Heal You

By exxx25

28.7K 816 99

[Editing in Progress] Emma didn't ask for powers. But she got them. She didn't ask to get kicked out of her h... More

The Bite
For Better or For Worse?
Please Don't Kill Anyone
Did you kill her or not?
Derek please don't die
So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?
Scott can you learn any faster?
Well that went well
Where is all this coming from?
When You Cry
He Took Her On A Date?
Hanging On
Where is she?
It's Okay
Holy Water
You Are What You Are
Live Like You're Dying
No Choice
You Gain Some You Lose Some
Its Hard to Move On
Nothing Cheers You Up Like A Gay Club
No Choice
Road to Recovery
She Speaks
Fight Back
The Good and the Bad News
Time for a Game

To play or not to play

1.1K 38 1
By exxx25

"Well?" I asked as I ran into Scott in the hallway who was looking at his phone. Scott looked up at me, surprised to see me. I rolled my eyes. "What did coach say?" I asked again. Scott let out a frustrated sigh, obvious sign that it did not go well.

"I'm playing" Scott sighed, crossing his arms. I frowned. "Emma everyone is depending on me! My mom is coming to the game, I'm first line-" Scott and I's conversation was cut off as Allison approached us, Scott shooting me a nervous look.

"Hey am I interrupting anything?" Allison asked, bright and cheery. Scott shook his head no before she could even finish the question, a huge grin sprawled on his lips. I sighed internally at just how love struck Scott was. "Well uh I have to get to french class but I just wanted to let you know I'm coming to see you play tomorrow" she smiled. Oh no. Just more motivation for Scott to play. Could this get any worse?

"You are?" Scott asked, seeming to notice the same thing I was. Allison smiled, nodding.

"Yup. And we're all going out afterwards" Allison added. "You, me, Lydia, Jackson, Emma. It will be great" she told Scott. Hey what about Stiles? Focus Emma. "Oh and tell Stiles to come to" Allison added, preventing me from being mad at her. "Save me a seat at lunch I got to go" Allison smiled at us before walking away down the hallway. I watched as Scott's eyes followed her until she was out of sight. Scott turned back to me, his face screaming frustration.

"See! Everything is riding on that game!" Scott shouted. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I found myself having a splitting headache. I grabbed Scott's arm, pulling him farther down the hallway. I lightly pushed him against the wall.

"Yeah Scott I understand there is a lot that is riding on this game. But I also know there is a lot riding on you not playing this game. Do I have to remind you what could happen?" I asked, my voice low but furious. "Besides the possibility of you killing people how about putting me, Derek, even Stiles in danger. If those hunters even think there is something going on, then we are all in trouble" I growled. "I went into their basement Scott. To say they had a lot of guns would be an understatement" I whispered. Scott just stared at me, eyes wide. I hadn't meant to scare him. I pulled away, sighing. "Look Scott, I'm sorry. I just-I'm just trying to think things through" I spoke defeated.

"Can't you teach me how to control it?" Scott asked. Me? Who did he think I was?

"Scott, I don't know how to do that! I barely know what I am!" I responded. Scott looked at me, pleading with his puppy eyes. "Look I'll look into it. I know somethings and I can do a little digging alright?" I gave in.

"Thank you!" Scott yipped. I felt a buzz in my pocket as my phone went off. I pulled it out, Scott peeking to see my screen. 'Hey thanks for bringing my coat home from the party'- Allison. Coat? I definitely didn't bring her coat to her locker. Scott read my text, instantly letting out an almost growl.

"Woah, hey what's the problem?" I asked, putting my phone back in my pocket. Scott was breathing heavily as he looked around the hallway.

"Allison wore that coat to the party" Scott growled. I rolled my eyes. This kid was so difficult.

"So?" I asked, annoyance in my voice. Scott looked up at me as he tried to slow his breathing.

"So Derek drove her home. She must have left it in his car. He was here! He's messing with her!" Scott began to shout, his temper rising again. I grabbed his arm, hard, snapping him out of it.

"Hey drop it" I demanded. Scott continued to look around, earning a yank on the arm. "I said drop it" I said, Scott finally calming down. "I'll ask him about it okay? For now I want you to focus on getting out of that game, or controlling your anger. Understand?" I asked. Scott nodded, back to himself. "Good. I looked down at my watch. "Shit now I'm late to english" I said, shooting Scott a glare before I ran down the hallway. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I jogged down the hallway. 'Why is there a rumor going around that Scott isn't playing in the game tomorrow?'-Lydia. Oh god. If Lydia got a hold of Scott she would surely manipulate him into playing the game.

