Look Up to The Stars (RWBY x...

By HearthFallow

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What happens if a broken and abused Schnee discovers that she holds the power of the most powerful beings of... More

Volume 1 Bio
Part 1: Shining Beacon
Part 2: Initiation
Team SSNW (Snow)
Part 3: Sisterly Bonds
Part 4: Dealing With Bullies
Part 5: Rage
Part 6: Team of Broken Orphans
Part 7: A Broken Fox
Chapter 8: A Terrifying Nightmare!
Chapter 9: A Cat, A Monkey, And A Fox! or Two?
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 10: A Day To Remember
Chapter 11: A Fox Gets Flirty
Chapter 12: A Walk In The Park
Chapter 14: Unforgettable Night
Chapter 15: A Passionate Night (18+)
Chapter 16: A Fox Gets Kidnapped
Chapter 17: The Truth Of The Fox
Chapter 18: A Special Guest For The Festival
Volume 3 Bio
Team EMBR (Ember)
Chapter 19: RWBY Meets The Arcane Foxes
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Chapter 20: Team JNPR Meets The Arcane Foxes
Chapter 21: Team CFVY Meets The Arcane Foxes
Chapter 22: Team SSNW Doubles Match
Chapter 23: Ember vs Yue
Chapter 24: Meeting An Old Friend
Chapter 25: The Fall of Beacon
Chapter 26: Death's Grasp
Chapter 27: Broken
Special Chapter: All You Can Eat Ice Cream
Clarence Walker Character Short
Angel Rune Character Short
Chapter 28: The Aftermath of The Fall.
Volume 4 Bio (Team _SNW)
Chapter 29: Team SSNW Aftermath
Part 30: Crashing a Party
Chapter 31: Healing
Chapter 32: Raider and Crow vs Scorpion
Chapter 33: Story Time
Chapter 34: Travels
Volume 5 Trailer
Volume 5 Bio (Team _SNW)
Chapter 35: Haven Academy
Chapter 36: Crash
Chapter 37: Recruitment Fail
Chapter 38: A Professor Returns
Chapter 39: A Not So Happy Family Reunion
Chapter 40: Memories
Chapter 41: Team RW_Y & _SNW
Small Talk (Not a chapter)
Chapter 42: Trap
Chapter 43: Battle of Haven
Chapter 44: Remembrance

Chapter 13: Hunted vs Hunter

609 20 2
By HearthFallow

*Ryker's POV*

I grit my teeth upon seeing the only person who made me what I am.

Me: Glade Parks.

Glade: Did ya miss me?

I transform Striker into it's battle-axe form and charged at Glade. He parries it with his dagger and slashes me at the stomach making my aura flicker.

Glade: You've gotten slower Ryke.

Me: Yeah well, fuck you too!

I spun my axe around making him backflip but I wanted him to do that.

Me: Silver Striker!

I swung my axe upwards managing to hit him and as I did, Silver activates her greaves and uses her semblance to double the damage she'll give. She kicks Glade in the stomach, launching him away but the fucker recovers by flipping and landing on a tree branch.

Glade: Impressive, you managed to work with comrades now.

He swipes his hand signalling his minions to do his job and fight us. The three idiots grabbed their daggers and charged at us. And they were freaking fast!

The first guy was already in front of me and managed to get to good slashes at me but I grabbed him by the throat and throw him to Yatsuhashi who smacks him with the flat side of his sword, knocking him out.

The second guy attacks Luna but she was also fast enough to dodge his attacks but due to her sword being longer than a dagger, she can barely get a hit on her opponent. Fox and Velvet managed to distract him for a little while for Luna to use her semblance.

Luna: Aquarius! Freeze Ray!

Luna fires a blue beam from her sword, getting the guy frozen and encased in ice by her semblance. Fox and Velvet both kick him in the face knocking him out.

The third guy was flipping all over the place since he was trying his best to dodge every single bullet from Coco's minigun. He didn't realize that Newt had already fired explosive arrows on the ground. Once Coco stopped firing he landed where Newt set his explosives and detonated it, launching him into the air. Once airborne Silver jumps up and flip-kicks him knocking him out.

Glade: *sigh* They were always useless anyways.

*3rd Person POV*

Glade jumps down to the ground. As he lands, he pulls out his rifle and dagger. Everyone prepares themselves for his attacks. He first aims and shoots his rifle at Yatsuhashi, who blocks the shot, before charging towards Ryker. While charging towards him, Glade shoot his rifle at Newt forcing him to take cover immediately. Luna and Fox charge at him and try to slash him but he flips over them and shoots them in the back. Silver tries to hit him but he sweep kicks her knocking her down before flipping over and shoots her down to the ground. As he was about to shoot her again, she was encased in a sphere.

Glade: Ah... Your semblance is quite useful, don't you thi-

He never got to finish his sentence because he was bashed to the face by Ryker and Yatsuhashi's weapons. He was knocked away for several feet before recovering.

Glade: I have to admit. You're all really good. *chuckles* But not good enough.

He suddenly disappears making everyone nervous. Ryker already knew what he was doing.

Ryker: Watch out. His semblance is-

Ryker never got to finish because he was knocked into a tree.

