My Cold Hearted Husband

By Alolika0201

248K 6.6K 707

[Completed] 'My heart beats for the man who loves someone else..' Y/n married Jeon Jungkook for her father's... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author Speaking

Chapter 1

14.4K 248 18
By Alolika0201


It's so clear outside. Sky is filled with soft fluffy clouds and tiny birds flying through them...
Ah!....if only I could fly away from this room,away from these boring lectures part of their flock and enjoy the freedom...'

That was hella novelish and cringy.  I know. 

But what to do when the teacher in the front was as old as the museum in my city and I'm seating beside the glass windows of my English classroom , which exhibited the fascinating world outside. These are the usual thoughts that pass through my brain cell anytime I enter this class, making me one of the top students on the list of distracted pupils

The teacher in the room was dictating and explaining English novels but todays topic of Hamlet have totally failed to capture my attention.


Lunch break bell screamed through the corridor of each floor. And that's the second most delightful noise, the dismissal bell taking the first position.

"y/n....y/n....Y/NN!"- Jisoo shouted to grab my attention.

"Oo,.. unnie, what?" - I replied

"What r u thinking? We are heading for the canteen ...jimin said told today's lunch is quite appetizing."- rose informed before leaving the room with cheerful steps, right  behind her friends.

"Oh,.. wait for me guys...." - I shouted as while hurriedly assembling and placing my stationaries in the locker and followed the crazy herd to the canteen.

"Oh my god ! Why does this food line never seems short no matter how fast we arrive ! I am so freaking hungry ..."- exclaimed Jennie.

"Maknaes ,you can just go, take the table and sit while we bring the food." - order Jisoo unnie.

Lisa and me went for our favourite spot, the larger  table beside the window.

This table provides the best view along with cool breeze....and it's always free for us to occupy.
Well ,unless someone's new here, everyone knows that it's better' to not to take this seat.
It's one of the perks of being a part of the most famous group in this school.
That doesn't mean that we're the group of  meanest wannabes, going around bullying the nerdy ones. It's just that my unnie are blessed with sensational beauty and we are the sole partners BTS.

15 mins later Jisoo, Rose and Jennie unnie arrived with our food.
Today's lunch is best... because it has my favourite bulgogi.
Though it was nothing near to the ones made by my mom, but still, I was solely concentrated on enjoying the bulgogi, when I heard loud scream of a crowd.

Though there was absolutely no need to look up since I knew the reason behind this sudden flow of excitement, but still I did it.

Entering the canteen hall through the large wooden door, was the hottest boy group in our school.

Well its not that our school doesn't have other hansome boys. We have other male groups but according to the 99.9% girls in our school BTS has the hottest men.
And certainly, I fall under that bigger segment with the very same belief about this same men, specially about my eldest oppa.

After blessing my table with their charming smile, the group walking past us to the counter to take their food.

Not too long after, they came back to join us at the this table for lunch.

"Hey babysis, how was class?" -jin oppa asked me.
" Boring... U know only music and drawing class interests me. Subjects like English and history work as sleeping pills for me.
How was your's and joonie oppa's???"

"Well, mine good" - said my super intelligent Namjoon oppa.

"mine's ok too!"- Said jin oppa.

Everyone at the table was either eating or chatting...... But through the corner of my eyes I spotted the 'cold' Jungkook eating and scrolling through his phone. He usually doesn't enjoy anything that has my presence.
That behaviour of his is totally due to several misunderstanding  he has on me.
Like , he believes that his ex-girlfriend, who happened to be my friend, fell for Sang-won after, I introduced her to that boy.
He also has this childish, immature notion that his Hyungs love me more than him when he is the better person than me.

Earlier I took steps to clear these misunderstanding, but that stubborn head of his is totally and completely unreachable.

" How about us cutiepie ? You're not gonna ask us, how was our day??" - asked the cute little mochi with his mouth stuffed with rice.

"No.." - I pouted.

"Whyyy???" - inquired that mochi after gulping down the food in his mouth.

"Bcuz, both of u went and hangout all day yesterday and didn't even call me.....I will not talk to both of u" - I answer pointing towards tae and jimin oppa.
"We are sorry muffins but I called jin hyung and he said that u were sleeping we didn't disturb u.."-
answered tae oppa.

This took me off-guard ... It's true that I was too lazy yesterday to even eat and hence slept all day but how can they......


My thoughts were interrupted by the bell, that announced the ending of the leisurely lunch break.

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