The Getaway

By Laurennn102332

677K 16.8K 9.6K

Living with boys is hectic enough, but 6 of them? Wow. Poor little Violet Hansen has a lot cut out for her, b... More

CH. 1 Where It All Begins
CH. 2 The Interrogation
CH. 3 Intervention? Fuck that.
CH. 4 Authority
CH. 5 Rules
Introducing the Sanders
CH. 6 Don't Tell
CH. 7 Innuendos
CH. 8 You Think So Little of Me
CH. 9 You Don't Want To See This
CH. 10 Bruised and Battered
CH. 11 Red Handed
CH. 12 The Night Is Young
CH. 13 Are You Even Legal?
CH. 14 Double Trouble in Phi Kappa Alpha
CH. 15 A Storm Is Brewing
CH. 16 Welcome to the Shit Show (PART 1.)
CH. 17 Welcome to the Shit Show (PART 2.)
CH. 18 The Morning Of
CH. 19 My Worst Behavior
CH. 20 Hot and Bothered
CH. 21 The Purple Bra
CH. 22 The Player Gets Played
CH. 23 Just Another Fuck Boy
CH. 24 Sweet Tooth
CH. 25 Discussions
CH. 26 Is It Too Late To Apologize?
CH. 27 Expecting Calls
CH. 28 Guilt and Cupcakes
CH. 29 Code Blue (PART 1.)
CH. 30 Code Blue (PART 2.)
CH. 31 Isolation
CH. 32 Old Habits
CH. 33 Once I Was 7 Years Old
CH. 34 Contraband Club
CH. 35 Hazy Kisses
CH. 36 Crossed
CH. 38 Another Day
CH. 39 What Happens In the Cafeteria, Probably Won't Stay In the Cafeteria
CH. 40 There's a First Time For Everything
CH. 41 Family Feud
CH. 42 Dirty Little Secret
CH. 43 Game Plan
CH. 44 Stuck In My Head
CH. 45 Strictly Friends
CH. 46 And, We All Fall Down...
CH. 47 Stay
CH. 48 Cruel
CH. 49 Tutoring (PART 1.)
CH. 50 Tutoring (PART 2.)

CH. 37 Honesty

11.7K 342 214
By Laurennn102332

My eyes fumbled open to the touch of someone's hand in my hair.

I blinked, Kade's figure coming into view.

He twirled small strands around his finger over and over again.

I blinked in confusion, my head automatically feeling dense.

I stirred from my sleepy daze, causing Kade's eyes to shift from my hair to my face.

His blue orbs softened as they met my confused ones.

"You're up," He gave me a tight smile, bringing his hand away from my hair to rub a thumb down the side of my cheek.

Why was he in my room?

I blinked slowly again.

Why was I in my room?

A pang erupted from the back of my head, ricocheting to the rest of my mind.

I shut my eyes, groaning as unbearable pain surged throughout my whole body. The sensation crawled up my spine, slithering all the way down to the tips of my toes.

I felt like shit.

Kade rubbed the pad of his thumb on my cheek in reassuring circles, "I know. Hangovers suck," He said as he moved to grab a pill bottle from my nightstand.

He unscrewed the cap, handing me two pills. He picked up a cup of water, bringing it to my hands.

I sat up slowly, wincing from the movement.

I grabbed the cup from his hands, popping the pills into my mouth and gulping some water away with it.

I sighed, handing the cup back to Kade without looking at him.

Why was I here?

My pounding mind tried to search for an answer as to what was going on, but I couldn't remember anything.

The last thing I remember was me, Quinn, and that awful bottle of vodka.

I looked around my room again.

Where had Cameron gone? We were supposed to sleep over at her house, after all.

Footsteps approached my door and it creaked open.

"Is she awake y—" The voice came to a stop as I made eye contact with Nathan.

He looked at me with an open mouth, red hair drooping over his surprised eyes.

"—Nathan? Is she awake?" A girl's voice said from behind the door.

A hand pushed it open further and Cameron's familiar face appeared.

Her eyes grew and she stopped beside Nathan.

Suddenly, she pushed past him, making her way towards me and sitting down on the bed.

She gave me a timid smile, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Hey," She whispered. She rubbed her hand up and down on my arm, "How are you feeling?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, looking up to the door as Flynn now entered the room behind Nathan, forcing him out of his dazed stare and pushing him into my room.

