My Girlfriend is a Vampire

By yurilovergirl22

9.3K 638 79

→First Book Written← [Note:I both love this book & hate it. I love it for my characters, but hate it. Because... More

✧Chapter One✧
✧Chapter Two✧
✧Chapter Three✧
✧Chapter Four✧
✧Chapter Five✧
✧Chapter Six✧
✧Chapter Seven✧
✧Chapter Eight✧
✧Chapter Nine✧
✧Chapter Ten✧
✧Chapter Eleven✧
✧Chapter Twelve✧
✧Chapter Thirteen✧
✧Chapter Fourteen✧
✧Chapter Fifteen✧
✧Chapter Sixteen✧
✧Chapter Seventeen✧
✧Chapter Eighteen✧
✧Chapter Nineteen✧
✧Chapter Twenty✧
✧Chapter Twenty One✧
✧Chapter Twenty Three✧
✧Chapter Twenty Four✧
✧Chapter Twenty Five✧
✧Chapter Twenty Six✧
✧Chapter Twenty Seven✧
✧Chapter Twenty Eight✧
Author's Note

✧Chapter Twenty Two✧

196 19 2
By yurilovergirl22

Chapter Twenty Two - Why? Why did you...

Jinri's P.O.V.

“Why do you insist on continue working?” Theodore stood at my door, as I was simply getting dressed.

I was staying at my old house, that me and Alison used to live together in. I ain't gonna lie, I do miss her. It takes allot of me, not to go knocking on her door and just give her a great big hug. She doesn't know it, but I still do pay the rent for the house that she's living in, cause that's the least I can do.

“Because it's the only way I can get away from you” I breathed out, rolling my eyes, pulling on my uniform pants.

“Hey, why you gotta be so rude?” I felt Theodore's fingers running up and down my spine. I have to admit, it did feel good, but my love for him was long gone and he knew that.

“Hands off or else I'll tell your pet that you were touching me” I told him, putting the rest of my clothes on.

“And what is she gonna do? Suck me dry”.

“I wish she did actually” Theodore can be a jerk sometimes, but he's also a good guy. He does have his days that he's God dang annoying, but also has his other days that he's charming.

“I always liked when you're feisty” Theodore let out a chuckle “Well have fun, which I'm sure you would”.

I looked at him confused “What do you mean by that?” I said, which Theodore just kissed me on my cheek.

“Baby, you'll see what I mean” He told me before he left me hanging and confused as ever, so being Theodore I just shrugged it off and wasted no time in going to work.

Once I reached work,  I clocked myself in and went on with my normal rounds.

“You work to hard Ms. Evans, sometimes you need to learn to take a break”.

“Well, who else is gonna take care of you” I told Mrs. Reynolds, who was the same patient I took care of. She was sweet and honestly, despite her circumstances she always had a smile on her face and was always in a good mood.

“Sweetie, just because I'm gonna be eighty five in a couple of days, doesn't mean I can't take care of myself”.

“Well happy birthday in advance” I gave her a smile “and tell that to the doctor” I said, which Mrs. Reynolds just laughed at my comment.

“Dr. Mario can't get anything through his thick skull of his” Now it was my turn to laugh.

“That's true”.

“Now that's what I wanted to hear” Mrs. Reynolds said with a smile, as I also had a smile on my face as well.


After awhile of me, just spending a little time with Mrs. Reynolds, giving her some company until her doctor came in and did his part of work.

It was break for me, so me and one of my coworker also good friend of mine decided we could hang out together.

Stacie and I were down in the hospital cafeteria. I just had my hydro flask, which consisted of more than I need to keep me going the rest of my time here.

“Y'know, I always wondered why you never eat? You don't like the cafeteria food?” Stacie my closes friend here at the hospital asked, as she opened her juice box and unzipped her sandwich bag, taking out her ham and cheese sandwich she made.

“Something like that” I told her, taking a sip of my drink.

“Why not just bring food over like me?” Stacie said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

“I'm to lazy” I lied, which got a chuckle out of Stacie.

“Here you can have the other half” Stacie slid the other side of the sandwich towards me, which I obviously refused.

“You need it more than I do” I told her, knowing what's the aftermath if I do try to consume human food. It just doesn't settle right with my stomach “I'm fine with my juice” I lifted up my hydro flask and took another sip.

“Well, suit yourself” Stacie said taking another bite of her sandwich.

As Stacie and I enjoy each other's company during our break, just talking about anything, but work.

And as we were talking, I couldn't help, but overhear the other nurses talking about a patient and for some reason, it really got my attention.

“Did you guys hear? I heard there was another suicide in Belington. It was actually Mr. Rossford's step daughter” I heard one of the nurse say.

