Obsession Of A Psychopath

By jazzybella15

393K 11.4K 3.1K

A cold sweat ran down my face as he aimed the gun at my temple and stared at me with a psycho grin. "Hunter w... More

Author's note
Chapter 1:The king
Chapter 2: Tainted
Chapter 3:Friend
Chapter 4: Movie
Chapter 5: Business
Chapter 6: Brother
Chapter7: New York
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9:vixen
Chapter 10: steam
Chapter 11:Dark Trail
Chapter 12: Beating
Chapter 13: lesson
Chapter 14: Tea
Chapter 15: kiss
Chapter 16: Moring kiss
Chapter 17: His room
Chapter 18: escaping
Chapter 19: escaped
Chapter 20: Back Home
Chapter 21: Good night
Chapter 22: midnight drive
Chapter 23: Old times
Chapter 24: Secret admirer
Chapter 25: Skinned
Chapter 26: Anniversary
Chapter 27: Bevis
Chapter 28: Tractor
Chapter 29: Bullets
Chapter 30: Silver platter
Chapter 31:A vist
Chapter 32: Memory lane
Chapter 33: Brandon
Chapter 34: Payback
Chapter 35: Dinner
Chapter 36: Mom
Chapter 37: poster
Chapter 38:Bar
Chapter 39: Pacifier
Chapter 40: Sick day
Chapter 41: Darma
Chapter 42: Weak
Chapter 43: Shares
Chapter 44:Mall
Chapter 45: Childhood
Chapter 46: Mafia
Chapter 47: Beach house
Chapter 48: Romantic Night
Chapter 49: Crush
Chapter 50: Curse
Chapter 51: father trouble
Chapter 52: Expelled
Chapter 53: Mr Plummer
Chapter 54: Suicide
Chapter 55: Couple
Chapter 56: dress up
Chapter 57: The party
Chapter 58: Mid-night swim
Chapter 59: FBI
Chapter 60: hospital
Chapter 61: jealousy
Chapter 62: Nightmare
Chapter 63: special vist
Chapter 64: Pilots
Chapter 65: Monthasry
Chapter 66: Drinks
Chapter 67: Nina
Chapter 68: Surprise
Chapter 69: Kira
Chapter 71: Aced finales
Chapter 72: Breakfast special
Chapter 73: Engaged
Chapter 74: Congratulations
Chapter 75: misunderstandings
Chapter 76: Explanation
Chapter 77: breakfast fight
Chapter 78: waiters
Chapter 79: interview
Chapter 80: Danger
Chapter 81: Blue
Chapter 82: Evidence
Chapter 83: house arrest
Chapter 84: Bait
Chapter 85: Research

Chapter 70: House guest

1.8K 60 19
By jazzybella15

Amanda's POV

It had been a few days since the whole Kira trying to seduce my man and getting turned down. Hunter was going a little over borad with the whole issue.

For starters he forbid me from doing a lot of things like going out with my friends to a public place, standing close to strangers, answering strange number, going outside the house alone and what knot.

I understood it was for my protection since he said things would be getting a hell lot of bloody and messy. He was with me in the apartment but left after he got an emergency call, I'm guess it was super important because he didn't even explain what happened. I was left alone with my bodyguards.

It was luana's day off so I invited her over just to chat, since my other friends were busy. Well we talked about a lot,actually she told me about her parents and what she went through and stuff like that.

"That's a beautiful necklace, I never noticed it" she complimented.

"Actually it's new, Hunter just had it especially made just for me" I explained.

"You two really love each other" she commented.

"Yes we do, to think I once hated him with everything I had" I stated with a laugh.

"What do you mean by that because I can't picture any of you hating each other" she stated.

"Oh I couldn't stand Hunter back then" I answered.

"I never got to hear that story spill it" she ordered.

"Well where do I even start" I asked.

"Uh I guess how you two meet" she answered.

"Well it happened when I was a freshmen in college, my mother suggested I stay back in school to study some more, I ended up falling asleep in the library and woke up somewhere around 1am, mom was always strict with me so I decided to head home so she wouldn't have a reason to be angry. It was raining outside by the time I remembered I had a cell phone I was soaked" I explained.

