-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 20- Saving Steven
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 23- The Rescue
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

Chapter 25- Patching things up

725 29 31
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

Spinel crawled onto the foot of Stevens bed and continued to mindlessly watch TV.

As she felt her mind go fuzzy, Steven opened the door; which brought her back to reality.

"Do you want some dinner?"

Spinel sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes,    "Sure Buckeroo."


Downstairs, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were in the kitchen. Spinel noticed how Pearl was the only one actually cooking, while Amethyst rummaged through the fridge and Garnet just sat at the table motionless.

As Spinel and Steven descended the final three stairs Garnet instantly waved the two over.

Steven took a seat beside her, and Spinel sat beside Steven.

The two couldn't tell what was going through her head. When Garnet finally spoke it lifted the nervous tension.

"You two look dapper."

Both Steven and Spinel looked down and looked over their bodies. Spinel lifted her head and messed with one of her ponytails,    "Uh, thanks..?"

Garnet nodded and looked at an invisible watch on her wrist,    "Well, it's time I do the thing."

She stood up and walked up to Spinel and stood over her in silence for a small moment. As Spinel was about to ask what was wrong, Garnet grabbed Spinel and dashed out of the house.


The further the fusion ran, Spinel started flailing and yelling,    "WHAT ARE YA' DOIN'!? ARE YOU KIDNAPPING ME!?"


Spinel's eyes widened and she tried to squirm out of the fusion's grasp. She was pretty freaked out and was about to start swinging- that is until she was suddenly put down.

Spinel's eyes widened in confusion as she watched the tall fusion walk to a distant spot in the sand and sit down. It turns out, Garnet only went to a spot on the beach, that wasn't even that far from Steven's house. But why?


Spinel watched Garnet as she gazed out at the horizon. The waves gently licked at the sand that had become cool and seemingly softer.

Noticing the small gems' confusion, Garnet patted the spot beside her. Spinel slowly made her way beside her, and sat down.

"This is the spot you and Y/n met."

Spinel nods, and Garnet smirks a little.

"You also watched the sunset on your first night here, in this spot."

Spinel looked around baffled,    "You're right!"

Garnet's grin grew. "And I also know that you both came here on your first date."

Spinel was surprised that Garnet knew all of this information. But, now that she thought about it, this was Garnet.

There was a pause, and all that was heard was the waves crashing. Garnet then gently placed a hand on Spinel's shoulder.    "I know how you feel about Jasper. I just want you to know that I agree with where you're coming from."    Garnet turns to Spinel more,    "But you must know, that without her, the relationship you adore will crumble in the future."    

Spinel felt a pit rise in her throat.

"What do you mean?"

Garnet stayed silent, and Spinel did her best to look into her eyes through the deep gold of her visors.

"Garnet, what do you mean?"

The fusion shook her head slowly,    "I would tell you, but I can't be certain what path you all will take, nor how you'll respond to such information."

Spinel grabbed Garnet's shoulders and shook her.

"That's not good enough!"

Garnet looks back out to the horizon,    "I know."

Spinel felt anger creep into her mind, so she stomped back to Stevens house.

When she got inside, she slammed the door shut and sat on the couch with a huff.

Steven noticed Spinel's sour mood, so he served some food and sat beside his pink friend.


The gem looked down at the small table as the boy presented a dish for her. There was a small moment of peace, as Spinel began eating.

Amethyst joined the small group; sitting beside Spinel. Spinel watched in disgusted-fear as Amethyst shoved the whole plate of food in her mouth (Including the plate) and swallowed. She let out a loud burp and wrapped an arm around Spinel's shoulders,    "So, what brings ya' here stretch?"    Spinel rolled her eyes and stopped eating,    "Y/n is spending the evening with Jasper."

Amethyst gasps and chuckles,    "Wow, so I was right!"    Spinel raised a brow, Amethyst then pulled back,    "Oh, sorry. It's just obvious that she likes your girlfriend."

Spinel's eyes widened a bit. So it was true? I mean, sure Spinel had her suspicions, but hearing that it was an obvious thing... Well, it took her aback.

"Spinel? You okay man?"

The purple gem looked slightly concerned, when she saw the color drain from the pink gems face.

Spinel swallowed hard and cleared her throat,    "Yeah. I'm just swell."

With that last statement, Spinel got up and quickly walked upstairs into Stevens' room.


