Transformers: Worlds collide...

By TheGreatDazza

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Transformers Cybertron Games x RWBY (Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY nor Transformers) For every forces in the... More

Fall of Cybertron info
Y/n info
Y/n bio and more info
Dark spark
Matrix of leadership
Chapter 1: The past
Chapter 2: The beginning
Chapter 3: Beacon
Chapter 4: Fight!
Chapter 5: Reunion
Chapter 6: Mission
A/n: Time management
A/n: Future ideas
Chapter 7: Time to Jazz
Chapter 8: Jaundice
A/n: School
New cover
Chapter 9: Black and White
Chapter 10: Rescue
OVA: Dreams and memories
Chapter 11: New day
Chapter 12: His will
Chapter 14: His courage
Chapter 15: His love
Chapter 16: Preparations
A/n: Webnovel Invitation
Special Chapter 1: Christmas
Chapter 17: Outskirts

Chapter 13: New Tech

461 14 30
By TheGreatDazza

Location: Beacon, (Y/n)'s bedroom
Timeline/period: V2 Ep3, midday

(Y/n)'s pov

(Y/n): "Perceptor, any activity on the White Fang?"

Perceptor: "Unfortunately, nothing but rumours as of it right now. We'll have to dig deeper."

(Y/n): "Keep searching, I have a feeling they're doing up to no good."

Perceptor: "Understood. Also, Velvet request you to talk with her."

(Y/n): "Ok, I'll talk to her. Just make sure everything is in order."

(Y/n) ended the communication as he starts to call Velvet.

(Y/n): "Hey Velvet, I was about to check on you."

Velvet: "Same here. So uh, since Ozpin said to my team that we're free from mission till after the beacon dance, do you mind if I hang out you?"

(Y/n): "Anything for you Vel. Do you have any place you want to visit?"

Velvet: "I was hoping to see your city."

(Y/n): "Are you sure?"

Velvet: "Yes. You've mentioned a place filled with peace and harmony. I want to visit it."

(Y/n): "The city will be different compared to other kingdoms Velvet, are you sure you still want to visit?"

Velvet: "I want to."

(Y/n): "So where do I find you?"

Velvet: "Just outside of Beacon entrance."

(Y/n): "Alright, see you soon love."

I ended the call, put my non-combat suit with both the Matrix and the Dark Spark behind my back, hidden. Knowing Velvet, she will love my gift. I decided to contact Optimus.

Optimus: "Welcome friend, how are you?"

(Y/n): "I'm good Optimus. Apologies for late news but my girlfriend Velvet will be visiting the city. Any progress on her armour?"

Location: Transformers City, south of Beacon
Timeline/period: V2 Ep3, afternoon

3rd pov

Velvet and (Y/n) arrived at the city dressed well. Velvet stared in awe on how beautiful the outside walls are. The entrance lined up with refugees all with excitement. To what Velvet can tell, the walls are heavily guard with Autobots, Decepticons, humans and faunus at each post. They both walked to the entrance and without the word, the guards let them through.

Guard: "Sir. Ma'am."

(Y/n) salutes them before entering in. Velvet did a bow before catching up with (Y/n). She noticed a kid all excited.

Kid: "It's him! I can't believe I get to see him!"

On their way towards the headquarters, people surround them, greeted with kind gestures. Velvet couldn't believe more. A place filled with peace compared to four other kingdoms. She saw a faunus kid run to a male human and giving him a hug. Then the female faunus walk up to her husband and gave a kiss. Velvet turn towards (Y/n) with a blush.

Velvet: "So beautiful."

(Y/n): "It is Vel."

Velvet wondered. Most people will do good for their personal benefit. She read something from the books. She hoped that (Y/n) doesn't become bad.

Velvet: "Prime... this may sound out of the blue but what is your main goal?"

(Y/n) paused. The question was out of the blue but he couldn't answer her just yet. Not here.

(Y/n): "We'll talk more once we're inside. Okay Vel?"

Velvet: "Oh, okay."

The both enter the headquarters where they are greeted by Optimus who is in human height.

Optimus: "Welcome (Y/n) and Velvet."

Velvet: "Hello sir."

(Y/n): "Is it ready Optimus?"

Optimus: "It is. You'll find it in your room."

(Y/n): "Thank you. You may return to your work."

Optimus nodded and left the area.

(Y/n): "Velvet, would you like a tour or come to my room?"

Location: Vale
Timeline/period: V2 Ep3, afternoon

3rd pov

Ruby and Penny were having a conversation about the incident at the docks.

Penny: "I wish I could help you, Ruby. But I don't know anything about those men."

Ruby: "Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together and then you just disappeared. Were you kidnapped?"

