Time Turner Mishaps {Under Ed...

By JcBelle32

139K 2.9K 1K

"It's one of my many talents. Pranking, annoying you, and being a pillow." "You can add kissing to that list... More

Author's Note
*Chapter 1
*Chapter 2
*Chapter 3
*Chapter 4
*Chapter 5
*Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
*Chapter 17
*Chapter 18
*Bonus Chapter
Fun Facts

Chapter 12

5.6K 142 74
By JcBelle32

Grimmauld Place *1995*

James POV

"Did it work?"

"Did it work? I feel offended!" Sirius scoffed, " Of course it worked! It was incredible! You should've seen the look on Snivellus' face when he realized he had sprouted a lions mane."

Just the idea of Snape walking around with a head of a lion sent me over the edge and I threw my head back laughing. Clutching my stomach to appease the abs I will no doubt have after listening to another one of Sirius' pranks and adventures. 

After dinner we had all travelled back into the living room spending time with each other. In Grandma Molly's words, 'We have to make the best of everything'. So we did.

I sat with Benji and Ty, half tempted to take notes on Sirius' pranks, and the other half amused as  the adult Ty stared in complete adoration at his grandfather. 

Coming down from my laughing fit, I got up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, smirking as Ty began trying to impress Sirius with one of his stories. Animatedly waving his hands around and accidentally slapping Benji in the face.

I shook my head at him and turned away, passing Teddy and Victoire recounting how they first started dating to their parents with their hands clasped together and love in their eyes.  Their parents looked completely over the moon at their story.

Maybe I should tell Uncle Bill how I caught him snogging his daughter more than once before he knew they were dating. I don't think he'd be too happy then.

I shook my head of the thought, Teddy would murder me and I have yet to marry Vina so I must  survive. I have too much to live for!

Moving past the sickeningly in love couple, I scurried past when next thing I know I'm falling face first towards the ground. 

Play it off cool. Hopefully nobody saw.

Of course my luck failed as I looked up to see Fred(II), Roxy, Fred(I), and George all laughing at my expense. I narrowed my eyes realizing I had tripped over Fred(II)'s foot that stuck out from his spot on the floor by the couch.

Standing up I was about to tease Fred(II) on how my fall wasn't as bad as when he tripped and accidentally pulled down Scorpius' pants but I heard my name and whipped my head around. 

My eyes landed on the gorgeous Vina as she barked out laughing, leaning on Dominique for support. A smile spread across my face as her melodious laugh floated across the room. 

"Whipped." Roxy coughed, snapping me out of my trance.

Turning my head back, I glared at Roxy as she smiled innocently, "I am not."

"Then why are you-"

"-still smiling"

Fred(I) and George sang. I rolled my eyes but smirked wider as I heard Davina say my name in conversation to Ella. 

Mussing up my hair, I strolled over, plopped down next to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. Giving all the girls a wink in greeting.

"I've been summoned." I smirked.

Davina stiffened at first so I began drawing circles on her arm. After a moment she finally relaxed and I could've sworn she cuddled a tiny bit closer. Taunting me with the feel of her molded perfectly into my side and her coconut shampoo invading my senses. 

Dominique rolled her eyes at me while Lena and Ella glanced at each other smiling, eyeing Davina and I.

"Actually, you're right on time." Vina smirked back, a dangerous teasing glint in her captivating amber eyes. "We were wondering if you could tell us the story of when Dad tried to hex you"

A shiver ran down my spine recalling the day Uncle Cole caught me playfully kissing Vina's cheek. I've never been so scared in my life.

He chased me outside of the Burrow and kept firing hexes at me, nearly getting me each time. Thank Merlin Dad was there and was able to block his spells. 

I nearly died!

Slowly turning my head, I caught sight of a very angry Cole glaring at my arm around Vina from the spot I had just vacated with Sirius.

I immediately, removed my arm and got up to leave. Muttering a quick, 'another time', to the girls and sending them into a new bout of laughter.