"And Hunter gave you a lift home right,like those romantic telenovelas" she asked.

"I wish, actually I found him holding a knife and a woman was laying on the ground next to him,I couldn't even see his face then. I ran away but he eventually found me, I was unbelievably scared, I tried pleading with him, crying and or sorts of things but he remained emotionless and just when I thought he would kill me, he asked me for my name when I told him, we ended up making out-" I explained but luana cut me off.

"You two made out on the same night you met, you are bold my friend,he almost killed you" she commented.

"Yeah and when he left me that night I thought it would be the last time I'd ever have to see him but he had other plans. I left home and traveled to Los Angeles to escape my Mom but little did I know I'd befriend him there without knowing he was the same guy who almost killed me" I answered.

"How did you find out that he uh is the same guy and how did you take the news" she asked. I laughed.

"Not very well, you see I got to know Hunter and I even started having feelings for him, one day he left for new York and when he came back to took me on a date at his house, I was planning on visiting my parents since we were on a break but things went south when he found out. He kissed me again and god only knows how scared I was when I realized he was the psychopath. I hated him so much at that moment"

"Wow that was intense, what did you do"

"The only thing that came to mind, I tried running away but he kept me locked in the bed room, I once  escape but Zack dressed up like a cop and brought me back to the mansion, hunter beat me up till I passed out of the floor, from that day on the very mention of Hunter's name made my blood boil, I felt suffocated and angry,he kidnapped me, beat me up, kept me away from my family all because he was obsessed with me and yet went around sleeping with other women in that same house. Zack warned me about trying to get on Hunter's bad side but I didn't listen and I hated Zack more for allowing Hunter to beat me up when he knew perfectly well that Hunter listen to everything he said"

"I can only imagine how you felt but how did you end up with a person who hurt you like that, he hit you countless times and kept you locked up"

"I fell in love with him, I saw past his angry heartless psychopath. I couldn't help it"


"Well at first I myself didn't know I was falling for him. I stopped fighting him and just accepted where I was but I was secretly planning on escaping but Hunter found out like in just two minutes, there was no one I could talk to in the house so I had no choice than to talk to Zack. We slowly became close but I never mentioned my plans. Hunter continued bringing women over fucking them then killing them after. One day I had an attack, my abdominal pain started acting up again and my medicine was with Hunter. I practical crawled all the way to his room,that night he took good care of me he even ended up fingering me but nothing else happened-"

"Wait did he force you or..."

"Well he was just trying to give me the experience,that night was when I realized just how much my feelings for him were growing, so two days after when he went to work I took one of the guards hostage and threatened them that if any of them followed me they'd have to answer to Hunter why I was found dead. I managed to escape and fly back home with my brother, I thought everything was over and done for until he followed me here"

"Then you decided to give him a chance"she asked. I laughed.

" no the day I saw him again was the day we had first met, he wanted to reenact the day we met,he had been in town the very day my feet stepped the ground here but he kept himself hidden. I tried running away but he found me I was so scared I felt like I was in a horror movie, he was dragging me to his car when someone attacked him, I thought they wanted to help me but it turned out go me on of his enemies. They kidnapped us and kept us locked up. I guess I'm greatful to that asshole because if it weren't for him,I wouldn't have given Hunter a chance, and we'd probably be at each others throats "

"How come"

"Well when we were locked up in there he took care of me, when belvis beat him up I got angry and slapped him for beating Hunter so badly. Hunter pleaded with him to spare me and he got punished for my mistake, he was dragged around on the ground by a car. Belvis offered me a chance to escape hunter and be with him but I refused and chose to die next to Hunter. Seeing hunter in such a state made me realize just how much I loved him"

"Wow It sound like a romantic novel. How did you escape"

"Uh well hunter made that all possible but as we were rushing to escape someone wanted to shot me but hunter jumped in front of me and took the bullet. He risked his life to save mine,lucky the bullet just grazed his arm. We had to jump off a waterfall and run around the forest just to escape but belvis still found us, hunter took a bullet for me again and asked me to run but I couldn't, I was too scared of losing him to leave. Just when I thought that would be then end, Zack appeared and saved the day, after that hunter and I became official and well everything else happened"

"Wow you three have been through a lot, no wonder you are that close, something I'll forever dream of experiencing" she commented.