He closed the door behind them and they both went over to stand by Kade.

I glanced at Kade; whose usual dark eyes were now light with concern, creasing at the edges with a look of care.

Something wasn't right.

My blinked, trying to hold back a wave of frustration.

I couldn't remember anything.

I fumbled with my shaky fingers, trying to hold my composure as best I could, "What's going on?"

They stared at me, unease written all over their faces. Nobody spoke a word, leaving my question unanswered.

After momentary silence, Kade's lips finally parted, "Do you not remember...?" He asked.

I looked down at my already-shaky hands, watching as their tremors rapidly increased.

I shook my head.

A cool breeze of air hit my neck, and I looked down to see I wasn't wearing Scotty's hoodie anymore.


My face drained vacant of all color and my jaw dropped open.

I raised my hands to cover my neck, looking at my brothers with wide eyes.

They watched with tight frowns, giving me knowing eyes.

"We already saw those," Flynn mumbled.

I looked down at the ground shamefully, taking my hands away.

I then blinked, feeling the urge to touch my neck again.

Something felt familiar about this.

I brought my hand back up, rubbing a thumb down the side of my neck.

Why did that action feel so familiar?

I blinked again, waves of memories accompanying my simple touch.

Holy fuck.

My breath hitched within my throat as I looked at the floor, remembering every excruciating detail from the night before.

Holy fuck.

I swallowed nervously, looking beside me to stare at Cameron.

She looked back at me remorsefully, nodding her head as if to say yes; your memory is right.

I snapped my head back to Kade, Nathan, and Flynn.

They all gazed at me with exhausted expressions, their eyes almost apologetic.

"You remembering now?" Nathan asked, a pointed look upon his face.

I looked to the floor in embarrassment.

I felt like I was supposed to say something, but I couldn't figure out what.

Nathan tilted his head at me when I didn't respond, his eyes searching over my frightened face, "Do you want tell us what's been going on with you lately?" He asked slowly.


I scrunched up my nose.

That's not the type of question I had anticipated.

I began to shake my head, "Huh?"

Why weren't they mad at me? At us?

Kade spoke for Nathan this time, his eyes staring right into my soul, "Do you want to tell us what's been making you act out?" He furthered Nathan's question.


"I was just being a stupid teenager," I replied quickly, "I guess I just partied a little too hard," I let out a forced laugh.

Nobody else laughed.

Flynn winced at my laughter, his head shaking slightly, "Violet, we don't just mean whatever last night was," he said with unease.

I turned to look at him, seeing his dark hair tousled, eyes dreary and empty— face grim and slack at the sides of his lips.

My body felt numb.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I
shook my head rapidly, my eyes darting around the room to look at everybody else's faces.

They all held the same expression as Flynn.


"Vi..." Cameron's voice echoed from behind me, and I turned to see she had tears in her eyes.

I began breathing quicker, "I don't know what you guys are talking about!" I shouted nervously at her.

This isn't happening. This isn't happening.

She tucked her lips in, water puddling in her eyes.

Oh my god.

This cannot be happening right now.

My face contorted fearfully, and I looked back at the boys.

They remained quiet, staring at me as if I were broken.

They knew?

I stared down at my hands, my fingers shaking uncontrollably, "You told?" I muttered under my breath, looking back up to Cameron's face.

Her lips opened and closed, searching my eyes for a moment, "Violet—"

"No!" I cut her off, breathing rapidly.

Everybody in the room tensed.

"You fucking told?" I asked her with a shaky voice, glaring at her with resent.

She stared sadly at me, her red hair swishing as she shook her head back and forth, "No. I didn't tell."

My dark expression dropped, and I blinked at her.


"It's not my place to say," Cameron spoke slowly to me with care, "But, it is time for you to speak."

My jaw dropped open as I stared at her in shock.

I shook my head, "Cameron," I said shakily, now attempting to cover my tracks. I immediately turned to look at everyone, "You guys are crazy," I laughed humorlessly, "There's nothing wrong with me," I continued to lie, more forced laughs coming from my lips.

Lying was all I knew how to do at this point.

Kade's eyes narrowed at me with care, and he placed a hand on my leg.