Feeling his eyes burning into my skull I quickened my pace into the kitchen, passing Grandma and Grandpa as they contentedly watched our family from the couch. 

As I walked into the kitchen, I immediately sighed in relief. No longer feeling Cole's burning gaze penetrating the side of my head. Calming down I watched Harry, Albus, Lily and Ginny as they discussed Mum's days playing for the Holyhead Harpies. Albus and Lily talking animatedly, like they always do when they boast about our Mum to people, honestly, so did I. It was thrilling talking about your Mum's victories in the most famous sport in the Wizarding World. But they seemed to enjoy it 20x more when they saw the impressed look that adorned Harry's face when looking at his future wife.

Finally grabbing a glass of water, I passed Ron and Hugo playing chess with Louise watching, and made my way back into the living room. 

As I pushed open the door I joined the family as a purple billowing smoke appeared in the middle of the room. It was only when two letters dropped to the ground that I noticed it was in the exact same spot that the future generation fell from.

"Nobody touch it!" Remus warned, "It could be cursed."

Everyone seemed to take a step back after he said that. I felt someone bump my shoulder and moved out of the way of the kitchen door so Harry and the others could see what was going on. 

Just as Sirius was about to levitate it to get a closer look, one of the letters sprang up and opened into my worst fear.

A howler...from Mum.


I winced and began taking steps back when I bumped into a chest. I turned around and caught Teddy's amused smirk as he pushed me forward, ruining my escape.



"Gin, I'm sure a few months will work just as good." Future Harry's voice appeased from the howler. 

"Fine." She grumbled. Everyone looked at past Harry and Ginny as they blushed hearing their interactions. Taking a shy step away from each other. "BUT NO QUIDDITCH FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER! AND NO MORE VISITING WEASLEYS' WIZARD WHEEZES OR HANGING OUT WITH DAVINA!"

"But Mom!" I whined as if she was here.


How did she do that?


"Fredrick Colin Weasley," Aunt Angelina's voice cut Mum off in a low threatening voice, "If I find out you had any part in this I'm gonna-"

The howler burst into flames and everyone's eyes trailed over to the petrified curly red headed Weasley who held his wand up. 

Everyone was laughing at us, Tonks even fell off her chair laughing! I looked over at Fred(II) as his terrified expression matched mine. We were dead meat.

A chuckling Sirius pushed his way to the front of the room and picked up the second letter. Standing back up he caught the fearful eyes of Remus and Ella and smirked,

"What? I think after that it's pretty safe to say where these are from."

They sighed but none the less let Sirius open the letter and read it aloud.


I'm afraid we cannot say too much in this in fear of this getting in the wrong hands. We miss you dearly and are doing everything we can to get you back.

The Minister has allowed us two days for you to return before the ministry takes over. So, we need you to tell us if you're ok. Dear Merlin please tell me you're all safe. 

We need you to write us back and tell us what time you are in and where you are. Return it using the spell I wrote on the back of this letter.

Be safe! We love you all!


Aunt Mione

Everyone stared at the letter in Sirius' hands in awe. Our parents had found us. They were really coming to get us.

Hope swelled in my chest and I've never been so relieved to have Dad and Aunt Mione clean up one of my horrible messes. I didn't completely screw up, everything would be fine. Dad would fix this.

Teddy, Ty, Sirius, and Remus all began working on responding to our parents. Arguing over what to say and whether the wand movement was clockwise or counter clockwise. 

"Well, that settles it. Nothing left to do but wait." Grandma Molly stated, pushing Louise and Benji toward the stairs, "So everyone time for bed. We can figure the rest out in the morning."

The past and future twins groaned clearly unhappy with being forced to rest, while the rest of us knew better than to argue with Grandma.

She filed each on of us into a room. Lily, Rose, Ginny and Hermione were staying in Mum's room. While Roxy, Vina, Dominique, Victoire and Lena were staying in a guest room. Much to Teddy and Victoire's contempt. 

