Leaving In A Fast Lane

By Bi-Rain4life

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One night can change a life forever. Amy Turner leads a normal life in Richmond, Texas with a loving parents... More

Leaving In A Fast Lane
Good Bye Texas, Hello L.A
Hi, my name is Jason
Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince
Richard Tran
Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan
Let the Games begin
Richards's Past
I have had it... I am About To GO Ape Shit!!!!
wait did you just say sorry to me!!!!!!!
Morning show girl!!!!!
You just got Served!!!!!!
Puerto Rico!!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 2!!!!
Puerto Rico part 3!!!!
Puerto Rico part 4!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 5!!!!
Puerto Rico part 6!!!!!!
Heart Break!!!!!
It hurts to much!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!
Mission One!!!!
Arggggggg KImmmy!!!!!!
Let the games begin!!!!!
Mission Two!!!! Halmoni????
Taking a Break!!!!!
I can't do this any more!!!!!
The monster with in Part 33
My name is lee Part 34
Party time or nuhhhh!!! Part 35
Bang Bang Part 36
Find her NOW!!!!Part 37
Death???Part 38 (COMPLETED)

Mystery Boy Part 32

14 0 0
By Bi-Rain4life

I know it had been a long time since i have uploaded, but i have been writing just not posting them on wattpad. 

Excuse the spelling and grammar

Enjoy and fee free to comment or suggestions

Kim Pov: 

Why the hell is there an earthquake in my room. I opened  my eyes to see my brother jumping up and down my bed.

" Lee what the fuck " I said

" wake up... It's my first day of school  and your going to be late" said lee

" I thought I told you that no one can know we are related so that means we can't be seen together" me

" chill dude...I am going on a separate car and plus I got a cute condo by the beach" said lee

" good for you, now get the hell out of my room... I need to change" I said

" your such a bitch, bye" said lee

" Love you too Oppa " I yelled

I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Afterwards  I rushed to my bedroom. I peeked out some cute jeggins, white, silk button down channel top and my Jason Wu riding boots. I grabbed for my tan Hermes purse and my aviator sun glasses. Damn I look freaking hot, I rang for my hair dresser. She did an up due hairstyle and I was out of there. I took my pink Bentley and speed took off to school. As soon as I got there, The Tran crew where together and the cheerleaders for course with the bitch Amy. I fucking hate her so much, I don't even know what Richard sees in her seriously or the whole school. I parked my car and ran towards Richard.

" Oppaaaaa.... I miss you so much" I said while giving him a hug and smacking my lips with his. Richard pulled away and pushed me, than kept going. I was pissed and Katy had some nerves laughing at me.

Amy pov:

I watched Kim try and stick her tongue down Richards mouth, it was gross and my heart was in pain. He pushed her away after meeting my eyes and kept walking.

" seriously slut, can't you just get a hint. Richard doesn't like you and the entire school" said Katy

" yeah ...seriously, you can't just come here and take other people's boyfriends... And expect to be treated nicely" said Kevin

" guys lets go" I said

I know Kim was pissed, but bitch this is my school and you declared war on me. So your going get it, I will bring her down. We walked away leaving her standing there by her self like some loser. Class was long and dragging..... It's just not the same with Richard not being here. Finally lunch is here, me and the gang sat in our usual spot with Kimmy on Richards side. All the sudden Richard stands on the table 

" okay every one I have some big announcement , Kimmy here is my new girlfriend and I would like for every single person to be nice to her okay ..... And I am having a party tonight, so every one is welcome" yelled Richard than sat down.

" OMG! Oppppa you didn't have to do that" Kimmy said while batting her eyelashes and sitting on Richards lap. They were practically having sex on the table. I felt like I was about I throw up and at the same time my heart stopped. It's like I was dead Inside all again. This feeling, I know I have felt it some where before, O yeah! When my dad died.

" Amy are you okay" said Katy while turning me, so I would be facing her. I looked at her and smiled.

" I am not going to promise you any thing, but no I don't think so " I said and got up and left just as the bell went off. The rest of the day I was like a walking zombie, I didn't feel like doing any thing. I asked Katy if I could skip Practice and wait for her at the courtyard since she was my ride back. I walked by the courtyard, it was finally spring, prom was around the corner and so was graduation. I have come along way dad, I even manage to fall in love, but for all to be taken away form me again. I don't think I am ever going to be happy, every single time I get a glimpse of happiness it disappears. I don't know if I can watch him and her. I need strength to keep fighting but I am scared that people will get hurt because of me and worse mom will get hurt. 