I flinched at his touch, "There's nothing wrong with me!" I shouted more to myself than anyone else.

I looked back to Cameron as uncontrollable tears began to well in my eyes, "I'm fine," I said shakily with a laugh.

Cameron's lower lip quivered and a tear rolled down her cheek, "Violet," She whimpered.

"I'm fine!" I exploded, my voice cracking.

I felt wet streams run down my cheeks and I sprang to frantically wipe them away.

Oh god, Violet. For heaven's sake, stop crying.

I began to pant heavily, "See?" I said as I whipped my head over to the boys, "I'm all good," I smiled, but a sob forced its way through my fake expression.

Everybody stared at me in shock, watching as I slowly fell apart.

I covered my mouth with my hand, eyes wide at the sound of my own voice.

More sobs raked my entire body, and I hiccuped against them to speak, "I'm fine," I mumbled to myself, staring into Cameron's eyes again.

She looked at me in despair, saying nothing as she leaned forward to enclose me in a tight hug.

I broke into tears, wrapping my arms around her as if my life depended on it.

"I'm fine," I whimpered into her chest.

Kade's grip on my leg tightened, and Cameron rocked me back and forth as tears spilled down from both of our eyes.

I knew I wasn't fine.

I just hated that everyone else could see it too.

After a few painful minutes of me trying to shovel my emotions back into my body, Cameron shifted uncomfortably.

She put a hand lightly on the back of my head, "You need to tell them," She whispered to me.

I inhaled a shaky breath, looking back to the boys with tear-stained cheeks.

Nathan licked his lips, giving me a gloomy look, "Cameron refused to say anything, but she did tell us something was wrong," He spoke softly, "It's the same thing that's been bothering you for weeks, isn't it?" He asked with knowing eyes.

I pulled away from Cameron's arms, bringing my head into my hands. Tears slid down my face and landed on my lap.

I felt Cameron's hand clasp around my shoulder, "You can tell them, it's okay," she said softly.

But, I really couldn't.

How do you force those words out of your mouth? How do you tell someone you're weak and incapable of defending yourself? How do you tell someone you're a failure?

I rose my head from my hands, staring forward at my wall as I tried to gather my thoughts.

How do I say this?

The boys stared at me with remorse, their eyes cloudy as they watched me cry.

I bit my lips hard.

My mouth wanted to move, but my brain told it not to.

I just couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Take your time, neonata," Kade said gently, "We just want to help you. Please let us help you," He said as he rubbed his hand up and down my leg again.

I grit my teeth together, another tear sliding down my cheek.

"I wanted your help," I whispered to him, "That night. With that girl," I hiccuped through shaky breaths.

I didn't even know I wanted to say these words until they came out of my mouth.

But the truth was, when I was ready to talk— Kade wasn't there. He was never there.

Kade's eyes grew with remorse, remembering the night I was referring.

"I wish I had known something was wrong," Kade's voice was heavy with honesty. He squinted at me, almost begging for me to tell him more information.

I gave a slow nod, bringing my teary eyes to look at him, "Me too."

There was silence in the room, and then Flynn spoke, "But, we're here now," He said lightly, "We want to help you."

I glanced over at him as I wiped another tear from my face, "You can't help me," I whispered, "Nobody can help me."

"That's not true, Violet," Kade spoke again, rubbing small circles into my leg, "We can help you, but only if you tell us what's wrong," He said soothingly.

I clenched my jaw shut as I stared at my fingers.

I didn't want to talk about this.

"You're not you anymore. You're not our Violet," Flynn said in a quiet voice.

His comment caused me to scrunch my face up in attempt to slow down the storm of emotions that willed to rattle my entire being.

He was right. I wasn't me anymore.

"What changed that?" Flynn asked as he shook his head.


I bit my lips, "It's more, so who changed it," I finally replied, my voice barely audible.

Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to continue, but I didn't.

I didn't know what else I could say.

Telling Cameron about this was a lot easier.

She was patient and caring.

Cameron hadn't experienced raising me like Kade and Flynn had. They were my big brothers who protected me in any way possible. They teased and belittled me all throughout childhood, but they always looked after me.

How do you tell the people's whose main goal your entire lifetime has been to protect you, that you got hurt because you put yourself in a bad situation? They've always tried to steer me out of danger. This was my fault. This was all just a huge problem I caused for myself.