'Lyd leave it. Scott's going through some stuff. Please stay out of it. See you at lunch' I typed hurriedly as I rushed down the hallway, slamming into someone. My phone clattered to the ground as I began to fall backwards, two hands grabbing onto my arms, holding me from hitting the ground. Stiles smiled down. "Oh my god you scared me" I sighed as he lifted me back to a standing position.

"You were the one texting and walking" Stiles joked as we headed towards English. I let out a small laugh, more forced than natural. My head ached with stress. "Hey are you okay?" Stiles said as he noticed my poor mood.

"Just stressed. Scott thinks he is playing in the game and now I have to figure out how to control his werewolf powers and he wants me to talk to Derek-"

"Woah woah woah. Talk to Derek?" Stiles interrupted, his face contorting in worry. "No way" he said, crossing his arms as we made our way up the staircase.

"Uh yes way. I have to. Scott thinks he is messing with Allison and lord knows Scott doesn't do well in these kinds of situation" I explained.

"Well you are not going alone" Stiles said, stubborn as always. I sighed, frustrated.

"Yes I am. I don't think Derek takes very kindly to you or Scott" I replied. Stiles was silent with that one as he couldn't argue that. Stiles huffed.

"Can I at least help with the research?" Stiles asked, his frustrated exterior already disappearing, making me smile.

"Yes please. I'll come over after I'm done at Derek's. Okay?" I said as we finally reached the english room. Stiles nodded and smiled, holding the door open for me as class began.


As we left class, Stiles spotted his dad down the hallway. He also spotted Scott approaching. He grabbed Scott, hiding him behind the wall next to me. "Tell me what they're saying" Stiles ordered. Scott sighed as he tuned in his hearing. "Can you hear them?"

"Shh" Scott silenced him. I rolled my eyes, checking my phone as I had received plenty of angry messages from Lydia on Scott's withdrawal from the game. "Curfew because of the body" Scott finally announced. Oh boy.

"This is ridiculous. My dad's out there looking for a killer when the jerk off who killed her is just sitting around" Stiles began to fume.

"Well we can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek" Scott pointed out. I was tired and didn't really have the energy to stick up for Derek as I didn't think he killed the girl. I just listened to the two brain storm.

"Well, I can do something" Stiles said, getting the idea in his head that he would be able to expose Derek.

"Like what?" Scott asked, his voice disbelieving much like what I was thinking.

"Find the other half of the body" Stiles replied. And that's where I draw the line.

"Nope" I replied. Both of them looking at me, disappointed that I wasn't going along with their little plan. "Guys I'm talking to Derek today. If I sense some things up I will let you know" I argued. Stiles sighed, seeming as if he was going to discard what I was saying. "Stiles" I said grabbing his arm. His eyes darted down to where my hand held his arm. "until then please do not do anything except research" I begged. Stiles just stared at me. "Stiles please" I asked again.

"Yeah okay fine" Stiles finally gave me an answer. I smiled, removing my hand from his flannel. "But you better be careful" Stiles pouted, crossing his arms.

"Yeah alright I'll catch up with you two later" I said as I walked away. I looked back to see Stiles's eyes following after me, darting away the second they made contact. I looked back forward, a blush creeping up my face. Focus. My eyes snapped towards Lydia who stood next to a lacrosse player who was being introduced to Allison. I shook my head. She was good. I looked back to see that Scott had already taken notice and was storming over there. Focus. Focus on finding Derek and finding out exactly what he was up to .


It was a quick car ride and a ten minute walk until I came across Derek's house. I felt my stomach drop as my eyes skimmed over the burnt down and broken house. I didn't understand how he could live in it, all burnt down. I mean it was the place where his whole family died. Not to mention it can't possible have working heat or kitchen appliances. I stopped in front of it, crossing my arms, putting my game face on. "Derek!" I shouted. "Derek!" I called again, trying to get his attention. As I looked around the property, my eyes landed on a fresh pile of dirt that was next to the house. I cocked my head as I don't remember it being there before. As I turned back, I spotted Derek standing on his porch. "Derek back off of Allison would you. She doesn't know anything" I spoke, my voice calm but annoyed. "And you nearly caused Scott to change in school" I muttered the last bit, knowing he would hear it.