-In the woods-

Jasper was having an epiphany. Realizing how horrible she had been. Trying to win the affections of someone she can't have.

How long had this been going on?

How long had she been trying to win over this girl? 

Too long.

It's obvious that Jasper is desperate for attention from the little lady.

She was realizing she had to move on.

Jasper took a deep breath..

..And stood up.

"I'm going into town"

Y/n looked up at the gem with surprise.

"But we just got here?"

Jasper sighed and shook her head,    "I'm going. You're gonna stay right here for when I come back."

The human girl looked around at the surrounding woods with slight fear.

"But what if something happens?"

Jasper sighs and rips a sharp chunk of wood off a tree, then tosses it to the girl. It was a jagged and pointy tear of wood. It would make a good makeshift weapon.

As the little lady observed her new 'weapon' she didn't realize that Jasper had run (very quickly) towards town.


Jasper tripped several times, over rocks, twigs, and overgrown greenery. However, she did her best to ignore it, and she just kept her sprint towards Beach City.


-Stevens house-

Spinel flopped on Steven's bed and resisted the sadness/anger beginning to boil. Now that she knew that she wasn't crazy, and that Jasper more than likely was in love with her delicate doll, she was feeling many conflicting emotions.

As she got the familiar burning in her eyes and cheeks, she heard the familiar sound of Stevens' voice,    "Hey.. Spinel?"

Spinel flipped onto her stomach, burying her face into the cushion of his blankets and mattress.

As she clenched her eyes shut, she heard the muffled sound of the boy's footsteps, followed by the bed shifting under weight as Steven sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"Do you want to talk, Spinel?"

This caught the gems attention. He didn't ask if she was okay, she must have been more transparent over how she felt than she thought.

Spinel pushed herself up and faced her hybrid friend.

"It's that obvious, huh?"

Steven laughed lightly and rubbed his neck,    "Sorry, I've just gotten good at gauging someone's emotions over the years."

Spinel gave Steven an endearing grin as she sat up straighter and faced the boy properly.

"Yeah, that's Steven Universe for ya'."

The pair shared a laugh.

Steven then took off his jacket and placed it on the edge of his bed,    "Now, serious talk. What's got you all twisted?"

Spinel leaned back on her palms and shrugged,    "It's not important. I'll be alright."

The boy crosses his arms and looks her in the eye,    "Spinel, don't be evasive."

The pink gem frowned and looked up at the ceiling,    "Okay, okay. I'll talk."

Steven smiles and scoots closer as Spinel begins.

"I'm just unsure.. About Jasper. What if she takes Y/n away from me? What if Y/n doesn't love me as much anymore?"

Steven shakes his head in confusion,    "Spinel you can't be serious!"

The pink gem cocks her head and shrugs once more, making Steven sigh.

"Spinel, I know first-hand how much she loves you. I've never seen her love someone the way she loves you! The amount of texts from her where she's gloating about you and how amazing you are, are crazy!"

Spinel sits up straight and her ponytails perk up,    "Really? She talks about me that much?"

Steven nods and pulls out his phone,    "Here. Look!"

Steven handed Spinel his phone, revealing a chain of texts between Steven and Y/n. Plenty of the messages were typical sibling jokes and conversations, but the rest were about Y/n vaunting over Spinel.

It made the gem laugh. He was right.

Just to be sure, she scrolled all the way to the most recent message, and sure enough, his claim was solid.

Steven pats the top of Spinels head,    "I promise nothing will happen between you and Y/n. You two are a great couple."

Spinel laughs and hands the boy's phone back.

"I guess you're right."

Steven smiles brightly and suddenly lights up,    "Do you want some hot chocolate?"

Spinel becomes confused at the question,    "What's that?"

Steven gasps,    "You've never had hot chocolate!?"

Spinel shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. Steven crosses his arms and huffs,    "I'm gonna have to have a talk with Y/n about this."

Spinel laughs and Steven begins walking to the stairs,    "I'll bring you a cup. Just wait here!"

"Aye-eye."    Spinel happily saluted the boy as he smiled and descended the stairs.

Spinel happily sighed and flopped back on the bed. As she stared at the ceiling, she felt a wave of peaceful reassurance. Hopefully nothing would happen. She liked the way everything was right now. Everything will be fine.

We'll be okay.

The arch is coming

Stay safe, wash your hands.


- Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

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