Code 16 | TIMESLIP | BOOK 2✔

By ElementalsPMSM

9.1K 164 18

>The Years Gone By(Book 2)< Series Title: Timeslip(Book 2) After the Marriage of The TAPOPS's best figh... More

Decode 1: Blues from Atlas Gleam
Decode 2: Shattered to the Core
Decode 3: Sign of Keys
Decode 4: The Key of Knowledge
Decode 5: Galaxy Arial Mission
Decode 6: Diamond in the Rough
Decode 7: Battle for Colby
Decode 8: Lost in the Sky
Decode 9: A Visit of Dreams
Decode 10: Levels of Expertise
Decode 11: A Queen's Lost King
Decode 12: Love Brewed Between Trouble
Decode 13: The Missing Heir
Decode 14 : The Truth of Powers
Decode 15: Queen and Wars
Decode 16: The Questions and Answers
Decoded 17: Back Home
Decoded 19: Test of Courage
Decoded 20: Three is a Crowd
Decoded 21: Of Black and White
Decoded 22: Bound in Grief
Decoded 23: The Realm of Illusionaries
Decoded 24: Home for Him♡1
Decoded 25: Home for Him♡2
Decoded 26: Battle of Wits
Decoded 27: Kaizo's Mission
Decoded 28: New Sights
Decoded 29: The Monster of Humans
Decoded 30: The Commodore's Odds
/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 1
/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 2
/EX; The Proposal
/EX; The Wedding
/EX; Kid on Board
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D1)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D2)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D3)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D4)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D5)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D6)
Heart Code: BOYA: A Week of Love (D7)

Decoded 18: Mission for Kasvinne

134 3 0
By ElementalsPMSM

Decoded: Because Our

Decoded 18: Mission For Kasvinne

The group stood before Tarung and Ciciko as Kaizo stood beside them, all remaining standing straight and arms to their side. "Mission Briefing," Tarung soon faced them with a serious expression, noticing their vigilant emotions, continuing, "The Planet we've searched with the help of Gopal is called Kasvinne. The inhabitants of this place have contacted many planets before so we didn't find it suspicious until what happened on Planet Colby." His words made Fang recall the bloodshed, swallow the lump in his throat as he maintained a cold expression.

"Our mission is to put down the inhumane experiments conducted by Professor–or as they call him–Boss Helio. His arsenal is completely unpredictable and with that in mind, you must first uncover if there are any hostages and present aliens there to save, only when we secure their safety shall we retaliate." Ciciko stated as they all faced the map on the holographic screen, "Understand?" He added.

"Yes, sir!"

With the whole group and the twins joining in the mission, Tarung dispatched one of the large ships to carry soldiers and for any hostages to be retrieved. Ying remained sat in one of the seating areas, sat beside Shielda as she slowly lost herself to the hum of the ship, her eyes shutting as she was soon alarmed to stumble to the front, looking around to see that she was in a desolate looking forest, her feet moving back when a path formed before her, rocks engraved on the floor for her to step on.

As Ying continued on, she saw the clouds turn glum and dark, moving with caution as she sped walked, soon meeting herself in a clearing, seeing a large stone structure, twice her height as it was overridden with moss and some cracks as she saw a single blue flower by her feet, looking to see that it was on top of a paper, gently taking the paper, she flipped it to show Fang and her with Faze. Ying felt nervous for no reason, anxiously moving to the structure, pushing away the moss and thorns that grew in, seeing some engraving as she ignored the stinging pain when she soon felt her eyes widened at the words etched on the stone.

'In loving memory of a hero and a mother, Ying Yinan.'

She gasped, moving back as she felt her figure slowly disappearing, afraid as she tried to swat the dust that came from herself until she yelled, covering her head as she knelt, but she felt her eyes soon dart around, an unfamiliar place presented before her as she heard clanking footsteps behind her, turning to soon show Fang, he looked different with horns as he moved towards her, but to her shock, he strode past her, like she was a ghost. 'What.... Who was that? And where is this?' She questioned, looking to the high ceilings with golden chandeliers, everything looking medieval.

Meanwhile, Yaya was in a silent area, afraid as she was simply checking up in a storage room when she felt dizzy, holding onto the wall when she was currently standing in an empty black void. She heard a loud thud as she turned around, her brown orbs shook upon seeing her husband's body fall on the ground writhing in pain as he held his head. Yaya was rushing towards him, realizing she was unable to come close, like every step she took she'd be running on a treadmill going nowhere, making her call to him, but no sound came from her mouth, making tear up as a figure soon move towards him, but before she could reach out or see who it was, the area changed as she was now inside what seems to be a broken spaceship.

She held her hands to her chest, moving cautiously and floating to move around but she was shocked to see a mop alien present, wearing one of TAPOPS's badges. 'Which ship is this? TAPOPS....' She thought as she flew to the main deck of the ship, seeing the dimming lights before her as she saw the front window completely smashed open, her eyes widened at the sight of Gopal and Fang on the floor, she flew towards them, seeing Fang's eyes were opened but life was no longer present whilst Gopal's body was horrifyingly bloody, his stomach pierced through as she feared for the worst, flying to the deck as she saw Ying devoid of life with slices across her body.

Her eyes met a shocking figure as he was flying outside of the ship, body slightly frozen as she rushed to grab him, hugging him as she pressed her ear to his chest, tears escaping her eyes as she sobbed, "H-Honey..." She called, peering up to see his eyes half-open with a dull distant gaze as flew down, seeing Sai and Shielda also incapacitated with blood close on their heads and necks, making her cup her husband's face, tears falling on his cheek, "N-No..." She begged as she felt the ground rumble for a moment but she blacked out for a second.


A calm tone made the two ladies flutter their eyes open, showing them before a table, seeing two hooded figures. "W-Who..." Yaya uttered, but was shocked to see Ying close by, making her hold her shoulder, both in shock to see each other, soon realizing where they were. "D-Don't tell me... Oblivisci?" Ying questioned as the second man nodded, slowly moving back his hood, revealing a charming man with a scar lined just beneath his left eye, he smiled as he gave them a bow. "I presume you saw something unpleasant." He uttered as Yaya nodded. "W-Will everything I–we just saw–will they happen?" Ying asked as he pressed his lips together.

He lifted his hand, snapping as their keys soon appeared in mid-air, it floated before them before propping down to the table before them. "For the Keys of the Keeper, the Warrior and the Wanderer... this rule is different. You both will never see the future, you will most likely see your greatest fear." He stated as both heaved an unconscious sigh of relief, Ying holding a hand to her chest, calming down. "The Key of the Breaker and the Veil are two of the most powerful keys in the Collosal Keys." The charming male stated as he picked up Yaya's key, swiping it in the air like he was drawing when suddenly multiple cracks in the air appeared before them like a mirror broke, each peering through different 'rifts' as a monster came out, scaring the two until he picked up Ying's key where the monster soon turned smaller.

"I will tell you something very important, listen well, The Realm Breaker and The Chaos Veil."

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