When Naivety Turns To Love(Gx...

Oleh SuyujiKadokawa

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Oleh SuyujiKadokawa

It all came back to Lorelei. The talks, tours, and wide smiles they had for each other that day and the other day and then that following last five days. The whole week they shared together was a treasure to her.

She even gave Tanya the silver bracelet her sister and her exchanged on the second day and even meet Addison on the fourth day with Tanya together. Lorelei gave Tanya the silver bracelet for the remembrance and the promise she give her that she would be back another year that day or sooner and the genuine wide smile and hopeful looked on Tanya's face that made her heart flutter inside was one of the best things she had ever experience her entire life. 'But why can't I remember it sooner', she thought to herself.

" I-it was actually your sister Lilith's, 3 years ago",her dad, Brad mumbled grimly and sighed before he faced Lorelei with a solemn face.

"Lorelei, you had a traumatic disorder after your sister and that gives way of to forget some memories you have and sadly this bracelet is one of them", Brad added with with an mixture emotions of nervous, pain, relief. Lorelei just looked at him with an unreasonable expression which cause her mom and dad to worry.

They worry that their daughter would hate them for not telling the truth sooner but it's difficult especially the memory was in time of the death of their other daughter and they know Lorelei was still to young to be very devastated and the fact alone that it made Lorelei miserable after knowing the death of her sister. They know Lilith was very special to her.

Lorelei was a bit angry at her parents for only telling her now but she thought of the bigger picture than being mad at her parents, she know they only did what's best for her even though that best was for her forgetting one of the greatest childhood memory she had. The last time she saw her sister in her birthday and the tickets she gave for her sister and Harry, it will now be forever in her heart.

The whole living room was still depth in silence as Lorelei thought about all the things that was thrown to her now. The worried faces of Brad and Lorraine. The squeezing of Avery in Lorelei's hand for support.

After pure terror of silence they heard Lorelei sighed and the three involuntary looked at her with hopeful and expectant faces.

"Y-you're not mad?", Lorelei's mom, Lorraine asked first at her daughter. Lorelei just shook her head and smiled at them.

" A bit but being mad is nonsense and it won't bring back Lilith back ",Lorelei said sincerely at them as Brad and Lorraine signed in great relief, even Avery did now with a new profound smile on her face.

" We're so sorry for hiding this to you Lorelei ",Brad said shame and guilt still filled him. Lorelei stood up towards her parents with a smile and enveloped them into a tight hugged.

" Its fine. I'm just glad I now know",she stated as her parents hugged her back with the same intensity.

They broke the hugged and laugh. They talked about something's, rather heavy of light for their own good but the people in the room was filled with relief and that's one of the best things human should have and feel.

"Lorelei, your mom and I we're still very sorry and we ho—"

"Its really fine dad. I know you did it for what's best", Lorelei interrupted his dad rambles before enveloping him into tight embraced and saying a small 'good night' at him at her mom who was walking towards them now and Lorelei also enveloped her mom into tight embraced.

" Good night "


Looking at the mirror one last time Lorelei got out in the room with Avery and ascended into the living room. Lorelei was wearing black tight dressed she paired with cowboy knee high boots while Avery dressed  up into black tight jeans and black off shoulder blouse she also paired with black ankle boots.

It was a Saturday morning and the ceremony will start at 10 and they only both got quarter an hour to go to the cemetery where Iris's family held the death ceremony of it's late brother Eric.

They both said goodbye and got out of the front door and immediately shut it closed behind them. They we're greeted by Jane who was into black T-shirt with black leather jacket and tight brown leather jeans paired with flat ankle boots. They smiled at each other as they walked down towards the elevator and immediately got out towards Jane's car.

The whole ride was in comfortable silence except for the small bickering of Jane and Avery every time one of them tries to get Lorelei's attention who was depth in thoughts about everything that's been happening.

They arrived at the cemetery and Tori runs towards Lorelei and wrapped her legs in Lorelei's waist and her hands into its neck and snuggled comfortably in the depth of Lorelei's neck which almost cause the brunette to chuckle.

Laura and Jane's brows furrowed while Avery growled as they three tried to pushed Tori away from from Lorelei who was clinging tightly into Lorelei. Eventually the three successfully managed to pushed Tori away who was now standing in her toes and glaring at the three girls.

Taylor walked towards Lorelei and dragged her away from the four girls with a smirk on her face.

"Its a funeral yet they are still bickering", Taylor mumbled looking at the three. Lorelei nodded beside her with a sighed before they walked towards Iris and Iris's parents for respect and support.

Iris saw Lorelei and one of her friends Taylor walking towards them with a smile and an involuntary smile formed in her lips and her wary face lit up a bit in just  Lorelei's presence alone. Iris immediately called her parents attention who has a wide smile on their also wart faces to see Lorelei.

" I'm glad you and your friends could come Lorelei ",Linda exclaimed enveloping Lorelei and Taylor into a warm hugged which they both reciprocated.

"We wouldn't missed it for the world", Lorelei stated with a small smile at them. Linda and Enrique nodded in approval with a smile as the ceremony began after a few while.

The whole area was filled with many people mostly other families,Iris's parents friends, the deceased classmates and friends. Lorelei even noticed several of the students in the academy except for them, it showed that Eric Williamson was truly a great guy and many people loved him and will missed him just by their flowing tears as Eric's coffin held down the ground.

After the funeral some people left while other stayed. Lorelei saw Addison paying her respect for the deceased with a black tight suit but it was not the usual business suit she always wears. At that Lorelei thought about the possibility that Tanya would also be here.

She scanned the whole place looking for a certain tall brunette and indeed she saw her looking at her with a casual black dressed paired with black heels. They stared for a moment and Lorelei captured the moment to go near the other brunette with long strides.

Tanya froze in her position as her chest beats fast and her breath hitched in her throat as she saw Lorelei walking towards her direction and swiftly yet softly grabbed her wrist then lead her to the parking lot where no people transient.

Lorelei wanted to talk so badly and it was now the moment she waited for a few days that Tanya avoided her.

Lorelei faced Tanya who was looking anywhere but her. Lorelei sighed before she held Tanya's chin and faced her. She was immediately greeted by stunning and piercing hazel eyes that was now lace with sadness, pain and nervousness.

Lorelei thought for a second where to begin as an idea popped into her with a small grin on her lips.

"Let's go to the park. In the playground we once first meet at"

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