Master's Boy (mxb)

By Aubrey-Faith

783K 38.3K 16.3K

[Book 2] Jerry McQueen was a needy bottom and proud to admit it. However, even he couldn't deal with the atte... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Seventeen

18.9K 1K 188
By Aubrey-Faith

Robert's POV

Jerry was here twenty minutes before the club opened, proving to me that he did have it in him to follow orders. I let him in through the private entrance out back and my cock turned rock solid when I saw him.

He was so fucking beautiful. Today he'd chosen to wear one of his signature black crop-tops, this time with the words 'Yes, Sir' on the front. He'd gone with black leather shorts that hugged his every curve, and sheer thigh-high socks.

I could eat this boy right up. Actually, I planned to.

He grinned at me and kicked out his foot. "Like my Doc Martens? I found 'em at Savers. Score of a lifetime!"

"Holy fuck," I mumbled, still brain-dead from how sexy he looked.

"I know right!" I snorted. "Honestly, I'm kinda shocked you know what Doc Martens are. Anyway, why'd you want me here so early? We gonna bang?"

I shook my head a little, hoping my blood would start circulating back up. "I want you to meet someone, actually," I said, holding out my hand for him to take. To my surprise, he took it. "You remember the store we visited to buy you clothes?"

Jerry smirked. The slightest bit of lust burned in his brown eyes. "The one with all the kinky shit? Oh hell yes."

I directed him down the back hall and into the main room. As much as I enjoyed lustful Jerry, I wanted to get our little meeting out of the way first. "Well, I told you I know the owner. I bought all of the toys located in the private rooms from her store. Her name is Patricia McBride."

"Wait?!" Jerry squeaked, his face turning pink. "I'm meeting your future business partner wearing this?"

Part of me agreed with him. Patricia was a well-known Dominatrix and liked her boys pretty. Although, it would be nice to show Jerry off a little bit.

"I can give you a coat if you're uncomfortable," I offered. "But honestly, she's in the scene as well, obviously. I doubt she'll be scandalized."

Jerry tilted his head, eyes twinkling. "Will she think I'm hot?"

I let my eyes roam back down his body appreciatively. "Anybody would think that you're hot, Jeremy."

He grinned, did a happy little hop, and sashayed into the room like he hadn't lacked confidence for a second.

Patricia was lounging against one of the booths. She was an intimidating woman, even though she was on the shorter side. She wore a tight black dress and her hair in small cornrow braids down to her shoulders.

I approached her with a smile and gestured at Jerry. "Patricia, meet Jerry. He's helping me with the—"

"Hey!" Jerry exclaimed, with a giddy smile. "I know you! You work at my school. I see you all the time because your office is in the same hall as Aidan's."

Patricia's jaw dropped. "Oh God."

I grimaced. "Um...Jerry. We do have a policy of confidentiality at the club." I looked at Patricia, trying to plead to her with my eyes. "Don't worry, Patricia. Jerry is aware of the identities of other faculty and nothing has or will get out."

"Oh yeah, no duh," Jerry scoffed, waving a lazy hand in the air. "So are you a Domme or a sub or what?"

Patricia's eyelashes fluttered in absolute shock. "I'd rather not discuss," she blurted. "Um. Sorry, of course I'm not worried, Robert. I went into this business knowing that my two jobs could collide."

I relaxed a little bit. "What a meeting. Why don't we take a seat?"

We sat down in one of the booths and Patricia faced Jerry. "So, Robert tells me that the pop-up store is your idea. How would you envision this working?"

Jerry perked right up at the chance to talk about his big plan. "So we'd build a sort of boutique off to the side, I'm thinking over there would be nice." He waved to the right, squinting at it with an artist's eye. "It's great for you, because you'll have exposure. Plus, I think people would be more willing to buy something when they're horny and a little tipsy."

She hummed and tilted her head. "So what, I rent the space from Robert for a monthly cost?"

Jerry nodded. "Yup! You get store exposure, and Robert gets to have a unique and classy aspect to his clubs that nobody else has."

Plus, what he didn't mention, was that I would be getting an extra monthly payment that I didn't have previously. I could live with that.

Patricia nodded. "What are we thinking for size and cost?"

I was fully prepared to answer with something quick and bullshitted, but Jerry plowed through. "Well, I was thinking an ideal size would be about 150 sq/ft, nothing too big or too small, just an average bedroom size. We could base the price off of average mall rental spaces..."

Jerry went on to talk about the benefits of the space and what might make the price doable for her, as well as a potential lease, but he didn't see what I was seeing.

Patricia looked at him with the smallest glint of amusement and adoration. I knew, without a doubt, that sending Jerry out here in some lace tights and a crop-top was a very good business decision.

"Sounds like a lovely deal to me," said Patricia, the type of woman to usually debate her way down to a good price. "You're pretty good at this, kid. If you need another job, feel free to let me know."

And then Patricia and I were shaking hands, and she was off. I blinked the second she walked out the door. "What did we all just agree to? I wasn't paying that much attention."

Jerry groaned. "You're the— oh hey, is that Moira? Moira, hi!"

Most of my employees had been setting up for opening time, and Moira had been moving to open the doors. She smiled and waved at Jerry.

"She's in my Chemistry class that Aidan teaches," Jerry sighed, blowing her a kiss. "Isn't she kinda hot?"

I wasn't concerned with how hot Moira was. I suppressed a grin. "Well that's hilarious. Aidan spent a good thirty minutes chewing her out the other night for being incompetent."