Penny: "Oh no, nothing like that."

Ruby: "Well then where did you go?"

Penny: "I've never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me not to venture out too far, but, oh you have to understand, my father loves me very much. He just worries a lot."

Ruby: "Believe me, I know the feeling. But, why not let us know you were okay?"

Penny: "I... was asked, not to talk to you. Or Weiss... or Blake... or Yang. Anybody really."

Ruby: "Was your dad that upset?"

Penny: "No, it wasn't my father."

Both Ruby and Penny overheard the speech near their location. To what Ruby saw, she saw Ironwood and the crowd.

Ironwood: "The AK130 has been a standard security model of Remnant for several years. And they have done a fine job, wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you agree? But, the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation. And fine, well that's just not good enough is it? Presenting, the Atlesian Knight 200."

Unfortunately, none of the people clapped.

Ironwood: "Smarter, sleeker and admittedly, a little less scary. These models will become active later this year but they won't be alone. Now, the Atlesian Military has always supported the idea of removing men from the dangers of the battlefield. However, there are still many situations that undoubtedly require, a human touch."

Penny: "Ruby..."

Ironwood: "So, our kingdom's greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee Dust Company are proud to introduce, the Atlesian Paladin! Not only we have the Atlesian Paladin, but now, to combat enemies in the sky. Introducing Atlesian Tie defenders or simply known as, ATD-332. Sleek, fast and effective. They were built to engage the grimm so you don't have to worry about the sky."

(A/n: Think like Empire Tie fighter but replace grey with white.)

Civilian: "But, isn't Prime supposed to protect us?"

The muttering continues with no cheers.

Ironwood: "Now we couldn't have them here for you today. But these mechanized battle suits will be seen defending the borders of our kingdom within the year!"

Ruby: "Whoa..."

The Atlas soldiers starts to notice Penny.

Penny: "Ruby... Maybe we should go somewhere else..."

Ruby: "Penny? Wait! Where are you going?"

Soldier: "Down here, she went this way."

Location: Transformer City, (Y/n)'s room
Period/Timeline: Evening

Velvet's pov

The inside of the headquarters, it's bigger on the inside. It's like a huge underground base. From what I can tell and more information from the (Y/n), there are ground troops, snipers, shotgunners, rocket launchers, heavy gunners, brutes and leapers. Air support and more. How could he have so many compared to Atlas military?

(A/n: I swear I left something from WFC, FOC and ROTDS...)

Velvet: "(Y/n)... if you don't mind me asking a question. Do you remember what I said before?"

(Y/n): "Yes I remember. The true goal for them is to create a home. What they have lost, they can rebuild if we work together. You knew about their past on how they lost everything. By working together alongside with me, we can make it possible."

Velvet: "But, what about you?"'

(Y/n): "...My goal. My main goal was to destroy all enemies down and to unite the world into greater possibilities."

Velvet: "And what about me?"

(Y/n): "Until I've met you, it was my main goal. But now, my true goal is to protect you. You're special to me."

Velvet: "What's so special about me?"

(Y/n): "You are special because you're beautiful, strong and caring. The smile on your face, the cute bunny ears and beautiful hair. I will fight anyone just to protect you out of harm's way. I will sacrifice myself so that you will live on. You are special because without you, who knows what future will hold and you re-ignited my will to love and care. You are my girlfriend Velvet and that is why I'm giving you this."

(A/n: I don't know what to pick... Don't judge me.)

It was beautiful, neon blue gem on the centre. So light yet it felt strong. With a blush on my face, I hugged him tight and I felt his arms wrapped around me. So comfortable. I want to rest on his body.

Velvet: "It's so special (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "It is. Think of it as my love for you and my protection for you. Whenever I'm not with you, my heart will. Whenever danger comes, I'll protect you. I'll promise to keep you safe till my death."

I was crying. Not because of sadness but joy and love. An actual guy willing to care despite different species.

Velvet: "I-I don't know what t-to say."

(Y/n): "Then don't. I love you Velvet Scarlatina."

Velvet: "I love you too, (Y/n)..."

(Y/n): "(L/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."

Velvet: "(L/n). Beautiful name."

He gave me a kiss on the lips.

(Y/n): "It is. Let's sleep tonight Vel."

Velvet: "Okay."

Location: Headquarters
Timeline/Period: V2, Ep 4, night

3rd pov

During the night, reports confirmed that there is an event from the warehouse. Roman Torchwick is still on the loose. Optimus grew worried as something might hindered the plan. Optimus turns toward Megatron.

Optimus: "Megatron."

Megatron: "What is it Optimus?"

