Slave to a true monster

By acetigiris

475 3 5

King hunter hates humans. He believes that they are only there to feed him, both with their blood and with th... More

author's note
prince prologue
Morgans cell
morgan P.O.V prologue
The Prince and his temper
The Guards turn
torture like you couldn't believe
Let the Training Began
My new job, the slave
Lesson of Pain
Meet Joe
chapter 12

Death of a Ruler

40 0 0
By acetigiris

Damn why did I have to be so soft on her? she is a slave taken for me. To do as I please. I need to be harder on her. Damn her.

"You there," I pointed to one of the guards in the hall above the dungeon," tell me if she makes a sound, anything from a whimper to a snort. I don't care but I want to know the second it happens." The guard left quickly. Good.

I had a few meetings today along with killing my father. fun stuff. I think I'm going to start with my fathers death. That should only take a few minutes. His reign is over as of now. He should be in his rooms. At this time of night he should be in his office behind the desk. he has a standard study. a few floor to ceiling book cases, a nice oval red rug and a dark brown almost black walls. He has a computer on his desk as long a cord phone and a few pics of his now late wife and my 3rd step mom.

Along the way to his study I walk down the hallway that has pass rulers on the wall. Its one of the only few unspoken rules that they are never taken down. I don't mind. I will be on the wall tomorrow and my father is the last painting. the first ruler goes back to the first vampire. now she was pure evil. See we are not the vampire dairies vamps, no we can kill are first without us dieing. she was killed about 100 years after she created vamps. After her came Lord Wolfen Creed. He has the shortest rule in are history. Then came my family. We have Been the ruling family for 6 Generations.

My fathers study is the last door in the hall. I walk in to find him waiting for me. "Can I Help you son?"

"Yes father you can go out fighting." I say just before I lunge at him. He dodges and makes a counter attack. I was waiting for it and punch his squarely in the jaw. He goes down and i make the final blow and rip out his heart and tear off his head. the head will be displayed in front of the castle for one month before it will be burned and the ashes scattered all around the castle grounds. Goddess that felt good and now I'm the ruler. I make all the decisions for now on. Its about time.

"SOMEONE GET IN HERE NOW!" I yell out. Within minutes a maid and a guard step into the study and looked at me.

"Get this mess cleaned up and the head on a pike in front of the castle. I want everyone to know that he is dead."


A few hours later I decide to check on the girl. The the guards move out of my way as I walk up. One of them opens the door and tells me that she was taken to the restroom about an hour ago. She never said a word, he just used common sense.

The door opens silently, and I see she is on the bed asleep. She is laying on her stomach and I can see the Welts on her back. one of them looks to still be bleeding, I silently ask one of the guards to grab me some ointment and cuffs and chains. A minute later the guard returned with everything. I walk over to the bed and first carefully put the cuffs on her wrists and the chain them both to the bed, then do the same to her ankles. I'm surprised she doesn't wake up.

I tell the guard to grab me a bucket of water and add salt to it then to leave the room. A minute later when he returns. I dump the bucket on her and wake her up. She however doesn't move. I know she is alive because I felt her pulse when put on her handcuffs. I check her pulse again and find it weak. FUCK. I need a doctor to take a look at her. This is why I don't like to have humans as slaves they are to weak.

Fuck it she can die for all I care I can just get another one if I need to and I didn't need one that cant talk.

"Guard", I yell " he steps in and doesn't even look at the bed. I have all my guards well trained. "I don't feel like having a doctor come to care for this little human piece of scum. Let me know as soon as she either dies or gets better. If you wish you may take care of her yourself. but she is not to leave this room except to use the bathroom or if she is dead. Understood?"

"Yes sire", he replied.

I left him in the girls room and went to my own room and have a maid come to my room. I needed some pleasure tonight and I will have it.

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