Fight for Freedom (A Bakugan...

Av Edentopia

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Grace Hudson was once the co-creator of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance along with Mira Firmen. Howeve... Mer

Character Profile: Grace Hudson/Storm Brooke
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 42

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Av Edentopia

Hydron's P.O.V

After the battle ended, the field was decimated. It will repair itself before the next battle of course.

I carried Grace in my arms and felt a different emotion. It wasn't affection, it was just remorse of my actions. I had never felt such a guilt before in my life. It brought me back to the promise Grace and I made to each other long ago.

We had been playing together or a while and it was my eighth birthday. My father was too busy with 'business' to celebrate with me. Instead, he casted me to one of the many nannies lounging around.

I was busy sulking outside when I see Grace saunter towards me with a confused look.

"Why so glum?" She asked, "You're eight now. Shouldn't you be excited?"

I shook my head, "No one wants to celebrate. My father barely cares."

"Hey let's stop fussing over him. We can hang out. Come on, I have a plan set in motion just for you today."

She took me by the hand and led me through Vestal and I was astounded on how crafty she was at such a young age. She took me to all the cool places in Alpha City.

By the end of the day we were sharing an ice cream sundae together and chatted.

"Now that you're eight, does that mean we can't be friends anymore?" Grace asked in a worried tone.

I blinked widely at her lost for words. Where did such a thought come from?

"Of course, not Grace. You turn eight in a few months," I remind her and she frowns.

"I know Hydron, but that's a few months. I turned four and within a few months my parents died. What if you turn eight and in a few months, I'm not good enough to be your friend."

"Grace, that'll never happen. You're my best friend. If I ever become rude and leave, then you have to knock some sense into me."

Grace nodded her head and I knew thinking of her parents would dampen her mood so I pushed the ice cream towards her and accidentally spilled some on her shirt.

"Sorry Grace," I apologized and she showed a wicked grin.

"No, I'm sorry," she said and 'accidentally' shot some ice cream at me with her spoon.

By the end of it, we got kicked out of the shop for disturbing the guests and ruining the ice cream. We headed onto a field and admired the passing clouds.

"Hey Hydron," Grace asks and I nod my head, "Yeah."

"If something bad happens I'll always have your back even if it may not look like it."

"Me too, Grace."

I hoped that promise was still in effect. Staring at Grace now made me sad. We had such great times together... As friends. Nothing more. Maybe things weren't meant to be and looking at what I've done to her has caused her so much pain. Instead of trying to mend the past, I should look on towards the future. If she'll forgive me.

Grace's P.O.V

My vision was fuzzy as I wake up. I grimaced remembering my defeat to Hydron. A bitter taste was left in my mouth at the idea of him. How could we have been friends.

In the back of my mind though, I recalled Hydron's eighth birthday where we promised to be friends till the end. What happened to that? Now we were enemies.

My vision focused on the figure leaning against the wall. My anger churned inside me and I tried to move, but found myself stuck.

"I wouldn't try to move. Then again, you can't really," Hydron shrugged and I looked down at my situation.

Ropes encased me and I looked into the eyes of my former best friend.

"What did I do to you that turned you into this?" I asked suddenly.

Hydron was appalled by my question and sighed.

"Look Grace, I used to feel something and now I don't. It was a pointless fight and I was full of rage that I lost you. Not as a lover, but a best friend. I let my jealousy get in my way and I'm sorry."

I took in a deep breath. I didn't know what to say for once. His apology wasn't fake. I could feel the sincerity and intensity of it. His eyes were even tearing up at the sight.


"No Grace, let me talk. I screwed everything over and cause so much pain to your life. I never told you this before because I was scared of you being furious and now I realize it's important for you to know the truth."

"What truth?" I asked unsure.

"About your parents," Hydron confessed and I widened my eyes.

"What about them?"

"My father had them killed."

Tear threatened to spill from my cheeks. I could cry though. I forced myself not to. The idea of them being murdered was painful for my four-year old self.

"You're l-l-l-lying," I stuttered refusing to believe it.

Hydron shook his head equally as shook.

"I'm so sorry Grace I never told you. I really am. By the time I found out, I couldn't bring myself to force you to relive their deaths every year. I put that memorial to spite my father for you. You didn't like it and I can see why. I wouldn't appreciate it if someone created a memorial for my mother like that. I was a fool to not realize it back then."

I drew an eyebrow.

"How could your father have killed my parents? There were no cuts when they were found."

My lip quivered and I knew deep down Hydron was telling the truth.

"Do you remember the day before you found them dead?"

I nod my head.

"They went to a meeting with my father to discuss some business about planning to migrate to other planets to assist in our overpopulation. He felt threatened by your parents because they were so well liked by everyone. He thought they would put an end to his reign. So, he poisoned them at the dinner. Slipped just enough to do the time and create a silent death within twenty-four hours."

Everything in my body felt numb at the news. The ropes held me up though. I was crying at the fact my parents were killed by Zenoheld. My rage boiled and was no longer contained.

"Why do you listen to him?" I ask bitterly.

"I have no other choice. He's my father. He's the only person I have left."

"What about me?" I asked slightly hurt.