" cheer up, it's not the end of the word and plus the guy is an ass for not fighting for you" said some one

I turned around and their was a guy sleeping with a book covering his face. 

" what the hell" I yelled in surprise

He took the book Of  his face, stretched and turned around to face me. OMG! This guy was sexy! Shit and here I thought Richard was the only hottest Asian alive. Fuck he is hot and that body. Wait slow down Amy, you where just talking about being in love.

" let me know when your done" said the guy

" sorry" I said and looked away

" no biggy, and it's human" said he guy while smiling, he turned around toward the rose bush and turned around and gave me a rose. 

" your pretty to be this sad, and trust me your life is not that bad" said guy

" where you just listening to me talking to my self" I said feeling embarrassed and little angry

" didn't have a choice, I was just sitting hear reading my book and napping and I happen to hear you talking" said the guy

" we'll I didn't know or see you here, thought I was alone" I snapped

" hey don't get angry now, for what it was worth your life is not that bad and like I said the guy is an ass... But it was nice talking, I have to go now" said the guy and left.

What the heck, seriously this day keeps getting weirder and weirder. 

" Amy you ready " yelled Katy

" yeah" I said and walked towards her. We drove in silence towards my house. Katy parked on my drive way and we went inside my house.

" OMG! Practice was a drag, and I missed you out their" said Katy while pouting

" sorry, I needed time for my self" I said 

" I am sorry Amy, I don't know what the fuck is up with Richard ,but I know it's not good. He is not the same person he was with you. He has this dark vibe and it's not good" said Katy

" I know, but I am trying and I can't do any thing about it, Kimmy has money is threatening me and my mom. I feel lost Katy, and dead inside. The last time I felt this way was when my dad passed away. It took me a year I get over it and the only reason I got over it was because of Richard" I said

" O! Amy it's going to be okay" Katy said while giving me a hug.

I didn't realize but I stared to cry hard, I have been holding it in for awhile now. I feel asleep eventually.

Katy pov:  

"Thanks for coming over Jason" I said while Jason was carrying Amy to her room. 

" no problem" said Jason while laying Amy on the bed.

" she has been crying for hours, until she passed out, it was so painful to watch" I said 

" I know, I don't know what is wrong with Richard and he is not talking to any of us" said Jason

" it's that bitch Kim, she is going down... What did you find on her by the way" I said while we walked to the game room.

" nothing at all, we have to dig deeper, the girl has a lot of money and is like the south Korean princess" said Jason 

" I know, I got daddy workers to go to South Korea and dig deeper" I said 

" yeah, but something is off about this whole arrangement ." Said Jason

" that's what I was thinking, do you think Tran Corporats is in trouble" I said

" not really, but I know this marriage has been planned since forever according to what I have found out, but I know kimmy's parents said they didn't have to go through with it, but what I am trying I figure out is why they want this marriage now" said Jason

" good idea, do you think they want money" I said

" my first guess was that, but Kimmy is loaded, and I can't find anything about her and her family business. Their are private people for sure, I am going to keep looking" Jason said 

" good, she is not the same person Jason" I said

" I know" Jason said

" do you think they are going to be okay" I said

" with Amy probably, but as for Richard no one can tell for sure, he is took quite and slowly returning to his dark self. Did you know I found him doing cocaine again" Jason said while looking sad

" WHAT!!!! Are you serious, do you know how long it took us to get him clean" I yelled 

" I know to make matters worse he is not doing well in class either and i heard he is trying meth too" Jason

" this is it not good, he is going to kill himself If this gets far, have you heard news of the old man" I asked

" yeah, he is coming in town tomorrow to host a marriage party, it's suppose to be big" Jason said

Ring, Ring

I looked over and it was my phone

Me: " hey babe"

Logan:" how is she "

Me: " she is a fighter, she is going to be fine" 

Logan: " that's good to hear, you coming over"

Me: " yeah be their in five" 

Logan: " okay, bye and love you" 

Me: " love you too"

I hanged up and found Jason smiling hard toward me.

" what" I asked

" you guys are so cute, at least one relationship is working out" said Jason

" yeah right, I see you and Sam" I said while smiling

" it's a working progress love" said Jason whole standing up

" I can see, did they have a safe trip back" I asked while getting my stuff and getting ready I leave.

" yeah, after all this is done with, I going to pay her a visit" Jason said

With that we both left, Jason went he and I Went to Logan's.

Hope Yall liked the Update!!!!

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