"Yeah? Well what if she does know?" Derek asked. I wanted to slap my hand to my forehead. This man could be so frustrating. "You think you just know everything? You think your little buddy Stiles can just research were wolves and know everything? I'm looking out for you. The both of you. Think about what could happen if Scott plays in the game" Derek prodded.

"I am" I spoke, my voice tight. Derek almost looked surprised. "I know more than you think. My family might not come from a long line of supernatural but I am super natural and yes I have had a fair amount of experience. I know what a new, tempered beta can do. I'm trying to get him not to play in the game Derek" I informed him. Derek stayed quiet, thinking over what I was saying. "And I don't think he is going to listen. So instead of doing things your way, why don't you help me teach him how to control it" I argued. Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You think you can just teach a bitten werewolf how to control it?" Derek asked. I crossed my arms, standing up just a little taller.

"No. It takes time. But I think its a start. If you keep up this, 'I'm so bad and evil and mysterious' act, Scott isn't going to trust you. They think you murdered that girl. And if you keep acting all kinds of weird I might not be able to derail that thought" I prodded. Derek let out a small growl, admitting that I had won the argument. "Just lay off unless your being helpful" I sighed as I turned around and headed for my car. I turned around, but Derek was already gone. I found my eyes floating to the new patch of dirt that I had looked at earlier. Something seemed off. It was at a moment like this I would kill for werewolf senses. I pulled out my phone, dialing Stiles. "Meet me at Scott's. I think..." did I really want to tell them. Yes, yes I did. "I think I found something", and with that I was on my way.


"What did you find? Where did you find it? And yes I've had a lot of adderall so" Stiles rushed the second he burst into Scott's room. I sat in the chair in the corner of the room. Scott sat on his bed, fiddling with the net on his lacrosse stick.

"I found something at Derek's" I said. It was too late now. I had to tell them. My trust in Derek was dwindling fast. "Looked kind of like....." I paused, not wanting to make the comparison I was going to have to make. Stiles and Scott stared at me with eager eyes. "like a freshly buried body." I spat out. Stiles's mouth dropped, Scott's eyes widened.

"That's awesome! I mean that's terrible" Stiles sputtered. "Who was buried?" Stiles asked, as if I would know that.

"I don't know" I shrugged. Scott and Stiles sighed. "Sorry guys I don't have super smell, just healing" I held my hands up in surrender.

"Well when we figure it out your dad nails Derek for the murder" Scott said, referring to Stiles, "and you are going to help me figure out how to play in the game without changing" Scott said, his eyes meeting mine. "because there is no way I'm not playing in that game" Scott announced. Stiles looked at his friend proudly, as my stomach filled with dread. Stiles looked at me, meeting my worried eyes. He scrunched his eyebrows, as if to ask if I was okay. I waved my hand, dismissing it. I pushed myself out of the chair, following Scott and Stiles out of his room, and down to my car.

I drove slowly past Derek's house, the windows open. Scott sniffed loudly in the back seat as we past the lump of dirt. "Well?" I asked.

"Yeah I smell blood" Scott confirmed my previous worries. Stiles was elated in the passenger's seat.

"Got a lock on the scent?" I asked as we were almost out of the woods. Scott thought for a moment.

"Yeah. Yeah I think so" Scott said. I nodded, turning on the radio, speeding away from Derek's house. The last thing we needed was for him to know we were onto him.  I hit my blinker as I turned onto the main road.

"I don't know guys. I don't get the sense Derek is a killer" I finally spoke my mind as it had been eating away at my insides. Stiles looked at me shocked.

"Emma he is creepy as hell, first of all. Second Scott smells blood under a pile of dirt next to his house. Do I need to go on?" Stiles made a good case. I sighed as we neared the hospital.

"No. No I guess I get it" I answered. Stiles nodded, offering a small smile. The car jerked to a stop as I parked it in front of the hospital. "Ready?" I asked Scott as we got out of the car. Scott looked nervous.

"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be" he replied, his voice quiet and humorless. I patted his back, offering a small smile.

"Remember, Stiles and I will be out here the whole time" I said as we reached the waiting room. Scott nodded.