"You're with Spectra. I've seen the looking your eyes and I know the two of you have something. Something more than what we could've ever been together. I hope for the best for the two of you. Even so, you have Mira and the Resistance. They get along so well and aren't back stabbing like the Vexos. I loathe them for it and wish to beat them in a brawl. That'll win my father's approval. Besides, why would you want to be my friend after all the suffering I've caused you?"

In that moment, I didn't see a crazy twisted Vexos, I just saw a lost and lonely teenager standing before me. He didn't have many friends as I did and was more secluded. His father was cold to him all of his life and it impacted him.

"Hydron, no matter how many times we argue and screw up, we'll always be friends. We made that promise when we were kids. You were there for me and I'll always be there for you. As a friend."

Hydron nodded his head, "I'd like that."

We seemed to acknowledge each other as the friends we were growing up.

"Hey, you want to help out of these ropes then?" I asked and Hydron looked around and nodded his head.

He began to take a step towards me when guards swarmed him and myself. He fought them and Zenoheld revealed himself.

'Well if it isn't the king of snakes," I hissed.

"I should have your tongue removed for that remark," Zenoheld threatened.

"If I wasn't in these ropes, I would so beat you for that," I say and squirmed in my ropes.

Zenoheld laughed darkly, "I see Hydron told you the truth about everything. Now you know and before I have you killed, you're going to undo your work."

"Father, you can't kill her. She's my friend," Hydron frowned.

"Hydron, my boy. You have lost your mind for her. She's done nothing but break your heart. It's time you shift your focus to the future. If you make the brawlers grovel before you, I'll give you your title back."

The look in Hydron's eyes told me I lost him. Zenoheld's lie had him transfixed.

"You can be leader of the Vexos if you defeat the brawlers and attain the Pyrus energy," Zenoheld tempted and I shook my head.

"Hydron, don't listen to his lies," I warned and the King glared.

"This is my chance to become something bigger than what I am. I can get everything I've ever wanted," Hydron realized.

"She's with the enemy Hydron and you need to wipe her and her whole group out. Don't you remember how she broke your heart and doesn't have the decency to tell you the truth. She's a lying two faced person who you should see as your enemy."

"She is," Hydron said darkly looking towards me.

Hydron was brainwashed by his father so much and faced so much neglect growing up. He listened to his father's words as that was the only parental influence he had.

"If you'll excuse me now brawler," He let out in a devious tone.

"No Hydron..."

"Enough, I have some brawlers to defeat. I don't need you bringing me down," Hydron huffed and left.

When he was gone, the King shook his head.

"The fool," he muttered and looked to me.

"He's your own son, how could you be this way? Heck, how could you have killed my parents," I demanded.

"I see Hydron has been blabbering his mouth off. Let me tell you, your parents were gaining too much power for my liking. So, I slipped them some poison to take them out of the equation. At that time, I should've slipped some poison to kill you too, but then I thought. What better way to spite them in death than have them see their own daughter be with the killer's son."

I clenched my fists and the King sighed, "Atlas, now you were too free spirited. Just like them."

He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I'm not helping you destroy the bakugan," I spat and he laughed.

"You don't have a choice. Unless you want Hydron to die at your choice. Or maybe I should demolish your precious Resistance and lover."

The thought of Spectra and everyone I loved dying at my choice was unbearable. Spectra would hate me for my choice and I knew he won.

"Fine... Just don't hurt them," I sighed and the King gave me a twisted smile.

He ordered the guards to cut my restraints and push me towards the mainframe. I felt the machine scan me and unlock the programming. Holding back tears, I undid all my hard work to save everyone.

"Now that that's done, I think that torture for your betrayal is in order. The brawlers still have three energies and I intend to retrieve them."

"I'm not helping you," I rejected.

"I gathered that much. How about you watch as they fall to the Vexos?"

I widened my eyes affected by his threat. If anything had happened to them...

"Hydron," Zenoheld called to his son and Hydron steps over to me and restrains me.

"Yes, father," Hydron asks slyly.

"Take her to the watch tower before your battle."

Hydron nodded his head at his father and walked towards me. I fought him and I could've sworn I heard his faint whisper of sorry.

I watched helplessly as the energies were taken. Darkus and Ventus. They were gone in a flash of energy. I stood now on the battlefield facing Dan and Mira with worried eyes.

"Grace..." Mira cries out and glares at Hydron.

"At long last, we finally meet, Dan Kuso," Hydron greeted and shoved me towards them, "Take your traitorous ally. And I'm anxious to see if you're as good as your reputation."

"You're Hydron right?" Dan demanded and Hydron laughed.

"I see you've heard of me, that's nice," Hydron greeted.

The floor opened up before us and I see Spectra rising out to meet us to everybody's shock.

"Spectra, what," Dan says astonished.

"I thought I'd help you take down Zenoheld. Isn't that what you wanted Dan?" He asked and stepped forward.

"I thought you said you were done helping us," Dan stated.

"What can I say? You've made a convincing argument. Like you said, if the BT system is activated it will be bad for both of us."

"Whatever dude, the more the merrier right Mira? Let's do this," Dan concluded.

"Well this is quite a surprise," Hydron observed and we heard Zenoheld's raspy voice above us.

"Are you people here to battle or just stand around and talk?"

Everyone glanced up to see Zenoheld looking down with disdain.

In the moment, I made the slightest movement andsqueezed Spectra's hand and he squeezed back before focusing on the King. Thiswas it... The final battle. 

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