Who The Monsters Are(Cheater...


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A man that thought he was loved. By a group of people that accepted him. But what if he was nothing but all l... Plus

Prologue: Betrayal
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Beacon Academy
Chapter 3: Unrelenting Hatred
Chapter 4: The Devil's Wrath
Chapter 5: The Devil's Warning
Chapter 6: The Devil's Reveal
Chapter 7: Resting
Chapter 8: Blake Belladonna
Chapter 9: Denial
Chapter 10: Anger
Chapter 11: Infiltration
Chapter 12: The Past
Chapter 13: The Past Revealed
Chapter 14: The Dance
Chapter 15: The Pitiful Cries Of Those Without Strength
Chapter 16: Old Enemies
Chapter 17: Amber, The Fall Maiden
Chapter 18: Recovering
Chapter 20: No Brakes
Chapter 21: Alyssa
Chapter 22: Foolishness
Chapter 23: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chapter 24: The White Fang
Chapter 25: Blake
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Relieving Pain
Chapter 28: A Plan
Chapter 29: The Date
Chapter 30: The Returning Past
Chapter 31: Old Friends
Chapter 32: Adam Vs Y/N
Chapter 33: The Devil and Cat
Chapter 34: Sadness
Chapter 35: Comforting Blake and Yang
Chapter 36: Light and Dark
Chapter 37: Sparring
Chapter 38: The Spartan and Devil
Chapter 39: Missing Rose
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Memories
Chapter 42: Missing
Chapter 43: The Devil's Family
Chapter 44: Dream
Chapter 45: New Friends
Chapter 46: Y/N and the brothers
Chapter 47: Y/N and Vergil
Chapter 48: Anger
Chapter 49: Monster
Chapter 50: Preparation
Chapter 51 : Y/N Vs Mercury
Chapter 52: Aftermath
Chapter 53: The Past
Chapter 54: Training
Chapter 55: Y/N
Chapter 56: Two Swordsman
Chapter 57: Back Home
Chapter 58: Y/N and Mercury
Chapter 59: Mundus
Chapter 60: Sparda
Chapter 61: Back at Beacon
Chapter 62: Dante
Chapter 63: Dream of the Past
Chapter 64: Awakening and Resting
Chapter 65: Forever Falls Part 1
Chapter 66: Forever Falls Part 2
Chapter 67: Devils
Chapter 68: Revenge
Chapter 69: Returning to Beacon
Chapter 70: Back at Beacon
Chapter 71: Fall Maiden
Chapter 72: Vale
Chapter 73: Road to Mistral
Chapter 74: Road to Mistral Part 2
Chapter 75: Night on the Road
Chapter 76: Night on the Road part 2
Chapter 78: To Mistral
Chapter 79: Mistral
Chapter 80: Hidden Evil
Chapter 81: Corruption
Chapter 82: Corrupted
Chapter 83: Corrupted Part 2

Chapter 19: Mount Glenn

15.5K 229 78

Third Person POV 

Team RWBY walked with a huntsmen as they looked to see nothing but empty buildings and empty streets. 

Huntsmen: Ladies, you still may be students but as of this moment your first mission as a huntress begun. From this point forward you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand? Ruby. I thought I told you to leave all your bags at school. 
He said as he looks at her. 

Ruby: Well...uh...you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't. 
She told him as Weiss face palms. 

Huntsman: She's not wrong. Very well Ruby leave your bag here we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: B-But I ahh...

Huntsman: Young lady. What in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important for you to bring it-
He said as he sees Zwei slowly revealing his head. 

Ruby: Get back in the bag. 
She whispers as the others looked at her. 

Huntsman: We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility and you  brought a dog? 

Ruby: I...uh...

Huntsman: Genius! 
He yells before backing up. 

Weiss, Blake, and Yang looked at Ruby as she shrugs. 

Suddenly the huntsman grabbed Zwei as he looked at him. 

Huntsman: Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound. Making them excellent companions for hunts such as ours. 

Ruby: I'm a genius. 
She smiles as the others rolled their eyes. 

Blake: So what's the plan Dr? 
She asked. 