"Well, good luck!" Stiles told his friend as he headed off to find the morgue, leaving Stiles and I alone. I moved to the side, sitting down in the empty chair. Stiles copied me, sitting next to me. He drummed his fingers on the chair, humming a little tune. "Hows the leg?" Stiles asked, looking down on the bandage that covered the wound.

"Better" I smiled. "Oh um incase you're interested, Allison said everyone's going out after the game tomorrow" I added, suddenly feeling nervous. Stiles's eye brow arched.

"Everyone?" he asked. I nodded, picking at a loose thread on my skirt.

"Lydia, Jackson, Allison, Scott, you, me" I listed the names. Stiles nodded. I could see the gears in his mind working

"Aren't those all couples?" Stiles asked quickly, snapping his mouth as soon as he did. I could already see a blush creeping up his face. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yup" I responded. "I mean I told her I didn't know if you were acceptable enough to be my date but she said you would feel left out" I joked, smirking. Stiles scoffed placing a hand over his heart.

"Well" he huffed, acting all annoyed. I couldn't help but start laughing. "You should be grateful to have me as your date" Stiles spoke, moving his head side to side as he did, only increasing the volume of my laughter.

"I thought I heard your laughter" Lydia said, startling me and Stiles. I jumped, turning towards her. She leaned against the wall, filling her nails. Stiles smiled, although Lydia wasn't paying attention. She could be so rude sometimes.

"Yeah" I responded, not sure what to say. "What are you doing here?" I finally managed to ask. Lydia looked up, sending Stiles a sort of glare, in which I gave her a scolding look.

"Jackson. He is getting his shoulder checked out. Since your buddy, Scott mauled him" Lydia scoffed, clearly in one of her moods. "Hopefully he can play tonight. If Scott or him can't play, we'll have no good players left" Lydia complained. I felt Stiles shift awkwardly behind me, clearly a little insulted. I found his hand. squeezing it. I felt his hand relax a little. "Anyway" Lydia droned, "what are you two doing here? Together" Lydia asked.

"Stiles took me to the hospital to get my leg looked at" I quickly lied. I earned a surprised look from Stiles as all parts of my lie seemed to check out. Lydia's eyes drifted down to the bandage wrapped around my calf.

"What did you do it?" Lydia asked. Why did this girl ask so many questions?

"I cut it. Running. In the woods" I lied, this one sounding more choppy than the last. I heard Stiles try to muffle his laughter. I turned slightly, sending him a glare. "Hey look there's Jackson" I quickly pointed out, turing Lydia's attention from me to Jackson. She immediately disregarded us, running to embrace Jackson, in which they started making out. I sat back in my seat, sighing in relief.

"So tell me Emma, how was your run through the woods?" Stiles asked, trying to hold back a fit of laughter.  I let out a little growl, swatting him on the arm.

"I didn't see you coming up with any witty lies" I replied. Stiles shook his head, a smile still evident. We both looked up as we saw peek out from behind the morgue door. Panic instantly displayed on his face when he spotted Lydia and Jackson. 'Go! We'll meet you out there!' I whispered under my breathe, knowing Scott would hear it. Scott nodded, making an escape out of the door.

"C'mon" Stiles said, standing up, holding my hand. As I stood up, he looked down, realizing he continued to hold onto my hand. "Erm sorry" he mumbled. He quickly dropped it, his face turning red as we made our way to the door. I laughed. He was so awkward it was cute. I shook my head. Focus on the plan. Stiles held the door open for me as we got into the car. Scott already in the backseat. "Well?" Stiles asked, eager to hear Scott's findings.

"Its the same" Scott answered, confirming it was the other half of the body buried next to Derek's house.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property" Stiles thought out loud. Scott nodded, leaning on the middle consul of the front seat.

"It means we have proof he killed the girl" Scott added. My stomach felt queasy. Something about this just felt off. I returned to picking at the loose thread. It felt wrong. This all felt wrong.

"I say we use it" Stiles added, his eyes flicking to me for a moment when he realized how silent I had become.

"How?" Scott asked, taking Stiles's attention back. I buckled in, starting up the car. Stiles sighed, buckling in as well. He then turned around, continuing to talk to Scott.

"Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?" Stiles asked. Scott looked confused for a moment as he thought it over in his head. I just looked out the window, driving, not even sure where we were going.

"There were bite marks on the legs Stiles, bite marks" Scott added. Stiles nodded.