Jerry snickered. "He doesn't know that she's his student, does he?"

"We definitely won't be telling him."

"Well, it's fine. Now that she can't hear us, I'll just come right out and say it: I hate that shady bitch. If a headache were a person, it would be Moira. No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade."

"Hey! That is my employee you're talking about," I protested, but I had to hide my smirk.

With our boring business out of the way, and with my club having been successfully opened, I led Jerry to the backroom with a smile. He chattered about how much Moira was a bitch all through the halls

"Are we seeing your sex dungeon?" he asked with a sassy shoulder wiggle as we paused outside the door.

"Oh yes," I agreed, opening the door with my code. "You'll be happy to know that I get the biggest one. Which means more play space for us."

As Jerry squealed with delight and I put on a slight act of bravado, I was secretly a little nervous. This was really happening; after wishing for it for so long, I finally had Jeremy McQueen in my bed. What if he was disappointed?

Although, to be fair, he didn't look disappointed. He looked at the room in amazement.

I'd designed my room myself, to be different from the others. It had a circular bed in the middle, perfect for all positions. There were low-hanging chains suspended over it, some for the attachment of a swing and others with handcuffs dangling at the end. The entire room had a theme of red, so various red furniture was placed around the room, all for various sex acts. I'd even included a stripper pole off to the side and a hot tub in the corner.

"Holy kink heaven," Jerry sighed, gazing in amazements at the impact toys lining the walls. "How rich are you, my dude? This is a sick setup."

I shrugged, trying to hide my blush. The room was a bit much, so I was glad that he was reacting positively. "Oh, this is where I splurge a little. I hope it doesn't...freak you out. That's why I took you home the first night."

Jerry grinned and flopped backwards onto the bed. "Hell no! This is awesome! I can tell that all this stuff is for sex, right? 'Cause all the furniture looks a little demented. And leather."

I snorted and plopped down next to him, running my fingers through his soft hair. "You'd be right. So, this is my cave. How are you feeling?"

Jerry sat up and smiled at me, wiggling his shoulders. "It's sexy. I like it a whole ton. And I wanna have sex on every inch of it with you. You cool with that?"

My dick became hard instantly. I was very cool with that.

I cleared my throat and nodded. "Oh, I'm cool with it. But first... I have to admit, as a Dom, I can be... I guess the word is territorial. Before we start playing with each other consistently, I want to ask two things of you."

Jerry flopped onto his stomach, baring his perfect, leather-clad ass to me. He gave me a sassy look over his shoulder. "What are your requests, Sir?"

He was teasing, but my cock throbbed harder. "I don't want you fucking anyone else," I said, watching his expression carefully. I knew he was the boy for me when his eyes darkened with lust. "It would be ideal for me to get tested together and stop using condoms."

Jerry rolled back over and sat up. His erection was glaringly obvious in his shorts, and his face was beginning to get a light flush to it. "Oh, yeah, that's doable. Plus there's free STI testing on campus, so booyah."

I blinked away my shock at his terminology and snorted. "Booyah is right. My second request is specific to the club. I'd like it for you to wear a collar at all times."

Jerry's eyes shot to mine. "I'm an independent Jerry!"

I should've known that this would be an issue. "I know you're an independent Jerry. And I know that we're not technically... belonging to one another. However, it will frustrate me to no end if I have to continue to watch other Doms flirt with you."

He pouted, but didn't respond, so I took that as a signal to continue making my case. "This is my place of work, so oftentimes I'll be preoccupied when I'm here. I can't have my mind clouded by... possessive thoughts."

In other words, I would be constantly irritated if I had to leave Jerry alone and it wasn't glaringly obvious that he belonged to me. I needed other Doms to know. I hated the idea of gazes lingering on Jerry for too long.

He stared at me, breath coming quickly and his eyes lustful. "Well... I guess I can understand that," he breathed. "What would it look like?"

I awkwardly grabbed the box from the nightstand. "I have this one already. It's nothing flashy. I'd understand if you want to go pick one out with me instead. I saved the receipt."

Jerry tentatively took the box and opened it. The collar was a simple black strip of leather with a metal ring in the front. I had a brief fantasy of holding Jerry with a leash as we walked around the club, but I banished the thought. Baby steps.

Jerry's eyes met mine and he looked a little shocked, but there was a soft smile on his lips. "I like it. Can you put it on me?"

Almost perfect. "Sir," I reminded. "Ask that question with the word 'sir' and we'll be getting somewhere."

Whereas his question had originally been innocent, his eyelashes lowered and he smirked. "Would you please put this on me, Sir?" he asked, scooting closer and holding the collar out. "I want to be marked as yours, please."

An electric shock of arousal went straight to my cock so quickly that I had to take a deep breath to recover. Jerry really knew how to play my territorial tendencies to his strengths.

"Of course, boy," I recovered, taking the collar and adjusting it around his throat. I felt the soft beat of his pulse and made sure that my collar wasn't too tight or too loose. Once I was finished, I held his face in my hands and took in the sight before me.

He looked downright beautiful with his curly hair and bright, curious auburn eyes trained on me. I let my eyes wander over his tiny nose, full cheeks, and parted lips. Down below the sharp bone of his jaw rested the collar, proudly marking him as owned.

When he was my boy, I'd get him one that was far more personal. But for now, this would keep others far away from him.

For once, there was a touch of emotion in Jerry's voice when he said, "I love it. It feels right."

A lot more than the collar felt right about that moment, but I didn't push him or pressure him. Instead, I kissed his lips and hoped he felt the same way that I did.

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