"Why do you say it like that, I'm sure you and Zack have gotten very close" I stated. She smiled.

"We are close but sometimes I feel like i don't know him at all. I feel like I'm not the girl he deserves" she stated.

"Don't say that. It happens, I mean I felt the same way with Hunter I had to beg Zack to at least give me some information about Hunter's past but in the end he told me himself. I found it hard at first because Hunter and I belong to two different worlds, I know it's difficult to cope with everything, they kill people they find satisfaction in making people suffer but you have to accept him the way he is"I explained.

"Don't you mind that they-" she cut herself off.

"Actually I do but there is nothing I can do. I understand them and why they do what they do, it's not their fault. They were caught up in dangerous circumstances. I love them both either way, everyone deserves a chance at love even the most heartless person"I explained.

She was about to reply when my door opened and in came mandie and Talia.

" Amanda you little bitch, I can't believe you forgot all about us"mandie boomed but her expression changed when she saw luana.

"I didn't know you had a guest. How are you luana" mandie asked with a smile.

"I'm OK and how are you doing" luana replied.

"Oh getting by OK" she replied.

"Hey" Talia waved. Luana waved back.

"Anyway Amanda I was thinking we could go shopping tomorrow" mandie suggested.

"Sure mandie, luana why don't you join us" I asked.

"I wish I could but Zack will need me at work tomorrow" she sated.

"I could talk to him for you" I suggested.

"No,it's OK I need to be there in the office" she defended.

"As you say" I stated with a smile

After hours of watching TV and chatting,the girls finally left the house. I took a short nap and when I woke up, I found a text from Hunter saying he was caught up with work but would make it in time for diner. It was already night time

I was walking to my kitchen in my baggie shirt,short shorts and slippers when I noticed a bitch in my living room.

"Oh so you are here" Kira stated with a smile.

"Well this is my house. What are you doing here and how did you get in" I asked walking to the living room.

My eyes widened when I saw dead bodies at the door. She had killed my body guards. My whole body started to shake as I turned my gaze to her.

"I came to talk to you,that's what friends do right" she asked with a smile.

"You were never my friend,get out of my house" I boomed.

"Why should I" she asked.

"Well firstly because you don't live here and secondly Hunter specifically warned you from seeing me" I replied.

"Hunter can't do anything to you for disobeying him, I'm sure you've been a good pet and obey him" she remarked.

"What are you really doing here Kira" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"I came to make it clear that Hunter is mine" she commented. I laughed.

"Listen Kira that's really cute but please stop. Hunter was never and will never be yours,you slept with his dad for crying out loud and you betrayed him" I reminded.

"I have my reason for doing what I did, but I still love Hunter and will do everything in my power to get him back" she stated. I stood up.

"Kira I don't have time to do this, I don't fucking care about your reasons just fucking leave me house before I call hunter" I warned. She stood up as well.

"Haven't you ever wondered why after everything Hunter still hasn't killed me yet" she asked.

I kept quiet and turned the other way

"I'll tell you, it's because he loves me too,think about it. He gets rid of everyone who betrays him but yet for some reason I'm still breath" she explained.

"Kira if Hunter loved you even a bit then what is he doing with Me, why does he still obsess over me. It's because I give him something you'd only dream of giving him.........happiness" I stated staring straight at her.

"I will have Hunter even if it means killing you"she boomed then kicked my stomach.

I felt something heavy hit my head, making my vision started going blur as I fell to the ground. I could feel a liquid flow out of my head as I began seeing dark spots.

" time for you to burn"I heard her say before my eyes closed.

Does anyone else have a problem with the new update and limitations the app has just added in because I know I do.

Don't forget to
Peace ✌

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