I did this.

And Nathan...? How do I say this in front of him? He already knew something was up. I'd just be admitting to his assumptions and I didn't want him to be right.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, "You guys are gonna be mad at me," I whimpered as I shook my head.

I felt Cameron rest her hand gently on my shoulder once again.

"Why would we be mad?" Kade questioned.

I licked my lips, picking at my cuticles.

"I was stupid. I was stupid like I always am," I said to myself, squeezing my eyes shut.

I heard Flynn walk over and kneel by my side of the bed, "I know we don't say it enough, but you're the smartest one in the family, Vi," He laughed light-heartedly, "You are not stupid," He whispered.

I began to cry again— Flynn's kind words only adding to the immense amount of disappointment I had for myself.

"But, I am. I was," I replied shakily.

I took my bottom lip in between my teeth, rolling it roughly back and forth until the coppery taste of blood swarmed my mouth.

I sighed shakily, "Someone... hurt me," I mumbled, choosing my words very carefully.

My eyes traced along my wooden floorboards, ignoring the wondering stares aimed at me.

"Someone hurt you?" Kade asked protectively, a noticeable anger to his voice.

I nodded slowly, "I was stupid and I let someone hurt me," I said again, blinking slowly, "It's my fault."

I felt Cameron's body tense when I said this and she brought her eyes to look into mine, "You did not cause this," She said to me with a stern voice, "You didn't choose for this to happen to you, Vi," She shook her head at me, rubbing my back lightly with the tips of her fingers.

I crinkled my eyes as a few tears trickled out, "But, it is my fault," I said quietly.

I heard Flynn move around from my side, standing up forcefully, "Well, if someone hurt you, we will gladly beat up whoever did it," he huffed angrily.

I looked up to see Flynn with a determined look on his face.

But, I felt another pair eyes watching me closely from behind him. I turned my eyes to see Nathan staring at me with a pained face.

He opened his mouth slowly, "I don't think that's the kind of hurt she meant, Flynn," Nathan's voice spoke grimly, looking at me with analytical eyes.

Nathan and I stared into each other's eyes with a greater understanding, and it was in this moment that I knew he knew exactly what I meant.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me as if to confirm if he was right.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, giving him a hesitant nod.

His mouth fell open, and a rugged breath came through his lips sharply, "Someone raped you?" He asked.

Kade's grip on my leg instantly loosened and I could feel his eyes tracing my face in shock. Flynn's dark look over me fell slack and his lips parted— his entire face contorting in horror.

I sighed lightly, looking down at my hands again, "Not exactly?" I said cautiously to myself. I licked my lips as I looked back up to Nathan, "But, it was close enough," I mumbled.

Nathan stared at me with a blank expression, his eyes ridden with pain and sadness.

"I don't get it," Kade's voice came out shakily.

I turned my attention to him, staring sadly as I watched his eyes well with angry tears, "I thought you were supposed to be with Chase that night?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

I nodded calmly, a pang of guilt banging around my throat and making a tight knot within it, "Supposed to be, yes," I choked out.

Kade shook his head at me as if to ask how I could've possibly gotten away from Chase without notice.

I tucked my lips in, now glancing over to Flynn who still stood paralyzed with shock.

"Flynn's sleeping pills," I said in a whisper.

The guilt that I had been pushing away for so long finally arose to the surface, crawling down my throat and making it's way to my stomach, causing it to do flips.

Flynn narrowed his eyes at me in question, "My insomnia pills?" He verified.

I nodded my head cautiously, my stomach churning with regret.

His lips parted in confusion, "I didn't even know you knew where those were..." Flynn said lightly.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking down at my hands again, "I wish I hadn't."

"You drugged Chase?" Kade's voice piped up again, complete disbelief within his words.

I nodded slowly, "Not my best decision, but then again, I never seem to make any decent decisions," I muttered in disappointment.

Everyone stared down at the floors.

Nathan then made a movement, walking around Flynn to stand beside him, "Do you want to tell us more about what this person did to you...?" He asked softly, tilting his head at me with care.

I frowned at the floor, "I mean, no," I laughed bitterly to myself, "But, I know I should," I sighed, now accepting my fate.

