
By _d1minish

28.6K 941 756

M-613, a first year TIE fighter pilot in the first order. She was given the callsign "coma" by her fellow pil... More



2K 66 46
By _d1minish

"Filthy traitor!" the trooper sneered through the mask, carelessly tossing me into the cell.

I scowled, despising the rude comment. I wasn't a traitor, I just taught some jerk a well needed lesson.

I still had my armor on thankfully, or my flesh wouldn't be so forgiving towards their aggressive nature.

The other trooper stepped into the cell scanning me, my knees on the cold floor, back hunched over from my fall.

I frowned at him, as he lowered his hand, snatching my chin, forcing me to look up at the helmet that framed his head.

"This one is cute, we could have some fun with her..." He clutched a lock of my hair, and grazed it over my cheek.

The other trooper chuckled, anger bubbling inside of me.

"I'm sure she's got pretty screams..."

They were inching closer and closer to me, getting more invasive by the second.

Without giving it a second thought, I sank my teeth into the gloved hand that traced my face, following with a painful cry from the mask.

The other trooper swung his blaster at my face, colliding with my jaw. I immediately fell to the floor, trying my best to stay composed. Another brutal hit to my head with a heavy boot, following with one to the stomach. And another. And another.

I couldn't process the pain, vomit threatening to spill, my vision was blurred at that point, all the noises around me were muffled. I couldn't even tell if they were still kicking me or not.

I finally heard the slide of an entrance, noise cutting off as it closed. They had finally left.

I thought i'd pass out, but instead I just laid there, teary eyed, blood spilling from my ear, basking in the agony they left me in.

It felt like 4 or 5 hours had passed since they left, and I managed to gain enough strength the reposition myself.

I sat up against the cold wall. Still recovering from my abuse, I pondered over the last few days and how my life has changed so drastically in such short time.


It had been 4 days since I was thrown into this cell. I had no way of telling so I observed and calculated every event during my stay. For instance, a trooper would do a checkup on my cell twice a day, at night and in the morning, i'm assuming. Then they'd feed me once a day, probably around midday.

Within the past loathsome days, I had been cruelly treated. The first 'official' day, a trooper brought me some food, then kicked it at me, flipping it's components all over the floor. I refused to eat any of the garbage anyways.

This was my 5th "day" and I hadn't had my daily meal or cell check yet, I wonder if they forgot about me. I wonder what my squadron thinks. Am I traitor? No! I simply defended myself, well, more so put an end to somethings behavior BEFORE I was forced to defend myself.

Wow, maybe I was out of line.

Well if so then I admit to it, maybe I shouldn't have caused so much trouble. But watching Vex clutch his bloodied nose in woe, I knew that HE knew, he fucked up.

And it felt good.

My thoughts were interrupted by a rumble from my stomach. Maybe I should've been eating the awful food they were offering me. But of course, the one day no one comes, I need them to.



A few more hours had passed when I heard footsteps making their way to my end of the hall. I straightened my posture, eager for food.

The trooper came in, but I saw no food tray in his hands. Their presence felt oddly familiar.

The door slid shut, I eyed them with confusion. They tilted their head, as if they were just as confused.

"You don't look as good as you did when we first got you in here."

Jeez thanks.

I gave him my strongest "what the fuck is wrong with you" look.

"But you'll just have to do. Don't try no funny shit again, or I won't hesitate to shoot right through you."

Now I recognized the bastard, it was the same trooper who tried to assault me the first day I got here. I squinted my eyes at him, lips in a tight thin line.

"I already know your intentions, so i'll make it more clear this time."

And with that he yanked me by my feet, and slid me under him, I was too shocked to react. I began squirming as much as possible, then I felt a hard metal object press to my head.

"I told you i'd shoot you, now hold still. This will only take a minute..."

He flipped me so I was in my stomach, face pressed against the cold floor with a gun to my head. I heard him fiddling with his gear, panicking about what was happening.

I felt a tear leave my eye.

I'd never been this helpless before.

He began to tug at the top of my pants and finally some adrenaline kicked in.

I kicked his tailbone with the back of my foot as hard as possible.

He wailed in surprise, as I grabbed the blaster, but he was still composed enough to hold on to it, resulting in a deathly game of tug o war.


We continued pulling, neither willing to take the chance of defeat.

Suddenly he let go and the barrel of the gun hit me square in my right eye.

"AHHHHHRGGHHB" the most blood curdling yell escaped my throat. I immediately covered my eye to apply pressure with my hands, but the pain wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Out the corner of my left eye, I saw the wretched trooper raise his blaster at me, and I let out a furious scream.

His body flew through the air, colliding with the door.

I took no time to refocus on my gouging eye. I continued wailing. The door slid open with 2 troopers outside standing with overwhelmed and confused stances.


The troopers practically jumped at my attentiveness, rushing over to me. They lifted me up, one of the troopers threw my arm over their shoulder, helping me stand.

"What happened??!" The other trooper exclaimed.

"He tried to assault me, twice!"


I scoffed at his incapability of comprehending simple phrases. "Will someone please get me to the FUCKING MED BAY??!" I harshly yelled as both troopers jolted, the one holding me stumbled me out of the cell.

I wouldn't let my hand off of my eye the whole way there. I was too scared for how bad it was, and how easily people's reactions would give that away.

We hobbled all the way to the med bay, when they finally rushed me into a room. A nurse rushed to my side and began examine me without wasting a single second.

"Ma'am you're gonna have to remove your hand and tell me what happened." the nurse kindly urged in a nervous voice.

I looked up her with my other eye cautiously, before hesitantly removing my hand slowly.

Her eyes grew wide, and I knew right then just how bad it was.

"I was being attacked by a trooper, a-and he hit me in the eye with the barrel of his blaster..." my voice was so shaky.

"Oh dear... Doctor!! I need immediate surgery, code 2, I need immediate surgery!" She yelled through the open doorway.

I was overcome with fear, my hands were jittery, and I began to fasten my breathing.

Gods be with me.

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