“Wait? Didn't he only have one daughter” The second nurse said.

“And didn't she suicide herself like six years ago?” I knew exactly who they were talking about and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

“Well, I guess she didn't and just faked her death;I mean I heard that her living wasn't all that bright” The first nurse added.

“And now she finally did it” I couldn't listen in any more, cause I seriously couldn't even believe what I was hearing.

“Jin, are you okay?” Stacie put her hand over mine, which made me flinch a little, seeing worry in her eyes.

“I need to go to Belington hospital asap” I told her. I needed to see for myself. It couldn't be true. Alison would never...

“Wait, what?” Stacie looked at me like I was speaking another language.

“There's no time to explain, I just need to go” If I had a beating heart, I'm sure it'll be racing at this moment.

“Okay, let me take you, you're obviously not in the right state of my mind to drive yourself” She was right. I would've ran all the red lights without a care in the world. I just needed to go see Alison.

On our way to Belington hospital. I just hoped and prayed that it wasn't Alison. I was honestly hoping that they just got mistaken or something, and please just let that be the case.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I wasted no time in making my way inside. I rushed over to the receptionist desk.

“Excuse me ma'am, I'm Jinri Evans. I was supposed to transfer here, but it didn't pull through”.

“Do you have an appointment with my boss?”.

“Not really, I was just wondering. If you have a patient staying here by the name of Alison Rossford”.

“I'm sorry, but you should know that I'm not allowed to give out that information, unless you're a family member”.

Oh fuck, the protocol I rolled my eyes mentally. I didn't have time for this.

“Please, I need to know” I put my hand on top of the women's, looking straight into her eyes.

She slowly opened up her computer and pulled up all the files.

“It shows here that we did have a patient by that name, but I'm sorry she's no longer listed in one of the rooms here. She was actually taken down to the morge” My eyes widen. This honestly can't be real. This has to be some kind of dream or something.

I slowly removed my hand from the women, which took her out of my control. I need to see her was my first thought. I quickly ran down the halls, ignoring the lady calling after me. I don't care if they call security on me, let them. They don't know who the hell they're messing with.

I took the faster route down to the morge and when I got there. I just looked for Alison's name and once I found it. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe it at all.

I pulled out her body and saw how pale she was. The tears started to fall when I noticed deep cuts on her wrist. I fell to my knees. It wasn't supposed to be like this. This wasn't the way I wanted her to go. I wanted her to be strong, like I knew she was. I knew she was better than this.

“Stupid girl, why did you do this to yourself?!” I was mad at her and myself. I knew she haded history of things like this, which was the only reason why I always took care of her. I didn't want something like this to happen, but I also knew that she was strong. I thought I had nothing to worry about, cause I was sure she could pull through this, but I guess..I was wrong.

“Baby why? Why couldn't you just stay strong?” I touched her face, it was already cold as ice. Her lips were dry and her body was completely lifeless. I still couldn't believe that she was gone. I started to sob, resting my head on her body, and then after what felt like hours, but I knew it wasn't. It just hit me.

I slowly lifted up my head and I looked down at her, cupping her cheek.

“Alison, y'know I love you and I won't let our love end like this. So please come back to me” I sinked my teeth into her neck.

“Please baby, come back to me” I sobbed and at this point, I continued to beg for her to come back, as I started to leave bite marks almost every where on her body.

“Please” I broke down. I felt like I was losing myself.

“Jinri?” I heard Stacie's voice behind me, I turned around to face her, seeing her eyes widen. I'm sure I look like a complete mess right now and a monster in her eyes.

She was about to run, cause I'm sure she was frightened by how I looked like at this moment, but before she was able to run away. I quickly got hold of her.

“Let go of me!” Stacie tried to get free from my grasp, but I wasn't about to let her go.

“Stacie I'm not going to hurt you” I know the right thing was to just simply erase her memory and let her forget what she just witnessed, but Stacie was one of my friends that I could simply trust with this.

“What are you? Who are you?” She looked up at me, seeing how I was slightly taller than her. She was confused and scared.

“I'm still Jinri your friend that you got to know. But I'm also not human. I'm a vampire”.

“Wait, what?” Stacie looked at me in complete disbelief.

“There's no time to explain, but we need to get Alison's body out of here” I knew it wouldn't take long for Alison to awake and I'm sure she would probably be confused.

Stacie looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't have time for this- Alison will wake up soon and I wasn't looking forward to see a rogue vampire, loose in this hospital, putting everyone lives endanger.

“Look” I breathed out “I'll tell you everything later, but right now we need to really get her body out” I told her, which it looked like she knew what I was concerned about.

“How do expect us to leave with a dead body?”.

“I'm a vampire so I have ways” that's why being a vampire comes in handy...

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