window was open again and she was gone so I tip toed to the window and shut it closed.

   Rosalie's Pov

   I ran away from the house and down the paths where I heard the nearest voices of people and voice matching Katherine meaning her doppelganger was there.

   I ran up into the trees and started jumping from branches to branches getting closer to the voices and there were plenty of voices.

   I looked down past me and saw a flipped over car, a couple other cars, and a bunch of other people standing there around the flipped over car. I grinned widely at what I saw and jumped down onto the ground pefectly not a pain in my entire body.

   "Cassie how'd you get away who took you away?" Damon Salvatore asked me as he walked over to me. What an amatuer thinking I'm Cassie he should seriously learn some stuff, "Besides were did you get new clothes what happened to your costume." Chris asked.

   I knew everything about Cassie's life I've done my research and sometimes I even compelled her to stay up away from everyone so I could be here for a day. It was fun getting all that popularity from people anywhere she went and all the apoligizes from people who knew about her mother's death.

   "You guys are such dumb asses seriously thinking I'm Cassie, she's locked up with Klaus right now. Besides you guys didn't even think of a place she'd be locked up at especially the cellar that's down in her old basement." I leaned up against the car- the flipped over one, stepping on all the broken glass.

   "Who the hell are you and why do you look like Cassie." Damon pinned me up on the car and I just flipped him over making the car get a giant dent in it. "Don't be a dumb ass and a pin a vampire much older than you besides I bet you guys didn't even give her a decent room that's while she'll be coming home with me." they all looked shocked. "Cassie is your doppelganger isn't she?" Elena asked "Yep and I know where she is."

   "Where is she?" Caroline asked.

   "She's at her old house, locked up in her room, hiding from Klaus and all his hybrids who have her and Katherine down under lockdown. She can barely breath or else he'll hear her and then she's gonna get taken away and used for a ritual and die. Elijah didn't tell you the whole story about the ritual, the five brotherhood people whoever those guys are don't really heal being a vampire Cassie's blood heals it and she is a human blood bag right now but after the ritual she's gonna die from all the blood being drained out. One little drop of her blood and she can heal an entire blood line of vampires and none of them will die from the age they're at."

   "Well what are we doing her let's go get her." Tyler started to walk but I blocked him with my hand "The house is surrounded by Hybrid's and Klaus left Italy to be here so he's going to put up a tough fight."

  "We have to make a plan but what's your name?" Bonnie asked

   "Rosalie Dilaurentis."


   Hey everyone thanks for reading my story and I'm so happy because I've gotten 95 reads already!

   I know to you guys that not a lot but to me that's a lot but I really want you guys to start commenting so I can hear what you guys want to say. Don't be shy just leave a comment and I promise I will respond to it.

   Keep reading the story guys and once I fond out I'll tell you what chapter I'm going to end the story and this I think is chapter 15 so you know I might go up to 25 or just a bit less or more. Keep reading and you'll find out

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