Broken World

By T1NightHunter

421 3 1

Year after The destruction of Earth, a powerful race known as the Scattered, have attacked Humanity's remaini... More

Daniel Norway
Hive Fleet
Relics Part 1
Relics Part 2
The Hunt
Destiny 1
Old Memories Part 1
Old Memories Part 2
On the Run
The Greater Enemy
New Earth
Civil Unrest
Battle of Jupiter Part 1
Battle of Jupiter Part 2
Growing Empire
New Regime
Battle over Aurora
The Second Grand War
New Alliance
Occupation of Olympia
Siege of Olympia
Beginning of The End
Cruel Judgement
The Map Part 1
Battle of Enclave
The Map Part 2
Rapture Part 1
Rapture Part 2
Rapture Part 3
The Truth
Coming Battle
Final Battle of Aurora Part 1
Final Battle of Aurora Part 2
Final Battle of Aurora Part 3
Final Battle of Aurora Part 4
Salvalation v.s Extinction

Immortal Hands

9 0 0
By T1NightHunter

February 7, 2860. Me and Beta awaited on the Sentinel for days until the Destiny 1 finally landed in the corvettes hangar. We instantly got onboard and Sauna hugged me, being relieved I was okay. I kissed her cheek relieved she was finally back in my arms.

"You lovebirds done yet?" Isia asked, most likely because she was anxious.

We instantly backed away and I decided to get back on topic.

"Sorry, okay on to the matter at hand." I replied blushing. "Apparently that relic I got has more to it than I thought."

"As in?" Hanzo asked with concern.

"The relics contain info, info with a possible key to god." I replied.

Everyone instantly gained a frightened look, I couldn't blame them.

"So, what's the plan, капитан?" Hanzo asked.

"We try to find out where these pieces are." I replied.

"Problem, sir." Beta interrupted. "You gave the Redeemed our only piece."

"Did I?" I said holding the real piece.

"How did you?" Beta asked, confused and surprised.

"Made a fake after I got it just in case 51st or NHR captured us, came in handy." I replied smiling.

"Okay, so how do we find the other said pieces?" Sauna asked, I instantly thought of a bad idea.

"We infiltrate a Scattered warship."

"WHAT!?" Isia yelled. "ARE YOU INSANE!"

"Nope, just reckless at times." I said, smirking.

I then piloted the ship out of the Sentinel's hangar and activated warp speed towards a system I figured a Scattered warship would be, Neptune. Towards Old Space, where the remnants of Earth remained floating across the abandoned home of humanity. I changed course for Neptune and decided to check on Sauna, considering what happened the past few years.

"Sauna." I said to get her attention.

"Oh, hey Daniel." Sauna greeted.

I could already tell she was worried. "Is something wrong?"

She instantly began to start crying.

"I'm sorry." She said upset.

I decided to grab her hand to comfort her.

"Sorry? What for?" I asked.

"For forgetting, I only remember your name and a few memories from years ago, I can't remember the times I loved you." She replied crying more. "I really want to remember."

"I know, here, you should have this." I said handing her a ring she gave me years ago, she instantly hugged me and smiled a bit.

"Do you still want to marry me?" Sauna asked.

Seems like she was slowly regaining her memories, just needed to give her time and end this threat

"Yeah, I still do." I replied smiling. "I want to do it when this is over, okay?"

"I can wait that long." Sauna replied, kissing me.

March 23rd, 2860. The ship eventually signaled that we arrived near Neptune and Old Space. I returned to the cockpit with Sauna and piloted close to the planet, seeing the large Scattered dreadnought overshadow the planet.

"So, how do we enter that thing?" Hanzo asked.

"Well, without a smaller ship, we can't get close without getting shot." I explained. "Actually, I got a fix to that." Isia interrupted smiling.

She then led me to the Destiny's cargo hold, which had a modified 51st fighter.

"Where in the universe did you get this?" I asked.

"Stole it after we escaped that big warship. I call it, the Abnormal." Isia said showing it off. "I rebuilt it with stronger weapons, small MAC cannons, and a prototype stealth drive of my own design."

She bowed after she finished talking.

"Isia, you're a genius." I said smiling at her craftsmanship.

"Thanks, captain." Isia replied.

"So we're using this, sir?" Beta asked. "Yep, Isia, Sauna keep the Destiny ready." I ordered. "Beta, Hanzo, you're with me."

Me, Hanzo, and Beta then boarded the Abnormal and flew it towards the Scattered dreadnought.

I instantly activated the stealth drive and flew inside through its exposed core. Once we landed the cloaked ship inside, me and Hanzo put on an oxygen mask, due to the warship's lack of air, and exited the ship. Beta stayed with the Abnormal to guard it. "Any idea where these pieces' locations would be stored?" Hanzo asked.

"My guess, the heart." I replied.

We then began moving towards the heart, we entered the ship's long hallways and eventually saw thousands of Scattered Void Warriors below us, they must be prepared to attack somewhere. We didn't bother with them and continued towards the heart.

As we entered the heart's chamber, a Scattered grunt saw us and alerted the whole dreadnought with a loud scream. Hanzo shot the grunt as it did, but thousands of Void Warriors were beginning to converge and shoot at us. We fired back and retreated into the heart's chamber, locking ourselves inside.

"This complicates things." I explained.

"Indeed, капитан." Hanzo replied. "Can't destroy the ship with us inside."

"At least we can find that information." I said interacting with the heart.

It eventually showed a holoscreen with glyphs similar to the ones on the crystal, I deciphered most of them and it read.

'The relics must be found and destroyed......get to Sol...Rapture.'

I kept that info in mind and wrote it down before finding a more precise relic map. "Bingo." I said copying down the relics coordinates, at least the ones I knew weren't found yet.

"капитан!" Hanzo yelled seeing the door into the room starting to get cut down.

I drawed my energyblade and waited for the Scattered to charge in. However, when the door was finally destroyed, Beta and Sauna apparently came through instead.

"Hostiles down, sir." Beta said.

"I am glad to see you two." I said relieved.

"Same, but we need to go, or we're dead with this ship." Sauna explained.

We then instantly began moving towards the Abnormal, killing any Scattered in the way before eventually boarding the Abnormal and escaping the dreadnought as a small fleet of carriers entered the area, instantly deploying its fighters at the Scattered dreadnought, as we docked with the Destiny 1, a transmission came onto the Abnormal's holoscreen.

"This is Sir Alexander of the New Earth Knights, you are being rescued. Please hold position." The transmission ended.

We decided to listen since they were friendly and not out to kill us. As the dreadnought exploded, a pair of fighters escorted the Destiny aboard their fleet's leading carrier, as we landed, the fleet activated warp speed.

Sir Alexander arrived in the hangar as we got off the Destiny.

"Thanks for the assist." I said.

"No problem, although you don't possess the traits of lost travelers." Alexander commented.

"We're mercenaries." I replied.

"I see, you must be working with someone intresting then." Alexander said.

"We're just freelancers." Beta corrected.

"My apologies, you must be tired after that though. Allow us to return you to New Earth with us." Alexander offered.

Everyone but me looked interested.

"I guess we're in." I replied.

"Then, I will inform the Prime Minister of your arrival." He explained leaving.

I decided to join Sauna on the Destiny 1 and relaxed until we arrived at New Earth...

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