Epiphany Of Life

By cupidtoyourheart69

493 104 43

Having had a regretful past, a past that haunts her through recurring nightmares until she finally drowns in... More

1 :ME MYself and I:
6 :SHE:
8: A DATE ?!:
11:Mr. JAMES:
13 : Roller coaster going down :
14. Bon voyage .
15 :lasted longer:
Aesthetics time!!!!!
16:Deja Vu:
17 :Wolf In Sheep's Clothing:

10 :Double trouble:

17 3 0
By cupidtoyourheart69

Time stood still for me, I could feel her smell and her lips lingering around my body even though I knew she would be back at her house by now.
The people from the parade slowly started moving out seperating themselves to go their own way. Some stayed watching the stars while some couples decided to make out right then and there.

Once it stared getting a bit too steamy with the couples I decided to give them their privacy and slowly made my way to my own apartment, for the first time in a while I felt so happy excited and all those mushy mushy feelings that felt so ancient to me.

I didn't know I was smiling so widely Until I took phone out and saw my reflection on my mobile phone, it looked weird or maybe it didn't maybe just maybe I should smile more perhaps then--- my train of thoughts was suddenly disrupted by the sound of my message notification.

That's weird no one messages me, oh no no SHIT!!. One moment I was going up the roller coaster now I'm back down. There's only one person who would message me and that's CANDICE. Our earlier conversation came flooding in to my mind, I was supposed to be there at college. My palm and forehead started sweating, my heart was beating so fast,I couldn't breathe.

It felt like my lungs were giving up on me, I sat down on the pavement and tried telling myself to exhale and inhale, exhale and inhale after doing that for a while, gradually I was able to breathe again. I just had a panic attack, i usually did when I was under a lot of stress.

Candice was a lot of stress, she always gets what she wants and if something doesn't go her way then it goes hell way. I still remember what happened to the boy who tried to stand up against her, it was not pretty. In the end he had to be homeschooled because of his broken spines.

No one knew exactly how he got injured some said he tried to commit suicide but I know for sure it was her.

I took my phone which had fallen down from my hands earlier and checked the message she sent me, I knew this was the end when I read the message, it said " be ready". I couldn't stay there in the pavement for too long, drunkards were already filling the area so I got up and started walked to my apartment again. This walk was getting unusually long.

Just as I took my first step I could smell the Pugent smell of alcohol and cigrattes, I looked up to see a man probably In his forties looking down at me and smiling. I decided to ignore him and move away but the guy just snatched my wrist. I tried to wring my wrist out of his hands but he was holding them too tight it hurt. He had this weird face, a face that animals make when they catch their prey. He made a sly comment, " hey little girl why the hurry, spend some time with daddy here".

I almost wanted to throw up hearing his words, i had to get out of here quickly I thought. I heard him calling on to his buddies, maybe it was the sudden adrenaline rush or all the action movies I've been watching. It was now or never I thought i swung my feet and hit him really hard straight at his balls which made him leave my hand with a loud yelp and I ran, just ran like there was no tomorrow.

I think some of the guys did try to follow me but I was too far from them to catch me so when I reached my apartment and looked back to see no one following I guessed they must have gave up.

I took my keys out and opened the door and just plopped on the bed, I was still breathing loudly. My head started throbbing really bad I took some of my pills and they instantly calmed me down. Sometimes people get so nasty all they want is gratification for their pleasure.

It was sickening. At the end of the day all the bad moments just washed away and the only thing I could think of was her and the kiss. I drifted off to sleep sometime later my mind full of her.

~"the strange and almost endless dream, where I was you and you were me"~
---conjure one (endless dream)

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