Optimus: "We have some confirmed locations on the White Fang. I was hoping you can intercept them without-"

Megatron: "I know I know Optimus. No harm on innocents unless necessary."

Optimus: "If you see the criminal Torchwick, do what you wish but we'll need him alive. If he refused, do what you must."

Megatron: "Finally, some entertainment for me. Soundwave prepare the raiding party. We're going for the hunt."

Soundwave: "As you command lord Megatron."

As Megatron left the area, Optimus pulled up the schematics for the energon machine. He hoped to increase efficiently and mass produce in the future for an upcoming future. Perceptor was in the headquarters with him but he's concerned on the outcome.

Perceptor: "Are you sure sending Megatron is the best? The possibility when everything goes wrong is-"

Optimus: "I am sure Perceptor. He needs a challenge after all."

Perceptor: "I trust your judgement."

Location: Vale
Timeline/Period: V2, Ep 4, night

3rd pov

The members of the White Fang manage to recruit but not a lot. Only half of the recruits of expected came. Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong infiltrate the crowd. From their observation, so many WF soldiers are there compared to the new recruits. Lieutenant came to the stage to congratulate the new recruits.

Lieutenant: "Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long."

Roman Torchwick appeared on the stage. Many faunus began to argue while Torchwick ignore it.

Roman: "Thank you, thank you. Please, hold your applause."

During the conversation, Megatron's squad spotted their location. Armed ready but before they could charge in, Megatron, above inside the ship contacted them on the comm.

Megatron: "Wait, let's see what Torchwick had in store."

Soldier: "But Meg-"

Megatron: "You will charge in as soon as I command you. Got it?"

Soldier: "Sir yes sir."

By the time Roman revealed their latest stolen tech, the AP-290.

As soon as one of the soldiers spotted it, he immediately notifies Megatron.

Megatron: "This isn't good, for them. Soldiers, go!"

The soldiers crash through the windows invading the building shooting anyone that are armed. Ground soldiers barged through the door blocking all exits forcing WF member, who are close, to surrender. The rest surrounded them armed ready.

TF Soldier: "Cease hostilities and you shall be spared."

All the panic between the WF soldiers and TF soldiers as they battle. The rest who are in the crowd, without armed are forced to surrender. Roman manage to hop inside the AP-290 and escaped through the warehouse. Some of the seekers transformed and pursued them. The rest who stayed were arrested on the spot. 

Meanwhile the seekers pursuit Roman though the city then on the highway. Carefully shooting him while avoiding the civilians. Unfortunately, Roman manage to cause some chaos on the highway.

TF Seeker: "Megatron, we have detected multiple life-forms injured. Request to aid them."

Megatron: "Negative, continue to pursue. Get a fixed position on him. I've already had medical team on their way to help the civilians."

TF Seeker: "Understood."

Injured civilians are being treated along the highway as medical team came to help. Ratchet, an Autobot and couple of humans checked their injuries before going to next patients. The faunus medics are transporting the injured to nearest hospital. 

Civilian: "Thank you. I don't know what would happen if you didn't rescue us."

TF medic: "You're welcome. We are here to help and as long as you survived along with all of the civilians, you don't have to worry about any danger."

Civilian: "At least that you're better than Atlas as far as I can tell."

TF medic: "Thanks for the comment, it is much appreciated."

Ratchet: "Team, status report."

TF medic 1: "We more injuries along the highway. We're doing our best to help."

TF medic 2: "We've got series wounded below the highway. Some of their legs are broken."

TF medic 3: "Got some vehicles stuck. Requesting assistance immediately."

Back to the battle, the seekers pursued Roman along with team RWBY, Sun and Neptune. Eventually Roman was knocked off the highway. Team RWBY followed him except Sun and Neptune who was knocked out from the highway.

TF Seeker: "Megatron, we successfully located both Roman and team RWBY. What should we do?"

Megatron: "Stop team RWBY without harm. I'll deal with Torchwick."

TF Seeker: "Understood."

Team RWBY was about to attack until Megatron came crashing down.

(A/n: AP-290: 5.547m estimate. Megatron: ~9m. I swear that Megatron is supposed to be taller... like the Live Action...)

Roman freaked out a bit. From what he could tell by the sensors. Grey figure, the spikes, purple markings and the haunting red eyes. He stood tall staring directly at him. He felt the cold from just staring at him through the sensors. 

(A/n: Guess where I got inspired from. Hint: Still on YouTube.)

Megatron: "Time to have fun."

Megatron rushed towards Roman with his mace. Roman barely dodged the attack as it managed to damage one of the arms. He shoots at Megatron which he blocked with the shield easily. Megatron once again charged at him hitting directly from below. (A/n: Like uppercut.)

