Same Time

By AlaskaJohnson99

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Jaimee is running from her past, hiding between fake smiles and sarcastic remarks. as she tries to take on th... More

same time
a e s t h e t i c
Part I
Part II
p l a y l i s t + a / n


638 37 7
By AlaskaJohnson99

j a i m e e


"Stop fucking falling over!"

"Jaimee!" Taylor slurs. I turn around to see him and Libbie stumbling forward, arms wrapped around each other shoulders as they struggle to hold one another up. "Have I ever told you that you're one of my favorite people?"

Despite the fact I can't be bothered dealing with two drunk people right now, I can't control the grin decorating my face at his words.

"And you're one of mine, Tay. But let's go home, yeah?" I hold my hand out expectantly and he takes it, grabbing Libbie's hand with his other. "You're so drunk."

Taylor just laughs, leaning down at kissing the top of my head as I practically pull them down the street.

Libbie had phoned me about an hour ago saying they were at some bar in Boston so I met them at the subway and was trying to get them home before they both died of alcohol poisoning.

"You're absolutely useless. And you fucking ask me why I don't drink anymore." I complain as I push Libbie onto my couch, lying her down as she falls asleep practically instantly. I guide Taylor down next to her, sitting on the floor opposite to the couch so I can make sure they don't throw up and choke.

My head spins at the smell of alcohol invading my apartment. Today hadn't been a good day so the phone call was definitely unprecedented.

I'd been halfway through a depressing movie marathon with my sad song playlist on standby and, in all honesty, I just wanted to eat an obscene amount of food and cry my feelings away.

Maybe I needed this distraction. Maybe this was the universe giving me motivation to build myself back up again.

Following that night when I freaked out at Shayden's, things had been strained. It was almost like he was forcing himself to act normal with me, but we were never good at acting anything but natural with one another. It stung to think about how I reacted and I was embarrassed in myself for not being able to do something so simple.

"Jai, are you alright?"

I snapped my head down to Taylor, as I came out of my thoughts. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as he studied me, the concentration on his face almost making me giggle as I knew how forced it was due to the alcohol in his system. "Just thinking, Tay."

"I've been friends with you and Libbie long enough to know that when a girl is thinking, it's never good." He remarks, causing me to lean over and smack him. He lets out a soft laugh before speaking again, sounding a lot more sober than he did just an hour ago. "What are you thinking about?"

"Don't worry about it." I replied, heat travelling up my neck despite the fact I hadn't said anything.

"Hmm?" He squeezes my cheek, making me swat his hand away. "C'mon, Jai. It's me."

My eyes flicker to Libbie's sleeping form, feeling my lips unconsciously tug up at the sight of my best friend.

"You both annoy me so much. Like phoning me because you're lost in Boston, seriously?" I shake my head, rubbing a hand over my face. If he wasn't drunk, I probably wouldn't be admitting this. But it felt good to open up, considering I didn't do it often. "But I was just thinking about how I couldn't live without either of you. Libbie's my sister and you're practically a brother to me."

The smile that illuminates Taylor's face makes me thankful that he's not the sort of person to tease me during a heart-to-heart, and I can tell that he appreciates my confession. "Jai, you're the sister I never had."

This time I laughed aloud, shaking my head. "You have a younger and an older sister, dumbass."

"They're spawns of satan, they're not relevant."

"God, I hate you so much." I chuckled in amusement.

"No you don't," Taylor grins, wrapping his arms around me and holding me as I rest my head onto his shoulder. His hand runs up and down my back as I breathe in his familiar scent, mixed with an undeniable amount of whiskey. "I love you, Sis."

"Love you too, bro. But I'll make you pay for this in the morning."


The bumper car collided with Taylor's, a laugh escaping me as he shouted at the top of his lungs. Without warning, Libbie's car comes into his on the opposite side.

"Leave me alone!" He whines, smacking his head back on the car seat dramatically.

Libbie just huffs, straightening her sunglasses, even though we're in an indoor arena, and drives off before Taylor can say anything else.

"Bold of you to assume I'd even listen to you." I shrug, cackling as Taylor starts to curse.

This was my punishment to them for making me pick them up. They promised me an entire day at the Mall, which meant that I needed to pick something that would annoy them and what was better than getting driven into while you were hungover?

I enjoyed myself thoroughly, but the same can't be said for Taylor who spent the entire time being bumped into rather than doing the actual bumping. Libbie was surprisingly reasonable and, halfway through our time, got bored dealing with Taylor so made it her mission to ram into all the little kids playing too.

"Go away." Taylor complains as we walk out of the arena. Libbie's cradling her head as the bright lights hit us and I try to stifle another laugh at their pain.

"Nope." I smile sweetly, "You love me really."

"I don't love you." Taylor deadpans, "Most days, I can't even tolerate you."

I reward his words by smacking the upside of his head, making him shout before quieting down once some stares come our way.

"Not my fault you're such a terrible driver." I tease, squeezing his cheek before he goes to push me away but Libbie's mutters make him pause.

"God, why is the sun so bright?" She mumbles, trying to push the glasses further back onto her nose. "Can someone please kill me?"

"God, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Taylor raises his eyebrows as he mocks Libbie.

"I woke up on the floor actually."

"How the fuck...?" I let out, baffled. "I left you sleeping on the couch."