Flynn put his hand down slowly on top of mine, "We're ready to listen whenever you're ready to speak," He said with a voice like honey.

Kade's hand squeezed my leg again and he gave me an encouraging nod.

I had never experienced this type of love with my brothers before. This type of openness.

It scared me, but my lips finally got the memo to move, and the disgraceful words of Matteo and I's interaction spewed from my mouth like word-vomit.

I told them everything.

Every little, shameful, head-bowing detail. I told them about the reason why I was even at the club in the first place. About José, Ian and Cynthia. About Lucas and Matteo. And, then... about the bathroom. About what happened in that dark, dark bathroom.

By the end of my story, I realized that Flynn had wrapped around me.

He held me tightly, tears coming from both of our eyes and wetting his shirt.

The sounds of sniffling echoed about the room, and it was then that I realized not just Flynn and I were crying.

Everyone was crying.

Someone was sobbing loudly, and as my ears listened closer, I realized that person was me.

Shaky sobs exploded from my lips, getting muffled by Flynn's body pressed up against mine.

After a while, he slowly recoiled, giving me space to calm down.

I wiped my tears from my face, continuing to elaborate on how I escaped, "But, before Matteo could fully do anything, Wyatt rescued me," I said with a wobbly smile. I looked down at my hands, "He saved me."

I heard Kade sigh deeply, "Wyatt Sheppard?" He asked, "The same Wyatt Sheppard Lance knows? The one you, ya know..."

"Yea," I answered sadly, "I didn't know he worked there, but I'm so glad he does," I breathed calmly now, the weight of my secrets no longer weighing heavily on my shoulders.

I could finally breath.

Flynn wiped away a few tears from his own face with his hands, "Does that mean Lance knows?" He asked confusedly.

I tucked my lips in, "No. Wyatt promised not to say anything. Just like Cameron," I looked over to her with grateful eyes.

The room grew quiet, but then Nathan shifted his stance uncomfortably.

He looked to Cameron, "Cam, why didn't you say anything to me when I asked you repeatedly if something was wrong with Violet?" He forced his words out as his voice shook uncontrollably.

He asked her about me?

"I just don't get it," He said stronger, finding his voice once again, "You and I both saw how bad things were going," He shook his head, "You should've spoken up before it got this bad."

I lowered my head regretfully.

Cameron shook her face back at Nathan, "No. You don't understand the situation, Nate," She said gently as she caressed my back, "It was Violet's story. Not mine. I tried to watch her as close as I could, though. I attempted to step in whenever I felt things got out of hand. But, this time... I just, slipped," She said with disappointment in her eyes. She then sighed, "I never let her out of my watch other than last night," she said quietly.

I turned to search her face, realizing everything Cameron had done to silently support me from behind the scenes.

All this time when I had felt so alone, she was there.

She was always there, just watching from a distance.

She never let me stray.

My eyes welled with tears, "You were by my side the entire time?" I asked.

She turned her attention off of Nathan, looking to me with a gentle smile, "I never left."

My lower lip quivered and she leaned in to tuck my head into her chest.

"I'd never leave you, Vi," She said as my tears fell down her shirt, "I just knew I couldn't interfere with your grieving process— however shitty it was."

She lifted her face to look at my brothers, "I know I just seem like another bad influence in Violet's life," She said quietly, "But I'd never intentionally let her go off the deep end."

I wrapped my arms around her waist, smiling lightly into her chest.

She had always been by my side.

The room was quiet as Cameron and I shared this moment together.

Our embrace just showed me more reasons as to why we were best friends. She wasn't just some crazy-spirited party girl that always got into trouble with me. She was my person. She cared about me, and looked after me when I thought nobody had.

"Can I ask something...?" Flynn's voice spoke over the silent room.

I pulled away from Cameron, turning to look at Flynn expectedly.

He licked his lips, deciding if he wanted to ask his question. He then put a hand through his hair nervously, "What's Scotty have to do with all of this?" He asked with caution.

My lips parted, and as I stared at Flynn, Scotty's name echoed through my mind- causing me to remember every little detail about us.

All the times in his car he helped me relax without asking questions. The way he took care of me last night even though it cost us our little secret. He did the right thing even though he knew it would hurt our relationship. He cared so much about me. So much more than I had cared about him...