Newt/Silver: Ryker!

Luna: You okay?!

Ryker: Yeah, *grunts* his semblance is called Hollow. Allows him to turn in visible as long as he is in the shade.

Everyone who had ranged weapons started shooting around in hopes that at least a stray bullet would hit a mark but no targets were hit. Everyone stayed on guard since they don't know where he could be.

Coco/Silver: Damnit!

Luna: Where is he?!

Fox: Above us!

Everyone looks up and by chance, a ray of sunlight hits Glade's invisible body forcing his semblance to flicker momentarily before disappearing again. Everyone started shooting above them but Glade quickly leaves his previous spot and hides to another.

Glade: Why don't you come back Ryke! We could still use someone like you!

Ryker: Yeah lemme think about it... Uh... How about...

Ryker activates his semblance at the last second to block an incoming buckshot from their right. Newt fires an explosive arrow at the direction, causing an explosion that slightly revealed Glade's location.


Everyone fires their weapons at the spot, hitting Glade a couple of times before he moved again. Ryker collapses to the ground due to exhaustion and low aura. Because of this, Glade managed to sneak his way in between everyone, knocking them all into trees. Ryker, Velvet, Coco, and Newt's auras were low. Yatsuhashi and Silver were being knocked around by Glade before knocking them down, lowering their aura to red. Fox could barely stand up and was kicked towards Velvet, knocking them both down. Luna tried getting up but received powerful hits in the face and the abdomen. Glade picks up Luna by the neck and hurls her at a tree, depleting her aura to red.

Glade: *sigh* I'm disappointed in you Ryker. You teamed up with really weak comrades. That'll be your downfall.

Luna: You're wrong!

Glade turns around and sees Luna standing up while clutching her side and limping.

Glade: Unless you want more broken bones, I suggest you stay down you filthy animal!

Glade kicks Luna on the abdomen again, knocking her down. He grabs his dagger and walks over towards Ryker.

Glade: You know Ryke. You and I could have been brothers-in-arms. Instead, you chose to be a huntsman. You know that huntsmen and huntresses were the reason why our families were killed! So since you sided with them, I guess I'll kill you too.

Glade raises his blade and stabs Ryker... Or so be thought.


Glade: You bitch!

Ryker sees that the person who was stabbed was none other than Sliver.

Ryker: S-Silver... Why..?

Silver: *weakly* Ryker... Its... because...

Glade: *annoyed* Shh... Hush now bitch! *kicks Silver away* Now where were we..?

Glade stabs Ryker in the chest and pushes it further.

Ryker: AGH!

Glade continues to push the dagger further into his chest.

Glade: You could never beat me. You never will!

All hope seems lost. Ryker closes his eyes as he lets darkness take over. But very familiar voices rang in his head.

???: Hey Raider..?

Raider: Yeah?

???: Why don't you like killing?

Raider: Because it's not right. People are meant to live, not to die. Strength comes from life, not from death.

???: I see...


???: I guess this is where we'll part?

Raider: I don't believe so... I'll train myself harder so we can see each other again...

???2: Oh! Let's meet there!


Raider: A sword with wings? Why did you make me this?

???3: Because, the sword symbolises about your strength while the wings is for protection. Consider yourself a guardian angel.

Raider: Okay then! I'll grow stronger to protect you guys! Then when I'm strong enough, I'll protect everyone from harm like an angel!

All the memories about him growing stronger piled up. With these memories, he found strength! He grabs the dagger and slowly pushes it out of his chest, surprising Glade.

Glade: *sigh* Why do you still bother fighting Ryker?

Luna: *weakly* Because, he is fighting for something... He fights for the safety of his friends!

Ryker: Luna is right! I made a promise! That promise was to protect my friends! And I'm not going to fail that promise! You are no Hunter! And I am not a raider.

Luna/Ryker: We are hunters! That's who we are!

Luna: AGH!

Ryker/Glade: *looks at Luna* Huh?

???: It seems like the hunt is on.

Luna: *struggling* Agh! Y-Yeah... The hunt is on...

Ryker: What is this..?

Newt: Another one?

A loud masculine voice was heard by everyone.

???: Shall we form a pact then..? I, The Archer, lend you thy strength! Let my bow aim true and let the arrow soar and hit their mark! Use thy power to hunt down thy foes and aim for freedom. Call upon thy name and let the hunt commence!

Luna screams to the sky as blue flaming aura surrounded her, blinding everyone temporarily. As the light dims, standing on the same spot was Luna with glowing blue hair and behind her stood a muscular centaur!

???: I am Sagittarius! The Archer!

Glade was fascinated with Luna's power but it soon turned to regret since Sagittarius aimed his bow at him as Luna shouted...

Luna: Sagittarius! Hunt him down!

Sagittarius lets go of his arrow and it hits Glade on the shoulder. Glade grunts in pain as he uses his semblance to disappear into the shade. Luna looks at Newt.

Newt: He's trying to flank!

Luna: Sagittarius! Homing Arrow!

Sagittarius fires his arrow in a different direction and it flies around and follows it's target. It hits Glade again and impales him to a tree. Glade pulls out the arrow and tries to flee.