Huntsman: Ah! Yes! Straight to the chase, I like it! As you have been informed the southeast area has been marked as a recent hotspot for Grimm activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behavior. One of which bring, Grimm.  
He said as the four girls looked at each other. 

Ruby: Uh...What? 

Huntsman: Grimm, a creature of Grimm approximately 100 yards from us this very moment. 

Ruby: WHAT!? 
She said as the four girls turned around to see a group of beowolves. 

The four girls pulled out their weapons to only hear the huntsman stop them. 

Huntsman: There are a number of reasons why Grimm would congregate in this particular area. The most likely of which would be their attraction to negativity. Sadness. envy, loneliness, hatred, all qualities that are likely held by our group harboring ill intent. 

Ruby: So...What now? 

Huntsman: We wait, we track, if the specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey. 

Blake: How long do we wait? 

Huntsman: It's uncertain, hours, days, weeks, why lone grimm have been known to stand isolated from the pack for months and there's the whole pack. 
He said as he saw the pack. 

Weiss: What? 
She asked as she saw the pack. 

Huntsman: And now they saw us. 

Weiss: What? 

He yells at her. 

Ruby: I take it tracking is out of the question. 

Huntsman: An accurate assumption, yes. 

Yang: What's the plan then? 

Huntsman: Show me what your capable of. 


Huntsman: Excellent work girls! Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal in this sector. Oh, well moving on! 
He says before walking away. 

Yang: Hey doc, you know I was actually looking forward to seeing a pro huntsman in action. Like fighting or at least helping us fight? 

Huntsman: Ah, but I am in action, scouring the ruins of this once great city for any signs of irregularity. Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism girls. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination. Remember, this is a job and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that. 

Yang: Uh...O-of Course. 

Huntsman: Hmm. 


Huntsman: Tell me Yang, why did you choose this line of work? 

Yang: Huh? Well, to fight monsters and s-

Huntsman: No, that is what you do. I want to know why you do it. The honest reason as to why you want to be a huntress. 

Yang: The honest reason? 
She asked as she thought about Y/n. 

Yang: I'm a thrill seeker. I wanna travel around the world and get wrapped up in many crazy adventures as I can.
She told him. 

Yang: And if I help people on the way or meets someone. It's a win win you know. 
She told him as she thought of him. 

His E/C eyes. 

His H/C hair .

His red cloak and demonic arm. 

Huntsman: And you Ms Schnee, a girl born into fame such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work. So, why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas? 
He asked as he sees Weiss stabs a beowolf in the head. 

Weiss: It's exactly as you said, I'm a schnee. I have a legacy to uphold. Once I realized I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would do with my life. It was my duty. 

Huntsman: Interesting. 
He said before walking over to Blake, who shot at bird like grimm. 

Huntsman: What about you Blake? You seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose.

Blake: There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption, and someone has to stop it.

Huntsman: Very well, How? 
He asked her. 

Blake: I-uh...
She said as she looked down, remembering what she did. 

The blood. 

Weapon in hand. 

Dead human and faunas laying in front of her. 

Children looking at her with horror in their eyes. 

The huntsman walked over to Ruby, who was playing with Zwei. 

Ruby: Sorry! Uh...are we ready to keep going? 
She asked. 

Huntsman: No, I believe that will have to for today. It's going to be dark soon. You three, set up camp in that building. And and please do make sure that there are no more of those creatures. Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come Ruby.
He told them before walking away with Ruby. 

Ruby walked with the huntsman as she looks at something in awe. 

Ruby: Wow. What is that? It's looks awesome! 
She said as she sees grimm Goliaths walking through the forest. 

Huntsman: That my dear girl, is a grimm. 

Ruby: Let's kill it. 
She said as she readies her scythe. 

Huntsman: I'm afraid your weapon will do nothing but agitate a grimm of that size. 
He told her. 

Ruby: Bu what if it attacks us? 
She asked. 

Huntsman: Fret not Ruby, those goliaths are not concerned with us. Ruby, not every grimm is mindless or rather not every grimm is still mindless. You see the grimm you see before you are so powerful, so superior to the grimm you fought that they've undoubtedly lived hundred of years. And in that time between killing humans, and attacking our borders, they've done one important thing. They've learned. They've learned that when they attack our borders they're likely to die. And what we lack in strength, we make up for it in will. And that killing one human, will only bring more. 