When I didn't answer, Flynn cleared his throat awkwardly, "Was he taking advantage of you being unstable?" He asked through narrowed eyes.

I snapped out of my daze at this question, shaking my head rapidly "No. Scotty would never."

I looked down at my fingers with a sigh, replaying all of Scotty and I's intimate moments together; His gentle kisses. The love and affection he showed me I was worthy of. His care and pleasurable touch.

"I was the one taking advantage of him," I said regretfully, finally realizing that Scotty truly did love me; Every single one of his actions showed this to me. But... I didn't love him back. I just loved his attention; the way he could distract me from everything vile in this world.

Flynn sighed, trying to conceal his agitation, "That's not what those hickeys tell me," He replied with a twist of his lips.

I nodded, "No, they don't," I agreed, "I was looking for affection in all the wrong places, and I put all my pent-up emotions into him. I'm sorry for doing that to you, Flynn," I said remorsefully, "You told me to stay away, but Scotty just helped with the pain. He helped me escape my reality. I didn't want to let that go just because you told me to," I shrugged looking up into my brother's eyes.

Nathan's figure tensed in my peripheral, "He helped you escape reality with what? Weed? Alcohol? That's not a healthy way of coping with something like this, Violet," Nathan said sternly.

I pursed my lips, "Yea..." I sighed, admitting to my dirty addiction with substances, "Smoking really helped to take the edge off of my anxiety... But Scotty," I sighed, looking up to the ceiling, "He's not a bad guy," I defended him, "Not even close."

Kade looked at me with uncertainty, "If he's not a bad guy, why was he also the one to put you in the awful position you were in last night?" Kade asked in confusion. He gritted his teeth, "Scotty didn't take care of you, Violet, he just encouraged your poor behavior."

I brought my eyes down from the ceiling to look to Kade's resentful face, "Last night was my fault, not Scotty's," I looked over to Cameron, "It wasn't Cameron's either. It was all me, Kade," I said honestly.

He looked at me with a grimace, "Why would you do that to yourself, Vi?" He asked, "Do you even remember how bad it was? Do you know how awful it felt to see my little sister like that? You couldn't even stand on your own. I had to literally shove my fingers down your throat to get you to throw up," He said with a shake of his head.

I scrunched my nose up, now remembering that disgusting detail, "Yea, it was really bad, and I'm sorry for y'all having to come put me back together," I sighed, "It's just, Sam invited us to go, and it sounded fun. Scotty didn't want us there, he warned me about them just as Flynn had... But, I begged him to let us go," I said as I pursed my lips, "It's my fault we were even there. I'm the one who initiated the forbidden friendship with Scotty and that group."

"Friendship?" Kade asked as he squinted, glancing down at my neck, "That doesn't look like just friendship to me," He said pointedly.

I rolled my eyes lightly in admittance, "I know. It looks bad."

I shook my head, letting a long sigh come from my lips, "I don't know what Scotty and I are," I replied truthfully, "I just wanted to get rid of my thoughts of Matteo," I said sadly, "I used him to try and distract myself and then, well-" I paused, "...I don't know. We were just..." I trailed off looking at my lap ashamedly.

"Y'all were just what?" Flynn's voice asked in a nervous tone.

I fidgeted with my lips, "We'd been hooking up more often," I shrugged, "And, last night, things got more intense between us," I mumbled, too afraid to look at my brother's reactions.

I heard a heavy sigh, "Did you lose your virginity to him?" Kade asked lightly as he rubbed circles into my leg.

I bit my lips, "I think I was going to..." I answered shyly, "But Matteo stopped me."

The room was uncomfortably quiet, and I felt a slight blush creep onto my cheeks in humiliation.

"What do you mean Matteo stopped you? I thought you said you hadn't seen him since the incident," Flynn said softly.

I stared at my fingers, "I haven't seen him in person. Just in my memory- my thoughts."

Flynn looked at me sympathetically.

"...Scotty didn't mean to cause any harm," I began to explain, "He had never known about Matteo."

I took in a sharp breath, bringing a hand to trace my neck gently, "He choked me. Just like Matteo had. It wasn't meant to be rough. It was supposed to be enticing I guess, I don't know," I mumbled awkwardly.

"Yea," Kade nodded, "But it wasn't what you expected, was it?" He questioned with concern on his face.

