Number 25

By winkkkkk

121K 3K 297

Jenlisa and a bit of chaesoo A conversion of a story I found c: This will be g!p Summary It wasn't love at fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 [M]
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 [M]
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 [M]
Chapter 26 [M]
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 [M]
Chapter 30 [M]
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chqpter 34
Chapter 35 [M]
Chapter 36 [ M]
Chapter 37 [M]
Chapter 38 [M]
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 [M]
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 [M]
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 7

2.1K 85 2
By winkkkkk

Lisa pulled up into Ms. Kim's parking lot and quickly got out of her car. She stopped at a burger shop on her way here. She knew that took some time but she didn't know if Ms. Kim ate dinner or not. She also left so quickly that she didn't get to take a shower and she was still wearing her jersey.

Lisa sprinted up to the third floor where she knew the art teacher was waiting for her. She only needed to knock once before Ms. Kim opened the door. She looked terrible and Lisa hated to admit it. She looked like she had been crying for hours on end. Lisa immediately rushed inside and Ms. Kim opened the door for her.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked and she didn't know why she did. It was very clear that the teacher wasn't okay. It was confirmed when Ms. Kim shook her head. Lisa set the bags of food on the coffee table and looked over to the teacher. She was wearing sweatpants and a fitted shirt and her hair was up in a bun. Her face was clean of any make-up and she looked pretty. So, so pretty.

"I know this is going to sound bad. But I didn't shower before I came here and I already have a change of clothes. I was wondering if I could take a shower, just real quick?" Lisa asked awkwardly but Ms. Kim nodded.

"Of course, let me show you to the bathroom." Ms. Kim said as she led her to the hall bathroom. It was a cute bathroom. The walls were white and the shower curtain was blue.

"Twist the water up for hot water and down for cold. Shampoo and conditioner are already in the shower," Ms. Kim said and she paused and left the bathroom. She came back a few seconds later. "Here's a towel and washcloth and a fresh bar of soap." She said as she handed the items to Lisa and Lisa nodded.

"Thank you. I'll try to be quick."

"Please, hurry." Ms. Kim said gently and Lisa nodded again.

Lisa cursed herself when she looked in the mirror because she didn't pack an extra pair of compression shorts. She had been wearing them for quite some time now, especially when she was working out or at practice. She had planned to go straight home after practice so she packed a pair of boxers. Not even boxer briefs, just regular old boxers with the hole in the middle of them. She could see the outline of her dick in these and she cursed herself.

She was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a loose white shirt when she emerged from the bathroom and went into the front room. Ms. Kim was sitting there with her legs crossed and she was eating. Lisa's plate was also made and she didn't waste anytime rushing over to it.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't take too long." Lisa said as she sat down and took a bite of her burger.

"It's okay, you did have a little smell to you," Ms. Kim smirked and Lisa rolled her eyes. "I'm totally kidding, really. You didn't stink at all but I understand why you wanted to take one."

Lisa felt free. A little too free and she hoped that Ms. Kim couldn't see the outline of her dick. Lisa took a glance down and frowned because she could definitely see the outline of it. That was why she hardly ever wore boxers.

"I don't know why I texted you. And I don't mean that to be mean. I'm just saying." Ms. Kim said as she took a bite of her fries.

"You can always text me." Lisa reassured her.

"But I shouldn't have. I could've easily contacted Jisoo or my other friends here or even my friends back in Gangnam. You just make it easier." Ms. Kim confessed. Lisa tried not to smile so she took a bite of her burger instead.

"I do?" Lisa asked dumbfounded.

"Oh, don't go getting all excited, but yes." Ms. Kim showed her pearly whites and Lisa almost choked on her burger. But she kept it together (barely).

"What happened?" Lisa asked seriously and Ms. Kim shrugged.

"I've never seen him throw up so much." Ms. Kim whispered like she was haunted and maybe she was. Lisa had no idea what Ms. Kim was going through but she was more than thrilled that she had texted her.

"He's back in the hospital now. I don't know how long he will be there and I just... he was fine when I left but I'm scared." Ms. Kim's voice broke. It broke and Lisa scooted closer to her. It was difficult because they were still eating but Lisa was closer to her now and she was happy about it.