Team RWBY with their weapons out, couldn't do anything as the seekers in normal height, surrounded them. Guns aimed at them.

Seeker: "You are under arrest for property damage and injuries of many civilians. Do not move."

Blake: "But we planned to stop him."

Seeker: "At what cost? You are huntresses in training therefore you are not supposed to do something like this unless authorize by officials."

Ruby: "But this is personal-"

Seeker: "Don't care. You will be detained immediately."

Back to the battle, Megatron was beating Roman who was on the ground, mercilessly until he managed to push back Megatron. Megatron didn't flinch after that, instead he changed his mace to a sword and got his fusion cannon out.

Megatron: "Roman Torchwick. One of the criminals in Vale. Manage to avoid arrest and able to survive this long. I wonder how..."

Megatron said in a very sarcastic tone.

Roman: "Well, I'm one of the lucky guys to avoid trouble..."

Megatron: "You always get into trouble but... your skill could be of use, if you join us."

Roman: "Not really my style. I want to live free."

Megatron: "Unfortunately, you will never be free and you won't be able to live long."

Without hesitation, Megatron shot Roman damaging the hull of the AP-290. The shot disabled the mech. Damaged arms and legs can't save him. Roman was scared when Megatron walked towards him and stab the sword next to his body. Close to killing him on the spot. This was meant to scare him before death. The system died as Roman tried to abandon the mech. 

Megatron: "Torchwick, I will give you one last chance. Join us or die."

Roman: "N-Never!"

Before Megatron could kill him, Neo came in and rescued Roman. They both boarded the airship and forced to leave. Megatron took the shot at the ship before sending the seekers to purse them. Team RWBY who was watching the entire time, was terrified of Megatron's strength. Ruby and Yang was more scared. If they were to provoke (Y/n), who knows what consequences will happen. At least it's not Metroplex, Primus or Unicron. 

Megatron: "Team RWBY, you are under arrest."

Location: White Fang air ship
Timeline/Period: V2, Ep 4, night

Roman's pov

That guy is terrifying. I couldn't stand a chance with these poor tech. I need a BFG to defeat him.

Neo: *You okay?*

Roman: "I'm not okay Neo. Beaten by an unknown enemy who knew my name. Beaten with stolen military and yet it destroyed it."

Neo: *That's bad.*

Roman: "I know. I should thank you for the rescue. I need to tell her about this."

Neo: *Good luck.*

Roman: "After we escape from those pursuers. Pilot, get us out of here!"

Pilot: "I'm doing my best!"

Location: Transformers, headquarters
Timeline/Period: V2, Ep 4, night

3rd pov

Reports came in late as Optimus was reading it. Minimum casualties but many injuries. Thanks to the medical team, their relationship between civilians of Vale and the Transformers grew. Roman manage to get away during the battle.

Optimus: "More to report Megatron?"

Megatron: "Other than relationships and Torchwick, we've got team RWBY."

Optimus: "What about them?"

Megatron: "They're the ones who caused the destruction."

Optimus: "That is unexpected of them. I'll have to report this to both (Y/n) and Ozpin."

Megatron: "Neither will be happy."

Optimus: "I know. So, did you enjoy your battle?"

Megatron: "Satisfying to say the least. He wasn't a real challenge unlike the arena. Bet you can beat him."

Optimus: "Maybe."

Megatron: "I would've killed him if it weren't for his assistant."

Optimus: "Do you know what he or she looks like?"

Megatron: "Like one of those ice-creams (Y/n) had mentioned. Pink, brown and white. Also, she small."

Optimus: "We should be prepared for this soon if this were to happen."

Megatron: "Agreed."

Location: Beacon
Timeline/Period: V2, Ep 4, night

Ozpin's pov

Reading reports from both the news and Optimus. It was unexpected yet interesting. Relationships between humans, faunus and the Transformers grew. I do hope (Y/n) had something in mind.

Ozpin: "Glynda, try not to punish team RWBY too much."

Glynda: "But-"

Ozpin: "I know. They will grow after this incident."

Glynda: "I do hope you know what to do..."

Ozpin: "Try to be a bit more optimistic."

(A/n: I have waited for my time to write. I get spare times to do this and now for those who watch Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7 final arc, it is painful to watch. Especially during the great purge. 

More stories in work but won't be released: Gundam, Arc V, AOT, Gate, Star wars, halo, shattered and more. Won't say more but you'll know upcoming stories because I feel like May 4th is a good time. 

There's more to it than meets the eye as the monsters, machines and aliens shall battle throughout the galaxies. Rise up and advance!)

3211 words.

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