"Okay, then we're going to need a shovel" he added. I had to add something before the decision was finalized.

"Scott did you smell Derek?" I asked. Scott and Stiles turned to me, surprised after my period of silence.

"No not specifically" Scott said slowly, unsure of where I was going with this. "Emma he is a werewolf and I am a werewolf and I didn't bite her so obviously it was him" Scott informed her. I sighed.

"Scott you don't know everything" I scolded, biting down on my lip, unsure if I wanted to say what I was planning on saying. "There are....others" I said slowly. "Well there might be" I rushed, wishing I hadn't said the ladder. Stiles and Scott exchanged confused looks before turning back to me. "Never mind. Look we're almost at Derek's and its dark. Lets just get this over with" I mumbled as I entered the trail that lead to Derek's house. Scott stared out the window thinking, his mind somewhere else. Stiles's mind, however was still on my previous topic. He looked at me, waiting. I looked into his warm, golden eyes as they searched mine. He reached out, placing a hand on mine, where it rested on the brake. His stare never breaking from me. "Later" I mouthed, hoping that maybe he would forget about it. He nodded, turning back towards the window. Before he could move his hand off of mine, I held onto it, lacing my fingers with his. He looked down at it, surprised, before a small smile came across his face. I felt a warm feeling spread in my chest, wondering if that's what people called love.


It was another fifteen minutes until we saw Derek's car drive away. With that, I pulled up to his house, shutting off the car. Stiles and Scott leaped out of the car, grabbing the shovels in the trunk. I slowly stepped out, taking in the surroundings. Suddenly, I felt a tingly feeling in my spine as I inhaled the air. Stiles stopped looked back at me. I felt light headed as I walked towards the site where we assumed the body was buried. I nearly toppled over. Stiles caught me in his arms. "Hey, woah are you alright?" he asked. I blinked, looking around. I couldn't figure out why I felt like this.

"Um" I said, my eyebrows scrunched together. "Something is different here. Something is different from when I was here earlier" I muttered, clinging to Stiles's arm. Stiles and Scott exchanged worried glances.

"Emma why don't you sit down while Scott and I dig okay?" Stiles asked, lowering me to the ground, near the top of the new patch of dirt. I nodded, sitting down, resting my head on my knees. Stiles picked up the shovel. "Lets get this over with fast. I need to get her home" Stiles said, shooting me a worried glance as Scott and him shoved the shovels into the ground. Time seemed to fly by as I listened to the sound of the boys digging. Small piles of dirt began to form around the hole they were digging. I looked around the area, still unable to figure it out. What was different? Why was I feeling this way? As I looked around, my eyes landed on a flower. A purple flower to be specific. I had seen it somewhere but my mind was foggy and I couldn't quite remember what it was. There was something about it though...

"Hey woah woah woah stop" Stiles voice boomed in my ears. I rubbed my head, every minuscule noise sounding like thunder. "I think we found something" he spoke, his words like daggers in my brain. I whimpered as my head throbbed. Stiles looked across at me, frowning at my discomfort. "Em we're almost done" he whispered, trying to make me feel better. They jumped down into the whole, trying to untie the bag the body was in. As I stared at the flower, I suddenly realized what it was.

"Stiles" I whispered, trying to speak. My voice was weak. I tried to move but it was if my limbs weighed more than I did. I was stuck.

"I can't get the stupid knot" "Untie faster" "I'm trying" "Try harder" the two boys argued as they struggled. Why didn't Scott just use his were wolf claws? I thought but was too weak to voice. They screamed jumping up from the hole. I cried out  in pain, softly, as their screams echoed in my head. "What the hell is that?" Stiles asked, still trying to catch his breathe.

"Its a wolf" Scott said, shocked. The wolf's baine. It had changed her back into a wolf.

"Stiles" I tried. "wolvesbayne" I tried. I couldn't even lift my head. It was left leaning on my knees. I don't think wolvesbayne was normally this toxic to werewolves. I'm pretty sure they had to breathe it or be injected with it for it to have an affect. Why was it so strong on me? Stiles looked around frantically, trying to figure out what to do.

"C'mon let cover it back up" Stiles said. No. God this was the worst timing.

"Stiles" I tried louder. Scott perked his head, finally picking up on my quite cries. "Scott" I tried again, getting his attention. Stiles looked from Scott to me, realizing something was happening.