Benji, Hugo, Louise, Albus, Ron and Harry were shoved into Ron's messy room. While Fred(II), Teddy, Cole, Ty, the twins and I were shuffled into the Twins bedroom. 

The six of us walked into their room. Fred(I) and George already jumping on their beds claiming them. So the rest of us conjured up some sleeping bags and laid them on the ground. 

I smoothed out my pillow next to Fred(II), when I noticed Cole took my right side.

Merlin, please don't let him kill me in my sleep.

We all stayed up for another hour laughing about all the trouble we caused in Hogwarts and teased Teddy for being the only one to get into Hufflepuff in the room. The twins even told us about the inventions they've made so far. Fred(II) and I just smirked at each other before telling them all the things they'll create for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Eventually, Ty and Teddy came back up and a new wave of energy entered the room until Grandma Molly came in and threatened to make us de-gnome the yard if we don't sleep now.


After tossing and turning for an hour, I huffed and quietly got out of bed. 

I looked around and noticed everyone had fallen asleep, drained from the excitement of the day.

The twins had candy on their cheeks. Fred(II) had drool dripping onto his pillow, Ty was sprawled out on top of Teddy who just slapped him with his eyes closed until Ty moved his leg. A common routine for the two. While Cole looked somewhat innocent and not the psychotic, dangerous, and violent person that he is. Well to me at least.

Lifting Fred(II)'s wrist I checked his watch and saw it was only four in the morning. I sighed and dropped his wrist to the ground. Not the slightest surprised when he didn't even stir. I swear he could sleep through an earthquake. 

I stood up and stepped over Fred's huge arse, and avoided all the squeaky floorboards on my way to the kitchen.

When you prank everyone constantly, you learn a trick or two about how to get around unnoticed. Practically growing up at 12 Grimmauld Place, I know all the nooks and crannies of this place.

Making it down the stairs, a light was shining from the kitchen and as I walked in I came face to face with Vina. Her eyes snapped to mine surprised, a cookie half way to her mouth before she smirked and broke it in half. Passing me the other piece. 

Even with her curly hair disheveled, and her pajamas on she was beautiful.

"What are you doing up?" She whispered after swallowing the last of her cookie. 

Her soft voice reached my ears from right next to her and I clenched my jaw hoping she didn't notice how even her voice had an effect on me.

"Fred(II) kept kicking my shin and I kept having nightmares that your Dad was going to murder me in my sleep." I jokingly shivered.

My chest swelled with pride as I succeeded in making Vina giggle. Merlin knows its the reason I get in trouble for half the things I do.

"Why are you up?" I asked her, furrowing my brows. 

Davina's eyes dulled a little and I had a guess as to what she was doing here. 

"I just-" she croaked, finally looking up at me with tear filled eyes she doesn't let many see, "I wish we could take them all back with us."

I sighed and didn't hesitate to bring her into a hug. Her arms slowly wrapped around my waist and I could feel her crying into my chest. 

We all wanted to bring them home with us. To get to know the family we never had. To give back their chance at life which was prematurely and unfairly taken from them. 

But we couldn't. It wouldn't be right. Which means Vina has to leave her Mum behind in 1995. Just like Teddy.

The thought made me tighten my hold on her. I just wanted to protect her from it all, take away her pain. 

Feeling her calm down, I pulled away and my heart broke as I watched one last tear roll down her soggy cheeks. An adorable pout on her face, as her glassy amber eyes met my honey eyes.

Leaning down I kissed her nose and mumbled, "You're an ugly crier."

She laughed and rested her forehead on my chest. I could feel her shoulders shaking with her chuckles before she looked back up at me.

She smiled and I swear I was so enamored by it, I almost didn't hear her when she whispered, 

 "Thanks James." 

Her voice sent shivers down my spine and Roxy's right. 

I was whipped. 

"For what?"

"Everything." She shrugged.

I snorted and leaned against the counter as she sat on the table, "Even getting us thrown back 24 years in the past?"

