Man of Iron *HIATUS*

By RandomAnxiety

42.2K 1.2K 464

{SEQUEL OF MUTANT CHILD} Four years ago, the Tony Stark was made to babysit to control his inner ego. Now fou... More

|Funny Introduction|
|Author's Note|
Author Note [Mayde delete later]


1.2K 39 10
By RandomAnxiety

May groaned has she opened her eyes slowly, her head aching somethung serious. Her leg also aching, specifically one upper part of her leg. She felt as some liquid run down her legs, making her wonder what happened. She felt her back touch a metal chair.

Her vision cleared making everything in her sight less blurry. The woman felt her head feel more heavy, making it hard to keep the side of her head leaning on his shoulder. Another groan escaped her lips has she looked down at he wrist. Restraints, tight restraints, were around both her wrist and ankles.

May struggled against said restraints, only failing to not escape them, also getting irritated skin around her wrists along with that. May kept struggling to get out, seeming determined to do so. Worn out, the woman stopped only to scream out, not in pain, but in anger. As the yell echoed through out the garage,  Parker heard footsteps also echo through the garage, making her heart "stop."

Despite feeling anxiety consuming her body, May decided to struggle more, not making the irritating skin any better, and still fails to get out. "Miss Parker, I suggest you stop, you are wasting you time" a male voice came from a dark hallway, dark to where May couldn't even see who was talking.

" You won't be getting out of that leather anytime soon" the mysterious  voice said before coming out of the shadows, revealing himself. May glared at the man walking in front of her. The man had a smirk on his face while looking at the young woman. "Hello May" the man said as if may was an old friend of his.

May allowed a hollow giggle to escape her lip. "William Price?" May spoke up, raising a brow, seeming amused by the man. "Wow! Why didn't I see this coming? What do you want from me?"

A hollow giggle soon escaped the lips of Price has he kept the evil smirk on his face. "Your nephew" he answered. "That's what I want from you. Your  nephew and his little buddies." Will opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine. He grabbed two glasses, pouring the drink in both, before putting the bottle of wine away, grabbing both glasses, walking towards May.

"You want one?" Price asked, putting one of the glasses down on a side table  next to May.

"No thank you, I don't drink wine" May responded. Will looked at May, that smirk still on his face, took a sip of his drink.

"Of course, I forgot" Price said has he picked up the glass, and threw it to the ground. Glass going all over the place on the floor. May didn't seem even a little bit phased by this. William has always had anger issues. "Anyway-"

"Donnlley" May had whispered when she notices a picture of an unfortunate familiar woman. William was helping this woman. This information didn't surprise May.

"Donnlley?" Will said, confused, raising a brow. "Oh yeah. Donnlley will be back. She had to get a few things. For your little crew, or your nephews little crew." William glance at the brightly red clock on the wall. "I need to go and do some business, you just stay there May. And dont worry, we will allow you to see your nephew one last time" he said, before walking back towards that dark hallway.

May once again struggled against the restraints. "You better not touch a hair on my nephew!" May yelled.


Stark, Pepper, Peter, and Bruce was around a big table, bigger then what they needed for just four people. Though, this table is also for the avengers, giving the table being big. Everyone was already done eating, excluding Peter. Peter poked at his food, resting his head on his hand.

Pepper noticed this, putting a gently hand on the nine year old boy. "Peter?" She said, grabbing the small boy's attention. "You okay, sweetie?" All the nine year old gave for a response was small nod. Truth us Peter was not fine. His mind was racing with possibilities of where is Aunt is. What's happening to her. And his mind got to the very dark possibilities.

Peter soon stopped poking at his food and just stared at it. Aunt may was the only biological family Peter had at this point, if he loses her, he'll loss all his family. Peter looked at Pepper with watery eyes. "May-may  I be excused?" the boy whispered and stuttered. Pepper gave the boy a small smile with eyes showing concern has she nodded.

"Yes, hon" she verbally responded. The boy gave her a nice, warm, small smile before  gettin up and goes in the bedroom he had woken up in. "Poor kid" Pepper whispered, while going back to her food. Stark stared at Bruce , and as been for a bit now. Bruce was cutting up another piece of pancake and was about to put it in his mouth when he saw Stark stare at him.

Bruce placed his piece of pancake back along with his fork. "What, Tony?" Bruce asked, confused on the staring. Stark shrugged his shoulders in response, examining Banner, eating a piece of bacon.

"Nothing" Stark responded. Banner squinted his eyes has he watched Stark still stare him down.  Banner tried to eat his pancake, but Stark's stare bothered him.

"Okay, what's up with the stare?" Bruce asked. Another Stark shurg was given has a response. "No more shrugging Tony, what's up?" Stark sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Do I need a reason to stare at my good ol friend" Stark said, unconventional. Bruce just looked at Stark like "really?" Tony gave him  another look telling him "yes really."

Bruce nodded slowly before gettin up. "This was a great breakfast, Pepper" Bruce started. "But I'm gonna go down back to the lab." Bruce walked off to the elevator. Peppers smile she had given Bruce has he walked off turned to a frown, looking at her husband.

"What was that?" Pepper asked. Stark shrugged has he got up and washed his dish. "Nope. Not an answer, Tony. Why were you staring at Bruce lie he was your enemy?" Stark sighed at Pep's determination to make him talk.

"Just..." Stark started off. "I have a feeling Bruce had something to do with my memory loss. I mean, he was acting has if he was guilty of doing something when I asked if he knew May and why I can't remember her or her nephew. He seemed sketchy to me."

Pepper sighed in annoyance. "Tony..." she whispered. Sounding absolutely aggravated. She rubbed the bridge her     nose trying to calm herself. "Even if that was true, you don't need to stare him down. That won't get anything out of him."  Stark walked more towards Pepper.

"Okay, what would get something out of him?" Stark asked, trying to get Pepper to help him. Pepper looked at Stark with one of her death looks. The look was enough to make the man jump. "I'll go down to the lab, as well" Stark spoke, changing the subject, rushing to get to the elevator.

Hola! How is everyone?

So, this story is getting more...juicy...? Idk what you'd call it, but here!
Anyway, this chapter with May was probably my favorite thing about this chapter, I have no idea why. Also, that liquid going down her leg us in fact blood.

1.)do you think you know how May knows Price? If so, how dies she know him? (This will be answered in a future chapter)
2.) Do you think Stark is correct? That Bruce is behind at least some of his memory loss?
3.) What do you thinks gonna happen to May? Peter?
4.) What do you think is gonna happen next.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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