I shook my head, "No, it wasn't," I sighed, "As soon as he did that, I saw Matteo. And, it felt like his grimy hands were choking me all over again," I said shakily, "That's why I went all psycho. I just wanted to get every bit of Matteo out of my head— and drinking was the only way I knew how."

Kade shifted closer to me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "Matteo will never, ever hurt you again. Okay?" He said gently to me.

A small tear fell from my eyes.

Kade took his thumb, wiping it away, "I hate seeing you like this. I'm so sorry this was happening to you and I was too self-absorbed to notice," He said sincerely.

I brought my eyes to his, "It's okay," I smiled sadly.

Kade's tough face slowly crumbled, and his eyes filled with water again, "Not it's not. You were going through something no girl should ever have to go through, and I didn't even notice," He cupped my cheek, "I'm such a bad brother. My best friend noticed before I did," He shook his head, gazing over at Nathan, "And I didn't listen when he told me something was wrong."

I turned to stare at Nathan as well.

"How did you know?" Kade asked Nathan shakily.

We all looked at Nathan curiously.

Nathan licked his lips, glancing only at me in a deep thought, "I just paid attention," He shrugged, "I noticed the little things."

The room was quiet, and then Kade sighed again, "I guess that I thought all your weird behavior was just girl stuff you were dealing with, which was really fucking stupid of me," He said with a shake of his head, "I should've paid closer attention. You're my little sister, I should've been there for you. I saw the way you'd dump your food out, but I was just too into myself to really pay attention and realize you had a problem."

I tucked my lips in, "It's okay," I repeated, "I never expected for anyone to notice, but I guess I'm lucky some people did," I said as I glanced between Cameron and Nathan.

We all stared at each other in quaint silence, everyone trying to absorb the immense amount of information they'd just been handed.

Even me. This was the first time I had spoken the truth about Scotty and I.

About how I manipulated him...

After a while, Flynn brought his hands up to his face, rubbing his eyes roughly, "What do we do now?" He asked to everyone.

I looked up at him, "What do you mean?" I questioned.

He uncovered his eyes, glancing at everyone in the room, "Well, we have to tell someone. We especially have to tell Lucas. Matteo is still in his pack. We have to say something, don't we?"

I narrowed my eyes, "No we don't. This can stay between us," I said as I looked at everyone's unsure faces, "Right?" I asked nervously.


I looked to Kade as soon as nobody responded, "Kade?" I asked in a small voice.

He sucked his cheeks in, "I'm sorry," Kade mumbled, "But, Flynn's right."

My mouth fell open, "What? No! Kade? Flynn?" I looked between them desperately.

Flynn and Kade exchanged a look with each other- communicating without words.

Flynn then approached me, cupping my tearful face in his hands.

He brought himself down to my eye level, staring deeply into my soul.

"This is our fight now," He said confidently, "You don't need to suffer anymore, Violet," He shook his head lightly, "Please... let us take care of your burdens. Let us fix what this man destroyed." He pleaded to me.

I stared back at his face with shock.

"But, Flynn," My voice wobbled with uncertainty.

His brown eyes swirled in hatred for Matteo, "Please, let us handle this, neonata," He urged.

I bit my lips, considering accepting his help.

What other option did I have?

"Okay..." I finally gave in, pushing the responsibility of this situation off of my shoulders and onto his.

Flynn's pink lips managed to pull into a small smile, "Thank you," He said with a soothing voice.

He then pulled closer to my face, planting a tender kiss on my cheek.

"I love you, Violet," Flynn mumbled into the kiss, "You didn't deserve any of this, and I assure you, Matteo is going to pay for his sins," He said in a darker voice.

Flynn pulled away, staring into my eyes with determination.

I stared back with appreciation, my lips forming into a small smile.

For once, my big brothers were taking a stand for me.

I then slowly rose to my knees, wrapping my arms tightly around Flynn's shoulders and burying my head into the crook of his neck.

He responded rapidly to my touch, enclosing tightly on my waist and squeezing me as if he never wanted to let me go.

He pushed his head into my hair, inhaling deeply, "I love you," He muttered again.

I could tell he meant it. Really, really meant it.

A relieved sigh left my lips as I nuzzled my head as far into Flynn's neck as I could, "I love you too."

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