My eyes followed as Davina pursed her lips in thought, "I always wondered if I was supposed to be a 90s child."

"What's the verdict?"

"Definitely not." She scrunched her nose in disgust, "Denim on Denim? What were they thinking!"

I rolled my eyes and drawled, "And here I was thinking it was because you wouldn't be with yours truly."

"Actually that went into the pros section." Davina teased with a playful glint in her eyes.

 I shot a hurt hand to my chest, "You wound me Davina Black. My fragile heart can only take so much rejection from such a violent beautiful angel."

Vina winced and softly grabbed my hand, "Sorry about trying to attack you earlier."

"It's ok your Dad taught me to always be on my toes." I chuckled, "Besides I'm the one who should be apologizing. I got us all in this mess."

"Why did you do it anyway?" She asked furrowing her brows.

My heart began beating a thousands beats a minute and I rubbed the back of my neck, mussing up the back of my hair.

"Would you believe me if I said I was imperiused?"

"I'd always believe you." Davina admitted, squeezing my hand in reassurance.

Warmth spread out through my body at her claim, and a real genuine smile grew across my cheeks.

"But not in this case." She shook her head, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

My smile dropped, and I had to pull my eyes away from her bottom lip.

"Again with the rejections."I groaned. Davina smiled, letting go of her lip and releasing me from my trance. Taking a deep breath I stuttered "W-Well if im being honest I may have done it to impress you..."


"Fred and I were just gonna explore but I saw the necklace and I thought it was beautiful and unique like well...you." I confessed, mussing up my hair, "So I went to take it when-"

My words were cut off as Davina grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into a kiss.

She tasted like the chocolate chip cookies we just ate, and I swear it just became my new favorite dessert. Her lips were softer than I imagined and every kiss was gentle but it was filled with so much passion and emotion that I never wanted it to end.

Davina pulled a way blushing, a smile on her face that no doubt mirrored my own. 

I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her eyes, her nose, those lips. I wanted to memorize everything about her.

"W-What was that for?" I breathed out.

Davina bit her lip and smirked, "I guess I got tired of waiting for you to do it." 

I smiled even wider and pulled her back into a kiss. Stepping between her legs, I dragged her closer by her waist and deepened the kiss.

We both pulled away slightly breathless, resting our foreheads on each other smiling.

"You'll never have to wait again."


Davina and I had gone back up to bed. A smile permanently etched across my face. 

She likes me.

I like her.

She kissed me.

Merlin, she kissed me.

I watched as she grinned back at me before entering Ginny's room and my heart soared. Finally seeing her door close, I quietly opened the door to the twin's room. 

"You better treat her well."

I froze and looked up meeting Cole's eyes. He was sitting up in his sleeping bag, for once not glaring at me. I didn't know what to do. What do you say when you just got done snogging someones future daughter?

"I see the way you look at each other. It's the same way I look at my Lena." Cole whispered with regret in his eyes, "Don't make the mistake I will. Take care of her."

I just nodded my head and firmly stated, "Always."

I would protect Davina Marie Black with my life if it meant she'd always wear that smile on her face.

Cole searched my eyes, seeing the honest truth in them. Nodding he turned away from me and went back to sleep. 

I finally made it to my sleeping bag, only kicking Fred(II) once, and laid down. A smile still laying on my face as I kept recalling the best moment of my life. I started to drift off to sleep with nothing but a certain curly haired brunette with amber eyes on my mind.

I didn't need to dream, mine had already come true.


Hey guys!

James and Davina finally kissed! How do you think everyone will react? How will future Cole feel? I wanted to make their first kiss funnier and more dramatic. In other words more James-like but I figured you should all see the soft side of James that won Davina over. 

Thank you all for reading, Time Turner Mishaps! Please vote if you think it deserves it and comment what you think about Davina and James!

Also, I hope everyone is safe and staying inside during the 'Rona. Maybe I'll just have to update more to keep you all entertained...


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