Ruby: Then why are they so close to the city? What are they doing? 

Huntsman: Waiting. 

To Yang

Yang: I can't believe we didn't find anything. 

Blake: We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I guess we can't always have luck on our side. 
She said as she looked at the fire, seeing him in the fire. 

His red hair. 

His white mask. 

The glowing red blade in hand. 

Blake shook her head, getting rid of the memory. 

Weiss: Blake. 

Blake: Huh? 

Weiss: Earlier about upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that. 

Yang: Yeah, no me too. I mean, I don't know. 
She said as she looked at Blake. 

Blake: I don't know either. 
She said as memories of him flashed through her head. 

Blake: I always knew what I wanted to do but I'd always take things one step at a time.

Yang: Well, it doesn't matter, we know why we're here.   Right? 
She asked as she looks at Weiss.

Huntsman: Ah wonderful! A textbook campfire. 
He said as he walks into the area. 

Ruby: Fire.
She said before kneeling in front of it. 

Ruby: So...warm.
She said as she warmed herself up. 

Huntsman: Very good, eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns to watch over our temporary abode, any volunteers for first watch? 

Ruby: Yo. 
She said as she raised her hand. 

Ruby got up and walked around to where Yang was. 

Yang: Hey. Did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a huntress? I mean what did you tell him? 

Ruby: Hmm. No he didn't weird. Oh well, good night guys. 
She said and walked to a corner to watch over her team. 

Ruby sat there as she held her sniper, looking out for grimm. 

Time passed by as Ruby yawned tiredly to only hear a bark. 

Ruby: What is it Zwei? 
She asked as she sees blue sparks landing by her. 

Ruby: Blue sparks? 
She asked as she sees someone walking through the empty streets with a bloody sword. 

Ruby: Y/N? 


Ruby: Zwei wait! 
She yells and chases Zwei. 

To Y/N 

Y/N stood around a corner as he held his sword in hand while he heard voices. 

Y/N: White fang. Just like the plan. 
He said to himself as he looked around the corner to see two white fang members. 

Y/N smirks and ran towards them while the two aimed at him. Y/N threw his sword at one white fang member before punching the other onto the ground. 

Y/N: Where is Roma. 
He said as he looks at them. 

To Yang

Yang: Blake? Are you awake? 

Blake: Yeah. 
She said as she looked the other way. 

Yang: How do you think Y/N is doing right now? 
She asked. 

Blake: I'm sure he's doing fine. 
She said as she thought about him. 

Yang: What did you think when he went to the dance with you? 
She asked. 

Blake: It was....amazing. Didn't know he could dance. What do you think? 
She said as she smiled a little. 

Yang: He's amazing. Didn't know he could fight like that? With that sword of his, never though I've seen a better weapon sword user than my uncle. 
She told her. 

Weiss: Are you two talking about him? 

Yang: What? Don't act like you don't like him. 
She teases. 

Weiss: I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. 
She blushes darkly. 

Yang: Come on. Don't act like you don't think about him. 

Weiss: S-Shut up baka. 
She blushes more. 

Blake smiles as she placed her hand on her heart. 

To Ruby

Ruby slowly got up as she saw that she was in a dark room. 

Ruby: Uh.. Where am I? 
She groaned in pain. 

Suddenly she hears the door open to see two white fang members aiming at her. 

White Fang Member 2: Freeze! Hands up! 
They aimed at her. 

Ruby went to grab her scythe but gasped as she felt nothing there. 

White Fang Member 1: Where did she come from? 
Once asked as Ruby backed up to only look down to see nothing but darkness. 

White Fang Member 3: You're a long way from home little girl. 
One said as he grabbed by the arm. 

Ruby: Hands off! 
She yells and throws a punch at his gut to only receive a punch back. 

White Fang Member 2: The boss is going love this. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was walking through the tunnel as he had Blue Rose in hand. 


Y/N: What are you doing here. 
He said as he looked to see him. 

His red trench coat. 

Twin hand guns 

His sword on his back. 

???: Just came to help out. 

Here is chapter 19 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Continuer la Lecture

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