"I'm here." Lisa whispered gently and she saw the beautiful teacher nod. Lisa didn't know what made her say that. Maybe it was the fact that Ms. Kim looked so small right now. Maybe it was the fact that Ms. Kim looked so relaxed right now with her. Maybe it was the fact that Ms. Kim just needed to hear those words. Lisa knew that she meant them. She would be here if the teacher wanted her to be.

"Thank you." Ms. Kim said barely above a whisper. She could understand why, just like how she whispered the words 'I'm here'. It was a scary thing to admit, especially to her. She didn't know for how long she would be here. Or if she was just talking about right now or on a grand scheme of things. She wanted to let the teacher know she would be here, but she shouldn't be. So, she whispered the words because she was equally as scared to admit them just like Ms. Kim barely said thank you. Lisa shouldn't be here.

They finished up eating in silence and this time, they didn't sit far apart when they turned the TV on. They sat side by side and Lisa loved it. Her southern regions were behaving and she was glad for it. She had the tendency to show and that was why she wore compression shorts so much. She felt loose though, and she couldn't remember when she had ever hung out with a girl without wearing them. She didn't like to take her chances and knew she had no other choice because she forgot to pack an extra pair. But Lisa found that even if she had the extra pair, she wouldn't wear them. Lisa felt weird saying that because she always wore them. She liked that she felt comfortable around the teacher.

"My whole life, my father has been like my superhero," Ms. Kim said gingerly. Lisa didn't say anything, she didn't even move. She was afraid Ms. Kim would take back what she was saying. She desperately wanted to know what was going on inside her head. So, she stayed quiet and to her luck, Ms. Kim continued. "It's so hard watching him struggle. My whole life he was always there for me and he was so strong and this is the hardest thing I've ever had to face. He's not getting better." She sobbed and Lisa did it. She wrapped her arms around Ms. Kim and she held her.

(She found that she didn't regret it).

"I have to stop. For him. I have to," Ms. Kim cried out and Lisa already knew what she was talking about. "I don't care what happens to me. I'm stopping, I'll do whatever else but not this."

"I'll do it with you." Lisa's eyes widened and she wanted to slap herself. Why did she just agree to do that? Smoking was the worst habit she had. She would like to see herself stop one day. She just didn't think it would be right now.

"Really?" Ms. Kim sniffed.

"Yes. They are bad and I'll just chew something or I don't know. But I could stop, if I really tried."

"It's not easy. I've tried to stop many times."

"I know. But, it isn't good and I'll just chew gum or distract myself. I don't know." Lisa shrugged. Ms. Kim turned in her arms and she was so close. Lisa kept her arms wrapped around her and Ms. Kim snuggled into her chest.

"You don't have to do this with me." Ms. Kim said seriously.

"Yeah, but I want to. Maybe we can still see each other in the morning but not smoke." Lisa hoped that didn't come off too needy. She still wanted to see the beautiful teacher. It made Lisa want to get up for those early mornings. It made Lisa's day better, knowing that she would be able to see the teacher without anyone else around. She wanted to keep seeing her in the mornings.

"Yeah, maybe we could just sit and talk and chew gum." Ms. Kim suggested.

Lisa let out a chuckle, "I probably have no right to say this. But things will be alright."

"I hope so."

Lisa didn't know when she started the rocking motion. Lisa wasn't sure when Ms. Kim had fallen asleep and Lisa wasn't sure when she fell asleep with her.

Lisa didn't know what time it was when she woke up. She also wasn't aware that she wasn't at her house. Instead, she woke up on the coach in an apartment that wasn't hers. Lisa squinted her eyes and looked around.

Did she fall asleep here? She didn't really remember. She remembered being completely tired after her practice, but coming to see the gorgeous brown haired teacher. Lisa was also very aware that she was holding someone. She looked down and tried not to gasp.

She needed to move and she needed to move now.

Lisa hated that she had ruined such a beautiful moment. She could go to the bathroom for a few minutes to calm herself down. Ms. Kim's butt was resting right against it. She didn't know how the teacher didn't feel it, but then again, the teacher was knocked out. Lisa had her arm draped around her waist and they were laying sideways on the couch. Ms. Kim was breathing heavily and Lisa was sporting a huge boner.

Lisa closed her eyes tightly and thought that this wasn't real. Maybe she was dreaming. Lisa opened her eyes and looked down again and she knew this wasn't a dream. This was real and she was hard.