"Emma?" Scott asked. Stiles and Scott moved around the hole until they were next to me.

"Emma are you okay? What's going on?" Stiles asked, rubbing my back. My head felt as if it was on fire. I was close to the wolves baine.

"Can't move or talk. Too weak" I managed to croak, just loud enough for Scott to pick up on. "Wolvesbayne. making me weak. changed girl" I breathed out, feeling worse and worse by the second. Scott looked at Stiles confused.

"She said she is too weak to move or talk" Scott repeated my words to Stiles who does not have super human hearing. "She said something about wolves baine making her weak and changing the girl back" Scott repeated it as if it were a question, obviously clueless to what I was talking about.

"Wolvesbayne" Stiles repeated. He immediately began looking around until his eyes landed on the purple flower. Stiles looked down at me as a tear ran down my cheek. He grabbed the flower, pulling it out of the ground. "Scott this is wolves baine" Stiles said, showing his friend. I wish he would just hurry up and get rid of it.

"What's that?" Scott asked, oblivious. Stiles rolled his eyes.

"Haven't you seen Wolfman?" Stiles asked, annoyed. Scott shook his head no. "Any original werewolf movie?" Stiles continued to question.

"No! What?" Scott said, raising his voice. I cringed. Stiles sighed as he continued to pull it out of the ground.

"You are so unprepared for this" Stiles muttered as he pulled the flower. As he pulled, a long root came out of the ground. He pulled it out of the ground, the root creating a circular shape around the whole. As he walked, pulling the root, he circled the hole multiple times, creating an almost spiral shape. Scott gasped.

"Stiles" he whispered. Stiles walked over to where he was standing, looking down.

"Woah" Stiles gasped, surprised. "She's-she's back to human form" Stiles clarified what I thought had happened. Stiles got the shovels putting them in the car. "Scott call my dad, I need to take Emma home" Stiles instructed Scott. Scott nodded, pulling out his phone. Stiles walked over to me, putting one arm under my legs, the other around my back, lifting me into my arms. "Lets get you home okay?" he asked cheerfully. I grabbed Stiles shirt, trying to get his attention as we walked to the car. Luckily, I was already regaining some strength with the separation from the wolves baine.

"Stiles" I whispered, this time him hearing me. He looked down, concerned. "I can't go home. I won't recover for a while and if my uncle finds out I'm supernatural he-" I began to get upset.

"Shhh hey its okay" Stiles soothed. "You can stay at my place okay? I'll sleep on the couch. I'll text your uncle saying you're having a sleepover at your friends" he solved my problem quickly.

"Thank you" I whispered, resting my head against his chest. My eyelids became heavy as I realized just how tired I was. I felt safe and warm in his arms, soon falling asleep.

I woke up, back in Stiles arms as he got me out of the car. I looked around, realizing we had arrived at his house. It was cold outside, causing goosebumps to arise on my arm. I snuggled in closer to Stiles. Soon we were in his house, warm air surrounding us. "Where's your dad?" I whispered. Stiles looked down, surprised. Soon a smile spread across his face.

"I didn't know you're awake. And thanks to us, he is now at the station getting paperwork ready for Derek's arrest" Stiles replied, climbing the stairs to the second floor. Derek was actually going to get arrested? I didn't feel good about it, but I was too weak and tired to care. Finally we were in Stiles's room, my eyes taking in the familiar blue walls. He laid me down on the bed, taking off my shoes and setting them down near by. He then proceeded to pull the covers over me, tucking me in. "Alright, well I guess I'll uh see you in the morning" Stiles said, going to stand up. I grabbed his arm.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch" I grumbled, half asleep. I scooched over, so the father half was empty. "See? Its a queen bed. Room for two" my words slurred together. Stiles smiled, but didn't seem like he was going to. "Please stay?" I asked, suddenly feeling like I really didn't want him to leave. Stiles sighed, taking off his coat.

"Yeah okay" Stiles said, getting under the covers. "But I have to warn you, I'm a sleep talker" he said, reaching out to his night stand, turning off the light. I let out a muffled laugh, my world already fading into black. "Hey wait, you skipped tryouts today" Stiles grumbled. I smirked, realizing how sly I had really beem. He sighed, realizing his defeat. "Good night Em" he whispered. I pressed my back up against his, letting his warmth and heart beat lull me to sleep.

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