Ryker: Don't let him get away.

Luna: *nods* Sagittarius.

Sagittarius takes aim and fires his arrow. It hits Glade in the back, knocking him down. Luna sighs and puts her hand on her forehead as Sagittarius disappears. Ryker walks over to Glade while dragging his battle-axe. The others try to walk towards him but Luna stops them.

Ryker: You wanted to know why I still fight, right?

He holds his battle-axe with two hands.

Ryker: It's not just because I want to keep a promise... It's because I'm done running from the past!

He raises his battle-axe.

Ryker: And it's because you hurt my friends. And the person whom I care for!

He brings down his battle-axe, decapitating Glade, making Newt, Luna, and Coco cringe while Velvet looked away. Ryker takes Glade's emblem and his mask before carrying his body to a darker part of the woods.

*Timeskip, Luna's POV*

Newt was tending to Silver's wound, thankfully she was already awake. I try to think back to what Ryker said.

Me: The person whom he cares for?

Natsuki: Don't you think he was talking about you?

Me: Maybe... Hey, what do you think Aquarius..?

No response.

Me/Natsuki: Aquarius!

Aquarius: H-Huh?

Me: You okay?

Aquarius: Uh... Yeah... I'm, uh, I'm good...

Natsuki: You don't act okay?

Pisces: She has been staring at Sagittarius.

Me/Natsuki: *shocked* What?!

Aquarius: *blushing* Bwah... N-N-No I w-wasn't!

I felt a little light-headed as I held my forehead.

Coco: You okay over there Luna?

Me: Yeah... Just a little-

I never got to finish my sentence as I felt a surge of power split from me, knocking me down. As I stood back up, there stood a really cute looking guy with blonde hair. He seems to be holding a golden... Bow...


Sagittarius: Ah~! *stretches* It feels so good to be out! Wow, how I love out doors!

The others looked at me for answers but I shrugged. Even I didn't know how he got out.

Me: How did he..? Nevermind.

Natsuki: He looks cute too!

As soon as Natsuki said that, I felt a chilling presence from somewhere. The next thing I know was... Being sent to the ground by another power split. I look and see...


She goes and hugs Sagittarius from behind.

Aquarius: Hey, uh, Sagittarius... Can we, uh, hang out for a while?

Sagittarius: I don't see any reason for me not to hang out with you.

Sagittarius walks away while Aquarius stares daggers at me making me and Natsuki gulp.

Natsuki: Yandere much?

Aquarius: *pissed* Say that again, I dare you!

Natsuki: *scared* EEK!

I sigh and thankfully Ryker comes back telling us that the bullhead is here. We all follow him, much to Sagittarius's dismay, and hop on the bullhead. Aquarius and Sagittarius were now chat on my head but I tuned them out.

Ryker: Hey Silver...

Silver: Yeah Ryker?

Ryker: What were you trying to tell me earlier? Because what?

I noticed Silver blush and...

Me: Wait... No!

Silver: I wanted to say... Its because... I...

Me: Please no... Don't let this be the three words...

Ryker: What is it?

Silver sighs before grabbing Ryker's jacket's collar and... Kisses him...

Natsuki/Aquarius/Pisces: *gasp* No way!

Aries/Sagittarius: Oh shit!

I felt my heart shatter...

Me: Did they just... No... I... I must be dreaming...

Silver and Ryker parted lips before looking at each other's eyes.

Coco: Wow, look at you two power couple.

Newt: Well... Might as well...

Newt stands up and whispers something to Coco. She nods after a while and as I thought he was walking over to me... He walked passed me and sat next to Velvet.

Me: *sadly* n-n-no...

Aquarius: Jeez...

Aries: *sympathetic* Damn, sorry kid...

I look over to them and Velvet lays her head on Newt's shoulder before he wraps his arm on her shoulder and kisses her forehead. I couldn't believe it... The same people whom I wanted to ask to the dance... Already had dates in mind... And it wasn't me...

Fox: Luna... Are you-

Me: *sadly* Fox... Please... I don't... I don't want to talk about it...

Fox: Okay then...

I felt like dying again. It wasn't jealousy... It feels like... Loneliness... I sigh and silently wept. I stand up and look out the window.

Me: *sadly* I guess there is no point going...

*Timeskip, Beacon Dorms*

As soon as we landed, I immediately ran towards the our room. My team probably thinks that I wanted to grab strawberries. As I enter our dorm, I went in to me and Silver's room and laid on the bed and cried. I used my tail as a pillow and blanket while I hugged my two fox plushies, Alpha and Omega, for comfort as I cried.



I continue to cry but I eventually stop.

Me: *sadly* I guess I'll be at the punch bowl tomorrow night... *sadly giggles* he...he...he... This isn't funny at all...

I try and sleep and ready myself for tomorrow. For it's going to be a long and sad night...

(A/N: Man... This is a chapter filled with emotions. So hopefully this chapter managed to explain why Ryker's personality is a bit protective yet quiet. Now you may think that I'm a jerk for having Luna's teammates break her heart but their is an explanation for it but you'll have to wait for further chapters to know. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.  - HearthFallow)

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