Lisa gently removed her arm from around the teacher's waist and that stirred the teacher a bit, but she didn't wake up. Lisa moved and she shouldn't have done that because she meant to move backward but she moved forward. That woke Ms. Kim right up. Lisa's eyes widened. She grabbed the first pillow she could see in the dark apartment.

"What's going on?" Ms. Kim tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. Lisa didn't answer, she tried to scoot as far away as she could but it wasn't working. There wasn't enough room on the couch and Lisa knew she had been caught. She heard Ms. Kim gasp loudly and Lisa's cheeks flushed red, there was no way of stopping it. She was so embarrassed and she was embarrassed to admit the teacher did this.

She had a dream. A very vivid dream of her making out with said teacher on her desk. She was unbuttoning her blouse and she was getting ready to finally see Ms. Kim's breasts when she woke up. Lisa would rather lose another game than ever admit that.

"I'm sorry." Lisa squeaked out and Ms. Kim just gasped again. Lisa wasn't wearing her compression shorts and there was absolutely no way of hiding it. There was a tent in the middle of her pants and Lisa looked away. Ms. Kim had her eyes glued to it before she cleared her throat and shook her head. The teacher quickly got up and Lisa wished she didn't because now you could really see it and the pillow was pointless. Lisa dropped it helplessly and Ms. Kim looked at her with a faraway expression on her face.

"I'm sorry," Lisa said again and Ms. Kim nodded.

"It's okay."

Holy shit, Lisa would gladly lose another game to admit that Ms. Kim's voice was just downright dirty. Filthy even. And Lisa wasn't really sure how to respond but her dick did. It grew even more and Lisa knew she was probably at her full height.

She was eight and a half inches of thick, veiny meat and she was going to have a very stern talk with her dick later. How dare it embarrass her like this. Lisa didn't know if Ms. Kim's voice was thick of sleep or what. But it was the lowest she had ever heard it and Lisa wanted to hear it again but she knew she wouldn't because the teacher cleared her throat again.

"I should go," Lisa said. Ms. Kim didn't respond. She continued to watch Lisa and Lisa didn't know what to do.

"You could stay." Ms. Kim's voice sounded like it normally did. There was some rasp to it, but it was her normal voice again. Nothing like before and Lisa desperately wanted to hear that voice again. She'd give anything for it. Lisa knew she couldn't stay here, not with her raging boner. She would think her boner would go away, but it didn't. It was making its presence known and for the first time, Lisa wished it wasn't.

"That's not a great idea. It's not going to go away," Lisa said embarrassed as she gestured to her southern regions. "I should just go home."

"If that's what you want." Ms. Kim shrugged. Her hair was all over the place, but she looked so cute.

"Is that what you want?" Lisa asked softly and she saw it.

She saw Ms. Kim shake her head and Lisa let out a soft gasp. She wasn't sure what to do. She knew her boner would go down in time but it felt like it had been years. She didn't know why Ms. Kim shook her head but she didn't want to leave either. She really wasn't sure what to do.

"I want you to stay," Ms. Kim said. Lisa looked over to the clock and saw that it was two in the morning. "But you are right." Ms. Kim took a breath and so did Lisa. Ms. Kim was looking at her with lost eyes and Lisa just stayed where she was. She was afraid to move.

"I know. It's for the best. I can't stay like this. It's not going to go away." These were the moments Lisa hated having a dick. It made her attraction so obvious and Lisa didn't know if Ms. Kim caught onto that. This was her fault after all.

"Okay." Lisa got up and it was difficult. Her cheeks were still pink and she looked down to the tent in her pants. She wondered how tomorrow morning would go or if Ms. Kim would even want to see her.

"Will I see you tomorrow morning?" Lisa asked as she awkwardly gathered her stuff. She hid her boner behind her gym bag.

"Yes." Ms. Kim said and Lisa nodded. Apart of her wanted to just walk out the door and scold herself for all eternity and a part of her wanted to stay with the beautiful teacher who was crying in her arms a few hours ago.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you in the morning then," Lisa said awkwardly and Ms. Kim nodded.

As always, Lisa couldn't make out what Ms. Kim was thinking but she walked her out the door. Lisa walked to her car sporting the biggest boner she had ever had.

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