"Not a fucking clue. But I think that someone..." Libbie hisses, glaring at Taylor. "Might've pushed me off."

"I would never!"

"Stupid ass floor making my stupid ass back hurt." She scowls, moaning and holding her back as if she's about seventy. "Fuck you, Ward."

"I swear you just target me for nothing."

"That assumption would be correct. Now bippity bobbity the fuck out of my life, hoe."

"I hate you."

"Thank you."


Two hours later after getting bored with shopping, Libbie decided that the bags under her eyes needed to disappear.

So after about three tantrums and us practically buying every shade of foundation, Libbie had given herself a makeover and completely ruined my makeup table.

I'd given up caring, allowing her to have free reign and trying to ignore the way she complained about everything in her life.

Hangovers were a bitch and seeing both her and Taylor in so much pain made me thankful that I no longer consumed the devil's juice.

During my mental rant, I'd noticed something interesting.

Taylor was eyeing the makeup with a curious glimmer in his eye, one that I haven't seen before. My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I took in the way his stare lingered on the makeup palettes and tubes.

I spoke up before I had the chance to stop myself, "Can we do your makeup?"

Libbie's head shot around to look at me and I couldn't make out the expression on her face. Taylor's eyes widened, his lip instantly being tugged between his teeth as he looked at me hesitantly.

"Oh my god," Libbie's jaw dropped, "Yes! Can we, Tay? Please?"

"I..." He hesitates, eyes flickering between us. "I don't know."

I blink my eyes at him, surprised by his obvious interest in it. But then I remind myself that makeup wasn't gender-specific and I'd probably smack him if he looked better in makeup than me. "You don't have to keep it on if you don't like it." I offered.

Under no circumstances do I ever want him to feel uncomfortable around us. He's my brother, I've got his back no matter the situation. Just like he has mine.

He nods as Libbie starts to organize the makeup out onto the table. She seems quite excited and, in all honesty, I am too.

I mean, what feminist wouldn't love helping someone defy gender norms and say fuck you to toxic masculinity?

Deciding to let Libbie take the lead, I spent the next few minutes just passing her random tubes that she demands as Taylor sits silently.

A small smile sneaks onto his face as the brush runs over his cheeks and I already know that he's appreciating the feel of it against his skin. I hand Libbie some eyeshadow as she finishes with the gold highlighter.

"Don't make me regret this, Campbell." He says gruffly, to which Libbie just giggles.

"Ward, I actually like you right now so don't tempt me to put this brush in your eye."

"You wouldn't." He gasps, mouth opening as she aggressively pulls his chin up so it shut.

"I fucking would. Shut up." She warns, "Close your eyes."

"I think Shayden's going to be jealous." I comment idly, but genuinely believe my words. Libbie's not finished yet but Taylor looks good.

Taylor snorts, "As if."

"Have to agree with Jai here. You suit makeup, Taylor." Libbie turns to me, "Pass me the lip gloss?"

"Lip Gloss?"

"Don't worry, it's clear." I reassure him as I pass the tube over to Libbie. She tells him to pout his lips and applies it carefully.

"Done." She steps away from him so we can observe her work carefully. There's a look in her eye that I can't quite place, a glint that seems more appreciative than anything.

Taylor does look amazing though. The gold highlight shows off his sharp cheekbones against his now clearer skin. The makeup wasn't painfully obvious, but subtle enough that you wouldn't be able to notice the traces of foundation on his brown skin unless you were looking closely.

"Can I see it now?"

Libbie nods, pointing to the mirror across the room. She stays oddly silent for a few minutes as Taylor looks at himself in the mirror, his warm brown eyes wide as his fingers trace delicately over his skin.

"You look hot." Libbie says unexpectedly, but the words seem more like a slip of tongue than anything. Her usually pale cheeks had a natural pink hue to them and, if it wasn't for the slight tension in Taylor's shoulders, I would've thought he didn't hear her.

I don't bother to bite back the smile that takes over my lips as Taylor turns around, a soft shimmer in his eyes that makes him look so young.

"She's right," I agree almost instinctively, "You look incredible, Tay. I'm pissed at myself for not making you get your makeup done sooner."

"Yeah?" He asks, hopeful. The reluctance in his tone stung slightly but I pushed down the feeling, instead focusing on hyping my best friend up.

"Fuck yeah, if you wasn't like my brother I'd totally bone you."

That makes him laugh, and I even see Libbie try to hide a grin.

"I know I'm a dick, but you shouldn't be insecure about yourself, Tay. If you like wearing makeup, wear it. Fuck what anyone else thinks." Libbie reassures him earnestly.

Libbie was sunlight. Her banter, jokes and unapologetic anti-social personality often put people off, but fuck was she one of the kindest people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. She didn't judge, she didn't make assumptions.

She joked about things but she stood by my side at every protest I've been to, whether it was Pride, BLM or a Woman's March, screaming the chants at the top of her lungs as we fought for equality.

Whatever stigma there was on men wearing makeup, she didn't care. What's the problem with it anyways?

"Would you fuck me too, Libb?" Taylor snarks, smirking as her gentle smile dropped, only to be replaced with a scowl.

"Don't flatter yourself. As if I'd ever go for you."

I scoff, but try to cover it up with a cough as they both look at me.

That's a lie.

"You know, you should just tell me the truth so we can get the awkwardness out of the way."

"Drop dead, Ward."

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